233 research outputs found

    Análise do grau de retenção da informação transmitida pelo professor nas aulas de educação física : relatório final da atividade de investigação e inovação, área 2 do estágio pedagógico realizado na Escola Secundária Braamcamp Freire.

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    Mestrado em Ensino da Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e SecundárioO estudo propõe uma reflexão crítica sobre um projeto de investigação-ação desenvolvido na Escola Secundária Braamcamp Freire e que visou avaliar o grau de retenção da informação demonstrado pelos alunos, em função da informação transmitida pelos professores de Educação Física nos diferentes episódios instrucionais da aula. Avaliamos se a retenção é influenciada por fatores como o género, Idade, diferentes episódios instrucionais, classificação do 1º período a Educação Física, gosto pela tarefa, concordância e importância atribuída à informação. O estudo envolveu 73 alunos e 5 professores, num total de 149 episódios instrucionais. Os episódios foram gravados em suporte audiovisual, tendo sido pedido aos praticantes que reproduzissem a mensagem transmitida. As instruções dos professores foram comparadas com as respostas dos praticantes, através de procedimentos quantitativos e qualitativos. Os resultados demonstraram que os alunos não conseguem relatar toda a informação. Não foram encontradas relações entre o género e o grau de retenção da informação, como também não se verificam diferenças significativas entre a coerência da informação recebida e variáveis como a nota do 1º período e idade. A reflexão crítica focaliza-se no impacto que a investigação-ação teve no nosso desenvolvimento profissional, recorrendo-se à experiência vivida e à teoria para a sua fundamentação


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    O objetivo deste artigo é discutir o documento curricular da educação escolar indígena e também apresentar uma proposta pedagógica para o ensino na aldeia Escalvado do povo Kanela/memortunré, (MA). A partir do componente curricular Língua Portuguesa e da utilização dos temas geradores/contextuais propostos na pedagogia de Paulo Freire(1976,1978), e  Pimentel da Silva (2018, 2019,2020). Trata-se de um trabalho analítico descritivo desenvolvido por meio da pesquisa ação, com abordagem qualitativa.  Para isso será feita uma reflexão/discussão  sobre o tipo de bilinguismo presente no processo de escolarização do povo Kanela/Memortumré, e do espaço da língua portuguesa nesse ensino, apontando alguns encaminhamentos para a prática do bilinguismo epistêmico

    Comparative leaf anatomy of four species of Bromelioideae (Bromeliaceae) occurring in the Atlantic Forest, Brazil

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    Bromeliaceae, comprising 3172 species, is one of the most important families of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest owing to its high degree of endemism and occurrence in different habitats. The subfamily Bromelioideae is the most representative of Bromeliaceae and the best represented in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, with 120 species. The objective of this study is to compare the leaf anatomy of four species found in two areas of the Atlantic Forest: Serra do Brigadeiro State Park, Minas Gerais, Brazil ( Wawra and (Baker) Leme) and a forest fragment located within Bom Sucesso Farm, Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil ( E. Morren and Bertol.), relating environmental characteristics to the habit. Leaf samples were studied using light and scanning electron microscopy and histochemical tests with Sudan, phloroglucinol, and ruthenium red stains. Leaves of and showed several adaptations to the epiphytic habit, including scales on both surfaces, thickened epidermal cell walls, presence of silica bodies, hypodermis with sclerified cells, water-storing tissue (hydrenchyma), and air channels formed by stellate cells in the chlorenchyma. The epiphytic species and the terrestrial species have similar overall structure, including a well-developed parenchyma and extravascular fiber groups. Leaves of the terrestrial species and the epiphytic species also show structural similarities, such as lack of extravascular fibers and less developed parenchyma. Similar characteristics in species from different habitats may either reflect microclimatic conditions under which these species occur or genetically fixed characteristics.Les Bromeliaceae, comprenant 3172 espèces, constituent une des familles les plus importantes de la forêt atlantique brésilienne par son fort degré d'endémisme et par sa présence dans différents habitats. La sous-famille des Bromelioideae, la plus représentative des Bromeliaceae, est la mieux représentée dans l'état de Minas Gerais, au Brésil, avec 120 espèces. L'objectif de l'étude consiste à comparer l'anatomie foliaire de quatre espèces trouvées dans deux régions de la forêt atlantique : parc de l'état « Serra do Brigadeiro », MG, Brésil ( Quesnelia strobilispica Wawra et Wittrockia gigantea (Baker) Leme), et un fragment forestier localisé sur la ferme « Bom Sucesso », Viçosa, MG, Brésil ( Billbergia euphemiae E. Morren et Bromelia antiacantha Bertol.), en reliant les caractéristiques environnementales avec l'habitat. Les auteurs ont étudié les feuilles à l'aide de la microscopie photonique et électronique par balayage, ainsi que des colorations au Sudan, phloroglucinol, et rouge de ruthénium. Les feuilles du B. euphemiae et du W. gigantea montrent plusieurs adaptations à l'habitat épiphyte, incluant des écailles sur les deux surfaces, des parois cellulaires épaissies, la présence de corps siliceux, un hypoderme avec des cellules sclérifiées, des tissus accumulateurs d'eau (hydranchymes) et des canaux aérifères formés par des cellules stellées, dans le chlorenchyme. L'espèce épiphyte, B. euphemiae, et l'espèce terrestre, Q. strobilispica, possèdent en général des structures similaires, incluant un parenchyme bien développé et des groupes de fibres extra-vasculaires. Les feuilles de l'espèce terrestre, B. antiacantha, et de l'espèce épiphyte, W. gigantea, montrent également des similarités de structures comme l'absence de fibres extra-vasculaires et un parenchyme moins développé. La similitude des caractères chez des espèces provenant de différents habitats peut refléter soit les conditions microclimatiques sous lesquelles ces espèces se développent, ou encore des caractéristiques génétiques fixées


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    Convencionalmente a semeadura da soja é realizada distribuindo as sementes de forma individualizada e equidistante ao longo do sulco de semeadura. uma possível alternativa é a dosagem e distribuição agrupada de sementes, apenas rearranjando-as. Sendo assim, o objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar as características agronômicas da soja semeada com disco dosador de sementes convencional e agrupado sob diferentes velocidades operacionais. O delineamento experimental adotado foi o inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 2 x 3, sendo dois arranjos de semeadura, agrupado e convencional, e três velocidades de semeadura 4,5; 5,2 e 6 km h-1, com quatro repetições cada. Os resultados evidenciam incremento produtivo entre 20,7% e 39,9% para o arranjo agrupado nas velocidades de 5,2 e 4,5 km h-1, respectivamente. A maior velocidade de semeadura limita o agrupamento de sementes para o arranjo agrupado. Conventionally, soybean sowing is carried out by distributing the seeds individually and equidistantly along the sowing furrow. An alternative is the grouped dosage and distribution of seeds, just rearranging them. The aim of this work was to evaluate the agronomic characteristics of soybean sown with a grouped and conventional seed metering disc in a pneumatic seeder at different operating speeds. The experimental design adopted was completely randomized (CRD) under a 2 x 3 factorial scheme, with two spatial sowing arrangements, grouped and conventional, and three sowing speeds, 4.5; 5.2 e 6 km h-1, resulting in six treatments with four repetitions each. The results show a productive increase between 20.7% and 39.9% for the grouped arrangement at speeds of 5.2 and 4.5 km h-1, respectively. The higher sowing speed, limits the grouping of seeds to the grouped arrangement

    Genetic variation among major human geographic groups supports a peculiar evolutionary trend in PAX9

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    A total of 172 persons from nine South Amerindian, three African and one Eskimo populations were studied in relation to the Paired box gene 9 (PAX9) exon 3 (138 base pairs) as well as its 59and 39flanking intronic segments (232 bp and 220 bp, respectively) and integrated with the information available for the same genetic region from individuals of different geographical origins. Nine mutations were scored in exon 3 and six in its flanking regions; four of them are new South American tribe-specific singletons. Exon3 nucleotide diversity is several orders of magnitude higher than its intronic regions. Additionally, a set of variants in the PAX9 and 101 other genes related with dentition can define at least some dental morphological differences between Sub-Saharan Africans and non-Africans, probably associated with adaptations after the modern human exodus from Africa. Exon 3 of PAX9 could be a good molecular example of how evolvability works

    Adherence to Heart Rate Training Zones in an Exercise Training Program in Adults with Coronary Artery Disease

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    Objectives: To investigate the effect of exercise intensity on functional capacity in individuals with coronary artery disease, assess adherence to the heart rate training zone (HRTZ), and determine the relationship between trained intensity and functional capacity. Methods: A retrospective study was conducted on the medical records of 54 outpatients with coronary artery disease in a public hospital. The prescribed intensity started at 50%–60% of the heart rate reserve, increasing monthly to 70%–80% by the third month. Spearman’s test was used to assess the correlation between improvement in distance in the incremental shuttle walk test (ISWT), exercise intensity, and rating of perceived exertion (Borg–RPE). Adherence was classified as ‘below’ when HRTZ was not achieved in any phase of the program, ‘intermediate’ when HR was within the HRTZ for one or two months, and ‘above’ when HR was at or higher than HRTZ ≥ two months. Improvement was tested using t-test and one-way ANOVA. Results: 51.9% of participants had an increase in ISWT of ≥70 m (p < 0.0001). In at least one month, 50.9% trained below HRTZ. The trained intensity did not fall below 8.6% of the prescribed HRTZ minimum threshold. Changes in ISWT were not significantly correlated with exercise intensity (p = 0.87) or Borg–RPE (p = 0.16). Conclusion: While a significant increase in functional capacity was found, considerable heterogeneity in changes were observed. This may, in part, be related to adherence to HRTZ with progressive exercise intensity and to the variability in exercise volume in cardiovascular rehabilitation programs

    Biogenic and physicogenic aggregates as indicators of quality in soils with sandy texture in areas of organic agriculture

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    ABSTRACT Sandy texture soils have a great expression in agricultural areas worldwide. In the Baixada Fluminense, soils with a sandy texture on the surface horizons are striking, and a good part of these areas is destined for producing vegetables using conventional cultivation methods. The sandy texture is one of the great challenges for agriculture due to the low water retention capacity provided to the soil, the rapid decomposition of organic matter, and the intense loss of nutrients by leaching. In these areas, the action of erosive processes is sometimes observed, whether water or wind erosion. The practices carried out in conventional agriculture can accentuate these processes. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of different soil management systems, with different vegetation covers, on the pathways of aggregate formation, the nutrient contents contained therein, and the organic matter fractions, with the objective of using these properties as indicators of soil quality. The study was carried out in an organic production unit, with no-till system (NT) and conventional system (CT), three vegetal covers were evaluated, namely; seed cocktail 1 (C1) (Crotalaria (Crotalaria juncea) (20 kg ha-1), Jack Bean (Canavalia ensiformis) (150 kg ha-1) and millet (Pennisetum glaucum) (60 kg ha-1)), and seed cocktail 2 (C2) (with 50 % of the amount of seeds used in C1), and spontaneous plants (S. P). Undisturbed samples were collected at the layers of 0.00-0.05 and 0.05-0.10 m, and, from these samples, aggregates with a diameter between 9.7 and 8.0 mm were classified according to the formation route (Biogenic or Physicogenic). From these, the chemical properties were quantified (pH, Ca2+, Mg2+, Al3+, P, Na+, K+), and also the carbon fractions (total organic carbon – TOC, mineral-associated organic carbon – MAOC), particulate organic carbon – POC, and free light fraction carbon – LFC). Based on the results, it was verified that the percentage of biogenic aggregates was higher than the physicogenic one in the layer of 0.00-0.05 m, not being verified influences of the vegetal coverage or the management system. Chemical properties did not differ significantly between training pathways. The CT, for the most part, was the system in which the highest values of chemical properties were observed, and in general, the C2 and S.P coatings were the ones that provided the greatest improvements for chemical properties and carbon content

    Toxicidade oral de inseticidas derivados do NIM sobre a abelha africanizada Apis Mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae) / Oral toxicity of neem derived insecticides on the africanized bee Apis Mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae)

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    O estudo da toxicidade de inseticidas sobre a abelha Apis mellifera fornece subsídios para a preservação desse polinizador em áreas agrícolas. Diante disso, objetivou-se avaliar a toxicidade oral de inseticidas derivados do nim (Azadirachta indica) sobre A. mellifera em condições de laboratório. O experimento foi realizado em delineamento inteiramente casualizado composto por oito tratamentos [Testemunha absoluta: água destilada; Testemunha positiva: Inseticida Tiametoxam; duas doses do óleo comercial de nim (150 ml/100 L e 200 ml/100 L); duas doses do extrato aquoso de folhas de nim (5 g/100 ml e 10 g/100 ml); e duas doses do extrato aquoso de sementes de nim (5 g/100 ml e 10 g/100 ml)] e 10 repetições.Os inseticidas a base de nim (extratos aquosos e óleo comercial) ocasionaram mortalidade entre 12,9% e 25,9% sobre as abelhas, demonstrando baixa toxicidade a A. mellifera quando comparados com testemunha positiva (Inseticida Tiametoxam), que ocasionou 100% de mortalidade. No entanto, ocorreu uma alteração no comportamento das abelhas após o início da ingestão de dieta contaminada com os inseticidas derivados do nim, havendo uma redução na procura pela dieta artificial, especialmente nas duas doses do óleo comercial. Todos os tratamentos com inseticidas a base de nim apresentaram Tempo Letal Mediano (TL50) superiores a testemunha positiva. O óleo comercial de nim, independente da dose, apresentou TL50 de 86,22 horas, enquanto os extratos aquosos de semente e folhas de nim, independente da dose, proporcionaram um TL50 de 103,75 horas