279 research outputs found

    Methodology in the Modern Theory of Human Capital and Strategic Management of Human Capital

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    The purpose of the paper is to analyse the place of the methodology in the modern theory of human capital and its relationship with the methodology of strategic management of human capital. Based on the evolutionary development of conceptual ideas and provisions of the human capital theory, the categorical matrix of the modern theory of human capital is substantiated, where the intersection of such vectors as the level of scientific analysis and the angle of analytical consideration of the object of the human capital theory determine the logic of category location. The proposed structural understanding of the methodology allowed the author to build the hierarchical construction of the strategic management of human capital science, which defines the methodology of strategic management of human capital as a specifically scientific methodology. The developed structural and logical scheme in the methodology of the formation of human capital strategic management has five levels: identification, ideology, methodology, method, and optimisation. It includes the categorical matrix of the modern theory of human capital at the identification level. Further research of the topic is proposed to perform at the level of the method and at the level of optimisation, as they are connected with practical tools of strategic management of human capital.The purpose of the paper is to analyse the place of the methodology in the modern theory of human capital and its relationship with the methodology of strategic management of human capital. Based on the evolutionary development of conceptual ideas and provisions of the human capital theory, the categorical matrix of the modern theory of human capital is substantiated, where the intersection of such vectors as the level of scientific analysis and the angle of analytical consideration of the object of the human capital theory determine the logic of category location. The proposed structural understanding of the methodology allowed the author to build the hierarchical construction of the strategic management of human capital science, which defines the methodology of strategic management of human capital as a specifically scientific methodology. The developed structural and logical scheme in the methodology of the formation of human capital strategic management has five levels: identification, ideology, methodology, method, and optimisation. It includes the categorical matrix of the modern theory of human capital at the identification level. Further research of the topic is proposed to perform at the level of the method and at the level of optimisation, as they are connected with practical tools of strategic management of human capital

    Human Capital Management Policy Features of Air Transport Enterprises in Poland and Ukraine

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    The aim of the paper is to analyze features of the air transport enterprises’ human capital management (HCM) policies in Poland and Ukraine and work out the appropriate conclu‑ sions. An analysis of theoretical approaches to the enterprise HCM policy was performed in the article. A comparative analysis of a turbulent environment factors and its impact on human capital management of the leading airlines in Poland and Ukraine was made. The HCM policy top priority objectives of Polish and Ukrainian airlines in crisis conditions are analyzed by comparing the current situation. The article covers the analyzed period before the armed conflict in the east of Ukraine

    Talent management in air transport enterprises

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    Для авіаційного транспорту надзвичайно актуальною сьогодні є тенденція браку талантів. Одним з напрямків вдосконалення управління талантами на авіатранспортних підприємствах можуть стати інструменти управління знаннями працівників.Lack of talents is a highly actual tendency in the air transport sphere. One of the talent management improvement directions at the air transport enterprises could be the knowledge management instruments.Для авиационного транспорта необычайно актуальной сегодня является тенденция дефицита талантов. Одним из направлений усовершенствования управления талантами на авиатранспортных предприятиях могут стать инструменты управления знаниями работников

    The quantum tunnel effect from the point of view of quantum mechanics and classical physics

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    Parallel analyses of matter penetrating a barrier are analyzed, one using electrodynamics, the other using quantum mechanics. Mathematical operations are performed to show the identical nature of the phenomena of reflection above the barrier and of penetration of the barrier in quantum mechanics and in classical electrodynamics. It is shown that, in reality, the tunneling effect is not a “purely quantum phenomenon”. Проведено параллельное рассмотрение прохождения материи через барьер методами электродинамики и квантовой механики. Математически строго получена абсолютная идентичность надбарьерного отражения и подбарьерного прохождения, как в квантовой механике, так и в классической электродинамике. Показано, что определение туннельного эффекта как «чисто квантового явления» – не соответствует действительности. Проведено паралельне дослідження проходження матерії через бар’єр методами електродинаміки та квантової механіки. Математично виключно отримана абсолютна ідентичність надбар’єрного відбиття та підбар’єрного проходження як у квантовій механіці так і в класичній електродинаміці. Показано, що визначення тунельного ефекту як «чисто квантового явища» – не відповідає дійсності

    Future Managers’ Psychological Ability To Practice

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    The model of manager’s competence formation is developed by the authors. Psychological ability to practice is a key part of this model. An empirical research of psychological ability of future managers to practice is carried out using five questionnaires of psychological tests on the example of Sumy National Agrarian University. It was conducted during 2012/2013 academic year. The authors evaluated the future professionals’ abilities to motivation, risk, entrepreneurship, leadership etc. The results showed that, depending on their psychological features, respondents of each of the four groups are inclined to work in different sectors of economy

    Institutional implementation of socioeconomic development to regions in Ukraine

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    An important stage in the preparation of measures to improve the institutional environment in the region is the assessment of the relationship between the establishedі іnstitutions and economic effects derived from their implementation and functioning. Understanding the importance of the development of small and medium-sized businesses by the country's leadership has attracted the formation of goals and principles of state policy in the field of small and medium-sized businesses. Development of the Institute entrepreneurship is one of the priority directions of development of the Ukrainian economy, in particular its regions. It is the development of methodological tools for assessing the impact of entrepreneurs on socio-economic development of the region and its testing. During the research used retrospective, logical, systemic and complex analysis, the method of typology construction, classification, as well as specific methods. Research in the field of institutional analysis and regional economics. Development of methodological evaluation tools influence of institutions on the socio-economic development of regions, allowed to conclude that the Dnipropetrovsk, Transcarpathian, Zhytomyr and Lviv regions in the pre-crisis period were identical in status institutional environment and socio-economic development. But due to different institutional policies of the regions, they become more alternative to each other. Using the proposed methodology in the regions showed that, despite the high degree of similarity institutional environment and the dynamics of socio-economic development, the economy of the regions in different ways reacted to the negative impact caused by the crisis. It found reflection in the change in the values of the similarity coefficients institutional environment and the dynamics of socio-economic development regions. This technique allows us to determine the dependence of dynamics socio-economic development of the region from its institutional environment

    Людський капітал у забезпеченні модернізації національної економіки

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    Дослідження присвячене ролі людського капіталу в забезпеченні модернізації національної економіки України. В якості аналітичної бази використано окремі складові Глобального індексу конкурентоспроможності, які згруповано за двома напрямками: людський капітал і модернізація національної економіки

    Methods effectiveness evaluation of investment projects of innovation in public-private partnership

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    Particular importance for enhancing innovation policy development takes cooperation of the state and the private sector in the choice of priorities of innovation development. The author proposed the method of evaluating the effectiveness of investment in innovative development projects based on bipolar approach to the interaction of corporate triangle within a cluster based on the type of public-private partnerships. Using of this approach, unlike the current will form an effective and efficient innovation infrastructure in Ukraine to actively develop innovation activity and boost the innovation potential at regional level to attract investment and access international markets. Formation of methods of evaluating the investment effectiveness of ranking innovation projects in the innovative development of the formed triad of the interaction cluster between public, private and high-tech sectors. Complex analysis (to study the components and prerequisites for implementation of the innovation policy of Ukraine), comparative, economic and mathematical analysis (to identify the problems and peculiarities of implementation of regulatory innovation policy of Ukraine), structural, cluster analysis (to develop measures to improve the innovation policy of Ukraine). Formed the ways of activation of innovative development policy of the format of public-private partnership based on the choice of innovation development priorities. Proposed the methodology of evaluating the investment effectiveness of ranking innovation projects in the innovative development of the formed triad of the interaction cluster between public, private and high-tech sectors aimed at selection of optimal investment options based on a combination of key criteria