3,227 research outputs found

    Match of the Day: The search for a suitable spouse

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    The institutions of family and marriage may seem beyond the remit of economics, involving complexities which the discipline could only ever assume away. There is, however, a significant body of research, which applies the adaptable economists’ toolbox to these areas of life, often yielding a significant degree of insight. Gary Becker’s seminal Treatise on the Family, one of the first studies to subject decisions about sex, marriage, childbearing and childrearing to economic analysis, employed concepts such as the maximisation of family, or household, utility functions to explain family collective choice, with later authors using game theoretic models to offer a different perspective on the intra-household distribution of goods. However, the well-documented phenomenon of urban areas having higher divorce rates than rural regions is not addressed by existing family economics literature, despite the importance of such trends to social policy planners. We develop a new model that provides a theoretical basis for the difference in rural and urban divorce rates, drawing on insights from labour economics and social psychology that have not previously been applied to family economics.Economics; Family; Divorce

    Value of Demonstration in an Instrumental Course

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    AbstractThe aim of this paper is to explain the importance of demonstration in instrumental education. It is observed that some flute teachers – of all levels - who are graduates of music education institutions such as conservatories and lyceum of fine arts prefer oral explanation method instead of demonstrating how to play the instrument. Scholars have pointed out that educational planning must be applied in such a way that directs to as many senses as possible. The oral method stands totally against this suggestion. It is concluded that, no matter the level of the student, a flute lesson must be carried out with demonstration by the teacher. It is suggested that instrument teachers must be active and authorised in playing their instrument and able to demonstrate any instrumental technique or passage of music at the lesson

    Methicillin resistance and slime positivity of staphylococci isolated from bovine mastitis

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    Bu çalışmanın amaçları sığır mastitislerine neden olan aerobik bakteriyel etkenlerin belirlenmesi, izole edilen stafilokok suşlarında metisilin direncinin ve slaym oluşumunun incelenmesidir. Materyal olarak, Aydın ili Umurlu ilçesinde, 152 sağmal inekten alınan 339 mastitisli süt örneği alınmıştır. İzole edilen mikroorganizmaların cins düzeyinde identifikasyonu standart biyokimyasal yöntemlerle; koagulaz pozitif (KPS) ve koagulaz negatif (KNS) stafilokok suşlarının tür düzeyinde identifikasyonları ise sekans analizi ile yapılmıştır. Stafilokok suşlarının metisilin dirençleri sefoksitin diski kullanılarak disk difüzyon yöntemi ile slaym varlığı Kongo Red Agar yöntemine göre belirlenmiştir. KPS ve KNS suşlarında slaym oluşumunun metisilin direncinde artışa yol açıp açmadığının belirlenmesinde istatistiksel analiz için ki kare testi kullanılmıştır. Mastitis etkeni olarak ilk sırayı KNS (23 S. chromogenes, 17 S. haemolyticus, 10 S. pseudointermedius, 9 S. simulans, 8 S. epidermidis, 6 S. pasteuri, 3 S. sciuri, 2 S. vitulis, 2 S. equorum, 2 S. xylosus, 1 S. warneri)'lar alırken (%24,5), bunu KPS (71 S. aureus)'lar (%20,9) takip etmiştir. Bunlardan 16 (%10,4) suş metisilin dirençli, 55 (%35,7) suş slaym pozitif olarak saptanırken; KPS ve KNS suşlarında slaym oluşumunun metisilin direncinde artışa yol açmadığı tespit edilmiştir. Metisilin direncinin Aydın yöresinde bir sorun oluşturmaya başladığı, bundan sonraki yıllarda stafilokokal mastitis tedavisinde metisilin direncinin önemli bir faktör olarak dikkate alınması gerekeceği düşünülmektedir.The aims of this study were to determine the aerobic bacterial agents cause bovine mastitis, to investigate the slime formation and meticilline resistance in isolated staphylococcus species. Material of this study was consisted of 339 mastitis suspected milk samples taken from 152 dairy cattle rearing in Umurlu county of Aydın Province. Identifications of isolated microorganisms on genus basis were performed with standart biochemical methods while sequence analysis was used for species basis identification of coagulase negative (CNS) and coagulase positive (CPS) staphylococcus strains. Methicilline resistance of stapylococcus strains were performed with disk diffusion method by using cefoxitin disk and slime formation was detected with Congo Red Agar method. Chi-Square Test was used for analysing the effect of slime formation on methicilline resistence between CNS and CPS stapyhlococcus strains. CNS (23 S. chromogenes, 17 S. haemolyticus, 10 S. pseudointermedius, 9 S. simulans, 8 S. epidermidis, 6 S. pasteuri, 3 S. sciuri, 2 S. vitulis, 2 S. equorum, 2 S. xylosus, , and 1 S. warneri) were the most common cause (24.5%) of mastitis in cows while CPS (S. aureus) were the most second (20.9%). 16 (10.4%) staphylococcus strains were found as methicilline resistance while 55 (35.7%) were slime positive from 154 stapylococcus strains. It was determined that slime formation has no effect on methicilline resistance in CNS and CPS staphylococcus strains. It was thought that methicilline resistance is beginning a problem and methicilline resistance may be the most important factor in the treatment of staphylococcal mastitis in the near future in Aydın

    The inovation mentality of the executives and practices strategy at restaurant business in iİstanbul region

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    Küreselleşen dünya ekonomisi içerisinde, işletmelerin sürekli rekabet etmeleri gerekmektedir. Özellikle hizmet sektöründe rekabetin hizmet anlayışının kalitesine bağlı olması sebebiyle varlığı daha çok hissedilen inovasyon kavramı ulusal olmayıp uluslararası piyasa koşullarında da ön plana çıkmaktadır. Yiyecek içecek sektörü içerisinde önemli bir yere sahip olan restoran işletmeleri de bu rekabet içerisinde kendilerini sürekli yenilemek ve müşterilerine farklı hizmetler sunmak zorunda kalmaktadır. Restoran işletmeleri müşterilerini memnun etmek ve yeni müşteriler kazanmak için farklılaşma yoluna gitmektedirler. Bu farklılaşma ise inovasyon ile mümkün olmaktadır. Türkiye'de inovasyon terimi çok bilinmemekle beraber birçok işletme de uygulamamaktadır. Bu çalışmada İstanbul'daki turizm işletme belgeli birinci sınıf restoran işletmelerindeki yöneticilerin inovasyon hakkındaki düşüncelerine ulaşılmaya çalışılmıştır. Restoran yöneticilerin inovasyon hakkındaki düşüncelerinin demografik özelliklerin etkileyip etkilemeği araştırılmış ve demografik özellikler ile inovasyon hakkındaki görüşler arasında farklılık göstermediği belirlenmiştir. Business have to compete with rivals consistently in the globasing world. The concept of 'innovation' that is become more effective because of connection between service mentality's quality and competition especially in the service industry, stands out not only national market conditions but also international market conditions. Restaurants which have an important place in the food and beverage sector have to blow away the cobwebs and provide different services to clients. Restaurant managements should differentiate them services to satisfy consumers and gain new customers. The differentiation is possible with innovation. The term of 'innovation' is not known in our country generally however most business don't carry out. In this study is tried to reach thoughts about innovation of the managers of restaurants which have first class tourism operation license in İstanbul. And also is sought for the effect of the demographic specialities on the thoughts of the restaurants executives and is specified no difference between demographic specialities and opinions related to innovation

    Review of Manfred Frank, The Philosophical Foundations of Early German Romanticism, trans. Elizabeth Millán-Zeibert.

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    Manfred Frank, The Philosophical Foundations of Early German Romanticism, trans. Elizabeth Millán-Zeibert. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2004. 286 pp. ISBN 0791459470

    Review of Stanley Corngold, Complex Pleasure: Forms of Feeling in German Literature.

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    Stanley Corngold, Complex Pleasure: Forms of Feeling in German Literature. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1998. 244 pp. ISBN 080472940

    Split-Thickness Skin Grafts

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    Review of Manfred Frank, The Philosophical Foundations of Early German Romanticism, trans. Elizabeth Millán-Zeibert.

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    Manfred Frank, The Philosophical Foundations of Early German Romanticism, trans. Elizabeth Millán-Zeibert. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2004. 286 pp. ISBN 0791459470