2,961 research outputs found

    The Value Transformation of Betty Warren in Mona Lisa Smile

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    This study analyzes a movie entitled Mona Lisa Smile. It is interesting that the movie contains the message about women's liberation movement reflected through the value transformation done by one of the characters, Betty Warren, which is why we decided to emphasize on the transformation as our main focus. We attempt to reveal the process of Betty Warren's value transformation by applying two concepts, which are the concept of Angel in the House and the concept of New Woman. We find out that Warren's experience of value transformation goes through several stages, which are from believing in her old values, going against the new modern values, finding disappointment toward her old values, then having a conflict within herself, and as the result, starting to consider and absorb the new values. The analysis leads to the fact that patriarchal values can be so strong because sometimes, women themselves are subconsciously acting as the agents

    Utilization of Poly(methyl Methacrylate) Rejection Blended with Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Resins and the Effect on Product Properties

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    PMMA is one of the main raw materials for the injection molding process in the lens industries. Since this process requires extremely careful techniques to obtain lens with the best quality, it leads to a high rate of product rejection. These rejected products do not only pose an issue for the industrial environment and require storage space, their price also falls significantly. Among the solutions to this problem is to reuse the rejected products as substitute materials for the manufacture of another product's part such as lamp holders. This process reuses rejected PMMA-containing products in the ABS base polymer industries so as to generate PMMA-containing products with better physical properties. In this experiment, 10 to 40 % (w/w) of rejected PMMA was blended with ABS resins. The monomer content in the ABS resins was analyzed by NMR. Moreover, the mechanical, thermal, and morphological properties of the blended products were also examined. The NMR analysis showed that the resin contained 21.6 % butadiene monomer, in which its value was higher than the value required for materials with high-impact class application. The blend of resins and rejected PMMA (10-30% w/w) could increase the tensile strength value and decrease Izod impact strength and elongation percentage. The morphological analysis showed that this increased PMMA content may also result in widespread brittle areas. Since the blend was designed without compatibilizers, the DSC analysis indicated that the resulting blend in any ratios was not completely miscible. It was revealed that ABS resins containing 10% PMMA was the best blend for the polymer engineering application and this blend still had adequate properties and elastomer content required

    Pengelompokan Kecamatan di Pulau Madura Berdasarkan Sektor Pertanian Sebelum dan Setelah Berdiri Jembatan Suramadu

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    Pulau Madura memiliki potensi ekonomi yang cukup besar, terutama dari sektor pertanian. Artinya pertanian menjadi sektor andalan yang nampak dari perolehan PDRB terbesar yaitu sekitar 40%. Namun selama ini potensi di Madura masih dilakukan secara tradisional dan keterlibatan pemerintah terbilang kurang. Hal ini sangat disayangkan jika keberadaan Jembatan Suramadu secara umum sebagai aksesibilitas agar potensi yang ada di Madura dapat dimanfaatkan secara optimal namun Kenyataannya belum demikian. Perekonomian Madura akan tumbuh lebih baik apabila ada upaya serius dari berbagai pihak untuk mengembangkan industrialisasi yang berbasis pertanian. Oleh karena itu, pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengelompokan wilayah kecamatan sebelum dam setelah berdiri Jembatan Suramadu dan metode pengelompokan yang sesuai sehingga dapat mengetahui atau memilih secara cermat produk pertanian yang potensial untuk dikembangkan. Metode pengelompokan terbaik dinilai berdasarkan nilai Pseudo F terbesar, dengan 9 kelompok ward\u27s sebelum dan 11 kelompok ward\u27s setelah berdiri Jembatan Suramadu

    Understanding the implementation of community case management of childhood illness in Indonesia families' and primary health care workers' perspectives

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    University of Technology, Sydney. Faculty of Health.Indonesia is striving to achieve the Millennium Development Goal 4 target of less than 23 infant deaths per 1000 live births by 2015. In order to reach this target, a community case management (CCM) model, was introduced by the American funded Maternal and Child Health Integrated Program (MCHIP) and the Indonesian Ministry of Health (MoH) in 2011. Little is known about how CCM has been delivered and there is no research that examines the factors that contribute to the successful implementation of CCM in Indonesia. The aim of this research was to gain insight into how CCM was implemented in the Kutai Timur district, East Kalimantan, Indonesia from the perspective of primary health care workers (PHCWs): community nurses, midwives and community health workers; and from the families who received care. Interpretive description was used to gain insight into participants’ perceptions and experiences. This method allowed me to generate knowledge about the implementation of CCM and to gain an understanding of the experience of the participants involved and the impact on health and health care practice. Data were collected following PHCWs training and the initial phase of implementation. Interviews were conducted with six key informants from MCHIP, MoH, the district health office and Puskesmas (community health centres), three program supervisors, 15 PHCWs and seven mothers. PHCWs were observed while delivering interventions to families. One focus group discussion was conducted with PHCWs and documents related to the CCM implementation were analysed. Five main themes emerged: improved family wellbeing; enhanced PHCWs’ practice; barriers to CCM implementation; enablers of CCM implementation; and cultural influences. It was reported that families’ access to care improved, along with the family’s satisfaction of care, compliance with care plans and health literacy. In addition, it was found that the program had increased PHCWs’ family and child health knowledge and professional confidence to deliver evidenced-based practice, in conjunction with improved clinical reasoning and more structured clinical intervention. Despite the reported success of the CCM program, a number of barriers and concerns highlight the need for programs to be better tailored to the socio-cultural context. An integrated model of community child health delivery that emphasises the importance of health system strengthening; the improved alignment of child health programs with maternal, newborn and reproductive programs; PHCWs support; and community participation is proposed. This model can be used to guide the implementation of community case management models in the rural Indonesian context

    Pemodelan Inflasi di Kota Semarang, Yogyakarta, dan Surakarta dengan Pendekatan GSTAR

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    Tugas Akhir ini menyajikan hasil penelitian dari pemodelan inflasi di kota Semarang, Yogyakarta, dan Surakarta dengan pendekatan GSTAR (Generalized Space Time Autoregressive). Metode GSTAR adalah pemodelan time series multivariate yang memperhatikan efek spasial. Pengertian inflasi sendiri adalah proses meningkatnya harga barang dan jasa secara umum dan bersifat terus menerus. Laju inflasi harus dapat dikendalikan oleh Pemerintah karena dapat membuat stabilitas perekonomian terganggu. Dalam penelitian ini, pemodelan GSTAR meliputi dua model yaitu model GSTAR dengan menggunakan semua parameter, dan model GSTAR yang hanya menggunakan parameter yang signifikan. Pembobot yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi bobot seragam, bobot invers jarak, dan bobot normalisasi korelasi silang. Hasil pemodelan menunjukkan bahwa model terbaik yang mempunyai nilai RMSE terkecil di kota Semarang adalah dengan bobot normalisasi korelasi silang menggunakan parameter yang signifikan. Sedangkan untuk inflasi di kota Yogyakarta dan Surakarta model terbaiknya adalah dengan bobot seragam menggunakan parameter yang signifikan

    Pemodelan Persentase Penduduk Miskin di Jawa Timur dengan Pendekatan Ekonometrika Panel Spasial

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    Kemiskinan merupakan salah satu permasalahan pembangunan yang timbul di negara berkembang, seperti Indonesia. Jumlah penduduk miskin di Indonesia berfluktuasi dari tahun ke tahun, termasuk di Provinsi Jawa Timur. Salah satu upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi masalah ini adalah dengan menentukan faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kemiskinan. Penelitian ini fokus pada pemodelan persentase penduduk miskin dengan pendekatan ekonometrika panel spasial sehingga diharapkan dapat menjelaskan efek spasial dan efek periode waktu terhadap persentase penduduk miskin pada masing-masing kabupaten/kota di Jawa Timur. Aspek kemiskinan yang diamati terbatas hanya terdiri dari tiga sektor yaitu pendidikam, ekonomi dan kesehatan. Model terbaik untuk persentase penduduk miskin adalah SEM Fixed Effect. Koefisien autoregresif spasial pada model persentase penduduk miskin yaitu sebesar 0,391980. Faktor yang paling elastis adalah tingkat penggangguran terbuka sebesar 0,627804%

    Analisis Ekonometrika Model Pendapatan Nasional Indonesia dengan Pendekatan Persamaan Sistem Simultan

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    Indikator pembangunan ekonomi suatu negara adalah dengan meningkatnya pertumbuhan ekonomi yang berkelanjutan. Tujuan penelitian ini menganalisis model simultan pendapatan nasional dengan menggunakan metode Three Stage Least Square (3SLS). Pendapatan nasional sebagian persen disumbang oleh konsumsi rumah tangga yaitu sebesar 60 persen. Nilai koefisien determinasi sistem sebesar 98,16%. Model pendapatan nasional terdiri dari empat persamaan struktural yaitu konsumsi rumah tangga, investasi, ekspor dan impor. Konsumsi rumah tangga dipengaruhi secara signifikan oleh pendapatan disposibel dan konsumsi tahun sebelumnya. Investasi secara signifikan dipengaruhi oleh suku bunga, dan investasi sebelumnya. Investasi dan nilai tukar rupiah berpengaruh signifikan terhadap ekspor, sedangkan nilai tukar rupiah tidak berpengaruh terhadap impor di Indonesia. Impor dipengaruhi secara signifikan oleh pendapatan nasional dan impor pada tahun sebelumnya

    Needs Hierarchy in T. B. Silalahi’s Novel Toba Dreams

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    This paper is a descriptive research which concerns the level of human life needs depicted in T. B. Silalahi’s Novel Toba Dreams. This study focuses on the level of life needs which are wanted to be quickly achieved as the key to success. The purpose of this study is to describe the level of life needs of the antagonist named Ronggur based on Maslow’s life needs theory (1987). The fundamental problem is the behavior of the protagonist, Sergeant Tebe, who wants his first child Ronggur to be a role model in the indigenous Batak family. This research applied Maslow’s theory which divides hierarchy of needs into psychological needs, safety needs, love and belongingness needs, esteem needs, and needs for self actualization. The findings indicate that all the antagonist’s life needs could be achieved by hook or by crook. This study can give a lesson that the community can reach and meet their needs depending on the strength of wills.   Keywords: needs hierarchy, psychological needs, safety needs, love and belongingness needs, esteem needs, needs for self actualization
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