77 research outputs found

    Control systems of zero curvature are not necessarily trivializable

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    A control system q˙=f(q,u)\dot{q} = f(q,u) is said to be trivializable if there exists local coordinates in which the system is feedback equivalent to a control system of the form q˙=f(u)\dot{q} = f(u). In this paper we characterize trivializable control systems and control systems for which, up to a feedback transformation, ff and ∂f/∂u\partial f/\partial u commute. Characterizations are given in terms of feedback invariants of the system (its control curvature and its centro-affine curvature) and thus are completely intrinsic. To conclude we apply the obtained results to Zermelo-like problems on Riemannian manifolds

    Microlocal normal forms for regular fully nonlinear two-dimensional control systems

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    In the present paper we deal with fully nonlinear two-dimensional smooth control systems with scalar input \dot{q} = \bs{f}(q,u), q∈Mq \in M, u∈Uu \in U, where MM and UU are differentiable smooth manifolds of respective dimensions two and one. For such systems, we provide two microlocal normal forms, i.e., local in the state-input space, using the fundamental necessary condition of optimality for optimal control problems: the Pontryagin Maximum Principle. One of these normal forms will be constructed around a regular extremal and the other one will be constructed around an abnormal extremal. These normal forms, which in both cases are parametrized only by one scalar function of three variables, lead to a nice expression for the control curvature of the system. This expression shows that the control curvature, a priori defined for normal extremals, can be smoothly extended to abnormals

    Luenberger observers for discrete-time nonlinear systems

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of designing an asymptotic observer for a nonlin-ear dynamical system in discrete-time following Luenberger's original idea. This approach is a two-step design procedure. In a first step, the problem is to estimate a function of the state. The state estimation is obtained by inverting this mapping. Similarly to the continuous-time context, we show that the first step is always possible provided a linear and stable discrete-time system fed by the output is introduced. Based on a weak observ-ability assumption, it is shown that picking the dimension of the stable auxiliary system sufficiently large, the estimated function of the state is invertible. This approach is illustrated on linear systems with polynomial output. The link with the Luenberger observer obtained in the continuous-time case is also investigated

    Avoiding observability singularities in output feedback bilinear systems

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    Control-affine output systems generically present observability singularities, i.e. inputs that make the system unobservable. This proves to be a difficulty in the context of output feedback stabilization, where this issue is usually discarded by uniform observability assumptions for state feedback stabilizable systems. Focusing on state feedback stabilizable bilinear control systems with linear output, we use a transversality approach to provide perturbations of the stabilizing state feedback law, in order to make our system observable in any time even in the presence of singular inputs

    Generalized Lyapunov conditions for k-contraction: analysis and feedback design

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    Recently, the concept of k-contraction has been introduced as a promising generalization of contraction for dynamical systems. However, the study of k-contraction properties has faced significant challenges due to the reliance on complex mathematical objects called matrix compounds. As a result, related control design methodologies have yet to appear in the literature. In this paper, we overcome existing limitations and propose new sufficient conditions for k-contraction which do not rely on matrix compounds. Our design-oriented conditions stem from a strong geometrical interpretation and establish a connection between kcontraction and p-dominance. Notably, these conditions are also necessary in the linear time-invariant framework. Leveraging on these findings, we propose a feedback design methodology for both the linear and the nonlinear scenarios

    Dynamic Output Feedback Stabilization of Non-uniformly Observable Dissipative Systems

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    Output feedback stabilization of control systems is a crucial issue in engineering. Most of these systems are not uniformly observable, which proves to be a difficulty to move from state feedback stabilization to dynamic output feedback stabilization. In this paper, we present a methodology to overcome this challenge in the case of dissipative systems by requiring only target detectability. These systems appear in many physical systems and we provide various examples and applications of the result
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