1,236 research outputs found

    Lavado de activos y financiamiento del terrorismo el rol de oficial de cumplimiento

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    El lavado de activo ha sido un flagelo que ha afectado al mundo entero durante años y décadas, su nombre lavado se remonta a la década de los años veinte, años en los cuales las grandes mafias neoyorquinas en cabeza de uno de los más grandes lavadores de dinero Al Capone , se enfocaban en buscar formas de limpiar dinero provenientes del ilícitos, tales como el tráficos de licores, la prostitución y los juegos de azar entre otros existentes en la época. Siendo este uno de los delitos que más a agobiado a múltiples países y economías en el mundo entero, solo a partir del 11 de Septiembre de 2001 es cuando toma una connotación y agravante mayor, cuando se le adhiere la frase financiamiento del terrorismo, después de los suscitados hechos ocurridos en una acción terrorista en contra de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, en el cual se impactaron una serie de estructuras iconos de la fortaleza de esta potencia, tales como los son las Torres Gemelas de New York y el Pentágono, hechos en los cuales perdieron la vida un promedio de 3000 personas y se causaron heridas a un tanto superior a 6000 mas, siendo este el detonante de la llamada guerra contra el terrorism

    A robust numerical framework for the analysis of material failure of fibre reinforced soft tissue

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    In this work, robustness and stability of continuum damage models applied to material failure in soft tissues are addressed. In the implicit damage models equipped with softening, the presence of negative eigenvalues in the tangent elemental matrix degrades the condition number of the global matrix, leading to a reduction of the computational performance of the numerical model. Two strategies have been adapted from literature to improve the aforementioned computational performance degradation: the IMPL-EX integration scheme [Oliver,2006], which renders the elemental matrix contribution definite positive, and arclength-type continuation methods [Carrera,1994], which allow to capture the unstable softening branch in brittle ruptures. The IMPL-EX integration scheme has as a major drawback the need to use small time steps to keep numerical error below an acceptable value. A convergence study, limiting the maximum allowed increment of internal variables in the damage model, is presented. Finally, numerical simulation of failure problems with fibre reinforced materials illustrates the performance of the adopted methodology


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    In this second contribution to the history of Mexican Dipterology, general remarks of the Biologia- Centrali A mericana, the authors, the collectors and their trips are presented. Dealing specifically with Diptera, some aspects of the life and works of the contributors to this work are included. Here are listed all the Mexican Diptera species-names proposed by Karl Robert Romanovitch Baron von den Osten Sacken (78 species), Samuel Wendell Williston (200 species), John Merton A ldrich (47 species), William Morton Wheeler and A xel Leonard Melander (18 species), and Frederik Maurits Van Der Wulp (610 species). Included are a total of 953 specific names of the following 41 current families (in phylogenetic order): Tipulidae: 16, Bibionidae: 2, Ditomyiidae: 1, Keroplatidae: 2, Mycetophilidae: 1, Culicidae: 1, Ceratopogonidae: 2, Tabanidae: 12, Pantophtalmidae: 1, Rhagionidae: 7, Stratiomyidae: 26, Therevidae: 1, Mydidae: 3, A pioceridae: 1, A silidae: 59, A croceridae: 3, Nemestrinidae: 1, Bombyliidae: 72, Empididae: 20, Dolichopodidae: 48, Platypezidae: 1, Syrphidae: 54, Pipunculidae: 5, Conopidae: 6, Micropezidae: 12, Tanypezidae: 1, Psilidae: 2, Otitidae: 12, Platystomatidae: 8, Tephritidae: 39, Richardiidae: 5, Sciomyzidae: 10, Lauxaniidae: 1, Heleomyzidae: 3, Scatophagidae: 4, A nthomyiidae: 11, Muscidae: 40, Calliphoridae: 1, Sarcophagidae: 44, Tachinidae: 412, Hippoboscidae: 3. The original reference, type-locality, depository museum or collection, current taxonomic status of each species- names and additional references are given.En esta segunda contribución a la historia de la Dipterología mexicana, se presentan datos generales de la obra Biologia-Centrali A mericana, de sus autores, colectores y de los viajes efectuados para la obtención del material. Específicamente con respecto a Diptera, se incluyen algunos aspectos de la vida y obra de los contribuidores de este trabajo. A quí se enlistan todos los nombres de especies de los Diptera mexicanos propuestos por Karl Robert Romanovitch Baron von den Osten Sacken (78 especies), Samuel Wendell Williston (200 especies), John Merton A ldrich (47 especies), William Morton Wheeler y A xel Leonard Melander (18 especies), y Frederik Maurits Van Der Wulp (610 especies). Quedan incluidas en total 953 nombres específicos de las siguientes 41 familias vigentes (en orden filogenético): Tipulidae: 16, Bibionidae: 2, Ditomyiidae: 1, Keroplatidae: 2, Mycetophilidae: 1, Culicidae: 1, Ceratopogonidae: 2, Tabanidae: 12, Pantophtalmidae: 1, Rhagionidae: 7, Stratiomyidae: 26, Therevidae: 1, Mydidae: 3, A pioceridae: 1, A silidae: 59, A croceridae: 3, Nemestrinidae: 1, Bombyliidae: 72, Empididae: 20, Dolichopodidae: 48, Platypezidae: 1, Syrphidae: 54, Pipunculidae: 5, Conopidae: 6, Micropezidae: 12, Tanypezidae: 1, Psilidae: 2, Otitidae: 12, Platystomatidae: 8, Tephritidae: 39, Richardiidae: 5, Sciomyzidae: 10, Lauxaniidae: 1, Heleomyzidae: 3, Scatophagidae: 4, A nthomyiidae: 11, Muscidae: 40, Calliphoridae: 1, Sarcophagidae: 44, Tachinidae: 412, Hippoboscidae: 3. La referencia original, la localidad-tipo, el museo o colección donde el material se encuentra depositado, el estado taxonómico actual y referencias adicionales son provistos para cada especie

    Trends in the design and use of elastin-like recombinamers as biomaterials

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    Producción CientíficaElastin-like recombinamers (ELRs), which derive from one of the repetitive domains found in natural elastin, have been intensively studied in the last few years from several points of view. In this mini review, we discuss all the recent works related to the investigation of ELRs, starting with those that define these polypeptides as model intrinsically disordered proteins or regions (IDPs or IDRs) and its relevance for some biomedical applications. Furthermore, we summarize the current knowledge on the development of drug, vaccine and gene delivery systems based on ELRs, while also emphasizing the use of ELR-based hydrogels in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine (TERM). Finally, we show different studies that explore applications in other fields, and several examples that describe biomaterial blends in which ELRs have a key role. This review aims to give an overview of the recent advances regarding ELRs and to encourage further investigation of their properties and applications.Comisión Europea (project NMP-2014-646075)Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (projects PCIN-2015-010 / MAT2016-78903-R / BES-2014-069763)Junta de Castilla y León (project VA317P18

    The dark side of the metaverse: The role of gamification in event virtualization

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    The virtualization of cultural events in the metaverse creates opportunities to generate valuable and innovative experiences that replicate and extend in-person events; but the process faces associated challenges. In the absence of relevant empirical studies, the aim of this article is to analyze the positive and negative aspects of the user experience in a cultural event held in the metaverse. A mixed-methods approach is employed to test the proposed hypotheses. The results from three focus groups demonstrated the difficulty that users face in focusing their attention on the main elements of the metaverse, and the inability of this virtual sphere to convey the authenticity of a cultural event. Based on these findings, a metaverse-focused quantitative study was conducted to examine whether perceived gamification mitigate the negative effects of users failing to pay attention in their metaverse experiences. When users increased their attention levels, their ability to imagine the real experience and their perceptions of the authenticity of the cultural event increased, which produced positive behavioral intentions. This is one of the first studies to empirically analyze the tourist experience in the metaverse; managers and policymakers can benefit from the results to hold valuable virtual cultural events

    Modeling of Free Surface Flows with Elastic Bodies Interactions

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    In this paper, a series of new fluid and structure interactions test cases with strong free surface effects are presented and computations of such flows with the Particle Finite Element Method (PFEM) (Idelsohn, Oiiate, Del Pin and Calvo, 2006) are documented. The structures object of study are elastic cantilever bars clamped inside sloshing tanks subjected ro roll motion. The possibilities of PFEM for the coupled simulation of moderately violent free surface flows interacting with elastic bodies are investigated. The problem can be described as the coupling of a sloshing flow with an easily deformable elastic body. A series of experiments designed and executed specifically for these tests are also described. The experiments comprise cases with different liquid height and liquids of different viscosity. The aim is to identify canonical benchmark problems in FSI (Fluid and Structure Interactions), including free surfaces, for future comparisons between different numerical approaches

    Evidence of upconversion luminescence contribution to the improved photoactivity of erbium doped TiO 2 systems

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    Er 3+-TiO 2 synthesized by a surfactant free hydrothermal method exhibits good photoactivities under sun-like excitation for the degradation of phenol. The presence of Er 3+ does not affect the structural and morphological features of the TiO 2 significantly. The best photocatalytic performance was attained for the samples with 2 wt% of Er. Different photocatalytic runs indicated that the incorporation of the Er 3+ cation would be responsible for the enhanced photocatalytic activity, which participates in different mechanisms under UV and NIR excitation

    Catalog of the family Calliphoridae (Diptera: Oestroidea) of Mexico

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    Calliphoridae is a worldwide distributed family of flies with over 1,500 described species. There are approximately 100 species in the Nearctic region and 130 in the Neotropical region, but in the Mexican territory only few species have been recorded. There is not a previous catalog of Mexican calliphorids. This catalog summarizes taxonomic actualized information of 30 species of 11 genera and three subfamilies of Calliphoridae known up to date in Mexico.La familia Calliphoridae está presente en casi todo el mundo con más de 1,500 especies descritas. Existen aproximadamente 100 especies en la región Neártica y 130 en la región Neotropical, pero en el territorio mexicano solo pocas especies se han registrado. No existe un catálogo previo de califóridos de México. Este catálogo recopila la información taxonómica básica y actualizada de las 30 especies de 11 géneros y tres subfamilias de Calliphoridae conocidos hasta el momento en México

    Cadmium sulfite hexahydrate revisited

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    The present structural revision of the title compound, tetra­cadmium tetra­sulfite hexa­hydrate, [Cd4(SO3)4(H2O)5]·H2O, is a low-temperature upgrade (T = 100 K and R = 0.017) of the original room-temperature structure reported by Kiers & Vos [Cryst. Struct. Commun. (1978). 7, 399–403; T = 293 K and R = 0.080). The compound is a three-dimensional polymer with four independent cadmium centres, four sulfite anions and six water mol­ecules, five of them coordinated to two cadmium centres and the remaining one an unbound solvent mol­ecule which completes the asymmetric unit. There are two types of cadmium environment: CdO8 (through four chelating sulfite ligands) and CdO6 (by way of six monocoordinated ligands). The former groups form planar arrays [parallel to (001) and separated by half a unit cell translation along c], made up of chains running along [110] and [10], respectively. These chains are, in turn, inter­connected both in an intra­planar as well as in an inter­planar fashion by the latter CdO6 polyhedra into a tight three-dimensional framework. There is, in addition, an extensive network of hydrogen bonds, in which all 12 water H atoms act as donors and eight O atoms from all four sulfite groups and two water mol­ecules act as acceptors