2,031 research outputs found

    How dental students’ course experiences and satisfaction of their basic psychological needs influence passion for studying in Chile

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    Purpose: This study aimed to determine how the general course experiences of dental students in Chile and the satisfaction or frustration of their basic psychological needs influenced their passion for studying, and how passion influenced students’ study strategies. Methods: A correlational cross-sectional study was conducted at 3 Chilean dental schools between April and June 2018, in which 935 undergraduate students participated. Students responded to Spanish-language versions of 4 psychological scale tools: the Course Experience Questionnaire, the Basic Psychological Needs Satisfac¬tion and Frustration Scale, the Passion Scale, and the Revised Study Process Questionnaire. Data were analysed with bivariate correlations and structural equation modelling, controlling for age, gender, year of study, and type of university. Results: Students’ general course experiences (i.e., good teaching, clear goals and standards, appropriate assessment, and appropriate workload) positively predicted basic need satisfaction and negatively predicted need frustration. Need satisfaction positively predicted passion in students, with stronger scores for harmonious passion. Basic need frustration positively predicted obsessive passion and negatively predicted harmonious passion. Harmonious passion positively predicted deep study strategies and negatively predicted surface study strategies, while obsessive passion positively predicted both deep and surface study strategies. Conclusion: Dental students’ optimal course experiences positively influenced the satisfaction of their basic psychological needs, which favoured harmonious over obsessive passion. In turn, harmonious over obsessive passion positively influenced deep study strategies. Therefore, efforts should be made to provide course experiences that support students’ basic needs and harmonious passion for studying, both in classroom and chair-side teaching

    La utilización de los algoritmos de sustracción en educación primaria

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    En este trabajo de fin de grado, el estudio se centrará en investigar el algoritmo de la sustracción. Todo el análisis que se expone, se ha obtenido a partir de varios libros expuestos en la bibliografía y de un instrumento experimental caracterizado por presentar 16 restas con diferentes dificultades. En éste, han participado 201 alumnos y alumnas, que estudian actualmente los cursos de segundo y tercero de Educación Primaria, pertenecientes a cinco centros diferentes. Los resultados demuestran que el método de tomar prestado causa más aciertos, menos errores y la mayoría de los profesores lo prefieren. Además, se constatarán otros aspectos importantes en referencia al algoritmo de la sustracción

    Datos de Renovación

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    Datos de Renovación da nombre a mi propuesta artística para el Trabajo de Fin de Grado, una investigación acerca de los conceptos de multitud y desempleo, así como de la propia percepción que tiene de ellos el individuo postmoderno, no sólo como reflejo de una problemática sociocultural actual, sino como una herramienta de activación de situaciones convergentes, que ponen en confrontación a cada sujeto con la propia percepción abstracta del grupo de personas con las que convive

    The effect of the combination of multiple woven fabric and nonwoven on acoustic absorption

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    [EN] Textile materials can be used as acoustic materials. In this study, the acoustic absorption coefficient of multilayer fabrics with 60 ends/cm and 15, 30, 45, and 60 picks/cm is measured when the fabric is added as a resistive layer on top of a polyester nonwoven, in order to study the influence of the fabric spatial structure in the acoustic absorption of the assembly. Five different fabric structures are used. Design of experiments and data analysis tools are used to describe the influence of two manufacturing factors on the sound absorption coefficient of the ensemble. These factors are the fabric weft count (picks/cm) and the thickness of the nonwoven (mm). The experimental conditions under which the maximum sound absorption coefficient is achieved are found. The influence of each factor and a mathematical model are obtained. Results of statistical and optimization analysis show that for the same fabric density, sound absorption coefficient increases as the number of layers decreases.Segura-Alcaraz, P.; Segura Alcaraz, JG.; Montava-Seguí, I.; Bonet-Aracil, M. (2021). The effect of the combination of multiple woven fabric and nonwoven on acoustic absorption. Journal of Industrial Textiles. 50(8):1262-1280. https://doi.org/10.1177/15280837198587711262128050

    Satisfacción de la calidad de servicio del fast food Bembos Chiclayo, 2019

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    La calidad del servicio es uno de los aspectos más importantes para asegurar la permanencia de las empresas en el mercado; tomando en cuenta que un servicio se considera de calidad cuando logra su fin, el cual es satisfacer las necesidades de los clientes en el presente y en el futuro. La presente tesis planteó como objetivo principal determinar el nivel de calidad del servicio del fast food Bembos 2019. Referente a la metodología, la investigación fue de tipo básica y descriptiva con un enfoque cuantitativo, su diseño es no experimental y la población estuvo conformada por 4320 personas. Para ello, se utilizó el modelo de medición de calidad Servperf (Coin & Taylor) que permitió conocer el grado de calidad de servicio que reciben los clientes. Asimismo, en las dimensiones del servicio: elementos tangibles, fiabilidad, capacidad de respuesta, seguridad y empatía, se elaboró un cuestionario de 22 preguntas para los clientes, la cual se llevó a cabo mediante la técnica de la encuesta y como instrumento de medición el cuestionario tipo Likert. Se pudo obtener como resultados que un 56.66% tomó la opción ni de acuerdo / ni desacuerdo, lo cual es positivo para que puedan trabajar en ello y seguir mejorando. El personal cuenta con una buena disposición para poder brindar un buen servicio, tienen empatía, tratan con amabilidad, son respetuosos, sin embargo necesita capacitación en atención al cliente para poder reforzar sus cualidades y/o habilidades y poder brindarles a los clientes un buen servicio

    Numerical simulation of roughness effects on the flow past a circular cylinder

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    In the present work large eddy simulations of the flow past a rough cylinder are performed at a Reynolds number of Re = 4.2 × 105 and an equivalent sand-grain surface roughness height ks = 0.02D. In order to determine the effects of the surface roughness on the boundary layer transition and as a consequence on the wake topology, results are compared to those of the smooth cylinder. It is shown that surface roughness triggers the transition to turbulence in the boundary layer, thus leading to an early separation caused by the increased drag and momentum deficit. Thus, the drag coefficient increases up to CD 1.122 (if compared to the smooth cylinder it should be about CD 0.3 - 0.5). The wake topology also changes and resembles more the subcritical wake observed for the smooth cylinder at lower Reynolds numbers than the expected critical wake at this Reynolds number.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Diagnóstico y optimización del sistema de acueducto veredal Asuarcopsa de Anapoima entre la bocatoma y la planta de tratamiento

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    Práctica SocialEl agua es un recurso necesario para la humanidad, este recurso debe cumplir una serie de condiciones de potabilidad establecidas por la normatividad vigente, el consumo de agua no tratada o en malas condiciones puede ocasionar diferentes enfermedades, afectar el medio ambiente, la economía y la calidad de vida de la población. La investigación está centrada entre la bocatoma y la planta de tratamiento. De esta manera mejorar las condiciones del estado actual del acueducto, mediante análisis investigativos como: estudio poblacional, estudio hidrológico, estudio estructural actual, así mismo presentar la propuesta de mejoramiento, garantizando la calidad del recurso hídrico y la disponibilidad del servicio. En este proyecto se identificaron algunos problemas y falencias en el sistema de acueducto ASUARCOPSA, los cuales fueron descritos por los requerimientos de diseño y funcionamiento según normatividad actual vigente (resolución 0330 del 8 de junio de 2017). En lo expuesto anteriormente se contribuye con la protección y cuidado del medio ambiente, así mismo la optimización del sistema de acueducto para que este preste un servicio eficiente durante su periodo de servicio, brindando calidad para el consumo y el uso eficiente del recurso hídrico sin ser afectado por el crecimiento poblacional a largo plazoINTRODUCCIÓN 1. ANTECEDENTES 2. METODOLOGIA 3. DIAGNÓSTICO Y PROYECCIÓN DE DEMANDA DE USUARIOS 4. IDENTIFICACIÓN Y EVALUACIÓN DE LA FUENTE HÍDRICA 5. DIAGNÓSTICO HIDRÁULICO DE LAS ESTRUCTURAS EXISTENTES 6. PROPUESTA DE MEJORAMIENTO 7. CONCLUSIONES8. RECOMENDACIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍA ANEXOSPregradoIngeniero Civi

    Strategic Airline Alliances: Advantages for Major Airlines Being Aligned

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    SSome factors including the deregulation in the U.S and the liberalization in Europe of the airline industry are essential to understanding why the number of partnership agreements between airlines has increased during the last 25 years. These events, coupled with the continuous economic downturn and the 9/11 catastrophe seem to be the perfect framework for the tendency to develop airline strategic alliances. However, it has been observed that this trend was not followed during the period 2005-2008. The purpose of this paper is to analyze if a benefit was experienced by the major airlines who became a member of the current 3 big alliances compared to the major airlines that decided not to become a member or were not admitted into the alliances during 2005-2008. The methodology of this report includes an analysis of several airlines’ performance figures. These performance figures include the revenue passenger kilometers (RPKs), the passenger load factor (PLF) and also the market share (MS). The figures will be compared between the aligned airlines and others which have similar business models. The value of this paper is to reveal whether being aligned provides advantages to major airlines under a bearish airline market in a globalized environment

    Monotonic and cyclic testing of clay brick and lime mortar masonry in compression

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    This research presents an experimental programme on the mechanical characterization of masonry under monotonic and cyclic uniaxial compression. Two different types of standard specimens, running bond walls and stack bond prisms, were built using handmade clay bricks and hydraulic lime mortar. The experimental results are compared and discussed in terms of strength, stiffness and deformability. It was observed that the two specimen types provided very similar results on both strength and stiffness. Cyclic loading tests carried out on a set of samples provided new experimental evidence on the stiffness degradation, loss of load carrying capacity for increasing irreversible compressive strains and energy dissipation. The paper presents eventually a thorough discussion about the comparison between the obtained experimental results with available predictive models for strength, stiffness and fracture energy of masonry under monotonic and cyclic compression loading.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Numerical analysis of conservative unstructured discretisations for low Mach flows

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    This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving. https://authorservices.wiley.com/author-resources/Journal-Authors/licensing-and-open-access/open-access/self-archiving.htmlUnstructured meshes allow easily representing complex geometries and to refine in regions of interest without adding control volumes in unnecessary regions. However, numerical schemes used on unstructured grids have to be properly defined in order to minimise numerical errors. An assessment of a low-Mach algorithm for laminar and turbulent flows on unstructured meshes using collocated and staggered formulations is presented. For staggered formulations using cell centred velocity reconstructions the standard first-order method is shown to be inaccurate in low Mach flows on unstructured grids. A recently proposed least squares procedure for incompressible flows is extended to the low Mach regime and shown to significantly improve the behaviour of the algorithm. Regarding collocated discretisations, the odd-even pressure decoupling is handled through a kinetic energy conserving flux interpolation scheme. This approach is shown to efficiently handle variable-density flows. Besides, different face interpolations schemes for unstructured meshes are analysed. A kinetic energy preserving scheme is applied to the momentum equations, namely the Symmetry-Preserving (SP) scheme. Furthermore, a new approach to define the far-neighbouring nodes of the QUICK scheme is presented and analysed. The method is suitable for both structured and unstructured grids, either uniform or not. The proposed algorithm and the spatial schemes are assessed against a function reconstruction, a differentially heated cavity and a turbulent self-igniting diffusion flame. It is shown that the proposed algorithm accurately represents unsteady variable-density flows. Furthermore, the QUICK schemes shows close to second order behaviour on unstructured meshes and the SP is reliably used in all computations.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft