1,183 research outputs found

    The influence of sea ice, wind speed and marine mammals on Southern Ocean ambient sound

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    This paper describes the natural variability of ambient sound in the Southern Ocean, an acoustically pristine marine mammal habitat. Over a 3-year period, two autonomous recorders were moored along the Greenwich meridian to collect underwater passive acoustic data. Ambient sound levels were strongly affected by the annual variation of the sea-ice cover, which decouples local wind speed and sound levels during austral winter. With increasing sea-ice concentration, area and thickness, sound levels decreased while the contribution of distant sources increased. Marine mammal sounds formed a substantial part of the overall acoustic environment, comprising calls produced by Antarctic blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus intermedia), fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus), Antarctic minke whales (Balaenoptera bonaerensis) and leopard seals (Hydrurga leptonyx). The combined sound energy of a group or population vocalizing during extended periods contributed species-specific peaks to the ambient sound spectra. The temporal and spatial variation in the contribution of marine mammals to ambient sound suggests annual patterns in migration and behaviour. The Antarctic blue and fin whale contributions were loudest in austral autumn, whereas the Antarctic minke whale contribution was loudest during austral winter and repeatedly showed a diel pattern that coincided with the diel vertical migration of zooplankton.publishedVersio

    Arbeit und Protest im Postfordismus: ein Vergleich alter und neuer Protestrituale sowie ihrer Ambivalenzen am 1. Mai in Berlin

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    Der Wandel von der fordistischen zur postfordistischen Gesellschaft hat die Bedingungen für politischen Protest gravierend verändert. Gewerkschaften leiden ebenso wie politische Parteien unter einem starken Mitgliederschwund. Die Politisierung und das Demonstrationsgeschehen in den Städten sind ein Spiegel dieser Entwicklung. Am Beispiel des 1. Mai in Berlin 2011 zeigt der Beitrag auf, dass eine Fragmentierung und geringe Politisierung kennzeichnende Charakteristika postfordistischer urbaner Protestformen sind. Unsere Analyse beschränkt sich auf zwei wichtige Standorte des Protestes am 1. Mai, die DGB-Demonstration am Brandenburger Tor sowie das MyFest in Kreuzberg. Die Untersuchung basiert auf der Auswertung einer standardisierten Befragung illustriert durch Fotografien, die auf den Veranstaltungen aufgenommen wurden.The social changes from fordism to post-fordism have significantly affected the conditions for political protest. Both political parties and labour unions have had to cope with a massive decline in membership. This has a drastic impact on the form of protest in urban areas. The main characteristics of post-fordist forms of urban protest are its fragmentation and a low level of politicization, as our example of Labour Day protests (1st of May) in Berlin will show. Our analysis focuses on two main protest sites; firstly, the protest organised by the German Federation of Trade Unions (DGB) at the Brandenburg Gate and secondly, the so-called ‘MyFest’ in Kreuzberg. The study is based on a quantitative survey and the interpretation of photographs taken during Labour Day 2011

    Design of an imaging spectrometer for Earth observation using freeform mirrors

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    Design of an imaging spectrometer for earth observation using freeform mirrors Thomas Peschel1, Christoph Damm1, Matthias Beier1, Andreas Gebhard1, Stefan Risse1, Ingo Walter2, Ilse Sebastian2, David Krutz2 1 Fraunhofer Institut für Angewandte Optik und Feinwerktechnik, Jena 2 DLR, Institut für Optische Sensorsysteme, Berlin In 2017 the new hyperspectral DLR Earth Sensing Imaging Spectrometer (DESIS) will be integrated in the Multi-User-System for Earth Sensing (MUSES) platform /1/ installed on the International Space Station (ISS). The DESIS instrument is developed under the responsibility of the DLR. It will deliver images of the earth with a spatial resolution of 30 m on ground in 235 spectral channels in the wavelength range from 400 nm to 1 µm. As partner of the development team Fraunhofer IOF is responsible for the optical system of the imaging spectrometer.The optical system is made of two primary components: A compact Three-Mirror-Anastigmat (TMA) telescope images the ground strip under observation onto a slit. The following spectrometer reimages the slit onto the detector and performs the spectral separation using a reflective grating. The whole optical system is realized using metal-based mirrors the surfaces of which are made by Single-Point-Diamond Turning (SPDT). Since the spectral range is in the visible, a post-processing of the surfaces by Nickel plating is necessary. The final surface shape and roughness are realized by a second SPDT step and subsequent Magneto-Rheological Finishing. The TMA provides a focal length of 320 mm and an aperture of F/2.8. Its mechanical design relies on the Duolith-technology of IOF as well as optical and mechanical reference structures on the mirrors /2/ manufactured in the same SPDT run. This strategy allows for a significantly simplified adjustment of the optical system /3/. The spectrometer was designed on the basis of the so-called Offner scheme. Because of the high aperture of the system a freeform mirror had to be introduced in order to provide a good imaging quality over the whole spectral range. The above optical design requires a grating on a curved surface. Technologies are developed in order to fabricate the grating either by SPDT or, alternatively, by laser lithography. The mechanical design uses light-weight housing elements which wrap the optical path to suppress stray light. An athermal design is provided by using the same metal for mirrors and housing. To provide high adjustment precision, the housing elements carry reference and mounting features made by SPDT as well. This approach allows for a stiff mechanical set-up of the system, which is compatible with the harsh requirements of a space flight. References: 1 N. Humphrey, “A View From Above: Imaging from the ISS”, Teledyne DALSA 2014, http://possibility.teledynedalsa.com/a-view-from-above/ 2 S. Scheiding, e.a., “Ultra-precisely manufactured mirror assemblies with well-defined reference structures“, Proc. SPIE 7739, 2010. 3 T. Peschel, e.a., “Anamorphotic telescope for earth observation in the mid-infrared range”, ICSO 201

    Reflection Toolkit: Strategies for Facilitating Reflection in the Classroom

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    This Reflection Toolkit, compiled by the faculty inquiry group (FIG), includes classroom strategies for integrating reflection into one\u27s existing syllabi. The lesson plans highlight how to encourage effective student reflections.The toolkit includes best practices to facilitate reflection in classes across the disciplines in the context of a variety of student-centered activities (including group-work, online learning, and interactive modules)

    Cardiac Glycosides Induce Cell Death in Human Cells by Inhibiting General Protein Synthesis

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    BACKGROUND: Cardiac glycosides are Na(+)/K(+)-pump inhibitors widely used to treat heart failure. They are also highly cytotoxic, and studies have suggested specific anti-tumor activity leading to current clinical trials in cancer patients. However, a definitive demonstration of this putative anti-cancer activity and the underlying molecular mechanism has remained elusive. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Using an unbiased transcriptomics approach, we found that cardiac glycosides inhibit general protein synthesis. Protein synthesis inhibition and cytotoxicity were not specific for cancer cells as they were observed in both primary and cancer cell lines. These effects were dependent on the Na(+)/K(+)-pump as they were rescued by expression of a cardiac glycoside-resistant Na(+)/K(+)-pump. Unlike human cells, rodent cells are largely resistant to cardiac glycosides in vitro and mice were found to tolerate extremely high levels. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The physiological difference between human and mouse explains the previously observed sensitivity of human cancer cells in mouse xenograft experiments. Thus, published mouse xenograft models used to support anti-tumor activity for these drugs require reevaluation. Our finding that cardiac glycosides inhibit protein synthesis provides a mechanism for the cytotoxicity of CGs and raises concerns about ongoing clinical trials to test CGs as anti-cancer agents in humans

    Myotube growth is associated with cancer-like metabolic reprogramming and is limited by phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase

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    Funding Information: Brendan M. Gabriel was supported by fellowships from the Novo Nordisk Foundation ( NNF19OC0055072 ) & the Wenner-Gren Foundation , an Albert Renold Travel Fellowship from the European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes , and an Eric Reid Fund for Methodology from the Biochemical Society . Abdalla D. Mohamed was funded initially by Sarcoma UK (grant number SUK09.2015 ), then supported by funding from Postdoctoral Fellowship Program ( Helmholtz Zentrum München, Germany ), and currently by Cancer Research UK . Publisher Copyright: © 2023 The AuthorsPeer reviewedPublisher PD

    Gene expansion shapes genome architecture in the human pathogen Lichtheimia corymbifera: an evolutionary genomics analysis in the ancient terrestrial mucorales (Mucoromycotina)

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    Lichtheimia species are the second most important cause of mucormycosis in Europe. To provide broader insights into the molecular basis of the pathogenicity-associated traits of the basal Mucorales, we report the full genome sequence of L. corymbifera and compared it to the genome of Rhizopus oryzae, the most common cause of mucormycosis worldwide. The genome assembly encompasses 33.6 MB and 12,379 protein-coding genes. This study reveals four major differences of the L. corymbifera genome to R. oryzae: (i) the presence of an highly elevated number of gene duplications which are unlike R. oryzae not due to whole genome duplication (WGD), (ii) despite the relatively high incidence of introns, alternative splicing (AS) is not frequently observed for the generation of paralogs and in response to stress, (iii) the content of repetitive elements is strikingly low (<5%), (iv) L. corymbifera is typically haploid. Novel virulence factors were identified which may be involved in the regulation of the adaptation to iron-limitation, e.g. LCor01340.1 encoding a putative siderophore transporter and LCor00410.1 involved in the siderophore metabolism. Genes encoding the transcription factors LCor08192.1 and LCor01236.1, which are similar to GATA type regulators and to calcineurin regulated CRZ1, respectively, indicating an involvement of the calcineurin pathway in the adaption to iron limitation. Genes encoding MADS-box transcription factors are elevated up to 11 copies compared to the 1–4 copies usually found in other fungi. More findings are: (i) lower content of tRNAs, but unique codons inL. corymbifera, (ii) Over 25% of the proteins are apparently specific for L. corymbifera. (iii) L. corymbifera contains only 2/3 of the proteases (known to be essential virulence factors) in comparision to R. oryzae. On the other hand, the number of secreted proteases, however, is roughly twice as high as in R. oryzae

    Indikatoren zur Erfassung genetischer Vielfalt in biologischen und nicht-biologischen Landwirtschaftssystemen

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    Genetic variability is the fundament of life. Large genetic variability within species is the basis for adaptation to changing environmental conditions. Farmers and breeders have developed a multitude of crop cultivars and animal breeds to stabilize and increase quality and productivity. This study evaluated genetic diversity within different organic and non-organic farming systems using crop-cultivar and livestock-breed information as simple indicators. Data was collected using on-farm surveys in 15 case study regions in Europe and beyond. Selected indicators revealed strong differences of cultivar diversity between different countries and farming systems across Europe. No or only small differences were detectable between organic and non-organic farming systems. Landraces, as on-farm genetic resources, were under-represented in European case study regions

    CO2 Image: The design of an imaging spectrometer for CO2 point source quantification

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    CO2Image is a satellite demonstration mission, now in Phase B, to be launched in 2026 by the German Aerospace Center (DLR). The satellite will carry a next generation imaging spectrometer for measuring atmospheric column concentrations of Carbon Dioxide (CO2). The instrument concept reconciles compact design with fine ground resolution (50-100 m) with decent spectral resolution (1.0-1.3 nm) in the shortwave infrared spectral range (2000 nm). Thus, CO2Image will enable quantification of point source CO2 emission rates of less than 1 MtCO2/a. This will complement global monitoring missions such as CO2M, which are less sensitive to point sources due to their coarser ground resolution and hyperspectral imagers, which suffer from spectroscopic interference errors that limit the quantification