299 research outputs found

    Cunt touch this: a conversation on intimate design and embarrassment

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    This position paper presents a conversation between players and the designers of the unique mobile game experience Cunt Touch This. Revisiting their personal experiences with playing the game, the player-authors read the game as a system that takes advantage of social embarrassment as a key element from which the pleasure of the game is derived. Contrasting this view, the designer-authors comment on the original intention, production context and purpose of Cunt Touch This. The goal of this confrontation is to explore embarrassment as a feeling oscillating between the emotional and the political dimensions of play. The unusual discussion format of the paper allows us to invite potentially challenging questions: When, where and why does embarrassment come about? What function does it have in play? Is it just part of the fun, or ideologically charged? Drawing together our differing perspectives as players and designers we contribute a candid reflection on the wider issues of embarrassment as it relates to design

    Modeling the Impact of Climate and Vegetation on Fire Regimes in Mountain Landscapes

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    Assessing the long-term dynamics of mountain landscapes that are influenced by large-scale natural and anthropogenic disturbances and a changing climate is a complex subject. In this study, a landscape-level ecological model was modified to this end. We describe the structure and evaluation of the fire sub-model of the new landscape model LandClim, which was designed to simulate climate-fire-vegetation dynamics. We applied the model to an extended elevational gradient in the Colorado Front Range to test its ability to simulate vegetation composition and the strongly varying fire regime along the gradient. The simulated sequence of forest types along the gradient corresponded to the one observed, and the location of ecotones lay within the range of observed values. The model captured the range of observed fire rotations and reproduced realistic fire size distributions. Although the results are subject to considerable uncertainty, we conclude that LandClim can be used to explore the relative differences of fire regimes between strongly different climatic condition

    Assessment of Ecosystem Services across the Land–Sea Interface in Baltic Case Studies

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    Spatial assessments of ecosystem services (ES) are needed to fulfil EU policy requirements and to support practical applications of the ES concept in policy implementation. So far, ES assessments have largely focused on terrestrial systems. A joint approach for land and sea is especially lacking. To overcome this gap, we present a novel spatial habitat typology and ES classification for an assessment across the land–sea interface. We build upon existing approaches and common spatial definitions, like CORINE land cover (CLC) types, water bodies of the Water Framework Directive (WFD), and habitat types according to the Habitats Directive (HD). We show applications of the resulting ES matrix for an expert-based assessment of ES potentials in three Baltic study sites (Schlei, Greifswald Bay and Curonian Lagoon). A complementary indicator-based approach to assess ES flows is introduced and applied. It enables a quantification of ES potentials and flows and ensures comparability among case study sites. Comparisons between the results for ES potentials and flows show that development capacities exist in particular for provisioning ES for marine habitats. Our approaches are spatially expandable and transferrable and could be applied to support environmental policy implementation. Further, we discuss their practical relevance, current limitations, and future research perspective

    Vogelabwehr im Weinbau

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    Sobald Trauben Zucker einlagern, locken sie Vögel an. Aber eigentlich fressen nur wenige Vogelarten Traubenbeeren. Die wichtigsten davon sind Star, Amsel, Feld- und Haussperling (Spatzen) sowie die Singdrossel. Vor allem Starenschwärme können beträchtliche Schäden verursachen und machen in gefährdeten Lagen einen Schutz der Reben unerlässlich. Die Schädlichkeit der anderen Vogelarten wird in der Praxis sehr unterschiedlich eingeschätzt. Widersprüchliche Berichte gibt es auch bezüglich der Wirksamkeit der Abwehr. In einer Diplomarbeit der Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW) wurde die Vogelabwehrmassnahmen in den Rebgebieten der Deutschschweiz am Beispiel der Kantone Zürich und Graubünden analysiert

    Sensitization against skin resident fungi is associated with atopy in cholinergic urticaria patients

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    Background: Cholinergic urticaria (CholU) is a common type of chronic inducible urticaria, characterized by small itchy wheals that appear upon physical exercise or passive warming. Malassezia globosa, a skin resident fungus, has been identified as an antigen that induces mast cell/basophil degranulation and wheal formation through specific IgE, in Japanese patients with atopic dermatitis and CholU. In this study we aimed in assessing the rate of IgE sensitizations against skin resident fungi in European CholU patients. Methods: We assessed serum IgE levels to Malassezia furfur, Candida albicans and Trichophyton mentagrophytes using routine lab testing and Malassezia globosa using a newly established ELISA. We correlated the results to wheal formation and other clinical features. Results: Four patients (of 30 tested) had elevated levels of IgE against Malassezia furfur and Candida albicans and two had elevated levels of IgE against Trichophyton mentagrophytes. Four sera (of 25 tested) had elevated levels of IgE to the Malassezia globosa antigen supMGL_1304. Sensitization to one skin fungus was highly correlated with sensitization to the other tested fungi. We saw highly significant correlations of sensitization to supMGL_1304 with wheal size in the autologous sweat skin test (rs = 0.7, P = 0.002, n = 19), the Erlangen atopy score (rs = 0.5, P = 0.03, n = 19), total IgE serum levels (rs = 0.5, P = 0.04, n = 19) and a positive screen for IgE against common airborne/inhalant allergens s (sx1; rs = 0.54, P = 0.02, n = 19). Conclusions: Sensitization to skin resident fungi including Malassezia globosa is uncommon in European CholU patients, but is associated with atopy and pronounced wheal formation upon dermal contact with their own sweat.Trial registration German Clinical Trials Registry DRKS-ID: DRKS00004277

    Terrestrial, Coastal and Marine Ecosystem Service Matrix: [research data]

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    This research item is a revised and enlarged version of a qualitative assessment matrix for the appraisal of ecosystem service potentials. The product is a simple tool for scoring landscape and seascape types with respect to their abilities to provide provisioning, regulating and cultural ecosystem services as well as indicators of ecosystem state by applying criteria of ecosystem integrity

    Bertelsmann Transformation Index 2009: Political Management in International Comparison

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    Gradual processes of democratic and economic change are just as important as momentous events in the history of states and their citizens. Few events in international politics evoke as much euphoria and hopes for the future as the fall of an authoritarian regime or the sudden move to reform

    Sandwich-Like Encapsulation of a Highly Luminescent Copper(I) Complex

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    A small molecular weight cationic copper(I) complex showing high luminescence quantum yield based on a thermally activated delayed fluorescence mechanism is immobilized between two 1 nm thin silicate layers. Partial ion exchange of the emitter into a synthetic layered silicate (fluorohectorite) yields an ordered heterostructure with two types of strictly alternating interlayers: a monolayer of the cationic emitter and a monolayer of hydrated Na+ cations. Osmotic swelling of the latter produces dispersions of double-stacks in which the emitter monolayer is encapsulated between two silicate layers. The electrostatic attraction of the emitter interlayer with the oppositely charged silicate layers exerts electrostatic pressure on the emitter. Compared to crystalline salt, rigid confinement for the encapsulated emitter provides improved thermal stability and increased emission quantum yield at ambient temperature. The suspension of delaminated, micrometer-sized double-stacks of 3.9 nm thickness allows for easy solution processing of low-cost optoelectronic devices, such as light-emitting electrochemical cells and organic light-emitting diodes

    Un enfoque fisiológico para los procesos oceánicos y los cambios glaciares-interglaciares del CO2 atmosférico

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    18 pages, 6 figures, 1 table[EN] One possible path for exploring the Earth’s far-from-equilibrium homeostasis is to assume that it results from the organisation of optimal pulsating systems, analogous to that in complex living beings. Under this premise it becomes natural to examine the Earth’s organisation using physiological-like variables. Here we identify some of these main variables for the ocean’s circulatory system: pump rate, stroke volume, carbon and nutrient arterial-venous differences, inorganic nutrients and carbon supply, and metabolic rate. The stroke volume is proportional to the water transported into the thermocline and deep oceans, and the arterial-venous differences occur between recently-upwelled deep waters and very productive high-latitudes waters, with atmospheric CO2 being an indicator of the arterial-venous inorganic carbon difference. The metabolic rate is the internal-energy flux (here expressed as flux of inorganic carbon in the upper ocean) required by the system’s machinery, i.e. community respiration. We propose that the pump rate is set externally by the annual cycle, at one beat per year per hemisphere, and that the autotrophic ocean adjusts its stroke volume and arterial-venous differences to modify the internal-energy demand, triggered by long-period astronomical insolation cycles (external-energy supply). With this perspective we may conceive that the Earth’s interglacial-glacial cycle responds to an internal organisation analogous to that occurring in living beings during an exercise-recovery cycle. We use an idealised double-state metabolic model of the upper ocean (with the inorganic carbon/nutrients supply specified through the overturning rate and the steady-state inorganic carbon/nutrients concentrations) to obtain the temporal evolution of its inorganic carbon concentration, which mimics the glacial-interglacial atmospheric CO2 pattern[ES] Un posible camino para el estudio de la homeóstasis fuera-de-equilibrio de la tierra es suponer que resulta de la organización de sistemas pulsátiles optimizados, análoga a aquélla en seres vivos complejos. Bajo esta premisa parece natural examinar la organización de la tierra utilizando variables de tipo fisiológico. Aquí identificamos algunas de las principales variables del sistema circulatorio oceánico: tasa de bombeo del corazón, volumen de latido, diferencias arteriovenosas de carbono y nutrientes, suministro de carbono y nutrientes inorgánicos, y tasa metabólica. El volumen de latido es proporcional al transporte de agua hacia la termoclina y océano profundo, y las diferencias arterio-venosas ocurren entre las aguas profundas recientemente afloradas y aquellas altamente productivas de altas latitudes, con el CO2 atmosférico siendo un indicador de la diferencia arterio-venosa de carbono inorgánico. La tasa metabólica es el flujo de energía interna (aquí expresado como flujo de carbono inorgánico en el océano superior) requerido por la maquinaria que sostiene el sistema, i.e. respiración total de la comunidad. Se propone que la tasa de latido está impuesta externamente, un latido por año por hemisferio, y que el océano autotrófico ajusta su volumen de latido y las diferencias arteriovenosas a cambios en la demanda de energía interna, inducido por ciclos de insolación astronómica de largo período (suministro de energía externa). Bajo esta perspectiva podemos concebir que el ciclo interglacial-glacial de la tierra responde a una organización interna análoga a la que ocurre en seres vivos durante un ciclo de ejercicio-recuperación. Se utiliza un modelo metabólico idealizado de dos estados para el océano superior (con el suministro de carbono/nutrientes inorgánicos especificado mediante la tasa de recirculación de aguas profundas y las concentraciones de carbono/nutrientes inorgánicos en estado estacionario) para obtener la evolución temporal de su concentración de carbono inorgánico, la cual mimetiza el patrón glacial-interglacial del CO2 atmosféricoThis work was supported by the Spanish government through the CANOA project (CTM2005-00444/MAR)Peer reviewe