31 research outputs found

    Kerr nonlinearity mitigation in 5 × 28-GBd PDM 16-QAM signal transmission over a dispersion-uncompensated link with backward-pumped distributed Raman amplification

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    International audienceWe present experimental and numerical investigations of Kerr nonlinearity compensation in a 400-km standard single-mode fiber link with distributed Raman amplification with backward pumping. A dual-pump polarization-independent fiber-based optical parametric amplifier is used for mid-link spectral inversion of 5 × 28-GBd polarization-multiplexed 16-QAM signals. Signal quality factor (Q-factor) improvements of 1.1 dB and 0.8 dB were obtained in the cases of a single-channel and a five-channel wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) system, respectively. The experimental results are compared to numerical simulations with good agreement. It is also shown with simulations that a maximum transmission reach of 2400 km enabled by the optical phase conjugator is possible for the WDM signal

    Polarization multiplexed 16QAM transmission employing modified digital back-propagation

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    We experimentally demonstrate performance enhancements enabled by weighted digital back propagation method for 28 Gbaud PM-16QAM transmission systems, over a 250 km ultra-large area fibre, using only one back-propagation step for the entire link, enabling up to 3 dB improvement in power tolerance with respect to linear compensation only. We observe that this is roughly the same improvement that can be obtained with the conventional, computationally heavy, non-weighted digital back propagation compensation with one step per span. As a further benchmark, we analyze performance improvement as a function of number of steps, and show that the performance improvement saturates at approximately 20 steps per span, at which a 5 dB improvement in power tolerance is obtained with respect to linear compensation only. Furthermore, we show that coarse-step self-phase modulation compensation is inefficient in wavelength division multiplexed transmission

    Advanced DSP-based Monitoring for Spatially resolved and Wavelength-dependent Amplifier Gain Estimation and Fault Location in C+L-band Systems

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    The development of efficient anomaly detection schemes is a key element for the implementation of autonomous optical networks as they can help telecom operators to automate the location of defective devices and track the overall performance of the network infrastructure. In that regard, the exploitation of receiver based digital signal processing (DSP) for optical performance monitoring has shown to be a promising enabler for detection of spatially resolved and wavelength-dependent properties and anomalies in optical fiber links. In this work, we study the benefits of applying DSP-based longitudinal power estimation on multiple wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) channels allocated in the optical grid to infer wavelength-wise characteristics of a C+L-band optical line system. In that context, we show that the applied scheme can successfully recreate a visualization of the spatial evolution of the gain tilt imposed by in-line optical amplifiers. Additionally, we propose the utilization of advanced DSP tools based on wavelet-denoising to enhance the performance of an anomaly detection approach. The proposed method not only can improve accuracy of the fault location, by reducing positioning uncertainty, but it also delivers more uniform readings of the anomaly signatures

    Interferometrische Schalter für die rein-optische Signalverarbeitung

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht rein-optische Interferometerschalter basierend auf Halbleiterlaserverstärkern (SOA) bezüglich ihrer Anwendung in der optischen Signalverarbeitung. Das Ziel ist die Entwicklung von Schaltern für Anwendungen in hochbitratigen Übertragungssystemen (160 Gbits und mehr) basierend auf optischer Zeitmultiplextechnik (optical time division multiplexing - OTDM). In OTDM-Systemen werden hohe Übertragungsdatenraten von 160 Gbits auf einer einzigen Wellenlänge durch zeitliches Verschachteln optischer Signale niedrigerer Datenrate (Basisdatenrate) erreicht. In solchen 160 Gbits OTDM-Systemen werden Schaltzeiten in der Größenordnung weniger Pikosekunden benötigt, die mit elektrischen Schaltkonzepten nicht erreichbar sind. Im Laufe der letzten drei Jahre ist die Basisdatenrate in OTDM-Systemen von 10 auf 40 Gbits angestiegen. Deshalb wird insbesondere der Einfluß einer erhöhten Basisdatenrate auf das Schaltverhalten von SOA-basierten Interferometerschaltern im Detail betrachtet. Interferometerschalter bestehen aus einem nichtlinearen Medium, in diesem Fall einem SOA, eingefügt in ein Interferometer. Der Schalteffekt beruht auf Kreuzphasenmodulation im nichtlinearen Medium. Deshalb ist die Brechungsindexänderung im SOA durch starke optische Steuerpulse und die damit verbundene Phasenänderung für ein optisches Signal (Phasendynamik) von besonderer Bedeutung. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde die Phasendynamik von konventionell und Gewinn-Transparent (GT) betriebenen SOAs unter verschiedenen Operationsbedingungen untersucht. Basierend auf diesen Messungen wurden die SOAs im Hinblick auf ihren Einsatz in Interferometerschaltern verglichen und die optimalen Betriebsparameter bestimmt. Im folgenden wurden drei Interferometerschalter mit GT-SOAs als nichtlinearem Medium und unterschiedlichen Konfigurationen - Semiconductor Laser Amplifier in a LOop Mirror (SLALOM), Mach-Zehnder Interferometer (MZI), Ultrafast-Nonlinear Interferometer (UNI) - realisiert. Zur Charakterisierung der Schalter und einem Vergleich bezüglich der Anwendung in OTDM-Systemen, wurden Schaltfenster gemessen und mittels verschiedener Kriterien, z.B. der Schaltfensterbreite und des Schaltkontrastes, ausgewertet. Schaltfensterbreiten von 3-4 ps und Schaltkontraste über 25 dB (ca. 316:1) wurden erreicht. Abschließend wurden die besten Schalter für Anwendungen als Demultiplexer, Add-Drop Multiplexer und zum Abtasten hochbitratiger Datensignale in 160 Gbits OTDM-Sytemen mit 10 und 40 Gbits Basisdatenrate getestet. Fehlerfreies Demultiplexen von 160 Gbits auf die Basisdatenraten 10 und 40 Gbits mit einem GT-UNI Schalter konnte sowohl im Labor als auch in einem Feldexperiment demonstriert werden. Mit einem GT-UNI in einer modifizierten Konfiguration konnte zum ersten Mal Add-Drop Multiplexen bei 160 Gbits mit einem SOA-basierten Schalter gezeigt werden.This work investigates all-optical interferometric gates based on Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers (SOA) for all-optical signal processing. The objective is to realize gates for applications in high bit rate transmission systems (160 Gbit/s and above) based on optical time division multiplexing (OTDM). In OTDM systems, a high TDM bit rate of 160 Gbit/s is realized on a single wavelength by bit-interleaving a number of optical signals with a lower bit rate (base data rate). The gating times needed in 160 Gbit/s OTDM systems are on the order of ps, which cannot be realized with electrical gates. Over the last three years, the base data rate in OTDM systems has increased from 10 to 40 Gbit/s. The influence of the higher base data rate on SOA based interferometric gates is addressed in detail within this work. Interferometric gates consist of a nonlinear medium, in this case an SOA, incorporated in an interferometer setup. The switching effect is based on cross-phase modulation (XPM) in the nonlinear medium. Thus the response of the SOA refractive index upon saturation by a strong optical pulse and the associated phase shift (phase dynamics) is of major importance. The phase dynamics of SOAs, operated in conventional and gain-transparent (GT) mode, are measured in this work under different operation conditions. Based on the results, the SOAs are compared with respect to interferometric switching and the optimum operation parameters are derived. Subsequently, interferometric SOA gates based on three different interferometer setups, namely the Semiconductor Laser Amplifier in a LOop Mirror (SLALOM), the Mach-Zehnder Interferometer (MZI) and the Ultrafast-Nonlinear Interferometer (UNI) are realized using GT-SOAs. The gates are characterized by switching window measurements. The switching windows are evaluated using different criteria, such as the switching window width and the on-off contrast ratio to compare the gates with respect to their application in OTDM systems. Switching window widths of 3 to 4 ps and on-off contrast ratios above 25 dB (about 316:1) are achieved. Finally, the most promising gates are tested in OTDM system experiments as demultiplexer, add-drop multiplexer and sampling gate, at TDM bit rates up to 160 Gbit/s and base data rates of 10 Gbit/s and 40 Gbit/s. Error-free operation of a GT-UNI gate as 160 Gbit/s demultiplexer at 10 and 40 Gbit/s base data rate is demonstrated in the laboratory as well as in a field experiment. Using a GT-UNI with a modified configuration, add-drop multiplexing at 160 Gbit/s is achieved for the first time with an SOA based gate