734 research outputs found

    An analysis of life expectancy and economic production using expectile frontier zones

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    The wealth of a country is assumed to have a strong non-linear influence on the life expectancy of its inhabitants. We follow up on research by Preston and study the relationship with gross domestic product. Smooth curves for the average but also for (upper) frontiers are constructed by a combination of least asymmetrically weighted squares and P-splines. Guidelines are given for optimizing the amount of smoothing and the definition of frontiers. The model is applied to a large set of countries in different years. It is also used to estimate life expectancy performance for individual countries and to show how it changed over time.frontier estimation, gross domestic product, least asymmetrically weighted squares, life expectancy, production frontier, smoothing

    Tussen stigma en charisma : een analyse van de relatie tussen nieuwe religieuze bewegingen en geestelijke volksgezondheid

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    Hoe gevaarlijk zijn sekten nu eigenlijk? Dat is de vraag geweest. die ik in dit boek heb proberen te beantwoorden. Een eensluidend en eenduidig antwoord is het niet geworden. Dat hangt samen met de manier waarop ik het probleem heb aangepakt. De algemene vraag naar het gevaar is in ieder hoofdstuk vervangen door een bijzondere vraag: gevaarlijk voor wie? gevaarlijk in welk opzicht? gevaarlijk in wiens ogen? gevaarlijk ten opzichte van wat? Door deze analytische benadering verloor de algemene vraag al onmiddellijk veel van zijn retorische zo.vaarte en bracht de zwarte wolk van het dreigende gevaar uiteindelijk niet meer dan wat plaatselijke neerslag. Terugblikkend is de demystificerende werking, die dit boek toch moeilijk ontzegd kan worden, minstens zoveel het gevolg van de gekozen benadering als van de uitkomsten van het onderzoek zel

    An analysis of life expectancy and economic production using expectile frontier zones

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    The wealth of a country is assumed to have a strong non-linear influence on the life expectancy of its inhabitants. We follow up on research by Preston and study the relationship with gross domestic product. Smooth curves for the average but also for upper frontiers are constructed by a combination of least asymmetrically weighted squares and P-splines. Guidelines are given for optimizing the amount of smoothing and the definition of frontiers. The model is applied to a large set of countries in different years. It is also used to estimate life expectancy performance for individual countries and to show how it changed over time

    NRW 2025: Vom Hort der alten Industrien zum Magnet der Moderne?

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    Die Arbeitsgruppe Beschäftigung der von NRW-Ministerpräsident Jürgen Rüttgers eingesetzten "Zukunftskommission" hat umfassende Empfehlungen für die künftige Wirtschafts- und Arbeitsmarktpolitik in Nordrhein-Westfalen vorgelegt. Das Papier der von IZA-Direktor Klaus F. Zimmermann geleiteten Expertengruppe schlägt unter anderem eine Standortoffensive zugunsten von Bildungsreformen und mehr Weiterbildung vor. Zudem wird empfohlen, die Position von NRW als führender Hochschul- und Energieinnovationsstandort systematisch auszubauen. Darüber hinaus misst die Arbeitsgruppe Initiativen für mehr strukturelle Familienfreundlichkeit große strategische Bedeutung zu. Unter dem Eindruck der aktuellen Wirtschaftskrise gewinnen die Vorschläge der Arbeitsgruppe besonderes Gewicht.Standortentwicklung, Bildung, Arbeitsmarktpolitik, Nordrhein-Westfalen

    On the mechanical quality factors of cryogenic test masses from fused silica and crystalline quartz

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    Current interferometric gravitational wave detectors (IGWDs) are operated at room temperature with test masses made from fused silica. Fused silica shows very low absorption at the laser wavelength of 1064 nm. It is also well suited to realize low thermal noise floors in the detector signal band since it offers low mechanical loss, i. e. high quality factors (Q factors) at room temperature. However, for a further reduction of thermal noise, cooling the test masses to cryogenic temperatures may prove an interesting technique. Here we compare the results of Q factor measurements at cryogenic temperatures of acoustic eigenmodes of test masses from fused silica and its crystalline counterpart. Our results show that the mechanical loss of fused silica increases with lower temperature and reaches a maximum at 30 K for frequencies of slightly above 10 kHz. The losses of crystalline quartz generally show lower values and even fall below the room temperature values of fused silica below 10 K. Our results show that in comparison to fused silica, crystalline quartz has a considerably narrower and lower dissipation peak on cooling and thus has more promise as a test mass material for IGDWs operated at cryogenic temperatures. The origin of the different Q factor versus temperature behavior of the two materials is discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Class. Quantum Gra
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