147 research outputs found

    Faith in the Market: Religion, Secularisation, and Economics

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    Exacerbations and associated healthcare cost in patients with COPD in general practice

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    Background. Acute exacerbations are a characteristic clinical expression of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The objective of this study was to investigate the occurrence rate, management, and healthcare costs of exacerbations in patients with COPD in Dutch general practice. Methods. Baseline data set from the COPD on Primary Care Treatment (COOPT) trial was used. Details on the occurrence and management of exacerbations were collected by systematic medical record review for the 2-year period preceding trial inclusion. Results. The mean age of the 286 study subjects involved was 59.2 (SD 9.6) years, postbronchodilator FEV1 67.1% (SD 16.2) of predicted. Following ERS criteria, subjects suffered from: no (26%); mild (19%); moderate (40%); or severe (15%) airflow obstruction. The overall mean and median annual exacerbation rates were 0.88 (SD 0.79) and 0.5 (IQR 1.0), respectively. Exacerbation rate was not related to severity of airflow obstruction (p=0.628). Mean annual exacerbation costs per subject were € 40, € 53, € 61 and € 92 for the respective severity subgroups (p=0.012). The increase of costs in the more severe subgroups was mainly attributable to more physician consultations, diagnostic procedures, and prescription of reliever medication (e.g., bronchodilators, cough preparations). Conclusions. Occurrence of exacerbations did not depend on the severity of airflow obstruction, whereas the healthcare cost associated with exacerbations increased along with the severity of the disease

    Eenzijdig voorlichtingsmateriaal voor patienten

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    Ernstige ooginfecties door besmet spoelmiddel

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    Verontwaardiging over aanpassing abortusverklaring door Duitse bisschoppen

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    Grote verschillen in cardiovasculaire sterfte tussen deelstaten onderling

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    Betere controle van donorbloed na besmetting na hepatitis C

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    Publicatie van artsenranglijsten niet onrechtmatig.

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    Ethische commissie baant weg vrij voor preimplantatiediagnostiek

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    Ziekenfondsen vragen schadevergoeding aan tabaksindustrie

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