62 research outputs found

    Case report: Actinomycetoma caused by Nocardia aobensis from Lao PDR with favourable outcome after short-term antibiotic treatment.

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    BACKGROUND: Mycetoma is a neglected, chronic, localized, progressively destructive, granulomatous infection caused either by fungi (eumycetoma) or by aerobic actinomycetes (actinomycetoma). It is characterized by a triad of painless subcutaneous mass, multiple sinuses and discharge containing grains. Mycetoma commonly affects young men aged between 20 and 40 years with low socioeconomic status, particularly farmers and herdsmen. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: A 30 year-old male farmer from an ethnic minority in Phin District, Savannakhet Province, Lao PDR (Laos) developed a painless swelling with multiple draining sinuses of his right foot over a period of approximately 3 years. X-ray of the right foot showed osteolysis of tarsals and metatarsals. Aerobic culture of sinus discharge yielded large numbers of Staphylococcus aureus and a slow growing Gram-positive rod. The organism was subsequently identified as Nocardia aobensis by 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing. The patient received antimicrobial treatment with amikacin and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole according to consensus treatment guidelines. Although slight improvement was noted the patient left the hospital after 14 days and did not take any more antibiotics. Over the following 22 weeks the swelling of his foot subsequently diminished together with healing of discharging sinuses. CONCLUSION: This is the first published case of Actinomycetoma caused by Nocardia aobensis and the second case of Actinomycetoma from Laos. A treatment course of only 14 days with amikacin and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole was apparently sufficient to cure the infection, although long-term treatment up to one year is currently recommended. Treatment trials or prospective descriptions of outcome for actinomycetoma should investigate treatment efficacy for the different members of Actinomycetales, particularly Nocardia spp., with short-term and long-term treatment courses

    Bacteremia Caused by Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae in Vientiane, Lao PDR: A 5-Year Study.

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    Although there has been an increasing incidence of bacteremia caused by extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Enterobacteriaceae (ESBL-E) across South East Asia, there are sparse data from the Lao PDR, where laboratory capacity for antimicrobial resistance surveillance is limited. We, therefore, retrospectively reviewed bacteremia caused by ESBL-producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae between 2010 and 2014 at Mahosot Hospital, Vientiane, Lao PDR. Clinical and laboratory data relating to all episodes of ESBL-E bacteremia were reviewed over the 5-year period and compared with non-ESBL-E bacteremia. Blood cultures positive for E. coli or K. pneumoniae were identified retrospectively from laboratory records. Clinical and laboratory data were extracted from research databases and case notes and analyzed using STATA. Between 2010 and 2014, we identified 360 patients with E. coli (n = 249) or K. pneumoniae (n = 111) bacteremia, representing 34.8% of all patients with clinically significant bacteremia. Seventy-two (20%) isolates produced ESBL; E. coli accounted for 15.3% (55/360) and K. pneumoniae for 4.7% (17/360), respectively. The incidence of ESBL-producing E. coli bacteremia rose during the study period. By multiple logistic analysis, reported antibiotic use in the previous week was significantly associated with ESBL positivity (P < 0.001, odds ratio 3.89). Although multiresistant, most ESBL-producing E. coli and K. pneumoniae remained susceptible to meropenem (65/65; 100%) and amikacin (64/65; 98.5%). We demonstrated an alarming increase in the incidence of ESBL-E as a cause of bacteremia in Vientiane during the study period. This has implications for empiric therapy of sepsis in Laos, and ongoing surveillance is essential

    Molecular Epidemiology of Staphylococcus aureus Skin and Soft Tissue Infections in the Lao People's Democratic Republic.

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    This is the first report of the molecular epidemiology of Staphylococcus aureus from skin and soft tissue infections (SSTI) in Laos. We selected a random sample of 96 S. aureus SSTI isolates received by the Microbiology Laboratory, Mahosot Hospital, Vientiane, between July 2012 and June 2014, including representation from seven referral hospitals. Isolates underwent susceptibility testing by Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute methods, spa typing and DNA microarray analysis, with whole genome sequencing for rare lineages. Median patient age was 19.5 years (interquartile range 2-48.5 years); 52% (50) were female. Forty-three spa types, representing 17 lineages, were identified. Fifty-eight percent (56) of all isolates encoded Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL), representing six lineages: half of these patients had abscesses and three had positive blood cultures. The dominant lineage was CC121 (39; 41%); all but one isolate encoded PVL and 49% (19) were from children under five. Staphyococcus argenteus was identified in six (6%) patients; mostly adults > 50 years and with diabetes. Six isolates (6%) belonged to rare lineage ST2885; two possibly indicate cross-infection in a neonatal unit. One isolate from a previously undescribed lineage, ST1541, was identified. Antibiotic resistance was uncommon except for penicillin (93; 97%) and tetracycline (48; 50%). Seven (7%) isolates were methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA), belonging to ST239-MRSA-III, CC59-MRSA-V(T) Taiwan Clone, ST2250-MRSA-IV, ST2885-MRSA-V and CC398-MRSA-V. Globally widespread CC5 and CC30 were absent. There are parallels in S. aureus molecular epidemiology between Laos and neighboring countries and these data highlight the prominence of PVL and suggest infiltration of MRSA clones of epidemic potential from surrounding countries

    Accuracy of the direct agglutination test for diagnosis of visceral leishmaniasis: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background:Parasitological investigation of bone marrow, splenic or lymph node aspirations is the gold standard for the diagnosis of visceral leishmaniasis (VL). However, this invasive test requires skilled clinical and laboratory staff and adequate facilities, and sensitivity varies depending on the tissue used. The direct agglutination test (DAT) is a serological test that does not need specialised staff, with just minimal training required. While previous meta-analysis has shown DAT to have high sensitivity and specificity when using parasitology as the reference test for diagnosis, meta-analysis of DAT compared to other diagnostic techniques, such as PCR and ELISA, that are increasingly used in clinical and research settings, has not been done. Methods: We conducted a systematic review to determine the diagnostic performance of DAT compared to all available tests for the laboratory diagnosis of human VL. We searched electronic databases including Medline, Embase, Global Health, Scopus, WoS Science Citation Index, Wiley Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Africa-Wide Information, LILACS and WHO Global Index. Three independent reviewers screened reports and extracted data from eligible studies. A meta-analysis estimated the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of DAT. Results: Of 987 titles screened, 358 were selected for full data extraction and 78 were included in the analysis, reporting on 32,822 participants from 19 countries. Studies included were conducted between 1987–2020. Meta-analysis of studies using serum and DAT compared to any other test showed pooled sensitivity of 95% (95%CrI 90–98%) and pooled specificity of 95% (95%CrI 88–98%). Results were similar for freeze-dried DAT and liquid DAT when analysed separately. Sensitivity was lower for HIV-positive patients (90%, CrI 59–98%) and specificity was lower for symptomatic patients (70%, CrI 43–89%). When comparing different geographical regions, the lowest median sensitivity (89%, CrI 67–97%) was in Western Asia (five studies). Conclusions: This systematic review and meta-analysis demonstrates high estimated pooled sensitivity and specificity of DAT for diagnosis of VL, although sensitivity and specificity were lower for different patient groups and geographical locations. This review highlights the lack of standardisation of DAT methods and preparations, and the lack of data from some important geographical locations. Future well-reported studies could provide better evidence to inform test implementation for different patient populations and use cases. PROSPERO registration: CRD4202124083

    Evaluation of the Active Melioidosis Detectℱ test as a point-of-care tool for the early diagnosis of melioidosis: a comparison with culture in Laos.

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    BACKGROUND: Melioidosis is difficult to diagnose clinically and culture of Burkholderia pseudomallei is the current, imperfect gold standard. However, a reliable point-of-care test (POCT) could enable earlier treatment and improve outcomes. METHODS: We evaluated the sensitivity and specificity of the Active Melioidosis Detectℱ (AMD) rapid test as a POCT and determined how much it reduced the time to diagnosis compared with culture. RESULTS: We tested 106 whole blood, plasma and buffy coat samples, 96 urine, 28 sputum and 20 pus samples from 112 patients, of whom 26 (23.2%) were culture-positive for B. pseudomallei. AMD sensitivity and specificity were 65.4 and 87.2%, respectively, the latter related to 10 weak positive reactions on urine samples, considered likely false positives. The positive predictive value was 60.7%, negative predictive value was 89.3% and concordance rate between operators reading the test was 95.7%; time to diagnosis decreased by a median of 23 h. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings confirm that a strongly positive AMD result can reduce the time to diagnosis of melioidosis. However, the AMD currently has a disappointing overall sensitivity, especially with blood fractions, and specificity problems when testing urine samples

    Using Land Runoff to Survey the Distribution and Genetic Diversity of Burkholderia pseudomallei in Vientiane, Laos.

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    Melioidosis is a disease of significant public health importance that is being increasingly recognized globally. The majority of cases arise through direct percutaneous exposure to its etiological agent, Burkholderia pseudomallei In the Lao People's Democratic Republic (Laos), the presence and environmental distribution of B. pseudomallei are not well characterized, though recent epidemiological surveys of the bacterium have indicated that B. pseudomallei is widespread throughout the environment in the center and south of the country and that rivers can act as carriers and potential sentinels for the bacterium. The spatial and genetic distribution of B. pseudomallei within Vientiane Capital, from where the majority of cases diagnosed to date have originated, remains an important knowledge gap. We sampled surface runoff from drain catchment areas throughout urban Vientiane to determine the presence and local population structure of the bacterium. B. pseudomallei was detected in drainage areas throughout the capital, indicating it is widespread in the environment and that exposure rates in urban Vientiane are likely more frequent than previously thought. Whole-genome comparative analysis demonstrated that Lao B. pseudomallei isolates are highly genetically diverse, suggesting the bacterium is well-established and not a recent introduction. Despite the wide genome diversity, one environmental survey isolate was highly genetically related to a Lao melioidosis patient isolate collected 13?years prior to the study. Knowledge gained from this study will augment understanding of B. pseudomallei phylogeography in Asia and enhance public health awareness and future implementation of infection control measures within Laos.IMPORTANCE The environmental bacterium B. pseudomallei is the etiological agent of melioidosis, a tropical disease with one model estimating a global annual incidence of 165,000 cases and 89,000 deaths. In the Lao People's Democratic Republic (Laos), the environmental distribution and population structure of B. pseudomallei remain relatively undefined, particularly in Vientiane Capital from where most diagnosed cases have originated. We used surface runoff as a proxy for B. pseudomallei dispersal in the environment and performed whole-genome sequencing (WGS) to examine the local population structure. Our data confirmed that B. pseudomallei is widespread throughout Vientiane and that surface runoff might be useful for future environmental monitoring of the bacterium. B. pseudomallei isolates were also highly genetically diverse, suggesting the bacterium is well-established and endemic in Laos. These findings can be used to improve awareness of B. pseudomallei in the Lao environment and demonstrates the epidemiological and phylogeographical insights that can be gained from WGS

    Infective endocarditis in the Lao PDR: clinical characteristics and outcomes in a developing country.

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    INTRODUCTION: Data on infective endocarditis (IE) in Southeast Asia are scarce. OBJECTIVES: To describe the clinical epidemiology of IE in Lao PDR, a lower middle-income country. METHODS: A single centre retrospective study at Mahosot Hospital, Vientiane. Patients aged over 1year of age admitted 2006-2012 to Mahosot Hospital with definite or possible IE by modified Duke criteria were included. RESULTS: Thirty-six patients fulfilled the inclusion criteria; 33 (91.7%) had left-sided IE. Eleven (30.6%) had definite IE and 25 (69.4%) possible left-sided IE. Median age was 25years old [IQR 18-42]. Fifteen patients (41.7%) were males. Underlying heart diseases included: rheumatic valve disease in 12 (33.3%), congenital heart disease in 7 (19.4%), degenerative valve disease in 3 (8.3%), and of unknown origin in 14 (38.9%) patients. Native valve IE was present in 30 patients (83.3%), and prosthetic valve IE in 6 patients (16.7%). The most frequent pathogens were Streptococcus spp. in 7 (19.4%). Blood cultures were negative in 22 patients (61.1%). Complications included: heart failure in 11 (30.6%), severe valve regurgitation in 7 (19.4%); neurological event in 7 (19.4%); septic shock or severe sepsis in 5 (13.9%); and cardiogenic shock in 3 patients (8.3%). No patient underwent heart surgery. Fourteen (38.9%) had died by follow-up after a median of 2.1years [IQR 1-3.2]; and 3 (8.3%) were lost to follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: Infective endocarditis, a disease especially of young adults and mainly caused by Streptococcus spp., was associated with rheumatic heart disease and had high mortality in Laos

    Orientia, rickettsia, and leptospira pathogens as causes of CNS infections in Laos: a prospective study

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    Background Scrub typhus (caused by Orientia tsutsugamushi), murine typhus (caused by Rickettsia typhi), and leptospirosis are common causes of febrile illness in Asia; meningitis and meningoencephalitis are severe complications. However, scarce data exist for the burden of these pathogens in patients with CNS disease in endemic countries. Laos is representative of vast economically poor rural areas in Asia with little medical information to guide public health policy. We assessed whether these pathogens are important causes of CNS infections in Laos. Methods Between Jan 10, 2003, and Nov 25, 2011, we enrolled 1112 consecutive patients of all ages admitted with CNS symptoms or signs requiring a lumbar puncture at Mahosot Hospital, Vientiane, Laos. Microbiological examinations (culture, PCR, and serology) targeted so-called conventional bacterial infections (Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitidis, Haemophilus infl uenzae, S suis) and O tsutsugamushi, Rickettsia typhi/Rickettsia spp, and Leptospira spp infections in blood or cerebrospinal fl uid (CSF). We analysed and compared causes and clinical and CSF characteristics between patient groups. Findings 1051 (95%) of 1112 patients who presented had CSF available for analysis, of whom 254 (24%) had a CNS infection attributable to a bacterial or fungal pathogen. 90 (35%) of these 254 infections were caused by O tsutsugamushi, R typhi/Rickettsia spp, or Leptospira spp. These pathogens were signifi cantly more frequent than conventional bacterial infections (90/1051 [9%] vs 42/1051 [4%]; p<0·0001) by use of conservative diagnostic defi nitions. CNS infections had a high mortality (236/876 [27%]), with 18% (13/71) for R typhi/Rickettsia spp, O tsutsugamushi, and Leptospira spp combined, and 33% (13/39) for conventional bacterial infections (p=0·076). Interpretation Our data suggest that R typhi/Rickettsia spp, O tsutsugamushi, and Leptospira spp infections are important causes of CNS infections in Laos. Antibiotics, such as tetracyclines, needed for the treatment of murine typhus and scrub typhus, are not routinely advised for empirical treatment of CNS infections. These severely neglected infections represent a potentially large proportion of treatable CNS disease burden across vast endemic areas and need more attention

    A one-health sampling strategy to explore the dissemination and relationship between colistin resistance in human, animal, and environmental sectors in Laos

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    This study was designed to investigate the molecular epidemiology of mobile colistin resistance (mcr) using a “one-health” approach in Laos and to predict whether any dominant plasmid backbone and/or strain type influences the dissemination of mcr. We collected 673 samples from humans (rectal normal flora), poultry, and the environment (water, flies, birds, etc.) in Vientiane, Laos, from May to September 2018. A total of 238 Escherichia coli (E. coli) isolated from non-duplicative samples, consisting of 98 MCR-positive E. coli (MCRPEC) (“mcr” denotes the gene encoding mobile colistin resistance, and “MCR” denotes the subsequent protein encoded by mcr) and 140 MCR-negative E. coli (MCRNEC), were characterized by phenotype and Illumina sequencing. A subset of MCRPEC was selected for MinION sequencing, conjugation assay, plasmid stability, and growth kinetics in vitro. The prevalence of MCRPEC was found to be 14.6% (98/673), with the highest prevalence in human rectal swabs (45.9% (45/98), p < 0.0001, odds ratio (OR): 0.125, 95% CI: 0.077–0.202). The percentages of MCRPEC from other samples were 14.3% (2/14) in dog feces, 12.0% (24/200) in flies, 11.0% (11/100) in chicken meat, 8.9% (8/90) in chicken cloacal, 8.0% (4/50) in chicken caeca, and 7.5% (4/53) in wastewater. MCRPEC was significantly more resistant to co-amoxiclav, sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim, levofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, and gentamicin than MCRNEC (p < 0.05). Genomic analysis revealed the distribution of MCRPEC among diverse clonal types. The putative plasmid Inc types associated with mcr-1 were IncX4, IncHI2, IncP1, IncI2, and IncFIA, and those associated with mcr-3 were IncFII, IncFIA, IncFIB, IncP1, and IncR. Recovery of highly similar plasmids from both flies and other sampling sectors implied the role of flies in the dissemination of mcr-1. mcr-positive plasmids were shown to be conjugative, and a significantly high transfer rate into a hypervirulent clone ST1193 was observed. Plasmids containing mcr irrespective of Inc type were highly stable and invariably did not exert a fitness effect upon introduction into a new host. These findings signify the urgent need for a standard infection control program to radically decontaminate the source of resistance

    Whole-Genome Assemblies of 16 Burkholderia pseudomallei Isolates from Rivers in Laos.

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    We report 16 Burkholderia pseudomallei genomes, including 5 new multilocus sequence types, isolated from rivers in Laos. The environmental bacterium B. pseudomallei causes melioidosis, a serious infectious disease in tropical and subtropical regions. The isolates are geographically clustered in one clade from around Vientiane, Laos, and one clade from further south
