1,469 research outputs found

    Reanalysis of a Vacuum Distillation Unit Foundation

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    This paper deals with the reanalysis of the foundation of an already existing Vaccum Distillation Unit in an oil refinery. The reanalysis is required to suggest if the existing foundation of the unit would be capable enough to withstand an additional pressure intensity to which it would be subjected due to proposed expansion of the unit. The paper therefore discusses the geotechnical investigation program undertaken for evaluating the relevant design parameters and the methodology adopted to compute the sustainable pressure of the foundation

    Diastolic And Systolic Right Ventricular Dysfunction Precedes Left Ventricular Dysfunction In Patients Paced From Right Ventricular Apex

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    Background: Cardiac dysfunction after right ventricular (RV) apical pacing is well known but its extent, time frame of appearance and individual effect on left ventricular (LV), RV systolic and diastolic parameters has not evaluated in a systematic fashion. Methods: Patients with symptomatic bradycardia and ACC-AHA Class I indication for permanent pacemaker implantation (PPI) were implanted a single chamber (VVI) pacemaker. They were followed prospectively by echocardiographic examination which was done at baseline, 1 week, 1 month and 6 months after implantation. Parameters observed were chamber dimensions (M-line), chamber volumes, cardiac output (modified Simpson's method), systolic functions (ejection fraction, pre-ejection period, ejection time and ratio) and diastolic functions( isovolumic relaxation time & deceleration time) of left and right heart. Results: Forty eight consecutive patients (mean age 65.6±11.8 yrs, 66.7% males, mean EF 61.82±10.36%) implanted a VVI pacemaker were enrolled in this study. The first significant change to appear in cardiac function after VVI pacing was in diastolic properties of RV as shown by increase in RV isovolumic relaxation time (IVRT) from 65.89±15.93 to 76.58±17.00 ms,(p<0.001) at 1week and RV deceleration time (DT) from 133.84±38.13 to 153.09±31.41 ms, (p=0.02) at 1 month. Increase in RV internal dimension (RVID) from 1.26±0.41 to 1.44±0.44, (p<0.05) was also noticed at 1 week. The LV diastolic parameters were significantly altered after 1 month with increase in LV-IVRT from 92.36±21.47 to 117.24±27.21ms, (p<0.001) and increase in LV DT from 147.56±31.84 to 189.27±28.49ms,(p<0.01). This was followed by LV systolic abnormality which appeared at 6 months with an increase in LVPEP from 100.33±14.43 to 118.41±21.34ms, (p<0.001) and increase in LVPEP/LVET ratio from 0.34±0.46 to 0.44±0.10, (p<0.001)]. The reduction in LV EF was manifested at 6 months falling from 61.82±10.36% to52.52±12.11%, (p<0.05) without any significant change in the resting cardiac output. Conclusion: The present study shows that dysfunction of right ventricle is the first abnormality that occurs in VVI paced patients, which manifests by 1 week followed by LV dysfunction which starts appearing by 1 month and the diastolic dysfunctions precede the systolic dysfunction in both ventricles

    Passive CO<sub>2</sub> removal in urban soils:evidence from brownfield sites

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    Management of urban brownfield land can contribute to significant removal of atmospheric CO2 through the development of soil carbonate minerals. However, the potential magnitude and stability of this carbon sink is poorly quantified as previous studies address a limited range of conditions and short durations. Furthermore, the suitability of carbonate-sequestering soils for construction has not been investigated. To address these issues we measured total inorganic carbon, permeability and ground strength in the top 20 cm of soil at 20 brownfield sites in northern England, between 2015 and 2017. Across all sites accumulation occurred at a rate of 1–16 t C ha−1 yr−1, as calcite (CaCO3), corresponding to removal of approximately 4–59 t CO2 ha−1 yr−1, with the highest rate in the first 15 years after demolition. C and O stable isotope analysis of calcite confirms the atmospheric origin of the measured inorganic carbon. Statistical modelling found that pH and the content of fine materials (combined silt and clay content) were the best predictors of the total inorganic carbon content of the samples. Measurement of permeability shows that sites with carbonated soils possess a similar risk of run-off or flooding to sandy soils. Soil strength, measured as in-situ bearing capacity, increased with carbonation. These results demonstrate that the management of urban brownfield land to retain fine material derived from concrete crushing on site following demolition will promote calcite precipitation in soils, and so offers an additional CO2 removal mechanism, with no detrimental effect on drainage and possible improvements in strength. Given the large area of brownfield land that is available for development, the contribution of this process to CO2 removal by urban soils needs to be recognised in CO2 mitigation policies

    Patients� experience of tuberculosis treatment using directly observed treatment, short-course (DOTS): A qualitative study

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    Background: Despite effective diagnosis and treatment, prevalence of tuberculosis (TB) is still growing. The directly observed treatment, short-course (DOTS) strategy to treat TB was introduced by the World Health Organization more than a decade ago. Little is known about patients� experience of TB treatment, according to DOTS, in Iran. Objectives: This study aimed to understand the patients� experience of tuberculosis treatment according to DOTS in Iran. Patients and Methods: This study is a qualitative study, using content analysis to examine patients� experience of TB treatment and to understand their compliance during DOTS. In this study, a semi-structured interview with open questions was answered by 40 patients, who had a diagnosis of pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis, and improved during the course of their treatment. The method of sampling was purposive sample and the interview process lasted until data saturation. Results: Data analysis resulted in the extraction of six themes, which reflect the experiences of the study participants. The themes are: 1) individual factors; 2) change of the attitudes and beliefs of patients on TB treatment; 3) support terms of patients with tuberculosis; 4) the role of health care professionals; 5) social factors and 6) the financial burden. Conclusions: Successful completion of TB treatment requires an effective partnership between the patient and health care professionals, and a harmony between the cultural context, attitude of the patient, family support and health literacy. Future health policies should address these issues to improve patients� adherence to DOTS. © 2015, Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal

    Patients� experience of tuberculosis treatment using directly observed treatment, short-course (DOTS): A qualitative study

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    Background: Despite effective diagnosis and treatment, prevalence of tuberculosis (TB) is still growing. The directly observed treatment, short-course (DOTS) strategy to treat TB was introduced by the World Health Organization more than a decade ago. Little is known about patients� experience of TB treatment, according to DOTS, in Iran. Objectives: This study aimed to understand the patients� experience of tuberculosis treatment according to DOTS in Iran. Patients and Methods: This study is a qualitative study, using content analysis to examine patients� experience of TB treatment and to understand their compliance during DOTS. In this study, a semi-structured interview with open questions was answered by 40 patients, who had a diagnosis of pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis, and improved during the course of their treatment. The method of sampling was purposive sample and the interview process lasted until data saturation. Results: Data analysis resulted in the extraction of six themes, which reflect the experiences of the study participants. The themes are: 1) individual factors; 2) change of the attitudes and beliefs of patients on TB treatment; 3) support terms of patients with tuberculosis; 4) the role of health care professionals; 5) social factors and 6) the financial burden. Conclusions: Successful completion of TB treatment requires an effective partnership between the patient and health care professionals, and a harmony between the cultural context, attitude of the patient, family support and health literacy. Future health policies should address these issues to improve patients� adherence to DOTS. © 2015, Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal

    Calcium levels correlate with cell cycle phase and affect the level of the cyclin B transcript in Dictyostelium discoideum

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    In pre-aggregation amoebae of Dictyostelium discoideum, phenotypic differences with respect to cellular Ca2+ and cell cycle phases are known to bias post-aggregative cell-type choice. Using chlortetracycline fluorescence as an indicator, we found that cellular Ca2+ is highest at the S phase of the cell cycle. Upon increasing the level of Ca2+ with the help of the calcium ionophore A23187, there is a significant decrease in the cyclin B (clb1) mRNA level; the cdc2 mRNA level shows a marginal decrease. These results suggest that the effect of Ca2+ and the cell cycle on cell fate could be exerted at the level of transcription, or message stability, of specific genes

    Study on flame retardant properties of poly(lactic acid) fibre fabrics

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    Polylactic acid  and its blended yarns with various fibres have been converted in to woven fabrics. These fabric samples have been scoured and then tested for mechanical and flame retardant properties. The results indicate that the high alkaline scouring severely damages polylactic acid fibre. Therefore, mild alkaline scouring is done for further studies. The scoured fabric samples are tested for various flame retardant properties and compared with polyester blended fabrics. Results indicate that polylactic acid fibre is not suitable for upholstery, apparel and work wear in terms of flame retardant properties