38 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini dijalankan didasari atas permasalahan yang terjadi pada PT. XYZ yang sedang mengalami permasalahan mengenai tingginya tingkat turnover intention dari karyawan yang diduga terjadi karena employee empowerment dan psychological contract yang dimediasi oleh employee engagement. Jenis riset yang digunakan pada penelitin ini yaitu pengujian hipotesis atau testing hypothesis dengan dimensi waktu penelitian yang digunakan adalah cross sectional. Unit analisis dalam penelitian ini adalah karyawan pada PT. XYZ sejumlah 56 orang. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah kuesioner dengan metode pengolahan data Partial Least Square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa employee empowerment memiliki pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan terhadap employee engagement,  psychological contract memiliki pengaruh yang positif signifikan terhadap employee engagement, employee engagement memiliki pengaruh yang negatif dan signifikan terhadap turnover intention, employee empowerment tidak memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap turnover intention, psychological contract tidak memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap turnover intention, employee engagement dapat memediasi pengaruh employee empowerment terhadap turnover intention secara positif dan signifikan dan employee engagement dapat memediasi pengaruh psychological contract terhadap turnover intention secara positif dan signifikan.Kata kunci: Employee empowerment, psychological contract, employee engagement, turnover intention.This research was conducted based on problems that occurred in XYZ Firm who is experiencing problems regarding the high turnover intention rate of employees that allegedly occurred because of employee empowerment and psychological contract mediated by employee engagement. The type of research used is hypothesis testing or testing hypothesis with the dimensions of research time used is cross sectional. The analysis unit in this study is an employee at XYZ Firm numbered 56 people. The method of data collection used is a questionnaire with partial least square data processing method. The results showed that employee empowerment has a positive and significant influence on employee engagement, psychological contract has a significant positive influence on employee engagement, employee engagement has a negative and significant influence on turnover intention, employee empowerment does not have a significant influence on turnover intention, psychological contract has no significant influence on turnover intention, employee engagement can mediate the influence of employee empowerment on turnover intention positively and significantly and employee engagement can mediate the influence of psychological contract on turnover intention positive and significant.Keywords: Employee empowerment, psychological contract, employee engagement, turnover intention, packaging and office supply industry

    Retrofitting on Flexural Strength of RC Columns Using Polyester Resin Concrete

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    Concrete column structures damages due to flexural moment need to be repaired and strengthened to avoid of sudden failure by applying appropriate methods. The method applied in this study was retrofitting by applying polyester resin concrete. In order to know the effect of polyester resin concrete against axial load capacity, stiffness, ductility and the damage pattern of columns by eccentrically loaded, an experimental laboratory was carried out. In this study, three column specimens are tested. The dimension of the specimen is 150 mm x 150 mm and the high of the column are 1200 mm with the effective high is 600 mm and 600 mm for corbel. The column specimens have a fixed eccentricity of 50 mm. First, initial column tested before yield point of reinforcing bar reached and concrete crack limited to 0,4mm. Further, retrofitting applied to each initial column specimen using normal concrete and polyester resin concrete with the level of resin 15% and 20%, respectively. Retrofitting column tested again with the same loading of initial column until it reaches the collapse load. The result of experiment compares to analysis method by Nawy and Whitney which represent the analysis of normal concrete column capacity. The result showed that levels of resin to be used is 20% because of better workability compared to 15% resin. Further, compressive test on resin concrete cylinder showed that the resin level at 15% and 20% are 82.82 MPa and 76.65 MPa, respectively. The strength of KR-ii decreased about 33.523%. The strength of KR-15ii and KR-20ii increased 5.08% and 24.827% respectively compared to initial column. Specimen column stiffness KR-ii. KR-15ii and KR-20ii decreased about 76.22%, 24.50% and 37.65%, respectively from the initial column. Furthermore, ductility of KR-ii, KR-15ii and KR-20ii decreased about 1.512, 1.250 and 2.50, respectively. The changes of the ultimate capacity load of KR-ii, KR-15ii and KR-20ii by Nawy Method respectively -26.54%, 12.66%, and 13.83%, whereas the method of Whitney respectively -17.68%, 26.25%, and 27.56%. The use of polyester resin concrete can change the pattern of collapse from brittle to ductile columns.Keywords: retrofit, ductility, stiffness, flexural column, eccentricit

    Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Terjadinya Fraud Pada Dinas Pengelolaan Kekayaan Dan Keuangan Daerah

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    Fraud is a intentionally faulth which could harming many people in goverment sector, fraud is harming for public. This research is aimed to anylyze the perception of employees in goverment agencies about factors that impact fraud. Data in this research were collected using a survey method with help of research instruments such as questionnaires were distibuted to 81 employees by respondent goverment agencies working in finance and wealth management agency. Data in this research will be analyzed using multiple linear regression using SPSS ver.20.0. To test the validity and reability of research instrument used pearson correlation and cronsbach alpha. There are several findings in this research, first all instruments used in this research was reliabel and valid. Second, distribution of respondens was normal. Third, the result of the research showed that there is an effect betwen leadership style with fraud with significant 0.039, there is an between effectivenesess of internal contro with fraud with significant 0.000, there is an effect between approprriateness compensation with fraud with significant 0.006, there is an effect between organization commitment with fraud with significant 0.003, there is an effect between organization ethical culture with fraud with significant 0.000

    Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Terjadinya Fraud Pada Dinas Pengelolaan Kekayaan Dan Keuangan Daerah

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    Fraud is a intentionally faulth which could harming many people in goverment sector, fraud is harming for public. This research is aimed to anylyze the perception of employees in goverment agencies about factors that impact fraud. Data in this research were collected using a survey method with help of research instruments such as questionnaires were distibuted to 81 employees by respondent goverment agencies working in finance and wealth management agency. Data in this research will be analyzed using multiple linear regression using SPSS ver.20.0. To test the validity and reability of research instrument used pearson correlation and cronsbach alpha. There are several findings in this research, first all instruments used in this research was reliabel and valid. Second, distribution of respondens was normal. Third, the result of the research showed that there is an effect betwen leadership style with fraud with significant 0.039, there is an between effectivenesess of internal contro with fraud with significant 0.000, there is an effect between approprriateness compensation with fraud with significant 0.006, there is an effect between organization commitment with fraud with significant 0.003, there is an effect between organization ethical culture with fraud with significant 0.000

    Animasi 3D Metode Pelaksanaan Pembangunan Rumah Susun Yayasan Laman Emas Riau Bangkit Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam (Stai) H. Lukman Edy

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    The implementation method is an important thing in construction work, where the final result of a job is very influential on the implementation of the planned method. So that the delivery of this implementation method is easy to understand, the implementation method is delivered through visualization in the form of 3D animation. This research is a qualitative research that will describe the method of implementing the construction of the Yayan Laman Emas Flats Riau Bangkit Islamic High School (Stai) H. Lukam Edy. The first step begins with 3D images and continues with making 3D animated videos. The results of this study are the formation of 3D animation videos from the sequence of work in the method of implementing the construction of the Yayan Laman Emas Flats Riau Bangkit Islamic High School (Stai) H. Lukam Edy. The sequence of work is: 1. Mobilization, 2. Preliminary work, 3. Soil and sand work, 4. Upper structure work 5. Wall and plastering work, 6. Aluminum and mild steel work, 7. Architecture work, 8. Finishing work. , 9. Demobilization


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan minat dan motivasi berwirausaha. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah seluruh mahasiswa Universitas Ahmad Dahlan tahun angkatan 2015 dan 2016. Teknik pengambilan sampel yaitu purposive sampling. Total sampel penelitian sebanyak 100 mahasiswa. Hasil penelitian ini diperoleh bahwa nilai signifikan pada variabel minat dan motivasi sebesar 0,000 < 0,05 (alpha). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan Ha diterima sehingga terdapat perbedaan minat dan motivasi berwirausaha mahasiswa kewirausahaan dasar dengan mahasiswa kewirausahaan lanjutan prodi akuntansi Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. Kata Kunci: Minat dan Motivas


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    With the development of science in the field of bio-engineering Medika, observation of human organs, both inside and all the skin layers can be observed, one of which is the observations made to determine muscle activity, which in this study muscle activity will be used as input to drive 3 DOF robot manipulator. Third motor contained in the manipulator arm to replace three joints contained in the human arm to be controlled by three pieces ATMega microcontroller 32, which moves the arm in this study only konsatan speed, which is used to regulate the speed of digital PID controller. Robot arm motion will imitate the human arm movements in which the electrode-electrode is mounted on hand to watch his man's arm was moving, then to be made in the insert to determine the direction of the robot where the robot upward or downward will use an additional tool in the form of aluminum, which ranks inserted in the arm, where at each joint there is a potentiometer which will result potentiometer readings through the ADC pin microcontroller determines whether the direction of the robot to rise or fall. Keywords: muscle activity, PID, 3DoF, AD


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    Industri pariwisata merupakan salah satu sumber pemasukan bagi Indonesia. Kontribusi pariwisata terhadap Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB) mengalami peningkatan sebesar 66,7% dari tahun 2010 hingga tahun 2019. Maka dari itu, UU Nomor 10 Tahun 2009 tentang Kepariwisataan menyebutkan pentingnya pengembangan sektor pariwisata guna meningkatkan Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD), meningkatkan taraf hidup masyarakat, dan memperluas lapangan kerja. Selain itu, meningkatkan rasa cinta lingkungan serta melestarikan alam dan budaya setempat. Wisata tirta adalah objek wisata yang memanfaatkan perairan sebagai sarana rekreasinya. Wisata tirta adalah objek wisata yang paling diminati wisatawan di Indonesia. Wisatawan menjadikan wisata tirta sebagai tujuan utama, agar bisa mendapatkan suasana dan pengalaman yang baru, sehingga membuat pikiran menjadi lebih fresh. Selain itu, wisata perairan juga menawarkan pemandangan alami yang jarang ditemui di daerah perkotaan. Kabupaten Lampung Selatan merupakan daerah yang cukup strategis karena memiliki pelabuhan yang menghubungkan Pulau Sumatera dengan Pulau Jawa. Letaknya yang strategis tersebut membuat jumlah wisatawan lokal tertinggi adalah 7,3 juta orang, sementara untuk jumlah wisatawan mancanegara tertinggi adalah 115 rb orang. Dari tahun 2011 sampai 2016 jumlah wisatawan terus mengalami kenaikan rata-rata 0,26% pertahun. Dengan peningkatan jumlah kunjungan tiap tahunnya, maka diperlukan sebuah fasilitas penginapan tambahan yang merupakan sarana pokok bagi pariwisata. Kabupaten Lampung Selatan memiliki komponen yang dapat dikembangkan pariwisatanya, yaitu objek wisata berupa pantai, angka wisatawan yang tinggi, dan fasilitas penginapan dengan rincian 17 hotel, 3 resort, 1 guest house, dan 1 hostel. Wisatawan pada masa sekarang ini lebih tertarik untuk mencari penginapan yang menawarkan objek wisata pada kawasannya dan mempunyai iii suasana yang baru agar mereka mendapatkan sebuah pengalaman baru. Fasilitas penginapan yang mampu untuk memenuhi kriteria tersebut adalah sebuah resort. Dengak ketertarikan tersebut dan potensi wisata pantai yang dimiliki Kabupaten Lampung Selatan, maka dibutuhkan fasilitas resort tambahan yang memanfaatkan pantai sebagai objek wisatanya