251 research outputs found

    Penelitian Tindakan Kelas Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Kooperatif Model Team Assited Individualization Untuk Mengoptimalisasi Penguasaan Perkalian Kelas III SDN 03 Matesih Karanganyar Tahun 2011 / 2012

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengoptimalkan penguasaan perkalian peserta didik dalam mata pelajaran Matematika siswa kelas III SD Negeri 03 Matesih melelalui Metode Pembelajaran Kooperatif Model Team Assited Individualization (TAI). Jenis penelitian ini termasuk Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas III SD Negeri 03 Matesih. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan teknik observasi, dokumentasi, tes dan wawancara. Instrumen yang digunakan lembar pengamatan,soal tes, dan daftar nilai kelas III SD N 03 Matesih. Hasil penelitian ini, data awal nilai siswa mata pelajaran matematika kurang dari ketuntasan nilai minimalnya yaitu 70 adalah 46,15%, pada siklus I siswa yang mencapai ketuntasan minimal meningkat menjadi 65,38 % ini menandakan penguasaan operasi hitung perkalianya juga meningkat. Pada siklus II ketuntasan nilai minimalnya mencapai indicator keberhasilan penelitian yaitu 88,46%. Dengan dimikan dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Kooperatif Model Team Assited Individualization dapat Mengoptimalisasi Penguasaan Perkalian Kelas III SDN 03 Matesih Karanganya


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    The term”corporate social responsibility” (CSR) was firstlyintroduced in 1960 when A.B. Carrol addressed H.R. Bowen, the writerof a book entitled “Social Responsibilities of the Businessman” as thefounding father of CSR. Since then, the theory of CSR has evolved forabout five decades and been implemented by a number of corporatein many countries including Indonesia. Although CSR was developedfrom the Western perspectives, it turns out that it is matched with theIslamic perspectives. This paper discusses the concept of CSR fromthe Islamic perspectives and its implementation in business. The fourprinciples of Islamic ethics, -unity, economic freedom, balance, andresponsibility- might be developed into more descriptive principles sothat they can be applied as the Islamic social and economic system. Theultimate goal of the Islamic social and economic system is to preservethe shariah (maqasid al shariah), respect the individuals, preservethe freedom of thinking, preserve the generation, and preserve theproperties to achieve the prosperous and wealthy society.Kata kunci: Corporate Social Responsibility, Konvensional, FiqhSosia


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    Trading transactions are not only done conventionally, where buyersand sellers meet face to face. Now the transaction has been switchedinto cyber-spaced transaction, where the trading transactions areconducted through social networking, computers, mobile phones,etc. Such Transactions are called online trading transactions(e-commerce). According to Islamic law e – commerce transactionshould also meet some required conditions such as employers in onlinecommerce (e-commerce) are qualified to be taxable income. But ifthe income tax law that is used in the taxation for online commercetransactions (e-commerce) is employed, the tax will not be able tobe maximized because basically e-commerce transactions are verydifferent from conventional trading transactions. So the need for newrules to serve as a legal basis of the taxation of income in e-commercetransactions is emerging.Kata kunci: Sistem Transaksi, E-Commerce, KUH Perdata, HukumIsla

    Implementasi Pendidikan Karakter di SMA Negeri 3 Surakarta Tahun Pelajaran 2013/2014

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    IMPLEMENTASI PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER DI SMA NEGERI 3 SURAKARTA TAHUN PELAJARAN 2013/2014.Sugeng Santoso. K8410056ABSTRAK Sugeng Santoso. Skripsi, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta.Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemahaman warga sekolah tentang konsep pendidikan karakter dan strategi implementasi pendidikan karakter di SMAN 3 SurakartaMetodologi yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah pengurus sekolah, guru dan siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah onservasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Tehnik analasis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis interaktif yang meliputi reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Teknik uji validitas data mengunakan trianggulasi metode dan sumberHasil menunjukan bahwa: 1) Pemahaman warga sekolah mengenai konsep pendidikan karakter cukup beragam namun terdapat kesamaan bahwa konsep pendidikan karakter adalah USAha menanamkan nilai karakter pada guru dan siswa. 2) Penerapan pendidikan karakter ditujukan pada guru dan siswa, pada guru pendidikan karakter diterapkan melalui sosialisasi, pengawasan serta pembinaan dan pada siswa diterapkan di dalam kelas dengan mengintegrasikan nilai karakter dengan pelajaran, dan di luar kelas diterapkan melalui aktivitas pembiasaan, keteladanan dan pengawasan. Pendidikan karakter pada siswa dan guru lebih berfokus dalam menanamkan karakter disiplin. Terdapat berbagai kegiatan sekolah yang syarat pendidikan karakter namun intensitasnya kurang. Pendidikan karakter di SMAN 3 Surakarta belum mampu mengembangkan karakter kritis siswa karena model pendidikan yang masih konvensional

    Sejarah Ekonomi Islam Masa Kontemporer

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    This literature study is explore and compare of Islamic scholar\u27s thought in contemporary era: Baqr al Sadr, Muhammad Abdul Mannan, Muhammad Nejatullah Siddiqi, Sayyed Haidar Naqf, Taqiyyuddin An Nabhanni, and Monzer Kahf. Islamic scholars are divided into three categories; frstly, an expert in the Islamic law (fqh) that is conducted in a legalistic and normative; secondly, more daring modernist group in their interpretation of Islamic teachings in order to answer the issues facing society today; thirdly practitioners or Muslim economists educational background in the West. They combine both Islamic law and economic approach that is integrated to be Islamic economy. In fact, the construction of an Islamic economy system capable of delivering on welfare and social justice must be built on the basis of faith (akidah) and described in great detail the concepts of ownership, the role of the state, and distribution, including production and consumption. Even distribution of income in society into the most important thing in the construction of an Islamic economy system, but all of it was related to other elements. Therefore, the construction of an Islamic economy system can not stand alone, but must be integrated and connected with other elements


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    The bank is a financial service provider whose primary choice is for the community's financial-related needs. However, with increased mobility and the people's need for ease financial transactions, various technology-based innovations have emerged to safely, comfortably, and quickly fulfill community activities. One of the methods of financial service that has become the choice of Indonesians is finance technology (fintech). Fintech is a merger of the financial system various aspects of financial services. Go-Pay is a fintech in Indonesia that is a mobile payment service on the Go-Jek platform. Go-Pay provides to provide convenience and comfort for the transaction process carried out in Go-Jek. For banks not to be less competitive with Fintech, there is a need for adjustments and cooperation to strengthen business potential. PT. XXX (XXX) collaborates with Go-Pay in the Go-Pay cash withdrawal mechanism through XXX ATMs with the Cardless Cash Withdrawal mechanism as a form of banking synergy with fintech to facilitate transactions for Indonesians. This study purposes to determining how much the level of use of these facilities, especially in the community in JakartaPerbankan merupakan penyedia jasa layanan keuangan yang menjadi pilihan utama masyarakan dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan yang berhubungan dengan finansial. Namun dengan meningkatnya mobilitas serta kebutuhan masyarakat terhadap kemudahan transaksi finansial, maka timbul beragam inovasi berbasis teknologi yang bertujuan untuk memenuhi aktivitas masyarakat dengan aman, nyaman dan cepat. Salah satu metode layanan jasa keuangan yang menjadi pilihan masyarakat Indonesia adalah financial technology (fintech). Fintech merupakan penggabungan sistem keuangan dengan teknologi dengan tujuan mempertajam, mengubah, dan mempercepat berbagai aspek pelayanan keuangan. Go-Pay adalah salah satu fintech di Indonesia yang merupakan layanan mobile payment yang terdapat pada platform Go-Jek. Go-Pay disediakan untuk memberikan kemudahan dan kenyamanan bagi proses transaksi yang dilakukan dalam Go-Jek. Agar perbankan tidak kalah bersaing dengan Fintech, maka perlu adanya penyesuaian serta kerja sama dengan tujuan saling memperkuat potensi bisnis. PT. XXX (XXX) melakukan kolaborasi bersama Go-Pay dalam mekanisme tarik tunai Go-Pay melalui mesin ATM XXX dengan mekanisme Tarik Tunai Tanpa Kartu sebagai bentuk sinergi perbankan dengan fintech agar dapat memudahkan transaksi masyarakat Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa besar tingkat penggunaan fasilitas tersebut khususnya pada masyarakat di Jakart

    Product and Service Quality Improvement in Manufacturing: a Study of Optical Lens Manufacturing in Indonesia

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    For optical lens manufacturing the development of product and service quality is a key thing in answering challenges in the business competition it is developing. To achieve this determine the Key Performance Indicator (KPI), the Rejected Rate and On-Time Delivery (OTD) to measure the extent of the performance that has been achieved and how to develop it, shape the work culture of Kaizen which commits to continuous improvement and value chain analysis largely determine the process of developing production and service quality. The Kaizen culture and value chain applied in achieving the KPI target in this study succeeded in reducing the KPI Rejected Rate by 0. 46% and raise OTD by 2. 22%. The method used in this study uses a review of literature studies, observations, and direct interviews of the plant manager of one of the largest optical lenses manufacturers in Indonesia using data comparisons in 2018 and 2020


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    Industry 4.0 era encourage FMCG manufacture industries in Indonesia to continuously innovating through digital technology adoption in their process, including quality management. Quality management digitalization in manufacture industry in Indonesia is now at the level of leaving paperwork documentation and analog communication in quality control; and have started to adopt computerized database and analysis.  The absent of national software provider and academic study focusing on quality management digitalization concept has become an obstacle for Indonesia to evolve in Industry 4.0 era. This paper intended to provide conceptual design of integrated quality management digitalization to support FMCG industries in effective decision making and compliance to quality control plan; and to stimulate national software provider to develop digitalized quality management program. The research use descriptive qualitative method through literature review of articles indexed in Garuda and Mendeley from 2017 to 2020 to make sure if there any previous research studied quality management digitalization for FMCG industry, and thus the review will be used as a strong reason to develop concept of quality management digitalization. The result showing no research found that exclusively studied about quality management digitalization for FMCG, and thus concept of quality management digitalization for FMCG is proposed as a baseline foundation for program developer to develop an integrated software in quality management digitalization for FMCG


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    The Indonesian apparel industries have challenge compared to competitors from other countries, such as China, Vietnam and Bangladesh. These countries have advantages such as cheap on raw materials,costs of production and international trade agreement schemes. However, the apparel industry in Indonesia can have other advantages, one of which is quality of product. The purpose of this study is to analyze the processes carried out in effort to improve quality of product by decreasing the defect rate through the formulation of an appropriate root cause analysis. The research uses a quantitative and qualitative approach, using the fishbone diagram method, 5 why's analysis and A3 templates, while the qualitative approach is carried out by interviewing the vendor to gain experience of the benefits before and after the application of the methods. Comparison of the average final inspection data from all vendors producing products of brand apparel XYZ before and after the application of the fishbone analysis method and 5 why's diagrams using the A3 template. The results showed an increase in the quality of apparel products with a decrease in the defect rate that caused the company's quality rating increased and also increased the ownership or a sense of responsibility for the quality of all parts, building a quality culture or culture of quality within the company, improving communication and coordination within the compan