5,541 research outputs found

    Does corporate social responsibility have impact in corporate reputation?:an analysis of EDP

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    Purpose: This paper has one main purpose: to understand the effect of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives developed by EDP Group in its Reputation. By understanding the motivations and results of CSR and their relation with Corporate Reputation (CR), it is intended to compare the external perspective of consumers with internal perspective of employees. Methodology: A quantitative research was employed in this study. Primary data was collected via a questionnaire sent to a mailing list of EDP consumers and a list of EDP employees. Meta analysis used 174 complete responses of EDP consumers and 88 complete responses from EDP employees. Findings: Results show that initiatives in CSR have influence in Reputation of EDP, essentially based on improve stakeholder engagement as a benefit of CSR initiatives. There are some differences between internal and external stakeholders, on which employees value more all CSR results as a sign of CR than consumers. Practical implications: The results could be applied for EDP in its operational strategy, confronting strengths and weaknesses of its action in this field. Limitations: Results may be affected by the idiosyncrasies of surveys, related to both consumers and employees (for instance, due to the fact that selected employees are already participants of volunteering initiatives). The mistrust clime in which this study was developed could also influence results.Objectivo: Este estudo tem como objectivo principal perceber se as iniciativas em Responsabilidade Social desenvolvidas pelo Grupo EDP têm impacto na sua Reputação. Compreendendo as motivações e resultados da Responsabilidade Social e a sua relação com a Reputação Corporativa, pretende-se comparar a perspectiva externa dos consumidores e a perspectiva interna dos colaboradores. Metodologia: Foi utilizada uma pesquisa quantitativa, cujos dados foram recolhidos através de um questionário enviado para uma lista de e-mail de consumidores e colaboradores da EDP. A análise baseou-se em 174 respostas completas dos consumidores e 88 respostas completas por parte dos colaboradores da EDP. Resultados: Os resultados evidenciam que as iniciativas em Responsabilidade Social têm impacto na Reputação da EDP, essencialmente devido a benefícios relacionados com a melhoria do envolvimento dos stakeholders. Registaram-se diferenças entre os stakeholders internos e externos, sendo que os colaboradores tendem a valorizar mais os resultados das iniciativas em Responsabilidade Social, como um sinal de Reputação do que os consumidores. Implicações práticas: Os resultados do estudo podem ser aplicados pela EDP na sua estratégia operacional, confrontando os pontos fortes e as fraquezas da sua actuação nesta área. Limitações: Os resultados podem ser afectados pelas idiossincrasias das amostras tanto as relativas aos consumidores como aos colaboradores (como por exemplo a amostra seleccionada dos colaboradores ser proveniente de uma lista de voluntários). O clima de desconfiança vivido no país durante o desenvolvimento deste estudo poderá ter influenciado os resultados

    Comparison of cloud height and depth from atmospheric modelling and ceilometer measurements

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    In the current study, the cloud base height obtained from the ceilometer measurements, in Evora (south of Portugal), are compared with the results obtained from atmospheric modelling. The atmospheric model adopted is the nonhydrostatic MesoNH model, initiated and forced by ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range weather Forecasts) analyses. Also the simulated cloud depth results are presented. The availability of mesoscale modelling for the region, as well as the cloud local vertical distributions obtained from the ceilometer, provide a good opportunity to compare cloud base height and estimate the errors associated. From the obtained results it is possible to observe that the simulated cloud base height values are in good agreement with the correspondent values obtained from the ceilometer measurements

    Inscrições rupestres do Norte de Portugal: novos dados e problemática

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    O conjunto de várias inscrições rupestres recentemente publicadas insta a uma actualização e reavaliação dos dados já conhecidos, sobretudo no que toca aos textos de carácter votivo ou associados a espaços que se supõem de natureza cultual. Inserem-se neste âmbito os sítios de Pena Escrita (Vilar de Perdizes, Montalegre), Mogueira (Resende, Viseu) e Pias dos Mouros (Argeriz, Valpaços), habitualmente designados como santuários rupestres e que colocam importantes questões de fundo às quais importa tentar responder.Regarding the assemblage of the new rock inscriptions recently published, it is important to make an update and a re-evaluation of the data known so far, above all in what concerns to votive texts or inscriptions associated with supposed cult places. Within this subject, are the cases of Pena Escrita (Vilar de Perdizes, Montalegre), Mogueira (Resende, Viseu) and Pias dos Mouros (Argeriz, Valpaços), considered as rock sanctuaries and revealing background questions that we must try to answer

    Sistemas regionales de innovación en Portugal : una evaluación crítica

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    Innovation has moved to the foreground in regional policy in the three last decades. Public policies have been shaped by «best practice models» derived from high-tech urban-metropolitan areas and successful regions. However, lessons learned from these examples are rarely transferable elsewhere. The regional innovation systems in peripheral regions, and the likelihood of their acting as instruments for territorial competitiveness, have rarely been the subjects of discussion. The main objective of the article is precisely to take Portugal as an example to enrich this analysis. The first part of this article examines the concept of regional innovation systems against the background of modern theories of innovation and regional policies. It is argued that the role of localized learning is of strategic importance in the promotion of endogenous regional development. The authors then discuss the structural barriers and opportunities to promote regional innovation strategies in the Portuguese political, economic and social context, and, finally, they point out some specificities that need to be addressed in the redesign of public interventions in order to improve regional competitiveness and sustainability.La innovación ha pasado a primer plano en la política regional en las tres últimas décadas. Las políticas públicas han sido diseñadas por los «modelos de mejores prácticas» derivadas de las zonas urbano-metropolitanas de alta tecnología y regiones exitosas. Sin embargo, las lecciones aprendidas de estos ejemplos son raramente transferibles a otras partes. Los sistemas regionales de innovación en las regiones periféricas, y la posibilidad de su actuación como instrumentos de competitividad territorial, rara vez han sido objeto de discusión. El objetivo principal del artículo es, precisamente, tener a Portugal como un ejemplo para enriquecer este análisis. En la primera parte de este artículo se examina el concepto de sistemas de innovación regional en el contexto de las modernas teorías de la innovación y de las políticas regionales. Se argumenta que el papel del aprendizaje localizado es de importancia estratégica en la promoción del desarrollo regional endógeno. Luego, los autores discuten las barreras estructurales y oportunidades para promover estrategias regionales de innovación en el contexto político, económico y social portugués, y, por último, se señalan algunas especificidades que deben ser abordadas en el rediseño de las intervenciones públicas con el fin de mejorar la competitividad regional y la sostenibilidad

    Regional Innovation Dilemmatic Policy-Making: between Misconceptions and Missing Conceptions

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    Regions are widely recognised as playing a fundamental role in the promotion of the knowledge economy, but most research has been focusing on diagnosing territorial archetypes, their dynamics peculiarities, as well as their drivers of innovation and innovative performance. Less attention has been paid on establishing a linkage between these theoretical foundations and the design of a policy framework and guidelines to promote regional innovation ina systemic way. Based on a vast theoretical research and on the analysis of empirical evidence, the main objective of this article is precisely to discuss this issue in the light of the mainstream theoretical frameworks that enable a better understanding of the relationship innovation-territory, analysing, also, the main criticisms those approaches are arising among some scholars. This article will present a discussion of the main approaches that constitute the theoretical corpus of the so-called territorial innovation models, pointing out to some of their main ambiguities, misconceptions and conceptual gaps and, lastly, will integrate this reflexion into an alternative framework proposal for a new generation of regional innovation policy.Les régions sont largement reconnues comme jouant un rôle fondamental dans la promotion de l'économie de la connaissance, mais la plupart des recherches se sont concentrées sur le diagnostic des archétypes territoriaux, leurs particularités dynamiques, ainsi que leurs moteurs d'innovation et de performance innovante. Une attention moindre a été accordée à l'établissement d'un lien entre ces fondements théoriques et la conception d'un cadre politique et de lignes directrices pour promouvoir l'innovation régionale de manière systémique. Sur la base d'une vaste recherche théorique et de l'analyse de preuves empiriques, le principal objectif de cet article est précisément de discuter de cette question à la lumière des cadres théoriques traditionnels qui permettent une meilleure compréhension de la relation innovation-territoire, en analysant, également, les principales critiques soulevées par ces approches chez certains chercheurs. Cet article présentera une discussion des principales approches qui constituent le corpus théorique des modèles d'innovation territoriale, soulignant leurs principales ambiguïtés, idées fausses et lacunes conceptuelles et, enfin, intégrera cette réflexion dans une proposition de cadre alternatif pour une nouvelle génération de politique d'innovation régionale.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Review hops - bioactive compounds and their applications

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    Humulus lupulus L. it’s the scientific name of a perennial climbing plant of great importance because of its biocompounds of interest such as: organic acids, polyphenols and essential oils. The female inflorescences (cones) of hops glands secrete mainly lupulin. This is known worldwide as an essential raw material and flavoring agent in beer production. Phytochemical compounds from the plant such as xanthohumol, humulone, and lupulone have been used in trials for cosmetic application. Also the use of the plant has been reported for long time in traditional medicine, due to its properties, anti inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant among others. This review presents the botanical aspects of the plant as well as its chemical compounds, traditional uses, and its biological activities for textile, food, medicinal, and cosmetic applications.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    The sweet cherry ‘Sunburst’ is highly appreciated by consumers due to its organoleptic traits. Regional producers tend to harvest cherries sooner in order to increase their profits. With the aim of understanding the consequences of this we have tested the effect of different ripeness stages at the moment of harvesting on fruit quality. Quality parameters tested included external colour (L*, a*, b*), fruit texture, total soluble solids (TSS), and titratable acidity (TA). To evaluate nutritional quality total antioxidant activity was measured too. Once again, and in agreement with results obtained in previous studies, we conclude that there is no advantage in picking less ripe cherries