274 research outputs found

    Noise Removal from Remote Sensed Images by NonLocal Means with OpenCL Algorithm

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    We introduce a multi-platform portable implementation of the NonLocal Means methodology aimed at noise removal from remotely sensed images. It is particularly suited for hyperspectral sensors for which real-time applications are not possible with only CPU based algorithms. In the last decades computational devices have usually been a compound of cross-vendor sets of specifications (heterogeneous system architecture) that bring together integrated central processing (CPUs) and graphics processor (GPUs) units. However, the lack of standardization resulted in most implementations being too specific to a given architecture, eliminating (or making extremely difficult) code re-usability across different platforms. In order to address this issue, we implement a multi option NonLocal Means algorithm developed using the Open Computing Language (OpenCL) applied to Hyperion hyperspectral images. Experimental results demonstrate the dramatic speed-up reached by the algorithm on GPU with respect to conventional serial algorithms on CPU and portability across different platforms. This makes accurate real time denoising of hyperspectral images feasible

    a rare case of pancreatitis panniculitis and polyarthritis the p p p syndrome

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    A 70-year-old man was admitted to our Unit because of the onset of symmetric joint pain, and multiple cutaneous erythematous nodules localized to the lower extremities and gluteal region. An arthrocentesis excluded a septic arthritis and systemic and local steroid therapy resulted in a modest improvement of symptoms and cutaneous manifestations. For an acute abdominal pain with an elevation of serum amylase and lipase levels, the patient underwent an abdominal CT that showed a 55 mm roundish mass in the head of the pancreas with necrosis and colliquation, associated with dilatation of the main pancratic duct and thrombosis of the superior mesenteric vein. The pancreatic lesion was biopsied during an endoscopic ultrasonography and the histopathological examination documented a chronic obstructive pancreatitis. Taken together, the clinical manifestations shown by this case highlighted a rare condition referred to as "PPP (i.e. pancratitis, panniculitis, polyarthritis) syndrome" which links pancreatitis to extrapancreatic tissue involvement

    Siblings Diagnosed With Primary Neuroendocrine Tumor of the Left Hepatic Duct

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    Primary left hepatic duct neuroendocrine tumors are extremely rare. We describe 2 cases of siblings, a 51-year-old brother and a 48-year-old sister, who were both diagnosed with primary left hepatic duct neuroendocrine tumor. Both patients underwent successful left hepatectomy and are both alive with no recurrence. For this rare malignancy, while definitive diagnosis is made only by histopathology, a margin-free surgical resection remains the only curative treatment modality to date

    Electricity Price Forecast: a Comparison of Different Models to Evaluate the Single National Price in the Italian Energy Exchange Market

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    In the last decades, electricity markets throughout the Eurozone have undergone substantial changes. The deregulation of electricity markets stimulated investments in the production and distribution of energy, but there are large risks associated with these investments due to price volatility. The paper in the introduction describes the algorithm that governs the operation of the Day-Ahead Market in the Italian Power Exchange and proposes an econometric model for short-term forecasting (six months or a year) of the daily Single National Price (Prezzo Unico Nazionale, PUN) of electricity. The model includes constants, regressors, moving averages, weekly and seasonal dummies, autoregressive and heteroschedastic variables. The results show a significant decrease in error of the short-term forecast of the analyzed time series, in comparison with the method of linear least squares, traditionally used in literature. An analysis on the influence of different variables on PUN such as brent, solar radiation and weather has been reported. A comparison of the different models with specific indices have been performed and discussed. Keywords: Electricity prices; Day-Ahead Market; Italian Power Exchange; ARMA–GARCH model; Forecasting. JEL Classifications: C5; C51; L; L1; L1

    Ductal invasive carcinoma arising within atypical microglandular adenosis in a patient with BRCA-1 mutation: A case report

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    Abstract Microglandular adenosis (MGA) of the breast is a benign lesion that may mimic invasive carcinoma and which has been proposed to be a potential precursor of a well defined subset of triple-negative and basal-like breast carcinomas, characterized by specific expression of both basal and luminal markers (positive for EGFr and luminal cytokeratins such as CK 8/18, negative for high molecular weight cytokeratins such as CK 5/6), with a crucial role played by p53 mutation as "driver mutation" in the multistep model of cancerization. When an invasive carcinoma arises in a background of MGA, it is possible to identify a clear multistep transition from conventional MGA to atypical MGA (AMGA), Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS) arising within AMGA and invasive carcinoma. This is the first histological case report of an invasive carcinoma arising within MGA and AMGA in a patient carrying a germline BRCA-1 mutation, recognized as one of the most important genetic alterations correlated with the development of triple-negative carcinoma

    A Clinical Decision Support System based on fuzzy rules and classification algorithms for monitoring the physiological parameters of type-2 diabetic patients

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    The use of different types of Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) makes possible the improvement of the quality of the therapeutic and diagnostic efficiency in health field. Those systems, properly implemented, are able to simulate human expert clinician reasoning in order to suggest decisions on treatment of patients. In this paper, we exploit fuzzy inference machines to improve the quality of the day-by-day clinical care of type-2 diabetic patients of Anti-Diabetes Centre (CAD) of the Local Health Authority ASL Naples 1 (Naples, Italy). All the designed functionalities were developed thanks to the experience on the field, through different phases (data collection and adjustment, Fuzzy Inference System development and its validation on real cases) executed by an interdisciplinary research team comprising doctors, clinicians and IT engineers. The proposed approach also allows the remote monitoring of patients' clinical conditions and, hence, can help to reduce hospitalizations

    Sclerosing Angiomatoid Nodular Transformation of the Adrenal Gland: A Case Report of a Novel Histopathological Entity

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    The finding of an indeterminate adrenal mass at radiological investigations is a challenge for physicians. Complex diagnostic work-up, periodic follow-up, or surgical intervention are therefore needed to rule out malignant lesions. Tertiary care hospitals are provided with F-18-fludeoxyglucose (F-18-FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) and F-18-dihydroxyphenylalanine (F-18-DOPA) PET, which aid in the characterization of indeterminate adrenal masses. Nevertheless, the histopathological examination may be required to exclude malignancy or rare etiologies. A 54-year-old woman presented to our clinic 6 months after a cerebral hemorrhage. She was hypertensive and had recently discovered a left adrenal mass of 15 mm during an abdominal ultrasound. Contrast-enhanced CT, following adrenal protocol, revealed a 14-mm adrenal mass without characteristics suggestive of an adrenal adenoma. Tumor markers were negative. Functional tests excluded hormone hypersecretion. An F-18-DOPA PET was negative. An F-18-FDG PET showed mild uptake of both the adrenal glands, with a more circumscribed pattern in the left one (maximum standardized uptake value 5 4). As the clinical diagnosis was still indeterminate, we performed laparoscopic left adrenalectomy. The histopathological examination described a sclerosing angiomatoid nodular transformation (SANT) of the adrenal gland, a benign lesion already described as a rare occurrence only in the spleen. IgG4 levels were reduced. In conclusion, this is a report of a SANT of the adrenal gland, a novel entity that should be taken into consideration in the differential diagnosis of indeterminate adrenal masses at CT scan. Copyright (C) 2019 Endocrine Societ

    Whole exome sequencing (WES) on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tumor tissue in gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST)

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    Next generation sequencing (NGS) technology has been rapidly introduced into basic and translational research in oncology, but the reduced availability of fresh frozen (FF) tumor tissues and the poor quality of DNA extracted from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) has significantly impaired this process in the field of solid tumors. To evaluate if data generated from FFPE material can be reliably produced and potentially used in routine clinical settings, we performed whole exome sequencing (WES) from tumor samples of Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST), either extracted FF or FFPE, and from matched normal DNA

    An analysis of clinical, surgical, pathological and molecular characteristics of endometrial cancer according to mismatch repair status. A multidisciplinary approach

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    Since 2016, our hospital has applied tumor testing with immunohistochemistry (IHC) in endometrial cancer in order to detect mutations of mismatch repair genes (MMR). All cases with MMR deficiency proteins expression are sent for genetic testing, except those with MLH1 protein deficiency, in which case genetic testing is performed if negative for promoter hypermethylation. The primary aim of this study was to investigate the ability of our algorithm to identify Lynch syndrome (LS). The Secondary aims were to investigate the relationship between MMR status and clinicopathological features and prognosis of primary endometrial cancer (EC). From January 2016 to December 2018, 239 patients with EC were retrospectively analyzed and subdivided according to MMR status. Patients were divided in three groups: MMR proficient, LS and Lynch-like cancer (LLC). LS was characterized by a lower age and BMI, more use of contraceptive and less use of hormonal replacement therapy, nulliparity and a trend versus a better prognosis. LLC appeared more related to MMR proficient than LS and exhibited a more aggressive behavior. Our multidisciplinary approach permitted a correct diagnosis of germline mutation in patients with newly diagnosis EC and it confirmed clinicopathologic and prognostic characteristics of LS