5 research outputs found

    State of the art on macroscopic models for the determination of thin films optical properties

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    Summarization: Optical properties (i.e. reflectance, transmittance, etc) of light scattering materials can be described using two ap-proaches. The first approach, models the interaction of light with the matter’s particles (microscopic approach), while the second, models the light fluxes into and out of bulked considered matter (macroscopic approach). Kubelka-Munk (K-M) is the most common theory of macroscopic modeling, for calculating the change of light fluxes (two-flux theory) as a function of scattering, absorption, and distance. Modified K-M Models, for calculating the optical properties of rough surfaces, re-vised K-M theories as well as, inversion methods from KM analysis are presented. A K-M and Mie microscop-ic model is used for emmitance calculations of coating layers. Three flux models track two diffuse fluxes and one collimated flux, while four flux models track two diffuse and two collimated fluxes. Maheu-Letoulouzan-Gouesbet (M-L-G), multilayered, and other generalized four-flux models are shown. A number of applications of the discussed models in pigments (such us polymer coatings), light scattering from TiO2 and red particles are also presented. Keywords: Optical properties; Light fluxes; Kubelka-Munk (K-M) model; Maheu-Letoulouzan-Gouesbet (M-L-G) model; four flux models; pigmentsΠαρουσιάστηκε στο: 2nd International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Coolin

    An interactive vocational training tool for the energy performance buildings directive

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    Summarization: The building sector constitutes approximately the 40% of the total energy consumption in EU. TheDirective 2002/91/EC provides a precise legislative framework for improving the energy performanceof the built environment. [1]It was adopted on December 2002 and entered into force in January 2003. According to the article 15of this Directive all member states have a time period of three years (till January 2006) to implementthe Directive in their own countries. Till today all member states have already or will, in the near future,bring into force relative laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with thisDirective.In this paper an innovative tool concerning the training of European citizens in the implementation ofthe Directive 2002/91/EC (Energy Performance of Buildings Directive - EPBD), that targets to reducethe buildings energy consumption and its efficient use in relation with the protection of theenvironment is presented. Additionally, certain features of this tool that depend on the existinglegislation and restrictions in each country and certain characteristics of the trainees (e.g. profession,scientific background) that influence in a great or in a small extent the training procedure in each caseare analyzed.Παρουσιάστηκε στο: 4th International Conference on Energy Performance and Indoor Climate in Building

    Development and analysis of inorganic coating for energy saving for buildings

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    Summarization: Buildings account for 40% of Europe's energy use and a third of its greenhouse gas emissions. Building materials currently used in the construction of building have low solar reflectance, leading to an increase of surface temperature of the building. The aim of the present study is to develop various inorganic and colour change coatings for increasing the solar reflectance of buildings. A series of inorganic coatings are examined and tested. Their thermal properties are estimated by infrared thermography, surface temperature measurements, emissometer and chemical properties by X-ray diffraction and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy.Παρουσιάστηκε στο: Proc. Joint Conf. 34th AIVC – 3rd TightVent – 2nd Cool Roofs – 1st VentiCoo

    Integrated smart indoor-outdoor web based energy management system for university campuses

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    Summarization: Universities’ campuses can be viewed as small towns due to their size, users and mixed complex activities, enclosing numerous actions that occur in urban districts. Energy wastage in several building uses, such as teaching auditoriums, working areas (offices, laboratories, computer rooms etc.) or living areas (dormitories), can be encountered. Furthermore, since the University campuses comprise of buildings covered with artificial surfaces with undesirable thermal effects, along with the possible overheating by human energy release and absorption of solar radiation on dark surfaces of buildings, create an urban – kind climate. The energy and environmental impact of universities could be considerably reduced by applying organizational, technological and energy optimization measures. To design and operate a sustainable campus, it is essential to take into account – among other – the real time interaction between the indoor and outdoor environment, using sensors and metering equipment, local and global control algorithms and actuators to control heating, cooling, ventilation, lighting, shading and other types of systems. In the present work, existing Information & Communication Technology (ICT) is exploited to create a micro-grid by integrating sensors, actuators, control algorithms etc., aiming at minimizing energy consumption of buildings and activities within the Campus. On this basis, the research project Camp-IT is expected to create new frontiers for research and development in energy management by considering the single building aspect as part of a “district” approach, where real time interaction of indoor and outdoor spaces is monitored and controlled. The aim of the Camp-IT project is to review the techniques of building modelling incorporating outdoor spaces as well as the control algorithms for energy load prediction, in order to develop, test and validate an integrated and holistic indoor - outdoor Web based Energy management System for Campuses. Preliminary results indicate a potential reduction of annual energy consumption of approximately 30% due to reduction of energy waste. As a result, this project will contribute to a future smart grid community by deploying and testing of a decision support tool and optimization method for a web based energy management system in real time conditions, taking into account indoor / outdoor environmental parameters and user preferencesΠαρουσιάστηκε στο: Proc. Ökosan '15 Conf. on high quality retrofit and redensification with timber construction systems, AEE INTE