1,793 research outputs found

    Reading literature today: a study of E. M. Forster s and George Orwell s fiction

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    Tese de doutoramento em Estudos de Cultura (Cultura Inglesa), apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa através da Faculdade de Letras, 200

    Vaccination against fungal diseases: lessons from Candida albicans

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    The advances in medicine have achieved great benefits by improving or even eliminating various debilitating diseases or malignancies, expanding life expectancy. However, it has also originated the development of a compromised population susceptible to opportunistic diseases. A global major concern is the emergence and spread of life-threatening invasive infections in immunocompromised patients, in which the opportunistic fungal infections have greatly increased in the last decades. The high mortality rates associated with these infections, which remain as high as 40%, are due to the limited therapeutic options and the emergence of drug-resistant fungi, but also due to the lack of efficient early diagnosis. Consequently, these facts led to the opinion that new approaches are needed to improve the outcome of these patients, such as immunopreventive strategies that could even be combined with standard antifungal treatment. In view of the proven effectiveness of various antibacterial and antiviral vaccines in preventing the respective diseases, several works have been developed to induce protective immunity against fungal infections as well. The better understanding of how the immune system works against fungal pathogens has made possible to explore immunomodulatory strategies that can protect both immunocompetent and immunocompromised hosts and generate memory. Recently, two fungal vaccines against Candida have advanced through clinical trials. However, there are still many challenges in the development of an efficient vaccine against invasive fungal infections. We will provide an update on the progress made in immunization against fungal infections, reviewing host-fungi interactions, antigens, and adjuvants exploited in vaccine strategies, and discuss concerns that need to be overcome to further advance in the area of fungal vaccines.(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evaluation of inflammatory response induced by different types of daily contact lenses

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    Introduction: Contact lenses (CL) are biocompatible materials however, CL can also act as a vector for microorganisms to adhere and transfer to the ocular surface. Communal microorganisms that uneventfully cohabitate on lid margins and conjunctiva and potential pathogens that are found transiently on the ocular surface can adhere to CL in vivo. In the presence of reduced tissue resistance, these resident microorganisms or transient pathogens can invade and colonize the cornea or conjunctiva and produce inflammation or infection. Approximately two thirds of the isolated bacteria from CL-associated microbial keratitis are Gram-negative bacterial strains, most notably Pseudomonas aeruginosa but also some Serratia species, while one third comprises Gram-positive cocci, including Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidi. Purpose: In order to access the inflammatory potential of daily disposable CL, the propose of this study was to evaluate the inflammatory response induced by different types of daily CL before and also after a normal daily wear. The inflammatory response can be measured by quantifying the Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha (TNF-α) produced by macrophages after contact with the CL. The microorganisms that are able to adhere to the CL are the major inducer of a possible inflammatory response, so microbiome of CL after the normal daily wear will also be evaluated. Methods: To establish the best incubation time to evaluate the pro-inflammatory potential of the daily weared CL (8 hours of wear), they were co-incubated with a macrophage cell culture for 3h, 8h and 14h and TNF-α in the supernatant of co-incubation was quantified by ELISA. Macrophage cell viability after co-incubation with CL was also accessed by lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) leakage assay. Results: The results showed that after 3h of co-incubation, only the positive control (containing LPS) showed a significant increase in TNF-α values. After 8h, of co-incubation the weared CL showed a significant increase of four times, while at 14h that increase was only of 2.5 times. Analysis of the LDH showed that at 14h of co- incubation more than 50% of the macrophage cells were death, contrary to 3 and 8 hour of co-incubation that showed viability values above 85%. Conclusion: These results indicated that the best incubation time to test the inflammatory potential of the CL wear 8 hours of co-incubation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Production of secreted aspartyl proteinases by candida sp. clinical isolates : effects of fluconazole

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    Resumo da comunicação apresentada no congresso Candida and Candidiasis realizado em Março de 2004 em Austin, Texas EUA

    The Interface between law and Artificial Intelligence: The Use of AI as a TOOL in Intellectual property law - Patent System

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    This research sought to investigate the use of Artificial Intelligence in the development of patents, especially in the search and dissemination of anteriority. The research problem refers to the question of whether Artificial Intelligence technology can be considered as an Inventor in itself, and hold a patent: What are the main considerations and arguments for refusing this idea in the present scenario? Consequently, in order to achieve this multidisciplinary undertaking to study the interface between AI and Patents, it was necessary to apply a perspective also centered on data analysis, IOT and new technologies in the Age of the Digital Revolution, evaluating the algorithmic characteristic of Black Boxing. In addition, the studies necessarily covered the contextualization and criteria of legal responsibility, personality rights and contractual relations as fundamental factors to support the thesis discussed here. The studies briefly addressed the regulatory aspects and legislative policies of AI in the international and European contexts, providing a perspective of comparative law. Lastly, the work tried to address some of the issues of transparency and ethics involved in this problematic topic, bringing the concept of Cui Bono to justify the impossibility of granting a Patent to AI. Therefore, this research work encompassed the advantages and disadvantages involved in the Artificial Intelligence scenario, demonstrating improved performance and results of its use in the industrial property area, according to business practices and techniques, and the ethical parameters that must be pursued by society, to develop a transparent, reliable and “explicable” use of Artificial Intelligence, as a TOOL, especially related to the patent system

    The meaning of detention on life trajectories and self-identities: the perspectives of detained migrants in a removal centre in Portugal

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    Migrants need the consent of the host country to enter and stay in its territory as the right to “immigration” itself does not exist. States have the autonomy to regulate access to their territory with a variety of rules depending on the type of migration. One of the mechanisms of control that states use, and a means for the management of immigration, is administrative detention. This study intends to reflect on the phenomenon of detention of non-national migrants in Portugal, from the perspective of the agent. While the Portuguese legal frame may be broadly aligned with the European and the international frames and in wide compliance with the human rights’ expectations, our concern focuses on how the individual lives the experience of being institutionally and legally labelled as an irregular, deprived of freedom. The experience of dealing with deviance, which by its turn results from a condition external to the individual, is a phenomenon to which citizenship and migration studies still need to pay more attention.The authors acknowledge the Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e Tecnologia (FCT—Portugal) as the founding institution of the Centre of Research in Political Science (UID/CPO/00758/2013) of the University of Minho

    “La montaña rusa de la insufi ciencia cardĂ­aca”: la percepciĂłn de dignidad por parte de los equipos de enfermerĂ­a

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    Objective: The main aims of this study are to a) uncover the nurseÂŽs perceptions of dignity based on their experiences; and b) identify ethical issues experienced by nurses when confronted with individuals with advanced heart failure. Methods: This study has a qualitative design with an inductive approach using focus group (FG) interviews with registered nurses who meet patients with HF and their family caregivers on a daily basis. A total of 18 Portuguese registered nurses, from two hospitals and two primary health care centers, were distributed across 4 FG. Interviews occurred over a period of about 4 months. Data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis; Results: The participants emphasized the importance of dignity as ‘being seen as a person’ and ‘respected for the person one is’. The ÂŽroller coaster ride of heart failure` is like a pilgrimage that serves to maintain the patient’s dignity within the strictures of the sick person’s role. Addressing the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of patients promotes their dignity, while neglecting their needs threatens their dignity. Three main themes captured the range of ethical problems when nurses care for people with advanced heart failure: 1) Quality of life versus length of time left; 2) Curative versus palliative interventions; 3) Unpredictable and quick death versus expected and prolonged death. Conclusion: Respecting and protecting dignity is an essential piece of good, ethical, and competent nursing care.Objetivo: Os principais objetivos deste estudo sĂŁo: a) descobrir quais sĂŁo as percepçÔes dos profi ssionais de enfermagem quanto Ă  dignidade baseado em suas experiĂȘncias; e b) identifi car as questĂ”es Ă©ticas enfrentadas por enfermeiros ao lidar com pacientes com insufi ciĂȘncia cardĂ­aca avançada. MĂ©todos: Estudo qualitativo com abordagem indutiva por meio de entrevistas em grupo focal (GF) composto por enfermeiros que prestam assistĂȘncia diĂĄria a pacientes com insufi ciĂȘncia cardĂ­aca e seus familiares. O estudo incluiu 18 enfermeiros portugueses provenientes de dois hospitais e dois centros de atenção primĂĄria Ă  saĂșde. Os participantes foram distribuĂ­dos em quatro grupos focais. Realizou-se as entrevistas durante perĂ­odo de aproximadamente quatro meses. Os dados foram analisados por meio de anĂĄlise de conteĂșdo qualitativa. Resultados: Ao enfatizar a importĂąncia da dignidade, os participantes a defi niram como “ser visto como uma pessoa” e “ser respeitado pela pessoa que Ă©â€. A “viagem de montanha-russa da insufi ciĂȘncia cardĂ­aca” Ă© como uma jornada que ajuda a manter a dignidade do paciente dentro das restriçÔes impostas pela doença. A abordagem das necessidades fĂ­sicas, emocionais e espirituais dos pacientes propicia dignidade enquanto negligenciĂĄ-las os ameaçam. TrĂȘs temas principais expressaram a variedade dos problemas Ă©ticos enfrentados pelos profissionais de enfermagem que cuidam de pacientes com insuficiĂȘncia cardĂ­aca avançada: 1) qualidade de vida versus tempo restante; 2) intervençÔes curativas versus paliativas; 3) morte rĂĄpida e imprevisĂ­vel versus morte lenta e esperada. ConclusĂŁo: O respeito e a proteção da dignidade sĂŁo partes essenciais de uma assistĂȘncia de enfermagem adequada, Ă©tica e competente.Objetivo: Los principales objetivos de este estudio son: a) descubrir cuĂĄles son las percepciones de los profesionales de enfermerĂ­a respecto a la dignidad con base en sus experiencias, y b) identificar las cuestiones Ă©ticas enfrentadas por enfermeros al lidiar con pacientes con insuficiencia cardĂ­aca avanzada. MĂ©todos: Estudio cualitativo con enfoque inductivo por medio de entrevistas en grupo focal (GF) compuesto por enfermeros que prestan asistencia diaria a pacientes con insuficiencia cardĂ­aca y sus familiares. El estudio incluyĂł 18 enfermeros portugueses provenientes de dos hospitales y dos centros de atenciĂłn primaria de salud. Los participantes fueron distribuidos en cuatro grupos focales. Las entrevistas se realizaron durante un perĂ­odo de cuatro meses aproximadamente. Los datos fueron analizados por medio del anĂĄlisis de contenido cualitativo. Resultados: Al enfatizar la importancia de la dignidad, los participantes la definieron como “ser visto como una persona” y “ser respetado por la persona que es”. El “viaje de la montaña rusa de la insuficiencia cardĂ­aca” es como una jornada que ayuda a mantener la dignidad del paciente dentro de las restricciones impuestas por la enfermedad. El enfoque de las necesidades fĂ­sicas, emocionales y espirituales de los pacientes proporciona dignidad, mientras que desatenderlas los amenaza. Tres temas principales demostraron la variedad de los problemas Ă©ticos enfrentados por los profesionales de enfermerĂ­a que cuidan pacientes con insuficiencia cardĂ­aca avanzada: 1) calidad de vida vs. tiempo restante; 2) intervenciones curativas vs. paliativas; 3) muerte rĂĄpida e imprevisible vs. muerte lenta y esperada. ConclusiĂłn: El respeto y la protecciĂłn de la dignidad son partes esenciales de una atenciĂłn de enfermerĂ­a adecuada, Ă©tica y competente.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Linking cellular proteostasis to yeast longevity

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    Proteostasis is a cellular housekeeping process that refers to the healthy maintenance of the cellular proteome that governs the fate of proteins from synthesis to degradation. Perturbations of proteostasis might result in protein dysfunction with consequent deleterious effects that can culminate in cell death. To deal with the loss of proteostasis, cells are supplied with a highly sophisticated and interconnected network that integrates as major players the molecular chaperones and the protein degradation pathways. It is well recognized that the ability of cells to maintain proteostasis declines during ageing, although the precise mechanisms are still elusive. Indeed, genetic or pharmacological enhancement of the proteostasis network has been shown to extend lifespan in a variety of ageing models. Therefore, an improved understanding of the interventions/mechanisms that contribute to cellular protein quality control will have a huge impact on the ageing field. This mini-review centers on the current knowledge about the major pathways that contribute for the maintenance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae proteostasis, with particular emphasis on the developments that highlight the multidimensional nature of the proteostasis network in the maintenance of proteostasis, as well as the age-dependent changes on this network.This work was developed under the scope of the project NORTE01-0145-FEDER-000013, supported by the Northern Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER). BSM is supported by the fellowship SFRH/BPD/90 533/2012 funded by the Fundac¾ao para a Ci ˜ encia e ˆ Tecnologia (FCT, Portugal)
