7 research outputs found

    The genome sequence of segmental allotetraploid peanut Arachis hypogaea

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    Like many other crops, the cultivated peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is of hybrid origin and has a polyploid genome that contains essentially complete sets of chromosomes from two ancestral species. Here we report the genome sequence of peanut and show that after its polyploid origin, the genome has evolved through mobile-element activity, deletions and by the flow of genetic information between corresponding ancestral chromosomes (that is, homeologous recombination). Uniformity of patterns of homeologous recombination at the ends of chromosomes favors a single origin for cultivated peanut and its wild counterpart A. monticola. However, through much of the genome, homeologous recombination has created diversity. Using new polyploid hybrids made from the ancestral species, we show how this can generate phenotypic changes such as spontaneous changes in the color of the flowers. We suggest that diversity generated by these genetic mechanisms helped to favor the domestication of the polyploid A. hypogaea over other diploid Arachis species cultivated by humans

    Proliferative diabetic retinopathy in unsuspected diabetes mellitus: a case report

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    Introduction. According to World Health Organization, nowadays, the amount of diabetic patients has exceeded 1,000 million people, equaling 3% of the Earth population. Unsuspected diabetes mellitus is a disease in a latent form without acute symptomatology. Purpose. To determine the etiology of retinopathy in the patients applied to the Filatov Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy of the NAMS of Ukraine. Material and Methods. Seven patients underwent the treatment at Department for Inflammatory Eye Diseases in the Filatov Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy. The patients complained of both distance and near visual loss. All patients were diagnosed proliferative DRP with neovascularization, hemorrhage, and exudates. Blood glucose tests were within normal ranges and did not exceed 5.8 mmol/l. In the course of the treatment, visual acuity improved by three lines, at an average. Conclusion. As a result of ophthalmic examination, ophthalmic diagnosis, and, afterwards, endocrinological examination, all patients were diagnosed diabetes mellitus in a latent form

    Antibacterial action of methylene blue activated by laser with wave length 630 nm on staphylococcus aureus

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    В експериментах на добовій культурі Staphylococcus aureus вивчався вплив активованого лазерним випромінюванням розчину метиленового синього (МС) у різних концентраціях. Показано, що ріст культури мікроорганізмів при використанні метиленового синього як фотосенсибілізатора в комбінації з лазерним випромінюванням (довжина хвилі – 630 нм) пригнічується. Максимальне пригнічення спостерігалось в досліді з ценртифугуванням через 24 години після використання 0, 2 % МС при експозиції лазера 3 хвилини. Через 48 годин максимальне пригнічення росту культури (без центрифугування) при використанні 0, 1 % МС і експозиції лазерного опромінювання – 5 хвилин