248 research outputs found

    The process of knowledge dissemination

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    Abstract – Considering the cognitive nature of knowledge and its dynamic dialogic features, this contribution explores three lines of inquiry: the analysis of models built to visually represent the process of knowledge dissemination, the relationship between knowledge dissemination and discourse, and lastly the interrelation between knowledge dissemination and ethical issues. The models analyzed have been built within disciplines other than linguistics, but evidence is provided that they can be also applied to language analysis and its communicative purposes. Indeed, most of the models include ‘language’ as the interface between knowledge dissemination and disciplinary contents. On the other hand, linguists are interested in language analysis as a tool to transmit knowledge through appropriate strategies. The need for this cooperative principle and interaction in knowledge exchange, together with the enlargement of communities of practice and discourse, is shown in this contribution. Ethics plays a big role in knowledge dissemination, especially as communication technologies have significantly amplified the risk of developing false information and unethical attitudes. This aspect is discussed with reference to the fields of medicine, law and economics. The concluding reflections lead to underlining contacts and connections between linguistics and other domains, particularly from a methodological point of view. Although a unification of knowledge is unthinkable, interdisciplinarity is necessary to get a broader understanding of some aspects of knowledge and overcome disciplinary fragmentation

    The process of knowledge dissemination

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    Considering the cognitive nature of knowledge and its dynamic dialogic features, this contribution explores three lines of inquiry: the analysis of models built to visually represent the process of knowledge dissemination, the relationship between knowledge dissemination and discourse, and lastly the interrelation between knowledge dissemination and ethical issues. The models analyzed have been built within disciplines other than linguistics, but evidence is provided that they can be also applied to language analysis and its communicative purposes. Indeed, most of the models include ‘language’ as the interface between knowledge dissemination and disciplinary contents. On the other hand, linguists are interested in language analysis as a tool to transmit knowledge through appropriate strategies. The need for this cooperative principle and interaction in knowledge exchange, together with the enlargement of communities of practice and discourse, is shown in this contribution. Ethics plays a big role in knowledge dissemination, especially as communication technologies have significantly amplified the risk of developing false information and unethical attitudes. This aspect is discussed with reference to the fields of medicine, law and economics. The concluding reflections lead to underlining contacts and connections between linguistics and other domains, particularly from a methodological point of view. Although a unification of knowledge is unthinkable, interdisciplinarity is necessary to get a broader understanding of some aspects of knowledge and overcome disciplinary fragmentation

    O sujeito aut?nomo em Freire: contribui??es ? educa??o infantil

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    The present research is a result of the investigation that was done about the dialogue created between the Early Childhood Education and Freire?s Pedagogy, built from a bibliographical research and pictures with empirical cropping collected by observation at a Childhood Education center, which contribute to the discussion about building the concept of autonomy during childhood. The approach of the investigation object has been guided by the central objective of identifying the contributions of Paulo Freire?s pedagogy to the development of the child as an autonomous subject within the context of the Childhood Education, and the specific objectives from the research issues: i.) to clarify what the autonomy in view of Paulo Freire?s pedagogical theory is; ii.) to comprehend what elements Freire?s theory offers to the organization of an educational practice focused on the construction of the child as an autonomous subject within the scope of Childhood Education. The accomplishment of the delimitated objectives has been founded by the historical and dialectic materialism, considering the close theoretical, epistemological and methodological link with Freire?s pedagogy, relying on Kosik (2002), Gadotti (1995) and Frigotto (2004) contributions, through an accurate analysis of the foundations of the totality, movement and contradiction principles. Through the bibliographical research, we have done a d?tour in 12 central works of Freire: (1959), (1977), (1979), (1989), (1992), (1993), (1998), (2006), (2013a), (2013b), (2015) and (2017a), in which we mapped the founding axes that enabled the comprehension of the investigated object, which were: the transposition from a banking concept of education to a problematizing and liberating concept of the individuals for the education; the autonomy as a denial of the neoliberal logic evil; the autonomy is the development of the being for yourself, is the search for the critical comprehesion of the world through a dialogue between the individuals, and finally, the autonomy is based on the experience of the tension balanced between the authority and freedom. The results indicate that it is possible to create a dialogue between childhood and Freire?s Pedagogy, which proves that the way Freire builts the autonomy concept, he enables the guidance of democratic educational practices towards the promotion of the autonomous subject during Childhood Education. However, the educational practice is marked by contraditions, where there are moments that promoting actions of autonomy are fostered and, in other circumstances, there are challenges to be reconsidered, demanding a critical reflection, comitted to the promotion of a problematizing and liberating education of the individuals that does not surrender to the proposal of a propaedeutic teaching for elementary school, which includes the organization of spaces and periods of childhood as necessary for the promotion of a full human development and not as a service to the manufacturing model that was established in the educational area and, finally, that comprehends that the autonomy is an ethical imperative, therefore, it is built by many democratic experiences, from the most simple to the most complex ones, which allows the children to choose, adopt a position, have an active voice and decide responsibly, as beings for themselves, about their wishes and desires. Thus, the educators have a central role in this human formative process. Keywords: Autonomy. Early Childhood Education. Freire?s Pedagogy.A presente pesquisa, ? fruto da investiga??o realizada acerca do di?logo tecido entre a Educa??o Infantil e a Pedagogia Freireana, constru?do por meio de uma pesquisa bibliogr?fica e ilustrados com recortes emp?ricos coletados via observa??o participante num centro de Educa??o Infantil, que contribuem na discuss?o sobre a constru??o do conceito de autonomia na inf?ncia. O acercamento do objeto de investiga??o, foi norteado pelo objetivo central de identificar as contribui??es da pedagogia de Paulo Freire para a constru??o da crian?a como sujeito aut?nomo no ?mbito da Educa??o Infantil e, dos seguintes objetivos espec?ficos provenientes das quest?es de pesquisa: i.) deslindar o que ? a autonomia na perspectiva da teoria pedag?gica de Paulo Freire; ii.) compreender que elementos a teoria freireana oferece para a organiza??o de uma pr?tica educativa voltada para a constru??o da crian?a como sujeito aut?nomo no ?mbito da Educa??o Infantil. O conseguimento dos objetivos delimitados, foi alicer?ado pelo materialismo hist?rico-dial?tico, considerando a estreita liga??o te?rica, epistemol?gica e metodol?gica com a Pedagogia Freireana, valendo-nos das contribui??es de Kosik (2002); Gadotti (1995) e Frigotto (2004), atrav?s de an?lise rigorosa dos alicerces basilares dos princ?pios de totalidade, movimento e contradi??o. Por meio da pesquisa bibliogr?fica, efetuamos um d?tour em 12 obras fulcrais de Freire: (1959),(1977), (1979), (1989), (1992), (1993), (1998), (2006), (2013a), (2013b), (2015) e (2017a), onde mapeamos eixos fundantes que possibilitaram a compreens?o do objeto investigado, sendo: a transposi??o de uma concep??o banc?ria de educa??o para uma concep??o problematizadora e libertadora dos sujeitos pela educa??o; a autonomia enquanto nega??o ? malvadez da l?gica neoliberal; a autonomia ? o amadurecimento do ser para si, a autonomia ? a busca da compreens?o cr?tica do mundo pela dialoga??o entre os sujeitos e por fim, a autonomia se funda na viv?ncia da tens?o equilibrada entre a autoridade e a liberdade. Os resultados conferem indicativos de que ? poss?vel tecermos di?logos entre a inf?ncia e a Pedagogia Freireana, evidenciando que a maneira como Freire constr?i o conceito de autonomia, viabiliza a orienta??o de pr?ticas educativas democr?ticas voltadas ? promo??o do sujeito aut?nomo na Educa??o Infantil, todavia, a pr?tica educativa, ? marcada por contradi??es, observando-se momentos em que s?o fomentadas a??es promotoras da autonomia e em outras circunst?ncias, desafios a serem repensados, demandando a reflex?o cr?tica e comprometida com a promo??o de uma educa??o problematizadora e libertadora dos sujeitos, que n?o se rende a oferta de um ensino proped?utico para o Ensino Fundamental, que compreende a organiza??o dos espa?os e dos tempos da inf?ncia como necess?rios ? promo??o de desenvolvimento humano integral e n?o como atendimento ao modelo fabril institu?do no espa?o educativo e, por fim, que compreende que a autonomia ? um imperativo ?tico, portanto, se constr?i em in?meras vivencias democr?ticas, das mais simples as mais complexas, que facultem ?s crian?as para optarem, se posicionarem, terem voz ativa e decidir responsavelmente, enquanto seres para si, de seu querer e vontades, portanto, os educadores, exercem um papel central neste processo formativo humano. Palavras-chave: Autonomia. Educa??o Infantil. Pedagogia Freireana

    The role of Attachment Insecurity in the emergency of anxiety symptoms in children and adolescent with migraine: an empirical study

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    Background: It is widely recognised that there are associations between headache, psychiatric comorbidity and attachment insecurity in both adults and children. The aims of this study were: 1) to compare perceived attachment security and anxiety in children and adolescents with migraine without aura and a healthy control group; 2) to test whether the child’s perceived security of attachment to the mother and the father mediated the association between migraine and anxiety. Methods: One hundred children and adolescents with Migraine without Aura were compared with a control group of 100 children without headache. The Security Scale (measures perceived security of attachments) and the Self-Administered Psychiatric Scales for Children and Adolescents, a measure of anxiety symptoms, were administered to all participants. Results: The clinical group had lower attachment security than the control group and higher scores on all anxiety scales. Anxiety was negatively correlated with attachment. Children’s attachment to their mother mediated the increase in global anxiety in the clinical group. Insecure paternal attachment was associated with greater insecurity in maternal attachment, suggesting that there is a complex pathway from migraine to anxiety symptoms mediated by perceived insecurity of paternal attachment and hence also by perceived insecurity of maternal attachment. Conclusion: These results suggest that insecure parental attachment may exacerbate anxiety in children and adolescents with migraine and point to the importance of multimodal interventions, perhaps taking account of family relationships, for children and adolescents with migraine

    A green approach to clean iron stains from marble surfaces

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    AbstractIn the field of cultural heritage restoration, the removal of iron corrosion stains is a difficult problem to deal with, especially in stone materials. Many studies in recent years have been aimed at finding simple and reliable methods using non-toxic chelating compounds. The search for natural non-toxic compounds is therefore of great relevance, especially in the conservation of cultural heritage, where the use of toxic chemical compounds often involves risks for the environment and human health. Following this trend, the purpose of this preliminary work was to verify the use of two proteins, Lactotransferrin (Ltf) and Ovotransferrin (Ovt), for the removal of iron-based stains on marble surfaces. The two proteins, whose high affinity for iron "in vivo" has been widely documented, were extracted from their natural matrices. The protein extracts were then immobilized using a common cellulose pulp. The poultices obtained were spread on the surfaces of artificially stained marble specimens and, after a set time, were easily removed. The effectiveness of the removal, visually evident, was detected by spectrocolorimetry and image analysis. The surface analyses, before and after the treatment, carried out by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), confirmed that both proteins have a selective and effective complexing capacity for the ferric ions of rust stains


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    Objetivo: relatar a experiência dos dez anos de implementação do Programa de Residência Multiprofissional em Atenção Hospitalar no Complexo Hospital de Clínicas da Universidade Federal do Paraná. Desenvolvimento: relato de experiência, sobre os dez anos de implementação do programa de residência. Os dados foram coletados de documentos internos e dos relatos dos coordenadores e preceptores. Trezentos e setenta e dois profissionais foram formados. Dentre os avanços do programa, destaca-se o aumento no número de vagas e especialidades, consolidação do Regimentos Interno, gerenciamento informatizado das informações Acadêmicas, incentivo à pesquisa e melhoria da assistência no âmbito hospitalar. Considerações finais: Os dez anos de programa foram marcados pelo desafio da desconstrução do olhar uniprofissional para um projeto que contemplasse a diversidade das múltiplas profissões, proporcionando a construção de novos paradigmas, a transformação das práticas profissionais, o desenvolvimento de competências do trabalho em equipe, a integração ensino-serviço e o avanço na formação.Objective: to report the experience of the ten years since the implementation of the Multiprofessional Residency Program in Hospital Care at the Clinical Hospital Complex of the Federal University of Paraná. Development: an experience report on the ten years since the implementation of the residency program. The data were collected from internal documents and from the coordinators’ and preceptors’ reports. Three hundred and seventy-two professionals were trained. Among the advances of the program, the increase in the number of vacancies and specialties, consolidation of the Internal Regulations, computerized management of the Academic information, incentive to research, and improvement of the assistance provided in the hospital environment stand out. Final Considerations: the ten years of the program were marked by the challenge of deconstructing the uniprofessional perspective towards a project that contemplated the diversity of the multiple professions, providing the construction of new paradigms, transformation of the professional practices, development of teamwork skills, teaching-service integration, and advancement in training.Objetivo: relatar la experiencia de los diez años de implementación del Programa de Residencia Multiprofesional en Atención Hospitalaria en el Complejo Hospital de Clínicas de la Universidad Federal de Paraná. Desarrollo: reporte de experiencia de los diez años de implementación del programa de residencia. Los datos se obtuvieron de documentos internos e informes de coordinadores y tutores. Se capacitó a trescientos setenta y dos profesionales. Entre los avances del programa, cabe destacar el incremento en el número de vacantes y especialidades, la consolidación del Reglamento Interno, la gestión computarizada de la información académica, el incentivo a la investigación y el mejoramiento de la asistencia en el ámbito hospitalario. Consideraciones finales: los diez años del programa estuvieron marcados por el desafío de deconstruir la mirada uniprofesional de un proyecto que contempló la diversidad de múltiples profesiones, propiciando la construcción de nuevos paradigmas, la transformación de prácticas profesionales, el desarrollo de habilidades de trabajo en equipo, la integración enseñanza-trabajo y avance en la formación

    Práticas sustentáveis como alternativa à educação ambiental fundamentada na abordagem da educação democrática / Sustainable practices as an alternative to environmental education based on the democratic education approach

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     Este artigo propõe alternativas à educação ambiental através de práticas pedagógicas significativas que contribuam para um modelo de desenvolvimento sustentável alicerçadas à proposta da educação democrática da Rede Pública Municipal de Concórdia. Para realização da análise e comparativo da eficiência da proposta, aplicou-se uma pesquisa de campo, através de questionário aberto. A finalidade de tal processo pedagógico é propor atitudes sustentáveis, em âmbito coletivo às problemáticas ambientais levantadas. A avaliação da proposta de práticas pedagógicas sustentáveis mostrou-se bastante eficiente ao conseguir contribuir para a diminuição dos efeitos das problemáticas ambientais da comunidade. As ações de sustentabilidade desenvolvidas no projeto e aliadas aos conteúdos trabalhados, em sala de aula, numa perspectiva de educação democrática, desencadearam novas atitudes e posturas nos alunos, que refletiram na socialização destes conceitos, tanto no âmbito escolar quanto na comunidade. As ações de maior significância no que se refere à proposta foram à reutilização dos resíduos sólidos e orgânicos; o ensino e a aplicação de técnicas básicas de plantio adubação e conservação do solo no seu ambiente de atuação social; compreensão dos benefícios da alimentação orgânica e saudável; articulação do conhecimento teórico com a prática. E também, foi possível identificar, entre as ações realizadas, a formação de uma postura crítica frente às problemáticas ambientais. É importante ressaltar que mesmo os alunos que afirmam não participarem do projeto, entendem a importância da aplicação dessa proposta, os mesmos afirmam compartilhar os conhecimentos socializados pelos participantes. Pode-se afirmar que os principais resultados apresentados sinalizam para o fortalecimento de mudanças de hábitos, apropriação de conceitos e nova postura ambiental refletidos além do ambiente escolar.

    Genomic tools for durum wheat breeding: de novo assembly of Svevo transcriptome and SNP discovery in elite germplasm

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    BACKGROUND: The tetraploid durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. ssp. durum Desf. Husnot) is an important crop which provides the raw material for pasta production and a valuable source of genetic diversity for breeding hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Future breeding efforts to enhance yield potential and climate resilience will increasingly rely on genomics-based approaches to identify and select beneficial alleles. A deeper characterisation of the molecular and functional diversity of the durum wheat transcriptome will be instrumental to more effectively harness its genetic diversity. RESULTS: We report on the de novo transcriptome assembly of durum wheat cultivar 'Svevo'. The transcriptome of four tissues/organs (shoots and roots at the seedling stage, reproductive organs and developing grains) was assembled de novo, yielding 180,108 contigs, with a N50 length of 1121\u2009bp and mean contig length of 883\u2009bp. Alignment against the transcriptome of nine plant species identified 43% of transcripts with homology to at least one reference transcriptome. The functional annotation was completed by means of a combination of complementary software. The presence of differential expression between the A- and B-homoeolog copies of the durum wheat tetraploid genome was ascertained by phase reconstruction of polymorphic sites based on the T. urartu transcripts and inferring homoeolog-specific sequences. We observed greater expression divergence between A and B homoeologs in grains rather than in leaves and roots. The transcriptomes of 13 durum wheat cultivars spanning the breeding period from 1969 to 2005 were analysed for SNP diversity, leading to 95,358 non-rare, hemi-SNPs shared among two or more cultivars and 33,747 locus-specific (diploid inheritance) SNPs. CONCLUSIONS: Our study updates and expands the de novo transcriptome reference assembly available for durum wheat. Out of 180,108 assembled transcripts, 13,636 were specific to the Svevo cultivar as compared to the only other reference transcriptome available for durum, thus contributing to the identification of the tetraploid wheat pan-transcriptome. Additionally, the analysis of 13 historically relevant hallmark varieties produced a SNP dataset that could successfully validate the genotyping in tetraploid wheat and provide a valuable resource for genomics-assisted breeding of both tetraploid and hexaploid wheats

    Assessing the volcanic hazard for Rome. 40Ar/39Ar and In-SAR constraints on the most recent eruptive activity and present-day uplift at Colli Albani Volcanic District

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    We present new 40Ar/39Ar data which allow us to refine the recurrence time for the most recent eruptive activity occurred at Colli Albani Volcanic District (CAVD) and constrain its geographic area. Time elapsed since the last eruption (36 kyr) overruns the recurrence time (31 kyr) in the last 100 kyr. New interferometric synthetic aperture radar data, covering the years 1993–2010, reveal ongoing inflation with maximum uplift rates (>2 mm/yr) in the area hosting the most recent (<200 ka) vents, suggesting that the observed uplift might be caused by magma injection within the youngest plumbing system. Finally, we frame the present deformation within the structural pattern of the area of Rome, characterized by 50 m of regional uplift since 200 ka and by geologic evidence for a recent (<2000 years) switch of the local stress-field, highlighting that the precursors of a new phase of volcanic activity are likely occurring at the CAVD

    Comparison among mid-row soil managements techniques to preserve grape quality in Cabernet Sauvignon vines

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    Conservative technique of soil management plays an important role, compared to conventional tillage, in order to save soil fertility, to preserve biodiversity and to maintain vegetative-productive balance. However, alongside the many agronomic and environmental benefits, it is worth to consider that grass cover exerts water and nutritional competition, especially where irrigation is difficult to set up. This research is aimed to evaluate the effects, on vines physiology and quality of the grapes, of three different soil management: temporary sward over all interrows (IT), green manure and tillage every other row (SL) and mulching with plant residues and tillage every other row (PL); measurements were carried out in 2016 and 2017 on a Cabernet Sauvignon vineyard, in Bolgheri (Tuscany). During the experiment, single leaf gas exchanges, stem water potential, productivity were measured, while quality parameters were analyzed. Significant differences in gas exchanges related to the different season and inter-row management were observed. Compared to SL and PL, the IT showed more negative values of water potential, due to the grass-vine competition, especially when water availability is greater. The competition, exerted by sward, at the beginning of the season 2017, lead to differences in fruit setting with impact on yield; therefrom, significant differences also in anthocyanic content