467 research outputs found

    Ensayo de doble punzonamiento aplicado al hormigón reforzado con fibras (ensayo Barcelona)

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    El hormigón reforzado con fibras se ha ido desarrollando progresivamente debido a las prestaciones que se derivan de su uso y su gran diversidad de aplicación. Todo y las mejoras que introduce, en la actualidad existe una cierta carencia en el marco normativo, un desconocimiento de sus propiedades por gran parte de los proyectistas y las comprobaciones que son necesarias desarrollar para su utilización en elementos estructurales no están establecidas. En la presente tesina se pretende estudiar la viabilidad del ensayo de doble punzamiento, ensayo a tracción indirecta, aplicado al hormigón reforzado con fibras (ensayo Barcelona). Una vez definidas, a partir de una serie de campañas experimentales, las variables que caracterizan el ensayo, se pretende normalizar para de este modo poder aplicarlo en base a rutinas y obtener los parámetros de comportamiento del hormigón reforzado con fibras más representativos, entre ellos la resistencia a tracción y absorción de energía. Además, se realiza un estudio de correlación de resultados entre el ensayo Barcelona y el ensayo a flexotracción de vigas basdo en la norma belga NBN B 15-238 en términos de tenacidad

    Manuel Machado y «Los poetas españoles de mañana»: una visión de la poesía del ultraísmo y más notas sobre la historia del modernismo

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    En este trabajo se vuelve a publicar el artículo de Manuel Machado "Los poetas españoles de mañana", que es desconocido por los críticos modernos del poeta sevillano. A modo de introducción, se hace una revisión de una serie de hechos que revelan las relaciones personales y literarias entre el autor de "Alma" y algunos escritores de la primera vanguardia española. Esto es seguido por una transcripción del texto del artículo, junto con un análisis de la evaluación personal de la poética "ultraísmo" propuesta por el autor. Esto conduce a un pensamiento de Manuel Machado en tres aspectos del arte literario: la imagen, la componente métrica y el individualismo artístico de los autores de su generación literaria -esta tercera cuestión tiene que ver con la actitud de Machado sobre la etiqueta de "Generación del 98". El documento termina con una mención de las observaciones hechas por Jorge Luis Borges sobre "Los poetas españoles de mañana".This paper republishes Manuel Machado's article "Los poetas españoles de mañana", which is unknown to modern critics of the poet from Seville. As an introduction, a review is made of a series of facts which reveal the personal and literary relationships between the author of “Alma” and some writers of the first Spanish avant-garde. This is followed by a transcription of the text of the article along with an analysis of the personal evaluation of poetic “ultraísmo” given by the author. This leads to Manuel Machado's thinking on three aspects of literary art: the image, the metrical component and the artistic individualism of the authors of his literary generation - this third matter is related to Machado's attitude to the label “generación del 98”. The paper ends with a mention of the remarks made by Jorge Luis Borges about "Los poetas españoles de mañana".notPeerReviewe

    El arte y el materialismo: un ensayo en el fin de siglo.

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    Equity valuation of Manchester United

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    The objective of this thesis is to analyse the financial statements of Manchester United and pursue an equity valuation in order to issue a recommendation to buy, sellor hold recommendation as of 30thof June 2021.To do so, the author decided to use the DCF model because Manchester United is not expected to change their debt-to-equity ratio and is a flexible model where all the assumptions about the company can be included. It also allows to do a sensitivity analysis what will help to understand the changes between the inputs and outputs. To support the result of the DCF model, the author has also employed a multiples valuation with the EV/EBITDA multiple. The author got a target price of Manchester United shares of 13.99£through DCF valuation and 12.44£using the multiples valuation, what indicate us that the share is under valued since the market price was 10.94£

    Planning and design of a network of vertiports in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (AMB)

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    This project aims to design a network of vertiports in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, Spain. The commitment of technology companies to design eVTOL aircraft suitable for urban areas coupled with the exponential growth of interest in urban air mobility, makes the project to define a well-planned and efficient vertiports infrastructure a smart step for the development of this emerging sector. The design of the vertiport network takes into consideration the following: the geographical layout, existing transportation infrastructure and population density in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area. The objective is to strategically locate the vertiports to maximize public attraction and minimize travel distances for passengers and consequently reduce pollutant emissions. In order to define the frequency of operations to be carried out in each of the vertiports, a study of the demand that this project could attract is required, analyzing the potential market. Based on the forecasts in terms of the number of daily operations carried out at the vertiports, transport lines are established that leave the entire area interconnected. Moreover, the 3D design of one of the vertiports will be carried out, in order to have a more realistic view of its dimensions. It details all the elements required both on the air side of the vertiport and on the land side, establishing the number of pads corresponding to the flight capacity study. Likewise, the passenger terminal must be designed to achieve the most effective passenger flow possible. Furthermore, the design incorporates considerations for noise reduction and environmental impact, aiming to integrate the vertiport network causing the least impact in urban areas. In addition, it is fundamental to develop an economic analysis of the costs and benefits that the construction and implementation of one of the vertiports of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona would entail, to analyze its viability. Thanks to the implementation of this vertiport network, the city will offer an alternative method of transportation for residents and visitors, making a positive contribution to the environment. The results of this project will provide an innovative design proposal for the vertiport network that could be used as a starting point by other users or companies for a more in-depth development about the creation of vertiports in the city

    Imatges i matemàtiques

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    Darrerament les càmeres fotogràfiques digitals s'han posat de moda, ara que els preus comencen a ser més assequibles s'estan convertint en un element de consum, el regal idoni en molts casos. Les càmeres tradicionals, les que utilitzen el típic rodet, també anomenades analògiques, estan trobant el seu lloc en els calaixos de les coses velles (excepte per als professionals del món de la fotografia). En aquesta col·laboració parlarem d'una forma molt elemental d'alguna matemàtica que hi ha dins d'una càmera digital

    Un programa per a calcular l'homologia simplicial

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    Transparències enigmàtiques en la dedicatòria i l'epígraf de La plaça del Diamant

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    Per la prima volta si affronta una ricerca delle fonti autobiografiche nel più noto dei romanzi della scrittrice catalana Mercè Rodoreda (1908-1983): La plaça del Diamant (1962).Il campo delle indagini si sofferma nei due elementi collocati tra il titolo e la soglia del romanzo .Cioè la dedica e l'epigrafe. Due dettagli fuori del testo, che, per le loro ridotte dimensioni, sono stati considerati assolutamente irrilevanti. Osservati un po' piú da vicino, si sono dimostrati carichi di notizie e consentono una nuova lettura del romanzo, come aveva già affermato, per altro, il primo lettore , della Piazza del Diamante, a cui poi, il libro è dedicato, ovvero, Joan Prat i Esteve (1904-1971). Questi, meglio conosciuto sotto lo pseudonimo di Armand Obiols, fu uno scrittore catalano che non tornò piú dall'esilio è rimase strettamente legato alla scrittrice. D'altra parte, la citazione che appare immediatamente dopo la dedica, deriva dal verso di un sonetto del poeta e scrittore inglese Georges Meredith (1828-1909), per il suo tono ovvio di totale semplícità, sembrerebbe allontanare in modo deciso, qualsiasi ipotesi di dialogo con la storia narrara ne La piazza del Diamante. (Non fosse altro, che per i cent'anní che separano le due opere). La poesia di Meredith, appartiene a Modern Love, una raccolta di sonetti ambientata  nell'oppressiva società vittoriana, che, in forma romanzata, descrive il fallimento e la tragica fine di un matrimonio. E che cos'é, quello che al lettore viene raccontato? se non la figurazione di una grande crisi d'amore, l'infinito monologo della protagonista Colometa/Natalia. Trasposizione stilizzata della storia privata dell'autrice. Proprio nella scrittura parlata dall'eroina della Piazza del Diamante, é possibile la verifica per un confronto con Modern Love. Dal verso espunto dalla raccolta, la citazione appare quasi ermetica -nella sua estrema semplicità-, ma ne scopre altrettanto lo stretto legame, una sottile dipendenza. tra dedica ed epigrafe. Quella che si rivela nella tranche de vie, di Mercè Rodoreda e del dedicatario del romanzo: Joan Prat, cioé Armand Obiols