54 research outputs found

    Visualization of affective information in music using chironomie

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    The purpose of this study is to visualize affective information that cannot be conveyed by symbolic notation alone, to enhance the musical experience of the hearing impaired. To represent the rhythm of music effectively and uniquely, we focused on Chironomie, which represents the structure of rhythm with emotional impression. In general, Chironomie is drawn by a curve corresponding to the score, which is determined by whether a short segment of the score represents one of two classes, Arsis or Thesis. First, we utilized the machine learning technique to classify Arsis and Thesis from the score as input. We conducted experiments to confirm the accuracy of the classification, and the usefulness of the estimated Chironomie in conveying the rhythm of music. In the latter experiment, four types of stimuli combining visual and sound information were used to confirm the effects of Chironome: score only, Chironomie only, score and Chironomie, and score and sound. Results showed that Chironomie has certain usefulness in conveying the rhythmic structure of a piece of music. This paper mainly focuses on evaluation experiments and discusses experimental and analytical methods under these experimental conditions

    Journalists in Japan

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    Journalists in Japan

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    Attitude Control Systems for Imaging the Moonlit Ground: Development and On-Orbit Updating Results of CE-SAT-IIB

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    Canon Electronics Inc. (CEI) is developing optical micro satellites “CE-SAT” for demonstrating in-house attitude determination and control systems (ADCS) and optical systems in order to achieve high-resolution and high-sensitivity imaging. CEI is now operating two satellites on orbit. The second satellite CE-SAT-IIB has the ability to take images of the ground surface with 5m GSD in the night using an Ultra High Sensitivity Camera (UHSC) and a highly accurate ADCS. The satellite has ability to track the ground with 20 arcsec/s or better of pointing stability, and this makes 100 milliseconds or longer exposure time possible. As the result, the satellite can get images of the moonlit ground surface clearly. To realize such high stability of pointing, CEI developed most components for ADCS in-house and updated software of the satellite and components on orbit. Now CE-SAT-IIB can get the ground images with 1800 milliseconds exposure time and get color images of night deserts like imaging in daylight. Additionally, this ADCS enables the satellite to get various images of the ground with changing area, sensitivity, and temporal resolution of imaging by selecting a target of pointing, exposure time, and imaging interval. Furthermore, high-speed moving objects including satellites and space debris can be photographed utilizing the high sensitivity of the UHSC

    Night-Time Color Imaging with High Resolution from a 35 kg Microsatellite

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    Canon Electronics Inc. developed its third microsatellite to demonstrate optical systems and in-house developed components in orbit. The 35 kg microsatellite CE-SAT-IIB can capture night-time color images of moon lit earth surface as well as city lights with a newly-designed camera using an ultra-high sensitivity image sensor developed by Canon. CE-SAT-IIB was launched in October 2020 as a payload on the Rocket LabsElectron15and has been performing experiments to validate optical systems and the bus using in-house components. CE-SAT-IIB has three types of cameras. The first camera is a 20 cm Cassegrain telescope with the ultra-high sensitivity detector previously described. Exposure is controllable through shutter speed, CMOS gain, and ND filters. The sensitivity is equivalent to approximately 4 million in ISO by maximizing the gain and detaching all the ND filters. Focus can be adjusted via a stepper motor on the detector, and observable area is approximately 3.5 km x 2.3 km on the ground with theoretical ground sampling distance (GSD) 5m from a 500 km orbit. The second camera is 8.7 cm Cassegrain telescope with a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS)detector using24.2 MP CMOS sensor. Exposure is controllable through shutter speed and ISO, and focus can be adjusted by controlling the temperature of the telescope. The Effective focal length of this camera is809 mm, which enables to capture ground images of approximately 5.6 km x 3.7kmwith theoretical GSD2.3m. The third camera is also a COTS compact digital camera. Exposure is controllable through shutter speed, ISO, and F-number. In addition, adjustable focal length provides wide range of images from approximately 215 km x 145 km to 645 km x 435km in ground distance. The bus of CE-SAT-IIB mainly consists of in-house components such as sun aspect sensors, a geomagnetic aspect sensor, an inertial reference unit, a star tracker, magnetorquers, and reaction wheels to shorten the delivery time and guarantee quality for mass-manufacturing. All of these components have worked as designed in orbit, and the satellite has achieved 3-axis attitude control such as ground tracking, and inertial pointing. Canon Electronics has demonstrated three sizes of Cassegrain telescopes and validated two size of bus systems by CE-SAT-I and CE-SAT-IIB. We are going to start providing high quality telescopes, detectors, bus systems, components, and integrated satellite systemin a short delivery time

    Quantitative analyses reveal extracellular dynamics of Wnt ligands in Xenopus embryos

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    動く分子と動かない分子が協調して、安定した位置情報を素早く作り出す. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-06-04.The mechanism of intercellular transport of Wnt ligands is still a matter of debate. To better understand this issue, we examined the distribution and dynamics of Wnt8 in Xenopus embryos. While Venus-tagged Wnt8 was found on the surfaces of cells close to Wnt-producing cells, we also detected its dispersal over distances of 15 cell diameters. A combination of fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and quantitative imaging suggested that only a small proportion of Wnt8 ligands diffuses freely, whereas most Wnt8 molecules are bound to cell surfaces. Fluorescence decay after photoconversion showed that Wnt8 ligands bound on cell surfaces decrease exponentially, suggesting a dynamic exchange of bound forms of Wnt ligands. Mathematical modeling based on this exchange recapitulates a graded distribution of bound, but not free, Wnt ligands. Based on these results, we propose that Wnt distribution in tissues is controlled by a dynamic exchange of its abundant bound and rare free populations

    Recent development of the HMM-based speech synthesis system (HTS)

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    A statistical parametric approach to speech synthesis based on hidden Markov models (HMMs) has grown in popularity over the last few years. In this approach, spectrum, excitation, and duration of speech are simultaneously modeled by context-dependent HMMs, and speech waveforms are generate from the HMMs themselves. Since December 2002, we have publicly released an open-source software toolkit named “HMM-based speech synthesis system (HTS)” to provide a research and development toolkit for statistical parametric speech synthesis. This paper describes recent developments of HTS in detail, as well as future release plans

    Five case of tardive dystonia treatment with pallidal deep brain stimulation

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    We assessed the efficiency of pallidal deep brain stimulation for tardive dystonia. This search was carried out in Electronic chart of Tokushima University Hospital. 5 patients with tardive dystonia were enrolled. GPi(internal segment of globus pallidus)was the target in all patients. The motor part of Burke-Fahn-Marsden Dystonia Rating Scale(BFMDRS)was improved by 78.4% on average when compared to preoperative BFMDRS scores. The performed analysis indicates that GPi-DBS is an effective and safe treatment for tardive dystonia

    Integrated analysis of the oral and intestinal microbiome and metabolome of elderly people with more than 26 original teeth: a pilot study

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    Elderly subjects with more than 20 natural teeth have a higher healthy life expectancy than those with few or no teeth. The oral microbiome and its metabolome are associated with oral health, and they are also associated with systemic health via the oral-gut axis. Here, we analyzed the oral and gut microbiome and metabolome profiles of elderly subjects with more than 26 natural teeth. Salivary samples collected as mouth-rinsed water and fecal samples were obtained from 22 healthy individuals, 10 elderly individuals with more than 26 natural teeth and 24 subjects with periodontal disease. The oral microbiome and metabolome profiles of elderly individuals resembled those of subjects with periodontal disease, with the metabolome showing a more substantial differential abundance of components. Despite the distinct oral metabolome profiles, there was no differential abundance of components in the gut microbiome and metabolomes, except for enrichment of short-chain fatty acids in elderly subjects. Finally, to investigate the relationship between the oral and gut microbiome and metabolome, we analyzed bacterial coexistence in the oral cavity and gut and analyzed the correlation of metabolite levels between the oral cavity and gut. However, there were few associations between oral and gut for bacteria and metabolites in either elderly or healthy subjects. Overall, these results indicate distinct oral microbiome and metabolome profiles, as well as the lack of an oral-gut axis in elderly subjects with a high number of natural teeth


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    Kogakuin UniversityToyota Technological InstituteChiba UniversityNagoya Institute of TechnologyKogakuin UniversityNational Museum of EthnologyNHK STRLChiba University,Kogakuin University会議名: 言語資源活用ワークショップ2018, 開催地: 国立国語研究所, 会期: 2018年9月4日-5日, 主催: 国立国語研究所 コーパス開発センター手話は言語であるにもかかわらず、音声言語と比べて言語学、工学を含む関連諸分野での研究が進んでいない。本稿では、各個分野における手話研究および学際研究の推進を目的とした、様々な分野の研究者が共通に利用できる汎用的な日本手話の語彙データベース作成について報告する。言語学者の望むデータ形式と、工学や認知科学の分野で望むデータの形式は異なることが予想される。多分野での利用を可能にするためには、分析や解析内容に応じて手話の多視点の画像、3次元動作データ、深度画像など様々なデータ形式を含むことが望まれる。さらに、時間軸上で同期したこれらのデータを、各分析者が得意とするデータ形式で解析することを可能にする。データベース上の様々な形式データを同期解析できるアノテーション支援システムも開発する予定である。これにより、様々な視点からの同一手話の解析が可能となり、手話言語に関する新たな知見が得られることが期待できる