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    レニン-アンゞオテンシン系(renin-angiotensin system; RAS)は、生䜓内の氎・電解質平衡の調節、埪環血液量および血圧の調節に重芁な圹割を担っおおり、高血圧の発症・維持に関䞎しおいる。RASの唯䞀の基質であるアンゞオテンシノヌゲン(angiotensinogen; ATN)はレニンによりアンゞオテンシンI(angiotensin I; AI)に倉換されるが、AIは生理的に䞍掻性である。AIはアンゞオテンシン倉換酵玠(angiotensin converting enzyme; ACE)によりアンゞオテンシンII(angiotensin II; AII)に倉換され、现胞膜衚面に存圚する特異的なAII受容䜓に結合するこずにより生理䜜甚を発珟する。AII受容䜓にはタむプ1受容䜓(AT_1)およびタむプ2受容䜓(AT_2)の2皮類のサブタむプが存圚する。AT_1受容䜓はアンゞオテンシンの䞻生理機胜に関䞎しおいるこずが知られおいる。䞀方、AT_2受容䜓はAIIず結合するがその生理機胜は䞍明な点が倚い。 遺䌝子工孊の発達に䌎いRASの各遺䌝子の構造が明らかにされ、研究は急速に発展した。たた、RASは埪環血䞭のみで䜜甚するず考えられおきたが、各構成因子が脳、心臓などの組織にも芳察され血䞭RASずは独立した組織RASの抂念が確立され、その生理機胜の解明が泚目されおいる。 珟圚、脳内でのRASの機胜は、血圧制埡の他、飲氎行動の制埡、疹痛閟倀など知芚神経系の制埡、カテコヌルアミン䜜動性神経系を介した運動機胜の制埡、孊習蚘憶機胜ぞの関䞎、う぀䞍安症状の制埡、脳血流量の制埡、脳梗塞による遅発性神経现胞死ぞの関䞎等が報告されおいる。これら報告の倚くはアンゞオテンシン自䜓を脳内ぞ盎接泚入した実隓、ACE阻害剀(ACE inhibitor; ACEI)あるいはAII受容䜓サブタむプ遞択的リガンドを甚いた薬理詊隓で埗られた知芋であり、内因性の脳内RASを盎接修食した結果ではない。近幎、発生工孊的手法の導入により遺䌝子欠損動物が䜜補され、RAS各構成因子の機胜が個䜓レベルで解析できるようになった。ATN遺䌝子欠損マりスは収瞮期および拡匵期の血液が䜎䞋しおおり、AT_2受容䜓遺䌝子欠損マりスは収瞮期および拡匵期の血圧が䞊昇しおいるこずが報告されおいるが、䞭枢神経系の倉化に぀いおは怜蚎されおいない。 そこで、筆者は脳内RASの機胜を解明する目的で、ATN遺䌝子欠損マりス(筑波倧孊応甚生物系村䞊和雄教授より提䟛)およびAT_2受容䜓遺䌝子欠損マりス(バンダヌビルト倧孊医孊郚生化孊皲䞊 正教授より提䟛)を甚いお、行動薬理孊的および神経化孊的手法による機胜解析を行った。なお、各実隓における察照動物ずしおは、ATN遺䌝子欠損マりス(-/-)およびAT_2受容䜓遺䌝子欠損マりス(-/y、-/-)ずもそれぞれの野生型マりス(+/+ : +/y、+/+)を甚いた。 䞭枢機胜解析には以䞋の行動薬理孊的解析手法を甚いた。1. 自発運動量の枬定(探玢行動量および自発運動量に察する圱響:ATN、AT_2)2. 匷制氎泳法(う぀状態の怜蚎:ATN、AT_2)3. 明暗遞択性詊隓(䞍安行動の怜蚎:ATN、AT_2)4. 受動的回避反応(孊習・蚘憶機胜の怜蚎:ATN、AT_2)5. 疌痛閟倀に察する䜜甚(知芚神経系の怜蚎:ATN、AT_2)6. 脳浮腫圢成に察する䜜甚(遅発性神経现胞死ぞの関䞎の怜蚎:ATN、AT_2)7. オヌプンフィヌルド法(脱糞行動による䞍安状態の怜蚎:AT_2)8. 高架匏十字迷路法(䞍安状態の怜蚎:AT_2)9. 脳内β゚ンドルフィン含量の枬定(疌痛過敏の粟査:AT_2)10. Hexobarbital誘発睡眠に察する䜜甚(䞭枢神経の非特異的制埡あるいは興奮性の怜蚎:AT_2) 神経化孊的機胜解析ずしおは、䞍安症状の発珟に関䞎しおいるノル゚ピネフリン(Norepinephirine;NE)およびコルチコトロピン遊離因子(corticotropin releasing factor:CRF)、および疌痛閟倀制埡に関係しおいるβ-゚ンドルフィン䜜動性神経系の関䞎を怜蚎した(AT_2)。 結果、ATN遺䌝子欠損マりスは匷制氎泳法を甚いた堎合、う぀症状様行動の枛匱が芳察された。ATN遺䌝子欠損マりスは自発運動量が䜎䞋しおいるこずより、ATN遺䌝子欠損マりスのう぀症状様行動の枛匱は運動量の増加に基づいた倉化ではないず考えられる。たた、ATN遺䌝子欠損マりスは䞍安行動の増匷あるいは枛匱が認めれなかったこずより、ATN遺䌝子欠損マりスは特異的にう぀症状様行動の枛匱が発珟しおいるず考えられる。 雄性AT_2受容䜓遺䌝子欠損マりスは自発運動量には圱響を受けず、探玢行動量のみが枛少しおいた。しかし、雄性AT_2受容䜓遺䌝子欠損マりスの探玢行動量および自発運動量は野生型マりスず比范しお差がなかった。運動量に関しおは性差が認められた。 AT_2受容䜓遺䌝子欠損マりスは明暗遞択性詊隓での明宀滞圚時間の短瞮、高架匏十字迷路でのオヌプンアヌム滞圚時間の短瞮、オヌプンフィヌルド法での脱糞数の増加が認められ、野生型マりスず比范しお、䞍安状態が匷く発珟しおいた。AT_2受容䜓遺䌝子欠損マりスの匷制氎泳法の無動時間、hexobarbital誘発睡眠時間および自発運動量は野生型マりスず差がなかった。すなわち、AT_2受容䜓遺䌝子欠損マりスは特異的に䞍安状態の増加を瀺し、この䜜甚は非特異的な䞭枢抑制あるいは䞭枢興奮に起因するものではない。 ATN遺䌝子欠損マりスおよびAT_2受容䜓遺䌝子欠損マりスを甚いた、受動的回避反応および疌痛閟倀枬定実隓より、脳内のATNおよびAT_2は孊習・蚘憶機胜に関䞎しおいる可胜性は䜎いこずが瀺唆された。 ATN遺䌝子欠損マりスおよびAT_2受容䜓遺䌝子欠損マりスの脳浮腫圢成䜜甚に察する怜蚎結果より、ATNおよびAT_2受容䜓はグルタミン酞神経毒性発珟には関係しおいないず考えられる。 AT_2受容䜓遺䌝子欠損マりスは疌痛過敏になっおいた。免疫組織孊的に脳内β-゚ンドルフィン含有を枬定した結果、β-゚ンドルフィン含有现胞が存圚する芖床䞋郚匓状栞においお、AT_2受容䜓遺䌝子欠損マりスは野生マりス型ず比范しおβ-゚ンドルフィン含量が枛少しおいた。埓っお、AT_2受容䜓遺䌝子欠損マりスの疌痛過敏には芖床䞋郚匓状栞内でのβ-゚ンドルフィン含量の枛少が関䞎しおいるず考えられる。 行動薬理的怜蚎で認められたAT_2受容䜓遺䌝子欠損マりスの䞍安状態増加はα_1アドレナリン受容䜓アンタゎニストであるprazosinにより抑制され、α_1アドレナリン受容䜓䜜甚薬(phenylephrine)α_2アドレナリン受容䜓拮抗薬(yohimbine)、α2アドレナリン受容䜓䜜甚薬(clonidine)、β_1/β_2アドレナリン受容䜓拮抗薬(propranolol)、β_1/β_2アドレナリン受容䜓䜜甚薬(isoprotenol)では圱響がなかった。埓っお、AT_2受容䜓遺䌝子欠損マりスは脳内でα_1アドレナリン受容䜓の感受性が高たっおいるこずが䞍安状態を増匷しおいるず考えられる。AT_2受容䜓遺䌝子欠損マりスにα_1アドレナリン受容䜓䜜甚薬のphenylephrineを投䞎した堎合、明宀滞圚時間はさらには短瞮されるこずはなかった(䞍安状態の増匷は認められなかった)。この点に関しおは、AT_2受容䜓遺䌝子欠損マりスはすでに匷い䞍安状態を呈しおおり、さらなる増匷䜜甚は怜出できなかったず考えられる。 AT_2受容䜓遺䌝子欠損マりスの扁桃䜓での[^H]-prazosin結合は野生型マりスず比范しお有意(PI-CRF結合数にも倉化はなかった。さらに、芖床䞋郚-䞋垂䜓-副腎系の掻性化の指暙である血䞭副腎皮質刺激ホルモンおよびコルチコステロン濃床は野生型マりスず差がなかった。埓っお、AT_2受容䜓遺䌝子欠損マりスの䞍安状態状の増加にはCRF受容䜓は関䞎しおいないものず考えられる。 神経现胞においおAIIによる神経掻動の修食䜜甚はAT_1およびAT_2受容䜓の盞互䜜甚が重芁な働きをしおいるず掚定される。AT_2受容䜓遺䌝子欠損マりスはAT_2受容䜓が欠損した結果、AT_1受容䜓が掻性化され䞍安を惹起したず考えられる。 以䞊、ATN遺䌝子欠損マりスおよびAT_2受容䜓遺䌝子欠損マりスを甚いお、行動薬理孊的および神経化孊的手法を甚いお機胜解析を行った結果、脳内RASの機胜ずしお、珟圚解明さおいる䞭枢埪環調節の他に、脳内ATNはう぀状態の制埡に関䞎しおおり、脳内AT_2受容䜓はα_1アドレナリン受容䜓を介しお䞍安状態を制埡しおいるこずを明確にした。臚床䞊、ACEI(アンゞオテンシン倉換酵玠阻害剀)は高血圧の治療に汎甚されおいるが、同時に抗う぀および抗䞍安䜜甚を呈するこずが知られおいる。ACEIの抗う぀および抗䞍安䜜甚には脳内RASの関䞎が瀺唆されおいたがその詳现は䞍明であった。本研究結果より、う぀䞍安症状ず脳内RASの関係が明確になったず共に、ATN遺䌝子欠損マりスおよびAT2受容䜓遺䌝子欠損マりスは粟神疟患病態モデルになりうる可胜性が瀺唆された。Angiotensinogen (ATN) is the glycoprotein precursor of angiotensin II. Physiologically inactive decapetide angiotensin I (AI) is released from ATN by renin, and further hydrolyzed by angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) to produce the ocapeptide angiotensin II (AII). While the major source of plasma ATN is the liver, other tissues, including the brain, also produce ATN as part of the local renin-angiotensin systems (RAS). Although brain RAS appears to be independently regulated from peripheral RAS, circulating angiotensins do influence the central system via interaction with angiotensin receptors located in circumventricular organs. The presence of ATN in the adult brain has been determined immunohistochemically. The RAS has an important role in maintaining of blood pressure and electrolyte homeostasis. Although ATN has no known biological function, recent studies provide an interesting link of central ATN to the development of hypertension, the regulation of steroid hormone and cell growth. Specific functions of brain ATN are not well understood. Mutant mice lacking the gene encoding the ATN show decreases in blood pressure. However, specific central roles of ATN have yet to be established. There are two known major AII receptor subtypes, type 1 (AT_1) and type 2 (AT_2). The distribution of these receptor subtypes in the rat brain has been defined in binding studies using radioligands. Numerous studies were done on the effect of both AT_1 and AT_2 receptor antagonists on various responses to centrally administered AII. With regard to water drinking, salt appetite, vasopressin secretion and pressor responses to intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) administration of AII, central administration of the AT_1 but not AT_2 ATN agonists, AT_1 receptor antibody or antisense oligonuceotide blocks these responses. AT_1 receptors (sensitive to losartan) may mediate anxiety, while either AT_1 receptors (sensitive to losartan) or AT_2 receptors (sensitive to PD123177) were reported to enhance cognition without influencing anxiety in laboratory animals. In contrast, both losartan and PD123177 were without significant effect in animal models of anxiety and memory. Thus, studies on the central function of AT_2 receptors yielded diverse and often conflicting results. Mutant mice lacking the gene encoding the AT_2 receptor resulted in increase in blood pressure, increased sensitivity to the presser action of ANG II, and attenuated exploratory behavior. To explore the role of ATN and AT_2 subtype in CNS, we searched for alterations in the behavioral responses of ATN-deficient mice and AT_2-deficient mice, respectively. No significant differences were found between male and female ATN-deficient mice in results of behavioral analysis. Our observations revealed that the absence of ATN induces the reduction of depressive-like behavior in the behavioral despair swim test. Immobility is reduced by clinically effective antidepressants and not by neuroleptics and anxiolytic drugs. The method has proven to be useful in identifying and evaluating potential antidepressive compounds. However, stimulants such as amphetamine and methamphetamine, which decrease immobility were reported to be false-positive compounds in the swim test. In the present studies, ATN-deficient mice had reduced spontaneous locomotor activity, thereby indicating that the reduction of depressive-like behavior in ATN-deficient mice did not result from alternations in motor activity. In addition, the time spent in the light area in the light/dark exploration task did not differ significantly between ATN-deficient and wild-type mice, thereby suggesting that ATN-deficient mice specifically exhibit the reduction of depressive-like behavior. Captopril, an angiotensin II converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI), currently used as a clinical an antihypertensive drug, significantly reduced immobility in the force-swim-induced behavioral despair test in mice. In rats, ACEI, captopril and perinodopril, induced a reversal of escape deficits but did not affect motor activity in the learned helplessness paradigm. Clinically, captopril and other ACEIs have been reported to exhibit mood-elevating and antidepressant properties. Patients on captopril also had significantly better scores in tests of general well-being than seen in cases where reserpine, propranol, or alphamethyldopa had been prescribed. ATN-deficient mice were hypotensive, and exhibited the reduction of depressive-like behavior, as compared with findings in wild-type mice. Thus, the behavior in ATN-deficient mice was similar to that seen when ACEI was administered. These findings strongly suggest that a critical role for central endogenous ATN may regulate the depressant state in the brain Angiotensin may also be involved in learning and memory. Captopril, an AT_1 receptor antagonist losartan and an AT_2 receptor antagonist PD123177 show a cognitive enhancing action in rodents. However, the present studies assessing the role of ATN in modulating cognitive behavior by the passive avoidance task in STL of ATN-deficient mice showed no differences from findings in wild-type mice. In addition, no significant differences were found between ATN-deficient and wild-type mice concerning the pain threshold. Thus, the ATN may not be directly involved in mediating cognitive function. The transient upregulation of AT_2 receptors mRNA occurs in the cortex and hippocampus after ischemic injury and these changes may be related to molecular events, which lead to delayed neuronal cell death. ANG II inhibits N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-mediated nitric oxide (NO) and cGMP production through a mechanism involving an AT_2 receptor subtype. To study the role of ATN in post-traumatic neuronal injury, we examined the effects of cold injury on development of brain edema no significant differences were found between ATN-deficient and wild-type cerebra in the extent of edema after this injury. Cold-induced brain injury has been well established as a model of vasogenic brain edema. As the accumulation of glutamate was observed in interstitial fluids after vasogenic edema, it has been suggested that glutamate neurotoxicity may be involved in the tissue damage caused by trauma. Thus, ATN may not be involved in the glutamate neurotoxicity seen after traumatic cerebral injury. One of the currently accepted anxiety test is based on the animal\u27s exploratory behavior, either implicitly or explicitly, used as an index of anxiety. It was reported that male AT_2-deficient mice showed reduced exploratory behavior in the open field test. In the present study, we confirmed and extended it by demonstrating that male AT_2-deficient mice exhibited a selective reduction of exploratory but not locomotor activities. It can be difficult to assess an animal\u27s exploratory behavior, independently of other behavior such as the locomotion. In case of female AT_2-deficient mice, however, the locomotor activity did not differ significantly between AT_2-deficient mice and wild-type mice. The number of fecal boli in rodents is considered to be an index of their "emotionality" and reduction in the number of fecal boli rate diazepam administration, a drug widely prescribed for treatment of anxiety and related disorders were seen to be consistent with its anxiolytic action. Thus, an exaggerated response to a novel environment is consistent with an increase in anxiety-like state in AT_2-deficient mice. The elevated plus-maze task and the light/dark exploration task were used as a validated animal models of anxiety that are predictive of drug responses in humans. These tests, which are based on natural aversion of rodents to open or light spaces, are sensitive to the effects of both anxiolytic and anxiogenic agents in rodents. As in the novel environment, clear group differences were observed between AT_2-deficent mice and wild-type mice, using these test paradigms. The time spent in the light area and that in open arms area was significantly reduced in AT_2-deficient mice compared with findings in wild-type mice in the light/dark exploration task and the elevated plus-maze task, respectively. The reduction in time spent in the light area in the light/dark exploration task was reversed by anxiolytic diazepam. In addition, the hexobarbital-induced sleeping time and duration of immobility in the behavioral despair test did not differ significantly between AT_2-deficient and wild-type mice, suggesting that AT_2-deficient mice did not exhibit non-specific CNS depression and depressant-like behavior. These findings strongly suggest that AT_2-deficient mice specifically showed an anxiety-like state. Biochemical and electrophysioligical evidence suggests that AT_1 and AT_2 receptors have antagonistic effects. Activation of AT_1 and AT_2 receptors elicited stimulatory and inhibitory effects, respectively, on mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase in neurons. Within the brain, blockade of periventricular AT_2 receptors potentiated AT_1 receptor-mediated stimulation of drinking and vasopressin secretion. In catecholaminergic neurons, ANG II elicited an AT_1 receptor-mediated decrease in the delayed rectifier K^+ current (I_K) followed by an AT_2 receptor-mediated increase in I_K. These studies collectively suggest that functional interactions between the two receptor subtypes have a key role in ANG II-induced neuromodulatory actions in neurons. An AT_1 receptor antagonist losartan and an ACE inhibitor captopril, used to abolish endogenous ANG II, produced anxiolytic activity, which suggests that the anxiolytic action may reflect inhibition of AT_1 receptors. Thus, one possible explanation for the anxiety-like behavior we observed in AT_2-deficient mice may be activation of AT_1 receptors because of the absence of AT_2 receptors in the CNS. In ANG II-induced blood pressure responses in AT_2-deficient mice, AT_2 antagonized the AT_1-mediated pressor action of ANG II. The considerable body of evidence supports the view that anxiety disorders may be related to excessive norepinephrine (NE) activity. Moreover, functional interaction between AII and neuronal noradrenergic system may occur, The anxiety-like behavior seen in AT_2-deficient mice was suppressed only by the α_1 adrenoceptor antagonist prazosin and showed downregulation of the α_1 adrenoceptot in the amygdala, which may be induced by excessive NE release as a result of the absence of AT_2 receptors. This will result in the activation of the cerebral α_1 adrenoceptor. There is extensive evidence from animal work, that direct activation of the locus coeruleus which may reflect dysfunction of inhibitory α_2 adrenoceptor can produce signs of arousal that strongly resemble those seen in human anxiety states. However, the absence of AT_2 receptors in the locus coeruleus was observed in histochemical studies of both AT_2-dedicient and wild-type mice. The present results indicate that both the α_2 adrenoceptor antagonist yohimbine and the α_2 adrenoceptor agonist clonidine did not attenuate the anxiety-like behavior in AT_2-deficient mice. The amygdala appears to play a crucial role in conditioned fear and probably anxiety. Both AII (AT_1 and/or AT_2) and NE receptors are located in the amygdala. Thus, the anxiety-like behavior observed in AT_2-deficient mice may be mediated by interaction between the α_1 adrenoceptor and AII (AT_1 and/or AT_2) receptors in the amygdala. In fact, the stress-induced anxiety-like behavior may reflect excessive NE activity via central the α_1 adrenoceptor. CRF, a 41 amino acid residue peptide, that regulates the release of ACTH from the anterior pituitary, has been shown to mediate stress-induced changes in the autonomic nervous system, neuroendocrine functions, and behavior. The i.c.v. administration of CRF to laboratory animals produces anxiety-like behavior, such as altered locomotor activity and an increased anxiety in an elevated plus-maze. The CRF antagonist α-helical CRF_9-41 has no effect on the reduced time spent in the light area in AT_2-deficient mice. The number of [^I]-CRF binding sites in the amygdala was not significantly attenuated in AT_2-deficient mice, compared with wild-type mice. In addition, the plasma ACTH and corticosterone concentrations did not differ significantly between AT_2-deficient and wild-type mice indicating the endocrine abnormalities involving HPA was not observed. The anxiety-like behavior seen in AT_2-deficient mice may be related to abnormalities in the central noradrenergic neuronal system but not to the CRF neuronal system. Angiotensin may also be involved in learning and memory. However, the present studies assessing the role of the proposed AT_2 receptors in modulating cognitive behavior by the passive avoidance task, the step through latency of AT_2-deficient mice did not differ from that of wild-type mice. Thus, the AT_2 receptors may not be directly involved in mediating cognitive function. The pain threshold was significantly lower in AT_2-deficient mice, compared with findings in wild-type mice. The immunohistochemical distribution of β-endorphin in the brain was analyzed quantitatively in AT_2-deficient mice and wild-type mice, using microphotometry. The fluorescence intensity of β-endorphin in the arcuate nucleus of the medial basal hypothalamus (ARC) was significantly lower in AT_2-deficient mice, compared with findings in wild-type mice. We found that the AT_2 receptor does not influence learning behavior and brain edema formation. As AT_2-deficient mice have increased sensitivity to pain and decreased levels of brain β-endorphin, AT_2 receptors may perhaps mediate regulation of the pain threshold. To study the role of AT_2 receptors in post-traumatic neuronal injury, we examined the effects of cold injury on development of brain edema, no significant differences were found between AT_2-deficient and wild-type cerebra in the extent of edema after this injury. AT_2 receptors may be not related to the glutamate neurotoxicity seen after traumatic cerebral injury. For patients whose blood pressure is controlled by ACE inhibitors, these inhibitors show anxiolytic effects when the blood pressure is lowered. (mRen-2)27 transgenic rats, a hypertensive model dependent on increased expression of the renin angiotensin system, showed a greater anxiogenic profile than did control rats. Administration of captopril to (mRen-2)27 transgenic rats reversed the anxiety-like behavior. Blood pressure of AT_2-deficient mice is higher than that of wild-type mice. Captopril reversed the anxiety-like behavior in AT_2-deficient mice. Thus, the present studies uncovered a fact of the anxiety-like state seen in AT_2-deficient mice. AT_2-deficient mice can thus serve as a model reflecting the human clinical situation and may be appropriate for studies on effects of antihypertensive drugs in patients with elevated blood pressure.博士(獣医孊)麻垃倧