170 research outputs found

    Issues of Practising Lesson Study for Learning Community in Vietnam

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    It has been around 15 years since the commencement of lesson study for the learning community (LSLC) in Vietnam. It started at several pilot schools in Bac Giang province, and today it is practised all over the country. While some pilot schools emerged with high-quality practices, the speed of actual changes in the practices still remains slow. This is because, as the author has found, the following conceptions persist among the policymakers, school leaders and teachers: (a) LSLC requires changing teaching techniques; (b) LSLC is a lesson demonstration, and (c) LSLC is a one-day event. This article addresses these conceptions and argues that LSLC should be considered a fundamental, long-term, and holistic school reform approach based on democratic principles and excellence. To overcome these limitations, it is critical for the practitioners, researchers and policymakers to have networks to share their experiences, be informed about the practices and theories, and research into LSLC more deeply – to even learn from the practitioners and researchers in other countries too

    Employability of international students: Strategies to enhance their experience on work-integrated learning (WIL) programs

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    This paper presents a systematic qualitative review of relevant literature, documents and reports, and critically discusses issues facing international students undertaking work-integrated learning (WIL) activities as part of their higher education in Australia. Initiatives utilised to better support international students on these WIL placements are described. Based on an evaluation of the data reviewed, the discussion highlights two main challenges to international students’ employment experiences: a limited competence in English communication, and a limited understanding of the local working context. In seeking explanations for the above, the authors identified factors such as inadequate student-entry procedures, limited opportunities for socialisation, limited input in cultural protocols, and the lack of soft-skills training. The recommended solutions include more uniformity between government and employer sectors, increased acceptance and support for multicultural diversity, an openness towards diverse ways of thinking, and an enhancement of training in diverse communication styles

    Cross-cultural teaching and foreign teacher identity in Singapore

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    The international movement of teachers is a global phenomenon that has seen an increasing number of teachers moving from one country to another. Although developed countries in the West are traditionally seen as attractive migration destinations for teachers, countries in Asia, such as Singapore, are also proving to be a draw for many foreign teachers. Despite studies of the experiences of foreign teachers, there are few studies investigating the influence of cross-cultural teaching on the development of the professional identity of foreign teachers. Using a narrative inquiry approach, this study examines how the cross-cultural teaching experience of a Chinese beginning teacher in Singapore influenced the development of his professional teacher identity. The story of the participant tells of why the participant became a teacher and how the change of teaching context from China to Singapore influenced his professional identity as a teacher. The study surfaced the large cultural difference between the two countries

    Incidence of sexually transmitted hepatitis C virus infection among men who have sex with men in Japan from 2009 to 2023

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    Although the prevalence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection has decreased significantly with the advent of direct-acting antiviral agents, HCV is known to spread as a sexually transmitted disease among men who have sex with men (MSM), and this study aims to provide a perspective on the future prevalence of HCV in Japan. We examined incidence in two groups of MSM with HIV attending our institution in this retrospective cohort study, from 2009 to 2019 and from 2020 to May 2023 and investigated their background factors. Twenty-two cases were newly confirmed to be HCV infection in 2009-2019 and a total of 9 cases in 2020-2023, with an incidence rate of 5.04 per 1000 person-years in 2009-2019 and 5.55 per 1000 person-years in 2020-2023. All of them were diagnosed at routine outpatient visits for HIV, and few cases were considered to have symptoms of suspected hepatitis that led to a visit to the hospital and a diagnosis of HCV. Although HCV is still prevalent among MSM in Japan, it is possible that it would not have been diagnosed without testing at regular visits as in the case of people with HIV, and that the true prevalence rate among MSM, including non-HIV-infected persons, may be much higher

    バングラデシュ政府による成人基礎識字教育の問題 : Total Literacy Movement (TLM)を事例として

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    The aim of the present study is to discuss the problems in the executing process of Total Literacy Movement (TLM), as a case study of governmental adult basic literacy education in developing countries. The results of analysis show three types of problems. Firstly, there was a lack of systemic attempts to enhance motivation of learners and teachers at the commencement. Therefore, many learners and teachers had a difficulty to keep themselves motivated to complete their learning or managing their learning centers. Secondly, there was a lack of consideration on existing human or group relationships in regions, in establishing learning centers. Thus this lack made it difficult to promote learning, by utilising the existing human networks. Thirdly, teachers tended to be neglected in terms of morale, financial, and technical supports from the administration, although there exists the support system. In order to overcome such limitations, it is very important to outsource the planning and management from central government to local entities, such as NGOs in given regions. Further, it is required to establish the incentive system, for teachers with the best practices to obtain rewards. Also, it is necessary to deepen the dialogue with learners in order to motivate them to learn literacy, of which the TLM system lacked

    教育ODAの実施過程分析 : インドネシア初中等理数科教育拡充計画の事例研究

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    本稿は,基礎教育ODAの事例としてJICAによるインドネシア初中等理数科教育拡充計画(IMSTEP)を取り上げ,アクション・リサーチの手法を用いつつその実施過程に関して分析を行なう.分析方法としては,インターフェイス分析を用い,より具体的には,(1)IMSTEPに関連する組織や要員の間で意思疎通について発生した問題状況,(2)その解決に向けて払われた努力について,検討を行う.分析の対象は,(1)前期中等教育局との,財政措置と事業結果普及に関する交渉過程,(2)IMSTEP対象3大学の経営級の連絡・調整,(3)評価活動の業務実施過程とする.この事例から得られる教訓として,文脈を共有しあう「場」が重要であること,事業体には関連機関に対する中間項として調整機能を果たすべきであること,また絶えず事業進捗を関係者共同で反省し,具体的な中間目標を設定する機会を持つことが重要であることことが得られた.The present paper attempts to conduct a case study to analyse the implementation process of the Indonesian Mathematics and Science Education Project (IMSTEP) through action research, as an example of the basic educational official development assistance (ODA) project in Japan. The data was collected through action research from October 2003 to September 2005, as well as through interviews and various internal reports. An interface analysis will be employed to understand the interest of, conflicting situations among, and attempts to overcome such situations by the related organisations and actors. The analysis focuses on (1) a series of negotiations with the Directorate of Lower Secondary Education for their future funding and involvement in the dissemination of project results, (2) coordination processes among the three recipient universities at the management level and (3) the execution process of the task force for evaluation. The results of the analysis gave rise to three findings: (1) the importance of the opportunities provided by the project to share the contexts in related organisations and.to consult with each other, (2) the necessity for the project to function as a mediator among related Indonesian institutions and organisations and (3) the need for members to have a continuous reflection regarding the progress of the project and to set up intermediate and operational goals for the purpose of achieving the goals of the project, which were defined prior to the functioning of the organisation

    High platelet reactivity is a predictor of left ventricular remodelling in patients with acute myocardial infarction

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    Aims Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is associated with left ventricular remodelling (LVR), which leads to progressive heart failure. Platelets play a pivotal role in promoting systemic and cardiac inflammatory responses during the complex process of myocardial wound healing or repair following AMI. This study aimed to investigate the impact of platelet reactivity immediately after primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) on LVR in AMI patients with ST-segment (STEMI) and nonST-segment elevation (NSTEMI). Methods and results This prospective, single-centre, observational study included 182 patients with AMI who underwent primary PCI (107 patient with STEMI and 75 patients with NSTEMI). Patients were administered a loading dose of aspirin plus prasugrel before the procedure, and platelet reactivity was assessed using the VerifyNow P2Y12 assay immediately after PCI. Echocardiography was performed before discharge and during the chronic phase (8 +/- 3 months after discharge). LVR was defined as a relative >= 20% increase in left ventricular end-diastolic volume index (LVEDVI). LVR in chronic phase was found in 34 patients (18.7%) whose platelet reactivity was significantly higher than those without LVR (259.6 +/- 61.5 and 213.1 +/- 74.8 P2Y12 reaction units [PRU]; P = 0.001). The occurrence of LVR did not differ between patients with STEMI and patients with NSTEMI (21.5% and 14.7%; P = 0.33). The optimal cut-off value of platelet reactivity for discriminating LVR was >= 245 PRU. LVEDVI significantly decreased at chronic phase in patients without high platelet reactivity (= d245 PRU) (P = 0.06). Multivariate logistic analysis showed that high platelet reactivity was an independent predictor of LVR after adjusting for LVEDVI before discharge (odds ratio, 4.13; 95% confidence interval, 1.85-9.79). Conclusions High platelet reactivity measured immediately after PCI was a predictor of LVR in patients with AMI during the chronic phase. The role of antiplatelet therapy on inflammation in the myocardium is a promising area for further research

    Retrospective clinical study on the notable efficacy and related factors of infliximab therapy in a rheumatoid arthritis management group in Japan: one-year clinical outcomes (RECONFIRM-2)

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    Biologics targeting TNF have brought about a paradigm shift in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and infliximab, anti-TNF-α chimeric monoclonal antibody, was marketed in 2003 in Japan. We previously reported on the RECONFIRM study, a retrospective clinical study on the efficacy of infliximab therapy in a RA management group in Japan, where we evaluated the clinical response after 22 weeks of the therapy in 258 patients. The study reported here was aimed at reconfirming the clinical efficacy of the infliximab therapy and demographic factors related to the efficacy over a 54-week study period in 410 RA patients in the same study group. Infliximab was infused according to the domestically approved method, and the clinical response was evaluated following 54 weeks of infliximab therapy using the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) response criteria. Disease activity was assessed by DAS28-CRP (Disease Activity Score including a 28-joint count/C-reactive protein). Infliximab was discontinued in 24.4% of the 410 patients at 54 weeks and 9.3% and 8.1% discontinued the therapy due to adverse events and inefficiency, respectively. Average DAS28-CRP decreased from 5.5 at week 0 to 3.1 at week 54 after the therapy. Patients in remission and those showing low-, moderate-, and high-disease activity changed from 0.0, 1.0, 9.0 and 90.0%, respectively, at the start of the study to 27.6, 11.7, 34.4 and 26.3%, respectively, at week 54. Younger age, RF-negativity and low scores of DAS28-CRP showed significant correlations with remission at week 54. EULAR response criteria—good, moderate, and no response to infliximab—were 37.0, 41.7 and 21.2%, respectively. In conclusion, we reconfirmed the clinical efficacy of infliximab and demographic factors related to the efficacy over a 54-week study period in 410 Japanese patients with RA using DAS28-CRP and EULAR response criteria

    Efficacy and tolerability of tocilizumab in rheumatoid arthritis patients seen in daily clinical practice in Japan: results from a retrospective study (REACTION study)

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    Tocilizumab, a humanized monoclonal antibody to the interleukin 6 (IL-6) receptor, was approved for use as rheumatoid arthritis (RA) therapy in Japan in 2008, but its efficacy and tolerability in daily practice has not yet been reported. We report the results of a multicenter retrospective study on the efficacy and safety of tocilizumab involving all patients (n = 229) who were started on tocilizumab therapy at three rheumatology institutes in Japan from April 2008 through to March 2009. Tocilizumab was infused every 4 weeks at a dose of 8 mg/kg according to the drug labeling. Among the 229 patients, 55% concomitantly received methotrexate (MTX) and 63% had previously received anti-tumor necrosis factor (TNF) therapy. Average disease activity score (DAS) 28 of all 229 patients significantly decreased from 5.70 to 3.25 after 24 weeks of therapy. A European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) good response and DAS28 remission was achieved in 57.4 and 40.7% of the patients, respectively, at 24 weeks. White blood cell counts significantly decreased and liver enzymes and total cholesterol slightly but significantly increased; however, liver enzyme levels did not increase in patients without MTX. Tocilizumab was discontinued in 47 cases (20.5%) due to lack of efficacy (5.2%), adverse events (11.4%), and other reasons (3.9%). The overall retention rate at 24 weeks was 79.5%. Based on these results, we conclude that tocilizumab therapy in daily rheumatology practice appears to be highly efficacious and well tolerated among active RA patients, including the anti-TNF therapy-refractory population. Tocilizumab infusion is therefore applicable not only as an alternative approach for anti-TNF therapy-resistant patients, but also as primary biologic therapy for active RA patients