14 research outputs found

    Белорусский национальный технический университет

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    The paper reveals an effect of heat-cyclic treatment (HCT) on the structure and properties of NiCuBSi system coatings. This system is recommended to be used as powder for manufacturing mould dies with the help of plasma spraying. Calculation of optimum HCT regimes ensuring the best combination of physical and mechanical properties of coatings is given in the paper.В статье рассмотрено влияние термоциклической обработки (ТЦО) на структуру и свойства покрытий системы NiCuBSi, рекомендуемой в качестве порошка для изготовления матриц пресс-форм плазменным напылением. Проведен расчет оптимальных режимов ТЦО, обеспечивающих достижение наилучшего сочетания физико-механических свойств покрытий

    Technological features of piston casting

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    The results of studies of obtaining complex castings from aluminum alloys using the self-filling method are presented. The influence of a number of technological parameters (pouring time, chill cooling mode, the use of self-filling, etc.) on the quality of the resulting piston castings has been studied. The optimal time for filling the chill mold was determined when casting pistons. It is shown that the chill mold cooling mode has a significant impact on the quality of castings


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    Process of the cast part production can be generally presented as a number of technological limitations (metallurgical, foundry, finishing), subdivided into separate operations, carrying out of which is connected with certain expenses, first of all expenses of energy, materials, labor, etc.For assessment of reserves of increase of the cast part production process efficiency all limitations and separate operations in their framework are considered in detail from the point of view of power consumption, as the most expensive item at castings production

    . Increasing the efficiency of casting manufacture in small-scale and single-unit production

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    Foundry is a multidisciplinary industry of engineering, providing cast blanks from various metals and alloys. The seriality of production has a great impact on the efficiency and quality of the castings being received. Single-unit and small-scale foundry production is an important part of modern engineering. Structural analysis of casting technology is presented in the article, individual technological changes are considered both in terms of impact on the efficiency of casting, and in terms of high quality assurance at minimal cost. Taking into account the need for a single-unit and small-scale casting in the fl xibility of the processes, schemes of organization of technological preparation of production and technological equipment are proposed. Examples of the equipment used are given

    Status analysis of the foundries in the Republic of Belarus

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    The status analysis of the existing foundries of the Republic of Belarus was executed. The share of the use of various technological processes (mold forming methods, melting methods) in the production of foundry products is estimated. The article presents data on volumes produced and imported casting, estimation of total capacity foundries is given. The issues of activity of the working group on optimization of foundry enterprises included in the system of the Ministry of Industry are covered

    Heat Treatment of Sprayed Coatings

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    The paper reveals an effect of heat-cyclic treatment (HCT) on the structure and properties of NiCuBSi system coatings. This system is recommended to be used as powder for manufacturing mould dies with the help of plasma spraying. Calculation of optimum HCT regimes ensuring the best combination of physical and mechanical properties of coatings is given in the paper

    Centrifugal casting – perspective technology of production of details for agricultural machines

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    The basic requirements for cast blanks and details of agricultural machinery are considered. The prospects of using the method of centrifugal casting in the production of workpieces for the repair and maintenance of agricultural machinery in Belarus are shown. On the basis of the analysis of a number of details of the agricultural machines having the sufficient program of production the choice of the equipment for centrifugal casting of JSC BELNIILIT’s design was selected


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    The technological features of the production of castings of aluminum alloys by chill casting are showed. The most important features of chill casting are considered

    Processing of chip and small-scale wastes of aluminum alloys

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    The stages of processing of chip and smali-scaie wastes of aluminum alloys are described


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    Ways of search of new approaches to manufacture of foundry industrial equipment at preparation of the castings production are considered