2,359 research outputs found

    O perfil da indústria de laticínios na Zona da Mata e Campo das Vertentes de Minas Gerais.

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    Cenário econômico mundial; Cenário econômico brasileiro; Cenário macroeconômico regional: Zona da Mata e Campo das Vertentes; Evolução do setor lácteo brasileiro.bitstream/item/132488/1/Livro-O-perfil-da-industria-de-laticinios.pd

    Postharvest treatments to mitigate the internal browning in "Bartlett" pears.

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    Internal browning is an important disorder in pear fruit which can lead to economic losses. Pears (Pyrus communis L. cv. Bartlett) were harvested at early harvest maturity of 90 N from a commercial orchard in southern Brazil. Methyl jasmonate, ethanol, and 1-methylcyclopropene vapor treatments were carried out for 24 hours in order to mitigate the internal browning disorder. Fruit were stored for up to 150 days at 0 ± 1 °C and 90 ± 5 % RH. Pears exhibited internal browning in 37 % of the control samples after 90 days of cold storage. However, no internal browning symptoms were observed in the 1-MCP treatment. The first symptoms in 1-MCP samples were noticed after 120 days of cold storage (12 %)and reached 100 % in five days at room temperature. 1-MCP-treated pears showed flesh firmness values of 82 N after 90 days of cold storage and 18.7 N when they were removed from the cold storage and kept at 20 °C. The greatest acceptance index was attributed to 1- MCP pears after 90 days at 0 ± 1 °C followed by 5 days at 20 ± 1 °C (89.35). High acceptance indexes were attributed to MeJa (77.95) and control pears (76.40) after 30 days in cold storage followed by 5 days at room temperature. 1-MCP (0.3 µL L-1 , 24 hours at 0 ± 1 °C) treatment delays ripening and mitigates the internal browning in early harvested ?Bartlett? pears, that can be stored for up to 90 days at 0 ± 1 °C

    Extension of storage and quality maintenance of 'Rocha' and 'Packham's Triumph' pears using modified atmosphere packaging (Bag-It-Fresh).

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    'Rocha' anel 'Packham's Ttiumph ' pears were harvested in January 2011 when the fruit in, the orchard reached flesh Iirmncss values of 67.6 anel 74.7 N, respectivelyResumo S11-3

    Robust and fault tolerant control of wheeled mobile robots in formation

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    Este artigo trata de controle robusto e controle tolerante a falhas de movimentos coordenados de robôs móveis com rodas. O controle robusto é baseado em controle H∞ não linear por realimentação da saída. O controle tolerante a falhas é baseado em controle H∞ por realimentação da saída de sistemas lineares sujeitos a saltos Markovianos para garantir estabilidade da formação quando um dos robôs é perdido durante o movimento coordenado. A coordenação é realizada em função de um lider e qualquer robô da formação pode assumir a liderança de maneira aleatória. Os robôs móveis trocam informações de acordo com um grafo de comunicação direcionado (dígrafo), definido a-priori.This paper deals with robust and fault tolerant controls of wheeled mobile robots (WMRs) in formation. The robust approach is based on output feedback nonlinear H∞ control. The fault tolerant approach is based on output feedback H∞ control of Markovian jump linear systems to ensure stability of the formation when one of the robots is lost during the coordinated motion. The coordination is performed with the robots following a leader, and any robot of the formation can assume the leadership randomly. The mobile robots exchange informations according to a pre-specified communication directed graph (digraph)

    Extended cold storage of winter pears by modified atmosphere packaging.

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    The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of passive modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) on the maintenance of fruit quality during the extended storage of ‘Rocha’ and ‘Packham’s Triumph’ pears. Fruit were packed in linear low density polyethylene (100 mm), with 6% BIF 1500 additive placed into perforated plastic boxes and kept at 0 ± 1 °C and 90 ± 5% RH for up to 180 days. MAP reduced weight loss by 14.8% for ‘Rocha’ and 11.5% for ‘Packham’s’ pears after 180 days in cold storage and retained the green color of the skin, which means that the yellowing visual perception was delayed in 60 and 90 days for ‘Rocha’ and ‘Packham’s’ pears, respectively. A strong softening was observed for ‘Packham’s’ pears after being kept for 150 days at 0° C followed by 5 days at room temperature, which did not limit the storage of both pear cultivars under modified atmosphere packaging. MAP created by linear low density polyethylene (100 mm), with 6% BIF 1500 additive extended in 30 days the cold storage for ‘Rocha’ and 60 days for ‘Packham’s’ pears. Index terms: Pyrus communis L., ‘Rocha’, ‘Packham’s Triumph’, polyethylene film, water loss, acceptance. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência da atmosfera modificada na manutenção dos atributos de qualidade e na extensão do armazenamento refrigerado de peras "Rocha" e "Packham's Triumph". Os frutos foram acondicionados em filme de polietileno de baixa densidade linear (100 ?m) com aditivo BIF 1.500 6% no interior de caixas plásticas vazadas e mantidos a 0 ± 1 °C e 90 ± 5% UR por até 180 dias. A atmosfera modificada reduziu em 14,8% a perda de massa de peras "Rocha" e em 11,5% a de peras "Packham's", após 180 dias de refrigeração, e mostrou-se útil na preservação da coloração verde dos frutos, retardando em 60 e 90 dias a percepção visual do amarelecimento da casca de peras "Rocha e Packham's", respectivamente. Houve amolecimento excessivo da polpa de peras "Packham"s" controle após 150 dias a 0 °C, seguidos por 5 dias a 20 °C, o que não limitou o armazenamento das peras de ambas as cultivares sob atmosfera modificada. A atmosfera modificada proporcionada pela embalagem de polietileno de baixa densidade linear (100 ?m) com aditivo BIF 1.500 6%, proporcionou a extensão de 30 dias no período de armazenamento refrigerado de peras ?Rocha? e de 60 dias para "Packham's Triumph". Termos para indexação: Pyrus communis L., "Rocha", "Packham"s Triumph", filme de polietileno, perda de massa, aceitabilidad

    Alternative for reducing phisiological disorders in 'Bartlett' pears.

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    ‘Bartlett’ pears from different harvest dates were assessed regarding to cold storage potential and reduction of physiological disorder incidence. Three harvests, the first (HD1), second (HD2), and third (HD3), were carried out at weekly intervals. The pears were assessed after the harvest, with no exposition to the temperature conditioning, after 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 and 120 days at 0 ± 1 °C and 90 ± 5% RH and after three and six days at room temperature (20 ± 1 °C). Fruit from the early harvest (HD1) showed the smallest incidence of physiological disorder during both cold and room temperature storage. The disorder symptoms became apparent in HD1 fruit after 20 days at cold storage followed by three days at 20 °C, whereas HD2 and HD3 fruit showed the symptoms before being kept in a cold room. ‘Bartlett’ pears harvested at 70.75 N flesh firmness can be stored at 0 ± 1 °C for up to 40 days and preferably commercialized within three days, when they reach the firmness for eating. The extension of cold storage as well as the trade period can result in higher physiological disorder incidence and loss of sensorial quality. Index terms: Pyrus communis L., cold storage, flesh firmness and acceptance. Alternativa para reduzir distúrbios fisiológicos em peras ‘ Bartlett’ Diante dos prejuízos causados pelos distúrbios fisiológicos, objetivou-se avaliar diferentes datas de colheita em relação ao potencial de armazenamento e diminuição da incidência de distúrbios fisiológicos em peras ‘Bartlett’. Foram realizadas três colheitas com intervalos semanais, primeira data de colheita (DC1) realizada em 25 de janeiro, segunda data de colheita (DC2) efetuada em 01 de fevereiro e terceira data de colheita (DC3) realizada em 08 de fevereiro. As peras foram avaliadas logo após a colheita, ou seja, sem o efeito de refrigeração e após 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 e 120 dias de em armazenamento refrigerado 0 ± 1 °C e umidade relativa 90 ± 5% e após três e seis dias em ambiente simulado com temperatura de 20 °C ± 1. Peras ‘Bartlett’ colhidas com firmeza de polpa de 70,75N (DC1) podem ser armazenadas em ambiente refrigerado por até 40 dias e comercializados preferencialmente até três dias. A extensão do armazenamento refrigerado resulta em altas incidências de distúrbios fisiológicos e perdas da qualidade sensorial. Termos para indexação: Pyrus communis L., armazenamento refrigerado, firmeza de polpa e aceitabilidade

    Análise de marmoreio de contra-filé através de imagens obtidas por Tomografia de Ressonância Magnética.

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