243 research outputs found

    Rapid metal pollutant deposition from the volcanic plume of Kīlauea, Hawai’i

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    AbstractLong-lived basaltic volcanic eruptions are a globally important source of environmentally reactive, volatile metal pollutant elements such as selenium, cadmium and lead. The 2018 eruption of Kīlauea, Hawai’i produced exceptionally high discharge of metal pollutants, and was an unprecedented opportunity to track them from vent to deposition. Here we show, through geochemical sampling of the plume that volatile metal pollutants were depleted in the plume up to 100 times faster than refractory species, such as magnesium and iron. We propose that this rapid wet deposition of complexes containing reactive and potentially toxic volatile metal pollutants may disproportionately impact localised areas close to the vent. We infer that the relationship between volatility and solubility is an important control on the atmospheric behaviour of elements. We suggest that assessment of hazards from volcanic emissions should account for heterogeneous plume depletion of metal pollutants.</jats:p

    Genetic Mapping of Social Interaction Behavior in B6/MSM Consomic Mouse Strains

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    Genetic studies are indispensable for understanding the mechanisms by which individuals develop differences in social behavior. We report genetic mapping of social interaction behavior using inter-subspecific consomic strains established from MSM/Ms (MSM) and C57BL/6J (B6) mice. Two animals of the same strain and sex, aged 10 weeks, were introduced into a novel open-field for 10 min. Social contact was detected by an automated system when the distance between the centers of the two animals became less than ~12 cm. In addition, detailed behavioral observations were made of the males. The wild-derived mouse strain MSM showed significantly longer social contact as compared to B6. Analysis of the consomic panel identified two chromosomes (Chr 6 and Chr 17) with quantitative trait loci (QTL) responsible for lengthened social contact in MSM mice and two chromosomes (Chr 9 and Chr X) with QTL that inhibited social contact. Detailed behavioral analysis of males identified four additional chromosomes associated with social interaction behavior. B6 mice that contained Chr 13 from MSM showed more genital grooming and following than the parental B6 strain, whereas the presence of Chr 8 and Chr 12 from MSM resulted in a reduction of those behaviors. Longer social sniffing was observed in Chr 4 consomic strain than in B6 mice. Although the frequency was low, aggressive behavior was observed in a few pairs from consomic strains for Chrs 4, 13, 15 and 17, as well as from MSM. The social interaction test has been used as a model to measure anxiety, but genetic correlation analysis suggested that social interaction involves different aspects of anxiety than are measured by open-field test

    Latent profile analysis in frontotemporal lobar degeneration and related disorders: clinical presentation and SPECT functional correlates

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration (FTLD) thus recently renamed, refers to a spectrum of heterogeneous conditions. This same heterogeneity of presentation represents the major methodological limit for the correct evaluation of clinical designation and brain functional correlates. At present, no study has investigated clinical clusters due to specific cognitive and behavioural disturbances beyond current clinical criteria.</p> <p>The aim of this study was to identify clinical FTLD presentation, based on cognitive and behavioural profile, and to define their SPECT functional correlations.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Ninety-seven FTLD patients entered the study. A clinical evaluation and standardised assessment were preformed, as well as a brain SPECT perfusion imaging study. Latent Profile Analysis on clinical, neuropsychological, and behavioural data was performed. Voxel-basis analysis of SPECT data was computed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Three specific clusters were identified and named "pseudomanic behaviour" (LC1), "cognitive" (LC2), and "pseudodepressed behaviour" (LC3) endophenotypes. These endophenotypes showed a comparable hypoperfusion in left temporal lobe, but a specific pattern involving: medial and orbitobasal frontal cortex in LC1, subcortical brain region in LC2, and right dorsolateral frontal cortex and insula in LC3.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These findings provide evidence that specific functional-cluster symptom relationship can be delineated in FTLD patients by a standardised assessment. The understanding of the different functional correlates of clinical presentations will hopefully lead to the possibility of individuating diagnostic and treatment algorithms.</p

    Genetic background determines response to hemostasis and thrombosis

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    BACKGROUND: Thrombosis is the fatal and disabling consequence of cardiovascular diseases, the leading cause of mortality and morbidity in Western countries. Two inbred mouse strains, C57BL/6J and A/J, have marked differences in susceptibility to obesity, atherosclerosis, and vessel remodeling. However, it is unclear how these diverse genetic backgrounds influence pathways known to regulate thrombosis and hemostasis. The objective of this study was to evaluate thrombosis and hemostasis in these two inbred strains and determine the phenotypic response of A/J chromosomes in the C57BL/6J background. METHODS: A/J and C57Bl/6J mice were evaluated for differences in thrombosis and hemostasis. A thrombus was induced in the carotid artery by application of the exposed carotid to ferric chloride and blood flow measured until the vessel occluded. Bleeding and rebleeding times, as surrogate markers for thrombosis and hemostasis, were determined after clipping the tail and placing in warm saline. Twenty-one chromosome substitution strains, A/J chromosomes in a C57BL/6J background, were screened for response to the tail bleeding assay. RESULTS: Thrombus occlusion time was markedly decreased in the A/J mice compared to C57BL/6J mice. Tail bleeding time was similar in the two strains, but rebleeding time was markedly increased in the A/J mice compared to C57BL/6J mice. Coagulation times and tail morphology were similar, but tail collagen content was higher in A/J than C57BL/6J mice. Three chromosome substitution strains, B6-Chr5(A/J), B6-Chr11(A/J), and B6-Chr17(A/J), were identified with increased rebleeding time, a phenotype similar to A/J mice. Mice heterosomic for chromosomes 5 or 17 had rebleeding times similar to C57BL/6J mice, but when these two chromosome substitution strains, B6-Chr5(A/J )and B6-Chr17(A/J), were crossed, the A/J phenotype was restored in these doubly heterosomic progeny. CONCLUSION: These results indicate that susceptibility to arterial thrombosis and haemostasis is remarkably different in C57BL/and A/J mice. Three A/J chromosome substitution strains were identified that expressed a phenotype similar to A/J for rebleeding, the C57Bl/6J background could modify the A/J phenotype, and the combination of two A/J QTL could restore the phenotype. The diverse genetic backgrounds and differences in response to vascular injury induced thrombosis and the tail bleeding assay, suggest the potential for identifying novel genetic determinants of thrombotic risk

    The Mixed-Lineage Kinase DLK Is a Key Regulator of 3T3-L1 Adipocyte Differentiation

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    The mixed-lineage kinase (MLK) family member DLK has been proposed to serve as a regulator of differentiation in various cell types; however, its role in adipogenesis has not been investigated. In this study, we used the 3T3-L1 preadipocyte cell line as a model to examine the function of DLK in adipocyte differentiation.Immunoblot analyses and kinase assays performed on 3T3-L1 cells showed that the expression and activity of DLK substantially increase as differentiation occurs. Interestingly, DLK appears crucial for differentiation since its depletion by RNA interference impairs lipid accumulation as well as expression of the master regulators of adipogenesis C/EBPalpha and PPARgamma2 at both the mRNA and protein levels. In contrast, neither the expression nor the DNA binding activity of C/EBPbeta, an activator for C/EBPalpha and PPARgamma, is affected by DLK loss.Taken together, these results suggest that DLK is important for expression of mature adipocyte markers and that its action most likely takes place via regulation of C/EBPbeta transcriptional activity and/or initiation of C/EBPalpha and PPARgamma2 gene transcription

    Atrial arrhythmogenesis in wild-type and Scn5a+/Δ murine hearts modelling LQT3 syndrome

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    Long QT(3) (LQT3) syndrome is associated with abnormal repolarisation kinetics, prolonged action potential durations (APD) and QT intervals and may lead to life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias. However, there have been few physiological studies of its effects on atrial electrophysiology. Programmed electrical stimulation and burst pacing induced atrial arrhythmic episodes in 16 out of 16 (16/16) wild-type (WT) and 7/16 genetically modified Scn5a+/Δ (KPQ) Langendorff-perfused murine hearts modelling LQT3 (P < 0.001 for both), and in 14/16 WT and 1/16 KPQ hearts (P < 0.001 for both; Fisher’s exact test), respectively. The arrhythmogenic WT hearts had significantly larger positive critical intervals (CI), given by the difference between atrial effective refractory periods (AERPs) and action potential durations at 90% recovery (APD90), compared to KPQ hearts (8.1 and 3.2 ms, respectively, P < 0.001). Flecainide prevented atrial arrhythmias in all arrhythmogenic WT (P < 0.001) and KPQ hearts (P < 0.05). It prolonged the AERP to a larger extent than it did the APD90 in both WT and KPQ groups, giving negative CIs. Quinidine similarly exerted anti-arrhythmic effects, prolonged AERP over corresponding APD90 in both WT and KPQ groups. These findings, thus, demonstrate, for the first time, inhibitory effects of the KPQ mutation on atrial arrhythmogenesis and its modification by flecainide and quinidine. They attribute these findings to differences in the CI between WT and mutant hearts, in the presence or absence of these drugs. Thus, prolongation of APD90 over AERP gave positive CI values and increased atrial arrhythmogenicity whereas lengthening of AERP over APD90 reduced such CI values and produced the opposite effect

    Adipose tissue gene expression analysis reveals changes in inflammatory, mitochondrial respiratory and lipid metabolic pathways in obese insulin-resistant subjects

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To get insight into molecular mechanisms underlying insulin resistance, we compared acute in vivo effects of insulin on adipose tissue transcriptional profiles between obese insulin-resistant and lean insulin-sensitive women.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Subcutaneous adipose tissue biopsies were obtained before and after 3 and 6 hours of intravenously maintained euglycemic hyperinsulinemia from 9 insulin-resistant and 11 insulin-sensitive females. Gene expression was measured using Affymetrix HG U133 Plus 2 microarrays and qRT-PCR. Microarray data and pathway analyses were performed with Chipster v1.4.2 and by using in-house developed nonparametric pathway analysis software.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The most prominent difference in gene expression of the insulin-resistant group during hyperinsulinemia was reduced transcription of nuclear genes involved in mitochondrial respiration (mitochondrial respiratory chain, GO:0001934). Inflammatory pathways with complement components (inflammatory response, GO:0006954) and cytokines (chemotaxis, GO:0042330) were strongly up-regulated in insulin-resistant as compared to insulin-sensitive subjects both before and during hyperinsulinemia. Furthermore, differences were observed in genes contributing to fatty acid, cholesterol and triglyceride metabolism (FATP2, ELOVL6, PNPLA3, SREBF1) and in genes involved in regulating lipolysis (ANGPTL4) between the insulin-resistant and -sensitive subjects especially during hyperinsulinemia.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The major finding of this study was lower expression of mitochondrial respiratory pathway and defective induction of lipid metabolism pathways by insulin in insulin-resistant subjects. Moreover, the study reveals several novel genes whose aberrant regulation is associated with the obese insulin-resistant phenotype.</p

    An Iterative Jackknife Approach for Assessing Reliability and Power of fMRI Group Analyses

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    For functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) group activation maps, so-called second-level random effect approaches are commonly used, which are intended to be generalizable to the population as a whole. However, reliability of a certain activation focus as a function of group composition or group size cannot directly be deduced from such maps. This question is of particular relevance when examining smaller groups (<20–27 subjects). The approach presented here tries to address this issue by iteratively excluding each subject from a group study and presenting the overlap of the resulting (reduced) second-level maps in a group percent overlap map. This allows to judge where activation is reliable even upon excluding one, two, or three (or more) subjects, thereby also demonstrating the inherent variability that is still present in second-level analyses. Moreover, when progressively decreasing group size, foci of activation will become smaller and/or disappear; hence, the group size at which a given activation disappears can be considered to reflect the power necessary to detect this particular activation. Systematically exploiting this effect allows to rank clusters according to their observable effect size. The approach is tested using different scenarios from a recent fMRI study (children performing a “dual-use” fMRI task, n = 39), and the implications of this approach are discussed