22 research outputs found

    Indigenous Evaluation 101 Guidebook

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    This Guide was developed by Bowman Performance Consulting and Wilder Research as part of our work with the Minnesota Department of Education to conduct an Indigenous Evaluation for Minnesota's Preschool Development Grant. It was developed to help the State of Minnesota, Indigenous organizations, and others to recognize the steps and considerations necessary to design and implement an evaluation that considers Indigenous ways of knowing. It contains concrete tips and tools, and includes links to other resources

    Analyse biomécanique multidimensionnelle du geste de tourner le volant chez les conducteurs sans déficiences motrices

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    Tourner le volant d une automobile peut s avérer difficile pour les conducteurs ayant des déficiences motrices des membres supérieurs. En effet, ce mouvement demande une grande mobilité et une force musculaire non négligeable. A ce jour, les directions assistées automobiles sont réglées uniquement sur le ressenti des conducteurs sans déficiences motrices. Le projet ANR VTT VolHand, dans lequel ce travail de recherche s inscrit, ambitionne d apporter une réponse à cette problématique. L objectif de cette thÚse est de renseigner la biomécanique du geste déjà chez le conducteur sans déficiences motrices (sain). Pour cela, l interaction main/volant, ainsi que la cinématique (ex. angles articulaires) et la dynamique (ex. efforts sur volant, efforts articulaires) du geste de tourner le volant sont étudiés au travers de plusieurs analyses multidimensionnelles multivariables (atemporelle et temporelle). La méthode originale proposée s appuie sur un découpage flou du volant et des variables cinématiques et dynamiques. La population expérimentée compte une centaine de sujets, dont 23 sujets sans déficience motrice. La plateforme expérimentale regroupe principalement un simulateur automobile compact permettant le recueil des efforts développés par chaque main, une consigne de suivi de trajectoire incitant le conducteur à reproduire un angle désiré et un systÚme optoélectronique mesurant le geste de tourner le volant.Les résultats de l analyse de l interaction main/volant mettent en évidence 3 profils de conducteurs : les conducteurs croiseurs, les conducteurs croiseurs asymétriques et les conducteurs non croiseurs. L analyse des variables cinématiques et dynamiques montrent que les variables dynamiques résultant du tirer/pousser le volant sont discriminantes. Deux nouveaux profils sont alors identifiés : les pousseurs moyens et les tireurs. En majorité, les conducteurs sains tendent à croiser les mains et à pousser sur le volant lors de la réalisation d un geste de tourner le volant à basse vitesse.Plusieurs perspectives sont proposées à court terme, à moyen terme et à long terme. L une d entre elles concerne l adaptation de l assistance aux caractéristiques motrices des conducteurs avec déficience motrice.Steering wheel can be difficult for divers with disabilities on upper limb. Indeed, the steering action might require a large range of motion of upper limb and some muscular strength. Power steering systems that are currently proposed in car were implemented to match non disabled driver feelings and needs. ANR VTT VolHand project wants to enlarge the field of power steering system to drivers with disabilities on upper limbs. The present work is a part of this project. As a preliminary approach, the objective was to analyze the upper limb motion of healthy drivers during a steering exercise. Different multivariable analyses (low level of time summarizing and high level of time summarizing) were done to study hand/wheel interactions, kinematics variables (e.g. joint angles) and dynamics variables (e.g. joint torques). An original fuzzy windowing was proposed to describe hand position on steering wheel, kinematic and dynamics variables. One hundred subjects participated to experiment, included 23 healthy subjects, which consisted on a low speed steering task. The experimental platform was composed of a compact driving simulator, that allow the measurement of each hand effort on the steering wheel, a steering exercise based on a line following protocol, and a motion capture system.Analysis of hand/wheel interaction showed the existence of three driver profiles: hand crossing, asymmetric hand crossing and non hand crossing. Analysis of kinematics and dynamics variables showed that pulling/pushing forces were also discriminating. As a consequence, two additional profiles were identified: mean pushing drivers and pulling drivers. Overall, healthy drivers were hand crossing and mean pushing drivers during a low speed steering task.Short, middle and long prospects are proposed. One of them concerns automotive power steering system adaptation for disabled drivers.VALENCIENNES-Bib. électronique (596069901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Analyse biomécanique multidimensionnelle du geste de tourner le volant chez les conducteurs sans déficiences motrices

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    Tourner le volant d’une automobile peut s’avĂ©rer difficile pour les conducteurs ayant des dĂ©ficiences motrices des membres supĂ©rieurs. En effet, ce mouvement demande une grande mobilitĂ© et une force musculaire non nĂ©gligeable. A ce jour, les directions assistĂ©es automobiles sont rĂ©glĂ©es uniquement sur le ressenti des conducteurs sans dĂ©ficiences motrices. Le projet ANR VTT VolHand, dans lequel ce travail de recherche s’inscrit, ambitionne d’apporter une rĂ©ponse Ă  cette problĂ©matique. L’objectif de cette thĂšse est de renseigner la biomĂ©canique du geste dĂ©jĂ  chez le conducteur sans dĂ©ficiences motrices (sain). Pour cela, l’interaction main/volant, ainsi que la cinĂ©matique (ex. angles articulaires) et la dynamique (ex. efforts sur volant, efforts articulaires) du geste de tourner le volant sont Ă©tudiĂ©s au travers de plusieurs analyses multidimensionnelles multivariables (atemporelle et temporelle). La mĂ©thode originale proposĂ©e s’appuie sur un dĂ©coupage flou du volant et des variables cinĂ©matiques et dynamiques. La population expĂ©rimentĂ©e compte une centaine de sujets, dont 23 sujets sans dĂ©ficience motrice. La plateforme expĂ©rimentale regroupe principalement un simulateur automobile compact permettant le recueil des efforts dĂ©veloppĂ©s par chaque main, une consigne de suivi de trajectoire incitant le conducteur Ă  reproduire un angle dĂ©sirĂ© et un systĂšme optoĂ©lectronique mesurant le geste de tourner le volant.Les rĂ©sultats de l’analyse de l’interaction main/volant mettent en Ă©vidence 3 profils de conducteurs : les conducteurs croiseurs, les conducteurs croiseurs asymĂ©triques et les conducteurs non croiseurs. L’analyse des variables cinĂ©matiques et dynamiques montrent que les variables dynamiques rĂ©sultant du tirer/pousser le volant sont discriminantes. Deux nouveaux profils sont alors identifiĂ©s : les pousseurs moyens et les tireurs. En majoritĂ©, les conducteurs sains tendent Ă  croiser les mains et Ă  pousser sur le volant lors de la rĂ©alisation d’un geste de tourner le volant Ă  basse vitesse.Plusieurs perspectives sont proposĂ©es Ă  court terme, Ă  moyen terme et Ă  long terme. L’une d’entre elles concerne l’adaptation de l’assistance aux caractĂ©ristiques motrices des conducteurs avec dĂ©ficience motrice.Steering wheel can be difficult for divers with disabilities on upper limb. Indeed, the steering action might require a large range of motion of upper limb and some muscular strength. Power steering systems that are currently proposed in car were implemented to match non disabled driver feelings and needs. ANR VTT VolHand project wants to enlarge the field of power steering system to drivers with disabilities on upper limbs. The present work is a part of this project. As a preliminary approach, the objective was to analyze the upper limb motion of healthy drivers during a steering exercise. Different multivariable analyses (low level of time summarizing and high level of time summarizing) were done to study hand/wheel interactions, kinematics variables (e.g. joint angles) and dynamics variables (e.g. joint torques). An original fuzzy windowing was proposed to describe hand position on steering wheel, kinematic and dynamics variables. One hundred subjects participated to experiment, included 23 healthy subjects, which consisted on a low speed steering task. The experimental platform was composed of a compact driving simulator, that allow the measurement of each hand effort on the steering wheel, a steering exercise based on a line following protocol, and a motion capture system.Analysis of hand/wheel interaction showed the existence of three driver profiles: hand crossing, asymmetric hand crossing and non hand crossing. Analysis of kinematics and dynamics variables showed that pulling/pushing forces were also discriminating. As a consequence, two additional profiles were identified: mean pushing drivers and pulling drivers. Overall, healthy drivers were « hand crossing » and « mean pushing drivers » during a low speed steering task.Short, middle and long prospects are proposed. One of them concerns automotive power steering system adaptation for disabled drivers

    Apport des facteurs humains dans la conception d'un systÚme d'ordonnancement des patients aux urgences pédiatriques

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    International audienceThis paper presents how, in compliance with the standard ISO 9241-210:2010, Human Factors activities were implemented in the design of a patient scheduling system in order to decrease the overcrowding in a pediatric emergency department. More specifically, an original method to assess an algorithm with end-users is described. First, a work system analysis was performed through observations and interviews of physicians and nurses from the pediatric emergency department from a French 2965-bed academic hospital. Then, the work system was modeled with a focus on how the patients are arranged and on which criteria the arrangement is based. Those results allowed developing a patients arrangement algorithm along with recommendations to develop a patient scheduling system automatically fed by the existing electronic patient record system. A mock-up of the patient scheduling system has been developed in order to test upstream in the design process the proposed algorithm and a set of icons with healthcare professionals through user testing. Overall, results showed the end-users validated the patients arrangement algorithm and most of the icons. Next steps will be to develop and to implement the patient scheduling system in the pediatric emergency department in order to assess its impact.Cet article prĂ©sente l'intĂ©gration des aspects facteurs humains et ergonomie, conformĂ©ment Ă  la norme ISO 9241-210 :2010, dans la conception d'un systĂšme d'ordonnancement des patients pour les urgences pĂ©diatriques. L'originalitĂ© de ce papier rĂ©side dans l'adoption de mĂ©thodes classiques d'Ă©valuation de produits impliquant les utilisateurs pour l'Ă©valuation d'un algorithme de tri. Une analyse de l'activitĂ©, sous forme d'observations et d'entretiens, a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e dans le service. Ces rĂ©sultats ont permis de modĂ©liser la gestion du flux patient, d'identifier les indicateurs pertinents et de formuler des recommandations pour la conception du systĂšme d'ordonnancement des patients. Ce systĂšme prĂ©voit d'ĂȘtre automatiquement alimentĂ© par le systĂšme d'information du service des urgences pĂ©diatriques. Une maquette de l'interface a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e pour simuler le fonctionnement de l'algorithme. L'algorithme de tri et les icĂŽnes de l'interface associĂ©e ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©s via des tests utilisateurs, effectuĂ©s auprĂšs des mĂ©decins et infirmiers du service, avec la maquette du systĂšme. Les rĂ©sultats ont validĂ©s le fonctionnement de l'algorithme et l'utilisation de certaines icĂŽnes. La prochaine Ă©tape est d'implĂ©menter l'algorithme et de dĂ©ployer le systĂšme dans le service afin d'Ă©valuer son impact dans la gestion du flux patient

    Sterring Wheel Hand Position in Low-Speed Maneuvers

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    International audienceThe pattern of hand positioning varies considerably as drivers attempt to steer through sharp turns at low speed. The technique chosen by the driver should be the best compromise between car control and driver safety (i.e. airbag deployment). The purpose of this study was to assess different steering techniques in order to characterize the drivers steering profile, defined by tracking hand position. Authors propose a graphical method and a lateral indicator to define driver steering profiles. Tracking of hand steering position in twenty three volunteers with no upper arm disabilities was undertaken with a motion capture system. The steering exercise occurred in a simulator. Results from the hand tracking of steering indicate three distinct driver profiles of: hand-crossing (52%), non-hand-crossing (30%) and asymmetric-hand-crossing (17%). Most subjects steer with one hand and crossed hands often. This present a safety issue for the airbag deploying

    Preliminary Evaluation of an Electronic

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    International audienceThe study presents the evaluation of the reliability of the information displayed on the user interface of a homegrown electronic patient prioritization tool dedicated to pediatric emergency department (namely Optimum). Two ergonomists shadowed physicians and nurses throughout their shift in order to (i) identify consistencies and discrepancies between the actual step of the patients in the care process and their assigned step in Optimum and (ii) to understand the causes of the discrepancies. Even if some discrepancies are noted, results show that Optimum provides a quite good reflection of the actual position of the patients in the care process. The use of ethnographic methods allows to understand the cause of the discrepancies

    Improving the safety of disposable auto-injection devices: a systematic review of use errors

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    Auto-injection devices must be easy and intuitive to use, especially in emergency situations. However, there are many reports of safety-related issues affecting auto-injectors and pen injectors, due to usability deficits. To minimize this type of problem, the identification of potential use errors is an important and critical task in usability engineering. The aim of this systematic, qualitative literature review was to identify and catalog use errors related to disposable auto-injection devices. The key terms “auto-injector”, “usability”, and “safety/errors” were used to search in the PubMed and Scopus databases for articles from peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings published in English or French between 2000 and 2017. Use errors, close calls, and operational difficulties were identified, extracted and hierarchically classified. The analysis showed that of the 1415 initially identified publications, 38 met all the eligibility criteria. A qualitative analysis identified 232 instances of use errors and close calls, which were classified into 10 main categories and then 39 subcategories. The present results could be used to guide the design, evaluation and risk analyses of disposable auto-injection devices. Our approach is in line with the European Union's latest regulations on improving the safety of medical devices - especially those concerning transparency and traceability

    Building Usability Knowledge for Health Information Technology: A Usability-Oriented Analysis of Incident Reports

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    International audienceBackground The contribution of usability flaws to patient safety issues is acknowledged but not well-investigated. Free-text descriptions of incident reports may provide useful data to identify the connection between health information technology (HIT) usability flaws and patient safety. Objectives This article examines the feasibility of using incident reports about HIT to learn about the usability flaws that affect patient safety. We posed three questions: (1) To what extent can we gain knowledge about usability issues from incident reports? (2) What types of usability flaws, related usage problems, and negative outcomes are reported in incidents reports? (3) What are the reported usability issues that give rise to patient safety issues? Methods A sample of 359 reports from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Manufacturer and User Facility Device Experience database was examined. Descriptions of usability flaws, usage problems, and negative outcomes were extracted and categorized. A supplementary analysis was performed on the incidents which contained the full chain going from a usability flaw up to a patient safety issue to identify the usability issues that gave rise to patient safety incidents. Results A total of 249 reports were included. We found that incident reports can provide knowledge about usability flaws, usage problems, and negative outcomes. Thirty-six incidents report how usability flaws affected patient safety (ranging from incidents without consequence, to death) involving electronic patient scales, imaging systems, and HIT for medication management. The most significant class of involved usability flaws is related to the reliability, the understandability, and the availability of the clinical information. Conclusion Incidents reports involving HIT are an exploitable source of information to learn about usability flaws and their effects on patient safety. Results can be used to convince all stakeholders involved in the HIT system lifecycle that usability should be considered seriously to prevent patient safety incidents

    Improving Parents’ Experience in the Pediatric Emergency Waiting Room: Researching the Most Optimal Design for an Information Tool

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    International audienceTo improve parents’ experience in the pediatric emergency waiting room by means of an information tool, the information needs of parents and pediatric patients need to be determined. It is necessary to find an optimal design for the information needed to be understandable by and useful to the parents. This paper presents the first step of designing an information tool aiming to improve patient/parent experience, encourage the understanding of the care process, and optimize the patient-caregiver relationship. In order to acquire insight into parents’ information needs, exploratory interviews were conducted and benchmark research had been performed. Furthermore, one focus group session with parents was conducted to identify their information needs, determine the format of the information tool, and visualize the best ideas by using paper mock-ups. The focus group concluded that parents prefer an information screen to a smartphone application. The designed mock-up visualizes and explains the care process, and represents one’s position in the waiting queue. The mock-up was evaluated through questionnaires

    Usability Validation of Medical Devices: Issues in Identifying Potential Use Errors

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    In order to prevent use errors with their medical devices, manufacturers have to integrate a safety-oriented usability engineering process in their product development lifecycle. A critical step of this process is the identification of potential use-errors. Standards and guidelines recommend to triangulate several sources of information e.g. scientific literature, incident reports, manufacturer's files and user's feedbacks. This paper presents lessons learned from applying these recommendations during an international project. We identify issues with (i) searching literature and databases, and (ii) interpreting collected data. Nevertheless triangulation of information sources allows to identify different types of use errors therefore providing valuable lists of potential use errors. Issuing recommendations aim at making easier this critical task