7,042 research outputs found

    T2 mapping outperforms normalised FLAIR in identifying hippocampal sclerosis

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    Rationale Qualitatively, FLAIR MR imaging is sensitive to the detection of hippocampal sclerosis (HS). Quantitative analysis of T2 maps provides a useful objective measure and increased sensitivity over visual inspection of T2-weighted scans. We aimed to determine whether quantification of normalised FLAIR is as sensitive as T2 mapping in detection of HS. Method Dual echo T2 and FLAIR MR images were retrospectively analysed in 27 patients with histologically confirmed HS and increased T2 signal in ipsilateral hippocampus and 14 healthy controls. Regions of interest were manually segmented in all hippocampi aiming to avoid inclusion of CSF. Hippocampal T2 values and measures of normalised FLAIR Signal Intensity (nFSI) were compared in healthy and sclerotic hippocampi. Results HS was identified on T2 values with 100% sensitivity and 100% specificity. HS was identified on nFSI measures with 60% sensitivity and 93% specificity. Conclusion T2 mapping is superior to nFSI for identification of HS

    The case for market inefficiency: investment style and market pricing

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    The level of informational efficiency of security markets has been a contentious issue among the academic and broader community over the last 35 years. This study highlights the growth in popularity in investment styles over this period, where investment decisions are made with only limited reference to available information and no concern with fair value (eg momentum investors and index investors). This paper models the market behaviour of fundamental, momentum and index investors and then simulates the behaviour of security prices in a market composed of investors following these three styles. Evidence is found to suggest that compositions of investment styles that are fairly typical of the mix of investors in current-day markets will lead to anomalous price behaviour similar to that found by other writers: an underreaction to new information which often gives rise to a subsequent overreactio

    A Comparative Study of Pattern of Substance Use in Two Nigerian Cities Located in the Southern and Northern Nigeria

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    The study compared the pattern of substance use in two cities, Uyo and Kiru in the Southern and Northern Nigeria respectively, to determine the level of involvement among youths. A total of 338 male inmates, 190 from Uyo and 148 from Kano completed a modified form of 117-item self-report instrument based on the World Health Organization guidelines for students’ substance-use surveys. Data from 320 (94.7%), comprising 179 (94.2%) from Uyo and 141 (95.23%) from Kiru were analyzed; 18 ((5.3%) were discarded due to incomplete information. The mean age of inmates from Uyo was 26.3±2.7 years and Kiru 23.7±3.9 years. The lifetime  prevalence of alcohol/substance use was more in Uyo than Kiru (47.4% vs. 33.7%; p=0.002); but current use prevalence of more than one substance was (48.3% vs. 54.6%; p=0.340). The use of alcohol in various forms washigh in Uyo, compared to inhalants, sleeping drugs, cough syrup in Kiru. Cigarettes and Indian hemp were high in both cities. Reasons for use were similar. This study has shown that substance use cuts across all boundaries in Nigeria. Therefore, efforts must be made to strengthen measures aimed at controlling the use, in order to prevent amplifications of social and  health hazards.Key words: Alcohol; Psycoactive substances; Use; Inmates; Localit

    Pattern of psychoactive substance use in the northern region of Nigeria

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    Recent events in Nigeria seem to suggest that young people are being indoctrinated and used under the influence of psychoactive substances to perpetrate various crimes including terrorism. There is need to examine and control use of these substances in order to prevent escalation of these social maladies. The purpose of this study was to assess the pattern of psychoactive substance use among inmates at Kiru Rehabilitation Centre, Kano in the North Central Region of Nigeria, to determine the extent of their involvement. A total of 148 male inmates completed a modified form of 117-item self-report instrument based on the World Health Organization guidelines for students’ substance-use surveys. The mean age of the inmates was 23.7±3.9 years. A total of 58.9% had primary school and below level of education; 14.9% were school dropped-out; 29.1% unemployed; while 65.9% were engaged in menial jobs. The lifetime prevalence of psychoactive substance use was 47.4%.Current use prevalence of more than one substance was 54.6%. Ready available substances were consumed more and the potent habit-forming ones like Cocaine and Heroin were used more than alcohol. Uses of inhalants were also on the increase. Reasons for use of substances were ready availability, feeling high, enhancing performance and unidentified personal problems. This study has shown that psychoactive substances are commonly used and abused, especially among the uneducated youths in the Northern part of Nigeria. There is need for massive enlightenment campaigns to increase awareness and strategies aimed at discouraging youths from indulging in substances.Key Words: Alcohol; Psychoactive substances; Youths; Northern Nigeri

    Prions and neuronal death

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    The present contribution is a Letter to the Editor (Correspondence) and, as a consequence, no abstract is available.[...

    Application of the optimized carbon monoxide rebreathing method for the measurement of total haemoglobin mass in chronic liver disease

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    Background: Anemia is common in liver cirrhosis. This generally infers a fall in total hemoglobin mass (tHb‐mass). However, hemoglobin concentration ([Hb]) may fall due to an expansion in plasma volume (PV). The “optimized carbon monoxide rebreathing method” (oCOR) measures tHb‐mass directly and PV (indirectly using hematocrit). It relies upon carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) distribution throughout the entire circulation. In healthy subjects, such distribution is complete within 6–8 min. Given the altered circulatory dynamics in cirrhosis, we sought in this pilot study, to assess whether this was true in cirrhosis. The primary aim was to ascertain if the standard timings for the oCOR were applicable to patients with chronic liver disease and cirrhosis. The secondary aim was to explore the applicability of standard CO dosing methodologies to this patient population. Methods: Sixteen patients with chronic liver parenchymal disease were studied. However, tHb‐mass was determined using the standard oCOR technique before elective paracentesis. Three subjects had an inadequate COHb% rise. In the remaining 13 (11 male), mean ± standard deviation (SD ) age was 52 ± 13.8 years, body mass 79.1 ± 11.4 kg, height 175 ± 6.8 cm. To these, mean ± SD dose of carbon monoxide (CO) gas administered was 0.73 ± 0.13 ml/kg COHb values at baseline, 6 and 8 min (and “7‐min value”) were compared to those at 10, 12, 15 and 20 min after CO rebreathing. Results: The “7‐min value” for median COHb% (IQR) of 6.30% (6.21%–7.47%) did not differ significantly from those at subsequent time points (8 min: 6.30% (6.21%–7.47%), 10 min: 6.33% (6.00%–7.50%), 12 min: 6.33% (5.90%–7.40%), 15 min: 6.37% (5.80%–7.33%), 20 min: 6.27% (5.70%–7.20%)). Mean difference in calculated tHb‐mass between minute 7 and minute 20 was only 4.1 g, or 0.6%, p = .68. No subjects reported any adverse effects. Conclusions: The oCOR method can be safely used to measure tHb‐mass in patients with chronic liver disease and ascites, without adjustment of blood sample timings. Further work might refine and validate appropriate dosing regimens


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah dengan penerapan pendekatan bermain dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar lompat jauh siswa SMP Negeri 2 Lembang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian tindakan kelas. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII A SMPN 2 Lembang dengan jumlah 36 orang siswa sebagai sampel. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan, ada peningkatan keterampilan lompat jauh pada siswa dengan menggunakan pendekatan bermain. Pada tes awal, 15 siswa sudah mencapai kriteria ketuntasan minimal (KKM) dengan persentase ketuntasan klasikal 41,67 %. Pada siklus I, siswa yang telah mencapai KKM meningkat menjadi 20 siswa dengan persentase 55,56 %. Hasil pada siklus II, meningkat menjadi 30 siswa dengan persentase klasikal sebesar 83,33 %. Jika dilihat berdasarkan nilai rata-rata siswa di kelas, maka hasil tes awal siswa diperoleh rata-rata 66,89. Pada siklus I, nilai rata-rata siswa menjadi 73,58. Hasil siklus I tersebut belum mencapai harapan peneliti yang menargetkan pencapaian rata-rata kelas ≄ 75. Memasuki siklus II, perolehan nilai rata-rata siswa mencapai 80,53 dan artinya sudah mencapai target peneliti. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan pendekatan bermain berpengaruh untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar lompat jauh. Kata Kunci : Pendekatan Bermain, Lompat Jauh, Hasil Belajar. ABSTRACT This study aims to determine whether the application of the approach to play can improve learning outcomes long jump students SMP Negeri 2 Lembang. The research method used is classroom action research method. The subjects of this study were students of class VII A SMPN 2 Lembang with 36 students as a sample. The results of this study indicate, there is an increase in skill long jumps on students by using a play approach. In the initial test, 15 students had achieved minimal mastery criteria (KKM) with a percentage of classical completeness of 41.67%. In the first cycle, students who have reached KKM increased to 20 students with a percentage of 55.56%. Results in cycle II, increased to 30 students with a classical percentage of 83.33%. When viewed based on the average score of students in the class, then the results of the initial test students obtained an average of 66.89. In cycle I, the average score of the students was 73.58. The results of the cycle I have not reached the expectations of researchers who target the achievement of the average class ≄ 75. Entering cycle II, the average score of students reaches 80.53 and means it has reached the target researchers. Thus it can be concluded that the application of an influential play approach to improve the results of long jump learning. Keywords: Approach to Play, Long Jump, Learning Outcomes

    Microbial fuel cells: a green and alternative source for bioenergy production

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    Microbial fuel cell (MFC) represents one of the green technologies for the production of bioenergy. MFCs using microalgae produce bioenergy by converting solar energy into electrical energy as a function of metabolic and anabolic pathways of the cells. In the MFCs with bacteria, bioenergy is generated as a result of the organic substrate oxidation. MFCs have received high attention from researchers in the last years due to the simplicity of the process, the absence in toxic by-products, and low requirements for the algae growth. Many studies have been conducted on MFC and investigated the factors affecting the MFC performance. In the current chapter, the performance of MFC in producing bioenergy as well as the factors which inïŹ‚uence the efïŹcacy of MFCs is discussed. It appears that the main factors affecting MFC’s performance include bacterial and algae species, pH, temperature, salinity, substrate, mechanism of electron transfer in an anodic chamber, electrodes materials, surface area, and electron acceptor in a cathodic chamber. These factors are becoming more inïŹ‚uential and might lead to overproduction of bioenergy when they are optimized using response surface methodology (RSM)

    Computed tomography-osteoabsorptiometry for assessing the density distribution of subchondral bone as a measure of long-term mechanical adaptation in individual joints

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    To estimate subchondral mineralisation patterns which represent the long-term loading history of individual joints, a method has been developed employing computed tomography (CT) which permits repeated examination of living joints. The method was tested on 5 knee, 3 sacroiliac, 3 ankle and 5 shoulder joints and then investigated with X-ray densitometry. A CT absorptiometric presentation and maps of the area distribution of the subchondral bone density areas were derived using an image analyser. Comparison of the results from both X-ray densitometry and CT-absorptiometry revealed almost identical pictures of distribution of the subchondral bone density. The method may be used to examine subchondral mineralisation as a measure of the mechanical adaptability of joints in the living subject

    A carbon monoxide ‘single breath’ method to measure total haemoglobin mass: a feasibility study

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    NEW FINDINGS: What is the central question of this study? Is it possible to modify the CO-rebreathing method to acquire reliable measurements of haemoglobin mass in ventilated patients? What is the main finding and its importance? A 'single breath' of carbon monoxide with a subsequent 30 sec breath hold provides almost as exact a measure of haemoglobin mass as the established optimized CO-rebreathing method when applied to healthy subjects. The modified method has now to be checked in ventilated patients before it can be used to quantify the contributions of blood loss and of dilution to the severity of anaemia. ABSTRACT: Anaemia is defined by the concentration of haemoglobin ([Hb]). However, this value is dependent upon both the total circulating haemoglobin mass (tHb-mass) and the plasma volume (PV) - neither of which are routinely measured. Carbon monoxide- (CO) rebreathing methods have been successfully used to determine both PV and tHb-mass in various populations. However, these methods are not yet suitable for ventilated patients. This study aimed to modify the CO-rebreathing procedure such that a single inhalation of a CO bolus would enable its use in ventilated patients. Eleven healthy volunteers performed four CO-rebreathing tests in a randomized order, inhaling an identical CO-volume. In two tests, CO was rebreathed for 2min (oCOR), and in the other two tests, a single inhalation of a CO bolus was conducted with a subsequent breath hold of 15sec (Procnew 15sec) or 30sec (Procnew 30sec). Subsequently, the CO volume in the exhaled air was continuously determined for 20 min. The amount of CO exhaled after 7min (after 20min) for oCOR was 3.1 ±0.3ml (5.9 ±1.1ml); for Procnew 15sec, 8.7 ±3.6ml (12.0 ±4.4ml); and for Procnew 30sec, 5.1 ±2.0ml (8.4 ±2.6ml)). tHb-mass determined by oCOR was 843 ±293g, from Procnew 15sec 821 ±288g (difference: p <0.05), and from Procnew 30sec 849 ±311g. Bland-Altman plots demonstrated slightly lower tHb-mass values for Procnew 15sec compared with oCOR (-21.8 ±15.3g) and similar values for Procnew 30sec. In healthy volunteers, a single inhalation of a CO bolus, preferably followed by a 30 sec breath hold, can be used to determine tHb-mass. These results must now be validated for ventilated patients. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved
