66 research outputs found

    Einstein Equations and MOND Theory from Debye Entropic Gravity

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    Verlinde's proposal on the entropic origin of gravity is based strongly on the assumption that the equipartition law of energy holds on the holographic screen induced by the mass distribution of the system. However, from the theory of statistical mechanics we know that the equipartition law of energy does not hold in the limit of very low temperature. Inspired by the Debye model for the equipartition law of energy in statistical thermodynamics and adopting the viewpoint that gravitational systems can be regarded as a thermodynamical system, we modify Einstein field equations. We also perform the study for Poisson equation and modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND). Interestingly enough, we find that the origin of the MOND theory can be understood from Debye entropic gravity perspective. Thus our study may fill in the gap existing in the literature understanding the theoretical origin of MOND theory. In the limit of high temperature our results reduce to their respective standard gravitational equations.Comment: 8 pages, no figures. Accepted for publication in JCA

    Extraction and purification of L-Asparaginase II from local isolate of Proteus vulgaris

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    Forty one isolates of genus Proteus were collected from 140 clinical specimens such as urine, stool, wound, burn, and ear swabs from patients of both sex. These isolates were identified to three Proteus spp. P. mirabilis, P. vulgaris and P. penneri .The ability of these bacteria to produce L-asparaginase II by using semi quantitative and quantitative methods was determined. P. vulgaris Pv.U.92 was distinguished for high level of L-asparaginase II production with specific activity 1.97 U/mg. Optimum conditions for enzyme production were determined; D medium with 0.3% of L-asparagine at pH 7.5 with temperature degree 35°C for incubation. Ultrasonication was used to destroy the P. vulgaris Pv.U.92 cells then ASNase II was extracted and purified throughout several purification steps including precipitation with (NH4)2SO4(60-80%), DEAE-cellulose ion exchanger chromatography followed by Sephacryl S-300 filtration. The specific activity was 155.6 U/ mg and the purification fold was 27.3 with 10.4% yield

    Synthesis, Characterization and Stability Study of V(IV), Zr(IV), Rh(III), Pd(II), Cd(II) and Hg(II) Complexes with Pyrazol Derivative

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    In this work lactone (1) was prepared from the reaction of p-nitro phenyl hydrazine with ethylacetoacetate, which upon treatment with benzoyl chloride afforded the lactame (2). The reaction of (2) with 2-amino phenol produced a new Schiff base (L) in good yield. Complexes of V(IV), Zr(IV), Rh(III), Pd(II), Cd(II) and Hg(II) with the new Schiff base (L) have been prepared. The compounds (1, 2) were characterized by FT-IR and UV spectroscopy, as well as characterizing ligand (L) by the same techniques with elemental analysis (C.H.N) and (1H-NMR). The prepared complexes were identified and their structural geometries were suggested by using elemental analysis (C.H.N), flame atomic absorption technique, FT-IR and UV-Vis spectroscopy, in addition to magnetic susceptibility and conductivity measurements. Metal to ligand [M:L] ratio was obtained for all complexes in ethanol using molar ratio method, which gave comparable results with those obtained for the solid complexes. As well as the apparent stability constant of the complexes have been studied with the time and their color were stable for more than 4 hrs., furthermore the molar absorptivity have been calculated

    The Influence of Emotional States on Short-Term Memory Retention by Using Electroencephalography (EEG) Measurements: A Case Study

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    The electroencephalogram (EEG) is a non-invasive test that records the electrical activity of the brain as wave patterns generated by various brain structures. The electrical activity is recorded from the scalp surface after being picked up by metal electrodes (small metal discs) and conductive media. This study explored how emotions can impact short-term memory retention, and thus the process of learning, by analyzing five mental tasks: relaxation, memorization of ten words, memorization of ten two-digit numbers, visual exposure to emotional stimuli, and recall of the 10 words and 10 numbers. The word list contained ten words as five event-related (directly related to the type of emotion triggered) and five not event-related words. The visual task was separated into three categories corresponding to the type of image extracted from the public domain International Affective Picture System (IAPS) library, which in turn correspond to three emotional states assumed to be evoked by them: neutral, negative (e.g. sadness), and positive (e.g. happiness). Event-related potentials (ERP) were measured by EEG with the ANT Neuro system. The ASA software and EEGLab were utilized for the analysis of ERPs in five EEG bands: Delta (0-3.9Hz), Theta (4-7.9Hz), Alpha (8-12.9Hz), Beta (13-30 Hz), and Gamma (31-50 Hz). Eleven participants (ten males and one female between 20 and 25 years old) were included in this case study. To date, no other studies have been reported to use EEG measurements in the evaluation of the influence of emotional states on short-term memory retention

    Laboratory Study for Histopathological Effects Propduced from Exposure of Common Carp Fish Cyprinus Carpio L. of Al-Dora Refinery Waste

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    The pathological effect due to effect of petroleum hydrocarbon on common carp Cyprinus carpio and then reflected indirectly on human health was studied. Seven groupsof fish were exposed to seven different concentrations (0.04,0.08,0.12,0.16,0.20,0.24,0.28)ml100ml consequences , the eighth group was left as control group (without addition) The fish was observed for 72 hours to detect the non killed concentration (LC0),the concentration kill half (LC50) and concentration killed to all (LC100) (0.20,0.24,0.28)ml/100ml respectively . A group of fish was exposed acutely to the concentration (0.20) that does not killed. The fish carried to another aquarium contain tap water and watched for seven days after that we take tissue sections from the exposure fish organs (liver, intestine , muscles, gills, brain, kidney ).The samples was diagnosed Histopathologically, The Results showed an appearance of pathological signs represented by nervous signs, abnormal swimming produce by toxic effect on the central nervous system and histopathological changes represented by congestion of blood vessels, perivascular inflammatory cuffing chronic type in addition to vaculation of the cell and single cell necrosis in some of the

    The Effect of Demographic Factors (Age, Gender, Sector) on The Covid -19 Infection in Babylon Province / Iraq

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    Background: The rapid sweep of the Corona virus that the world witnessed during these three years has attracted the attention of scientists to it. Therefore, they tried to get to know it from all sides, in addition to collecting data for the people most vulnerable to the virus, as well as knowing the seasons of the year most suitable for it. The research aimed was to describe the distribution of confirmed cases depending on gender, age, institutions, and months. Materials and Methods:This data was collected for an entire year (January 2021-December 2021) from Public Health Department, and cases were diagnosed based on a test RT-PCR. Results: The result depended on baseline characteristics of confirmed cases (n=42,530), males recorded a higher rate of infection than females(53.32 %)).     According to the registered age groups that were reported in age (less than  1 -more than 65) years, It was found that the age most susceptible to infection ranged between 14-44 (61.21%). While the warm season (spring and summer) had the highest rate of virus infection (17.17%).  Conclusion: research that was some demographic factors important in the development of the covid -19morbidity like age especially in the older, sex male more effect than females, and the sector incrowded places than others sectors .in the warm seasons more infection by corona virus

    Seasonal Variances in General Urine Examination Findings among Al-Yarmouk Teaching Hospital Patients

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    Background: Urinalysis is a common test done for several reasons; for instance, in UTI looking for, hematuria or pseudo-hematuria, pyuria, crystalluria and also looking for different microorganisms (etc...), many laboratories perform either a regular test light microscopy, or examine varying dilutions of urine sediment and fields of view with or without the use of stains or polarization, while other laboratories used analysis of urine using automated system. As being a human; the biological sex(female or male) and broadly influences diverse immune phenotypes, including immune responses to diseases at mucosal surfaces, all contribute to how an organism will respond to diseases of the urinary tract, on the other hand, a close relationship between four seasons and the incidence of UTI has been detected in various areas of the world, where the seasons alternate in a year, and the temperature fluctuates widely among these seasons. Methods: present study was conducted on midstream sample was collected for acquiring accurate results from (68899) individuals (40800 females and 28099 males), these subjects were clinically suspected to have UTI, who were referred to the Department of Teaching Laboratories in AL-Yarmouk Teaching Hospital at Baghdad / Iraq, between January 2020 and December 2023, which examined by; Urilyzer 500 PRO (Analyticon) with Urine strips (dipstick) and Optical Microscope BA 210 (Motic). Results: A total of 68899 urine specimens were tested, of which 28099 male (40.8%) and 40800 female (59.2%) with the highest percentage of urinalysis in 2022 (33.2%), furthermore, the higher percentage of urinalysis parameters was scored in 2021 as follows;  pus cells 9012 (49.3%), red blood corpuscles 5284 (48.9%) and crystalluria 3956 (44.2%) with the most common type of crystal was amorphous urate 5032 (56.2%), while highest percentages of microorganisms 1050 (40.3%) in year 2022 , and Bacteria was exhibited the highest percentages 2036 (78.1%). Current study recorded significantly differences between males and females in all urine parameters which was higher percentage in female than male and in the Seasons of (Summer and Autumn) , during the four years of this study. Conclusion: This study registered more accurate diagnostic results of UTI according to the urinary parameters  in the microscopic routine urinalysis(centrifugation at 300xg at 5 min) when compared to machines (Urilyzer 500 PRO test/Urine strips) which frequently miss that , in addition,  hot season in Iraq could affect to increase the seasonally variable incidence of UTI , as well,  increased percentages and frequency of urinary parameters which observed in 2021-2022 out of four study years may indicates,  high likelihood side effects of Covid-19 pandemic disease  in study persons involved

    Correction to: Comparison of Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, and Folic Acid Blood Levels in Plumbism Patients and Controls in Eastern Iran (Biological Trace Element Research, (2021), 199, 1, (9-17), 10.1007/s12011-020-02119-6)

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    The original version of this article unfortunately contained mistakes. & The name of �Namam Ali Azadi� is now corrected in the author group & Fourth to seventh sentence of the Abstract section should be �The results indicated that the mean vitamin B12, vitamin D, and folic acid levels for the case group were 517.3 ± 419.4 pg/ml, 25.1 ± 10.8 ng/ml, and 9.2 ± 6.1 ng/ml, respectively. Mean folic acid level in the case group was significantly lower than control group (Fisher exact test, P < 0.001), whereas the mean of the vitamin D levels at the case group was no significantly higher than the control group (Fisher exact test, P = 0.059). Moreover, mean vitamin B12 levels were significantly different between the case and control groups (Fisher exact test, P = 0.009). In the control group, three patients had folic acid below normal level (< 6 ng/mL), while twelve subjects at case group had folic acid below normal level (P < 0.05).Also, none of the control group had low vitamin B12 concentrations (< 180 pg/ml), while seven subjects of case group had vitamin B12 below normal level (P < 0.05).� & In page 6, Discussion part, 4th paragraph: We found that mean blood folate levels in the lead-poisoned patients, who had a mean BLL of 66 ± 37. 3 µg/dl, were significantly lower than in healthy subjects (9.2 ± 6.1 ng/ml vs. 12.70 pg/ml). © 2020, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature

    Zeb1 modulates hematopoietic stem cell fates required for suppressing acute myeloid leukemia

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    Zeb1, a zinc finger E-box binding homeobox epithelial-mesenchymal (EMT) transcription factor, confers properties of ‘stemness’, such as self-renewal, in cancer. Yet little is known about the function of Zeb1 in adult stem cells. Here, we used the hematopoietic system, as a well-established paradigm of stem cell biology, to evaluate Zeb1 mediated regulation of adult stem cells. We employed a conditional genetic approach using the Mx1-Cre system to specifically knockout (KO) Zeb1 in adult hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and their downstream progeny. Acute genetic deletion of Zeb1 led to rapid onset thymic atrophy and apoptosis driven loss of thymocytes and T cells. A profound cell-autonomous self-renewal defect and multi-lineage differentiation block was observed in Zeb1 KO HSCs. Loss of Zeb1 in HSCs activated transcriptional programs of deregulated HSC maintenance and multi-lineage differentiation genes, and of cell polarity, consisting of cytoskeleton, lipid metabolism/lipid membrane and cell adhesion related genes. Notably, Epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM) expression was prodigiously upregulated in Zeb1 KO HSCs, which correlated with enhanced cell survival, diminished mitochondrial metabolism, ribosome biogenesis, and differentiation capacity and an activated transcriptomic signature associated with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) signaling. ZEB1 expression was downregulated in AML patients and Zeb1 KO in the malignant counterparts of HSCs - leukemic stem cells (LSCs) - accelerated MLL-AF9 and Meis1a/Hoxa9-driven AML progression, implicating Zeb1 as a tumor suppressor in AML LSCs. Thus, Zeb1 acts as a transcriptional regulator in hematopoiesis, critically co-ordinating HSC self-renewal, apoptotic and multi-lineage differentiation fates required to suppress leukemic potential in AML

    How Different Preparation Techniques Affect MRI-Induced Anxiety of MRI Patients: A Preliminary Study

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    Background: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) exams may cause patients to feel anxious before or during the scan, which affects the scanning outcome and leads to motion artifacts. Adequate preparation can effectively alleviate patients’ anxiety before the scan. We aimed to assess the effect of different preparation methods on MRI-induced anxiety: We conducted a prospective randomized study on MRI patients between March and May 2022. We divided 30 patients into two groups: the control group, which received routine preparation (RP), and the experimental group, which received video preparation (VP).We used the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) to measure anxiety levels before and after the interventions. We assessed patients’ self-satisfaction after the scan: After preparation, VP (STAI mean = 10.7500) and RP (STAI mean = 12.7857), we observed a significant association between the pre- and post-STAI results in VP (p = 0.025). The effects of both methods in decreasing anxiety were more significant for first-timers (p = 0.009 in RP/0.014 in VP). We noted high satisfaction levels for both forms of preparation. The VP technique was superior in reducing patient anxiety, especially in first-time MRI patients. Hence, VP techniques can be used in different clinical settings to reduce anxiety and facilitate patients’ understanding of the instructions given