1,284 research outputs found

    Cultivating creative capacity in communication studies

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    The response by Australian universities to rapid technological change and industry dissatisfaction with graduate competencies has been , at least, to identify transferable skills that support lifelong learning. Creativity is a core competency in higher education policy and curriculum frameworks, but is rarely made explicit at the level of learning outcomes, activities and assessment. In this paper we will draw on revisions to Bloom’s Taxonomy (1956 ) to argue that we need to develop the creative capacity of Communication Studies graduates more explicitly. We will focus on explaining the significance of providing an environment that fosters the creative dispositions of graduates in the twenty - first century

    Tests for predicting complications of pre-eclampsia: A protocol for systematic reviews

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    Background Pre-eclampsia is associated with several complications. Early prediction of complications and timely management is needed for clinical care of these patients to avert fetal and maternal mortality and morbidity. There is a need to identify best testing strategies in pre eclampsia to identify the women at increased risk of complications. We aim to determine the accuracy of various tests to predict complications of pre-eclampsia by systematic quantitative reviews. Method We performed extensive search in MEDLINE (1951–2004), EMBASE (1974–2004) and also will also include manual searches of bibliographies of primary and review articles. An initial search has revealed 19500 citations. Two reviewers will independently select studies and extract data on study characteristics, quality and accuracy. Accuracy data will be used to construct 2 × 2 tables. Data synthesis will involve assessment for heterogeneity and appropriately pooling of results to produce summary Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) curve and summary likelihood ratios. Discussion This review will generate predictive information and integrate that with therapeutic effectiveness to determine the absolute benefit and harm of available therapy in reducing complications in women with pre-eclampsia

    Power considerations towards a sustainable pan-european network

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    Energy savings are observed and quantified in the Pan-European network using transparent optical network technology. The network was dimensioned, using realistic traffic predictions of the optical networking roadmap of the European project BONE

    Estimation of the Serviceability of Forest Access Roads

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    The purpose of this study was to ascribe attributes to forest access roads, to allow for estimation of their serviceability on the basis of their current condition. The approach estimates the quantity of timber that may be hauled through without critically damaging the flexible pavements. Seventy-two roads were classified on the basis of their surface conditions, subgrade material, and surface deflection as the strength parameter, for 40 and 60 t Gross Vehicle Weight. Using non-parametric statistical techniques, it was found that the surface quality of pavements was largely dependent on drainage conditions (coefficient of determination r2 = 0.84), and that a strong relationship (r2 = 0.90) also existed between drainage and the number of potholes. Pavements with peat subgrades were found to exhibit significantly higher critical deflections (5.6 mm) than pavements with mineral subgrades (1 mm), coupled with their inherent variability, it is arguable that visual classification may not be suitable for such pavements. On the basis of these results, the serviceability of individual roads, in Equivalent Standard Axle Loads (ESAL) was estimated. Potential pavement damage by a standard 6 axle timber haulage truck, of 40 t Gross Vehicle Weight, with a payload of 27 t, was evaluated to be triple that due to a standard axle (8.16 t). Increasing the payload by about 10%, increased the ESAL required to transport a unit volume of timber, hence potential pavement damage, by 20%. Consequently, a significant reduction in the serviceability of forest access roads may be incurred by small overload margins that are usually ignored

    Development and face validation of strategies for improving consultation skills

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    While formative workplace based assessment can improve learners' skills, it often does not because the procedures used do not facilitate feedback which is sufficiently specific to scaffold improvement. Provision of pre-formulated strategies to address predicted learning needs has potential to improve the quality and automate the provision of written feedback. To systematically develop, validate and maximise the utility of a comprehensive list of strategies for improvement of consultation skills through a process involving both medical students and their clinical primary and secondary care tutors. Modified Delphi study with tutors, modified nominal group study with students with moderation of outputs by consensus round table discussion by the authors. 35 hospital and 21 GP tutors participated in the Delphi study and contributed 153 new or modified strategies. After review of these and the 205 original strategies, 265 strategies entered the nominal group study to which 46 year four and five students contributed, resulting in the final list of 249 validated strategies. We have developed a valid and comprehensive set of strategies which are considered useful by medical students. This list can be immediately applied by any school which uses the Calgary Cambridge Framework to inform the content of formative feedback on consultation skills. We consider that the list could also be mapped to alternative skills frameworks and so be utilised by schools which do not use the Calgary Cambridge Framework

    Confined crystallization of fenofibrate in nanoporous silica

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    Producing stable nanocrystals confined to porous excipient media is a desirable way to increase the dissolution rate and improve the bioavailability of poorly water soluble pharmaceuticals. The poorly soluble pharmaceutical fenofibrate was crystallized in controlled pore glass (CPG) of 10 different pore sizes between 12 nm and 300 nm. High drug loadings of greater than 20 wt% were achieved across all pore sizes greater than 20 nm. Nanocrystalline fenofibrate was formed in pore sizes greater than 20 nm and showed characteristic melting point depressions following a Gibbs–Thomson relationship as well as enhanced dissolution rates. Solid-state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) was employed to characterize the crystallinity of the confined molecules. These results help to advance the fundamental understanding of nanocrystallization in confined pores.Novartis-MIT Center for Continuous ManufacturingNational Institute for Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (U.S.) (Grant EB-002026)Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship

    The relationship between tooth size discrepancy and archform classification in orthodontic patients

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    Background: To determine the relationship between clinically significant tooth size discrepancies (TSD) and archform classification in orthodontic patients. Material and Methods: Two hundred and forty consecutive sets of pre-treatment orthodontic study models were scanned and landmarked. All models had permanent teeth erupted from first molar to first molar in both arches. Sixty sets of images were classified into two groups of 30 according to the presence (group 1) or absence (group 2) of a clinically significant overall or anterior TSD (>2 SD from Bolton’s original means). Mean upper and lower archforms were created for each group using a fourth degree polynomial curve. Upper and lower archforms in each group were classified as square, tapering or ovoid; their distribution was analysed using the Fisher test with a 5% level of significance. To evaluate the intra-operator error when determining archform type, the 60 archforms were re-classified by the same operator two weeks later. The unweighted Kappa statistic at 95% confidence intervals was used to determine the similarity of the classification on the two occasions. Results: Reproducibility of the classification of archform was very good (unweighted Kappa statistic of 0.83 with a 95% confidence interval of 0.73, 0.93). There was no statistically significant difference in the distribution of archform type between group 1 and group 2 for the upper ( p =0.3305) or lower ( p =0.6310) arches. Conclusions: The presence of a clinically significant TSD and archform classification do not appear to be related

    Bifidobacterium animalis AHC7 protects against pathogen-induced NF-κB activation in vivo

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    BACKGROUND: Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli are among the early and important colonizers of the gastrointestinal tract and are generally considered to be part of a normal, healthy microbiota. It is believed that specific strains within the microbiota can influence host immune-reactivity and may play a role in protection from infection and aberrant inflammatory activity. One such strain, Bifidobacterium animalis AHC7, has been previously shown to protect against Salmonella typhimurium infection in mice and helps resolve acute idiopathic diarrhea in dogs. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential molecular and cellular mechanisms underpinning the Bifidobacterium animalis AHC7 protective effect. RESULTS: Following 4 hours of infection with Salmonella typhimurium, NF-κB activation was significantly elevated in vivo in placebo and Enterococcus faecium-fed animals while Bifidobacterium animalis AHC7 consumption significantly attenuated the NF-κB response. In vitro anti-CD3/CD28 stimulated Peyer's patch cells secreted significantly less TNF-α and IFN-γ following Bifidobacterium animalis AHC7 consumption. Stimulated cells released more IL-12p70 but this difference did not reach statistical significance. No alteration in mucosal IL-6, IL-10 or MCP-1 levels were observed. No statistically significant change in the cytokine profile of mesenteric lymph node cells was noted. In vitro, Bifidobacterium animalis AHC7 was bound by dendritic cells and induced secretion of both IL-10 and IL-12p70. In addition, co-culture of CD4+ T cells with Bifidobacterium animalis AHC7-stimulated dendritic cells resulted in a significant increase in CD25+Foxp3+ T cell numbers. CONCLUSION: Bifidobacterium animalis AHC7 exerts an anti-inflammatory effect via the attenuation of pro-inflammatory transcription factor activation in response to an infectious insult associated with modulation of pro-inflammatory cytokine production within the mucosa. The cellular mechanism underpinning Bifidobacterium animalis AHC7 mediated attenuation of NF-κB activation may include recognition of the bacterium by dendritic cells and induction of CD25+Foxp3+ T cells

    Colloidal, tribological and sensory properties of oral nutritional supplements

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    This study aims to evaluate the physicochemical and sensory properties of oral nutritional supplements (ONSs). High physical stability was measured in ONSs with mean particle sizes <0.33 !m and viscosity >19.3 mPa·s. ONSs formulated with dairy-soy protein mixtures displayed low friction coefficients, whereas ONSs containing dairy proteins alone had high friction coefficient values in the boundary regime. Sensory analysis revealed low to medium liking across the products and the highest preference was found in samples with the highest perceived 'sweetness', 'vanilla aroma' and 'thickness'. The results will underpin the formulation of novel ONSs with good physical stability and sensory acceptability

    Cloud Strife: Expanding the Horizons of Cloud Gaming Services

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    Cloud gaming where computer games are executed on cloud based resources is a new service which can be extremely challenging for service providers. Unlike other web and video streaming applications it requires both a relatively high constant downlink bandwidth and low latency simultaneously. Hence, cloud gaming providers recommend that clients be relatively close to data centers to ensure reasonable Quality of Service. Latency, however, is also dependent on the compression type used for the video streaming and there is a trade-off between compression efficiency and complexity which affects client computer capability. In this paper we propose the Strife system which examines the processing capabilities of the client as well as the network conditions between the client and data center to select the compression type that maximizes the size of the client base for cloud gaming services for which reasonable Quality of Service can be provided. We model a cloud gaming service using data which reflects gaming hardware in common use, the bandwidth available in the regions and optimize the number of users that can receive reasonable Quality of Service. Finally, we compare other schemes with the Strife system to evaluate its performance