589 research outputs found

    Stringy effect of the holographic correspondence for Dp-brane backgrounds

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    Based on the holographic conjecture for superstrings on Dp-brane backgrounds and the dual (p+1)-dimensional gauge theory (0≤p≤40\le p\le 4) given in hep-th/0308024 and hep-th/0405203, we continue the study of superstring amplitudes including string higher modes (n≠0n\ne 0). We give a prediction to the two-point functions of operators with large R-charge J. The effect of stringy modes do not appear as the form of anomalous dimensions except for p=3. Instead, it gives non-trivial correction to the two-point functions for supergravity modes. For p=4, the scalar two-point functions for any n behave like free fields of the effective dimension d_{eff}=6 in the infra-red limit.Comment: 23 pages, typos correcte

    Some comments on spacelike minimal surfaces with null polygonal boundaries in AdSmAdS_m

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    We discuss some geometrical issues related to spacelike minimal surfaces in AdSmAdS_m with null polygonal boundaries at conformal infinity. In particular for AdS4AdS_4, two holomorphic input functions for the Pohlmeyer reduced system are identified. This system contains two coupled differential equations for two functions α(z,zˉ)\alpha (z,\bar z) and β(z,zˉ)\beta (z,\bar z), related to curvature and torsion of the surface. Furthermore, we conjecture that, for a polynomial choice of the two holomorphic functions, the relative positions of their zeros encode the conformal invariant data of the boundary null 2n2n-gon.Comment: 13 pages, a note and references added, version to appear in JHE

    Semiclassical correlators of three states with large S^5 charges in string theory in AdS_5 x S^5

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    We consider semiclassical computation of 3-point correlation functions of (BPS or non-BPS) string states represented by vertex operators carrying large charges in S5. We argue that the AdS5 part of the construction of relevant semiclassical solution involves the two basic ingredients: (i) configuration of three glued geodesics in AdS2 suggested by Klose and McLoughlin in arXiv:1106.0495 and (ii) a particular Schwarz-Christoffel map of the 3-geodesic solution in cylindrical (tau, sigma) domain into the complex plane with three marked points. This map is constructed using the expression for the AdS2 string stress tensor which is uniquely determined by the 3 scaling dimensions as noted by Janik and Wereszczynski in arXiv:1109.6262 (our solution, however, is different from theirs). We also find the S5 part of the solution and thus the full expression for the semiclassical part of the 3-point correlator for several examples: extremal and non-extremal correlators of BPS states and a particular correlator of "small" circular spinning strings in S3 part of S5. We demonstrate that for the BPS correlators the results agree with the large charge limit of the corresponding supergravity and free gauge theory expressions.Comment: 43 pages, 4 figures; v2: minor corrections; v3: comments added at the end of section 3 and in section 5; v4: minor corrections; v5: discussion in subsection 3.3 correcte

    A note on string solutions in AdS_3

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    We systematically search for classical open string solutions in AdS_3 within the general class expressed by elliptic functions (i.e., the genus-one finite-gap solutions). By explicitly solving the reality and Virasoro conditions, we give a classification of the allowed solutions. When the elliptic modulus degenerates, we find a class of solutions with six null boundaries, among which two pairs are collinear. By adding the S^1 sector, we also find four-cusp solutions with null boundaries expressed by the elliptic functions.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure; (v2) added 1 figure and discussion on solutions with 6 null boundaries; (v3) corrected equation numbers; (v4) added comment

    Divergence Cancellation and Loop Corrections in String Field Theory on a Plane Wave Background

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    We investigate the one-loop energy shift E to certain two-impurity string states in light-cone string field theory on a plane wave background. We find that there exist logarithmic divergences in the sums over intermediate mode numbers which cancel between the cubic Hamiltonian and quartic ``contact term''. Analyzing the impurity non-conserving channel we find that the non-perturbative, order g_2^2 sqrt(lambda') contribution to E/mu predicted in hep-th/0211220 is in fact an artifact of these logarithmic divergences and vanishes with them, leaving an order g_2^2 lambda' contribution. Exploiting the supersymmetry algebra, we present a form for the energy shift which appears to be manifestly convergent and free of non-perturbative terms. We use this form to argue that E/mu receives order g_2^2 lambda' contributions at every order in intermediate state impurities.Comment: 27 pages; added references, acknowledgments, missing normalization in equations 2.3 - 2.8, also cleaned up notation, and added a few footnote

    Existence of Dynamical Scaling in the Temporal Signal of Time Projection Chamber

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    The temporal signals from a large gas detector may show dynamical scaling due to many correlated space points created by the charged particles while passing through the tracking medium. This has been demonstrated through simulation using realistic parameters of a Time Projection Chamber (TPC) being fabricated to be used in ALICE collider experiment at CERN. An interesting aspect of this dynamical behavior is the existence of an universal scaling which does not depend on the multiplicity of the collision. This aspect can be utilised further to study physics at the device level and also for the online monitoring of certain physical observables including electronics noise which are a few crucial parameters for the optimal TPC performance.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Non-perturbative contributions to the plane-wave string mass matrix

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    D-instanton contributions to the mass matrix of arbitrary excited string states of type IIB string theory in the maximally supersymmetric plane-wave background are calculated to leading order in the string coupling using a supersymmetric light-cone boundary state formalism. The explicit non-perturbative dependence of the mass matrix on the complex string coupling, the plane-wave mass parameter and the mode numbers of the excited states is determined.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figure. v3: corrected minor typos, added referenc

    On semiclassical approximation for correlators of closed string vertex operators in AdS/CFT

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    We consider the 2-point function of string vertex operators representing string state with large spin in AdS_5. We compute this correlator in the semiclassical approximation and show that it has the expected (on the basis of state-operator correspondence) form of the strong-coupling limit of the 2-point function of single trace minimal twist operators in gauge theory. The semiclassical solution representing the stationary point of the path integral with two vertex operator insertions is found to be related to the large spin limit of the folded spinning string solution by a euclidean continuation, transformation to Poincare coordinates and conformal map from cylinder to complex plane. The role of the source terms coming from the vertex operator insertions is to specify the parameters of the solution in terms of quantum numbers (dimension and spin) of the corresponding string state. Understanding further how similar semiclassical methods may work for 3-point functions may shed light on strong-coupling limit of the corresponding correlators in gauge theory as was recently suggested by Janik et al in arXiv:1002.4613.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figure; minor corrections, references added, footnote below eq. (4.5) adde

    A Ring Shaped Embedded Young Stellar (Proto)Cluster

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    We present sub-arcsec (FWHM ~ 0.5") J, H, K and L' images of a young stellar cluster associated with a candidate massive protostar IRAS22134+5834. The observations reveal a centrally symmetric, flattened cluster enclosing a central dark region. The central dark region is possibly a cavity within the flattened cluster. It is surrounded by a ring composed of 5 bright stars and the candidate massive protostar IRAS22134+5834. We construct JHKL' color-color and HK color-magnitude diagrams to identify the young stellar objects and estimate their spectral types. All the bright stars in the ring are found to have intrinsic infrared excess emission and are likely to be early to late B type stars. We estimate an average foreground extinction to the cluster of A_v \~ 5mag and individual extinctions to the bright stars in the range A_v ~ 20-40mag indicating possible cocoons surrounding each massive star. This ring of bright stars is devoid of any HII region. It is surrounded by an embedded cluster making this an example of a (proto)cluster that is in one of the dynamically least relaxed states. These observations are consistent with the recent non-axisymmetric calculations of Li & Nakamura, who present a star formation scenario in which a magnetically subcritical cloud fragments into multiple magnetically supercritical cores, leading to the formation of small stellar groups.Comment: 13 pages in preprint format, 3 figures, 1 tabl
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