2,044 research outputs found

    Effects of temperature and time on clarification of sweet sorghum juice

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    Raw sweet sorghum juice from three different sources was heated in four different jars. The jars identified as A through D were heated to 26.7°C, 46.1°C, 65.6°C, and 85°C respectively. Jar A served as the control. At the beginning of the experiment (time = 0 minutes), a juice sample was withdrawn from each jar and stored. The tempera-tures of jars B, C, and D were then raised and maintained respectively at 46.1°°C, 65.6°C, and 85°C. Juice samples were subsequently withdrawn from the top, middle, and bottom portions of each jar at 30-, 60-, and 90-minute intervals. The acidity (pH), percent total soluble solids (PTSS), percent total solids (PTS), and percent total ash (PTA) content of each with-drawn juice sample were measured. The data obtained were evaluated by statistical procedure to determine if temperature and time had any effect on clarification of sweet sorghum juice. Based on the statis-tical analysis of this study, the following inferences can be made: 1. Temperature and time do affect the clarification of sweet sorghum juice. Physical observation of the experimental units showed that when a jar of raw sorghum juice was heated, much of the impurities was coagulated. Part of the coagulated material precipitated to the bottom and part rose to the surface thus leaving the middle portion fairly well clarified. The statistical analysis revealed that after this coagulation period (which was about 30 minutes), the clarification process was no longer temperature dependent. 2. Temperature and time affect color formation in sweet sorghum juice. 3. The acidity (pH) of a heated sweet sorghum juice is the same at all sections of the container. However, percent total soluble solids (PTSS), percent total ash (PTA), and percent total solids (PTS) of heated sweet sorghum juice (and possibly of other heated natural juices) at the top, middle, and bottom sections of the container at a given temperature and time (where tem and t represent temperature (°C) and time (minutes) respectively) can be predicted with the following equations: At the top section (Location 1)-- Percent total soluble solids (PTSS) = 27.698 - 33.47 x 10-2 tem + 6.5 x 10-3 t - 11.17 x 10-7 tem t + 2.62 x 10-3 tem2 + 1.8 x 10-4 t2 - 64.35 x 10-7 tem3 - 35.27 x 10-7 t3 + 79.96 x 10-10 tem t3 Percent total ash (PTA) = 0.3602 + 2.9 x 10-2 tem + 74.13 x 10-9 tem-2 - 21.71 x 10-8 tem2 t - 48.11 x 10-9 tem3 + 11.06 x 10-10 tem3 t + 15.6 x 10-13 tem3 t2 Percent total solids (PTS) = 30.556 - 35.59 x 10-2 tem - 1.64 x 10-2 t + 1.68 x 10-4 tem t - 75.92 x 10-9 tem t2 + 2.69 x 10-3 tem2 - 22.36 x 10-5 t2 - 64.56 x 10-7 tem3 + 24.3 x 10-7 t3 At the middle portion of the jars (Location 2)-- Percent total soluble solids (PTSS) = 29.6426 - 36.42 x 10-2 tem - 10.44 x 10-3 t - 11.2 x 10-7 tern t + 26.92 x 10-4 tem2 + 36.8 x 10-5 t2 - 64.35 x 10-7 tem3 - 35.27 x 10-7 t3 + 79.96 x 10-10 tem t3 Percent total ash (PTA) = 0.3602 + 2.91 x 10-3 tem + 14.83 x 10-8 tem2 - 21.71 x 10-8 tem2 t - 48.11 x 10-9 tem3 + 1.11 x 10-9 tem3 t + 1.56 x 10-12 tem3 t2 Percent total solids (PTS) = 30.738 - 36.15 x 10-2 tem - 3.28 x 10-2 t + 1.69 x 10-4 tem t + 2.69 x 10-3 tem2 - 1.8 x 10-4 t2 - 75.92 x 10-9 tem t2 - 64.56 x 10-7 tem3 + 24.3 x 10-7 t3 At the bottom section of the jars (Location 3)-- Percent total soluble solids (PTSS) = 31.584 - 30.07 x 10-2 tem - 2.75 x 10-2 t - 1.12 x 10-6 tem t + 2.77 x 10-3 tem2 + 5.52 x 10-4 t2 - 6.43 x 10-6 tem3 - 3.53 x 10-6 t3 + 79.96 x 10-10 tem t3 Percent total ash (PTA) = 0.3602 + 2.9 x 10-3 tem + 2.22 x 10-7 tem2 - 21.71 x 10-8 tem2 t - 4.81 x 10-8 tem3 + 1.11 x 10-9 tem3 t + 1.56 x 10-12 tem3 t2 Percent total solids (PTS) = 30.920 - 36.71 x 10-2 tem - 4.93 x 10-2 t + 16.88 x 10-5 tem t + 26.94 x 10-4 tem2 - 13.68 x 10-5 t2 - 75.92 x 10-9 tem t2 - 64.57 x 10-7 tem3 + 2.43 x 10-6 t3 For all the equations, tem and t represent temperature and time respectively. The 3-dimensional graph and contour maps plotted with these equations are presented in Figures B-1 through D-6 in the Appendix

    All-dielectric reciprocal bianisotropic nanoparticles

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    The study of high-index dielectric nanoparticles currently attracts a lot of attention. They do not suffer from absorption but promise to provide control on the properties of light comparable to plasmonic nanoparticles. To further advance the field, it is important to identify versatile dielectric nanoparticles with unconventional properties. Here, we show that breaking the symmetry of an all-dielectric nanoparticle leads to a geometrically tunable magneto-electric coupling, i.e. an omega-type bianisotropy. The suggested nanoparticle exhibits different backscatterings and, as an interesting consequence, different optical scattering forces for opposite illumination directions. An array of such nanoparticles provides different reflection phases when illuminated from opposite directions. With a proper geometrical tuning, this bianisotropic nanoparticle is capable of providing a 2Ď€2\pi phase change in the reflection spectrum while possessing a rather large and constant amplitude. This allows creating reflectarrays with near-perfect transmission out of the resonance band due to the absence of an usually employed metallic screen.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Stoner gap in the superconducting ferromagnet UGe2

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    We report the temperature (TT) dependence of ferromagnetic Bragg peak intensities and dc magnetization of the superconducting ferromagnet UGe2 under pressure (PP). We have found that the low-TT behavior of the uniform magnetization can be explained by a conventional Stoner model. A functional analysis of the data produces the following results: The ferromagnetic state below a critical pressure can be understood as the perfectly polarized state, in which heavy quasiparticles occupy only majority spin bands. A Stoner gap Δ(P)\Delta(P) decreases monotonically with increasing pressure and increases linearly with magnetic field. We show that the present analysis based on the Stoner model is justified by a consistency check, i.e., comparison of density of states at the Fermi energy deduced from the analysis with observed electronic specific heat coeffieients. We also argue the influence of the ferromagnetism on the superconductivity.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Quantum Critical Point of Itinerant Antiferromagnet in Heavy Fermion

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    A quantum critical point (QCP) of the heavy fermion Ce(Ru_{1-x}Rh_x)_2Si_2 (x = 0, 0.03) has been studied by single-crystalline neutron scattering. By accurately measuring the dynamical susceptibility at the antiferromagnetic wave vector k_3 = 0.35 c^*, we have shown that the energy width Gamma(k_3), i.e., inverse correlation time, depends on temperature as Gamma(k_3) = c_1 + c_2 T^{3/2 +- 0.1}, where c_1 and c_2 are x dependent constants, in a low temperature range. This critical exponent 3/2 +- 0.1 proves that the QCP is controlled by that of the itinerant antiferromagnet.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Observation of Modulated Quadrupolar Structures in PrPb3

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    Neutron diffraction measurements have been performed on the cubic compound PrPb3 in a [001] magnetic field to examine the quadrupolar ordering. Antiferromagnetic components with q=(1/2+-d 1/2 0), (1/2 1/2+-d 0) (d~1/8) are observed below the transition temperature TQ (0.4 K at H=0) whose amplitudes vary linear with H and vanish at zero field, providing the first evidence for a modulated quadrupolar phase. For H<1 T, a non-square modulated state persists even below 100 mK suggesting quadrupole moments associated with a Gamma3 doublet ground state to be partially quenched by hybridization with conduction electrons.Comment: Physical Review Letters, in press. 4 pages, 4 figure

    EISCAT Svalbard radar-derived atmospheric tidal features in the lower thermosphere as compared with the numerical modeling ATM2

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    The EISCAT Svalbard radar (ESR) has obtained neutral wind field data down to 90 km altitude in two period runs in August 1998. This has been rendered possible by successful elimination of ground clutter echoes by the ESR staff. Features of the obtained tidal components are then comparatively studied with the ATM2 (Atmospheric Tidal Modeling Version 2) steady tidal model which assumes climatological background zonal flow. It is found that the results are fairly consistent with theoretical predictions that the diurnal component is almost evanescent with some indication of propagating characteristics, and that the semi-diurnal one is dominated by short vertical wavelength higher order mode prevalent at higher latitudes. The ter-diurnal component is also not in contradiction with non-linear interaction theory. Convincing delineation of these behaviors, however, awaits further study on the zonal wave number characteristics of relevant waves by longitudinal network collaborations

    Opportunity to Test non-Newtonian Gravity Using Interferometric Sensors with Dynamic Gravity Field Generators

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    We present an experimental opportunity for the future to measure possible violations to Newton's 1/r^2 law in the 0.1-10 meter range using Dynamic gravity Field Generators (DFG) and taking advantage of the exceptional sensitivity of modern interferometric techniques. The placement of a DFG in proximity to one of the interferometer's suspended test masses generates a change in the local gravitational field that can be measured at a high signal to noise ratio. The use of multiple DFGs in a null experiment configuration allows to test composition independent non-Newtonian gravity significantly beyond the present limits. Advanced and third-generation gravitational-wave detectors are representing the state-of-the-art in interferometric distance measurement today, therefore we illustrate the method through their sensitivity to emphasize the possible scientific reach. Nevertheless, it is expected that due to the technical details of gravitational-wave detectors, DFGs shall likely require dedicated custom configured interferometry. However, the sensitivity measure we derive is a solid baseline indicating that it is feasible to consider probing orders of magnitude into the pristine parameter well beyond the present experimental limits significantly cutting into the theoretical parameter space.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures; Physical Review D, vol. 84, Issue 8, id. 08200

    Letter from G.S [Aso]

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    Recent results of a seismically isolated optical table prototype designed for advanced LIGO

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    The Horizontal Access Module Seismic Attenuation System (HAM-SAS) is a mechanical device expressly designed to isolate a multipurpose optical table and fit in the tight space of the LIGO HAM Ultra-High-Vacuum chamber. Seismic attenuation in the detectors' sensitivity frequency band is achieved with state of the art passive mechanical attenuators. These devices should provide an attenuation factor of about 70dB above 10Hz at the suspension point of the Advanced LIGO triple pendulum suspension. Automatic control techniques are used to position the optical table and damp rigid body modes. Here, we report the main results obtained from the full scale prototype installed at the MIT LIGO Advanced System Test Interferometer (LASTI) facility. Seismic attenuation performance, control strategies, improvements and limitations are also discussed

    Stabilization of a Fabry-Perot interferometer using a suspension-point interferometer

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    A suspension-point interferometer (SPI) is an auxiliary interferometer for active vibration isolation, implemented at the suspension points of the mirrors of an interferometric gravitational wave detector. We constructed a prototype Fabry-Perot interferometer equipped with an SPI and observed vibration isolation in both the spectrum and transfer function. The noise spectrum of the main interferometer was reduced by 40 dB below 1 Hz. Transfer function measurements showed that the SPI also produced good vibration suppression above 1 Hz. These results indicate that SPI can improve both the sensitivity and the stability of the interferometer.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures; added discussion; to be published in Physics Letters
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