701 research outputs found

    Development of buried wire gages for measurement of wall shear stress in Blastane experiments

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    Buried Wire Gages operated from a Constant Temperature Anemometer System are among the special types of instrumentation to be used in the Boundary Layer Apparatus for Subsonic and Transonic flow Affected by Noise Environment (BLASTANE). These Gages are of a new type and need to be adapted for specific applications. Methods were developed to fabricate Gage inserts and mount those in the BLASTANE Instrumentation Plugs. A large number of Gages were prepared and operated from a Constant Temperature Anemometer System to derive some of the calibration constants for application to fluid-flow wall shear-stress measurements. The final stage of the calibration was defined, but could not be accomplished because of non-availability of a suitable flow simulating apparatus. This report provides a description of the Buried Wire Gage technique, an explanation of the method evolved for making proper Gages and the calibration constants, namely Temperature Coefficient of Resistance and Conduction Loss Factor

    Effect of Al on the sharpness of the MgSiO_3 perovskite to post-perovskite phase transition

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    By means of static ab-initio computations we investigate the influence of Al on the recently discovered perovskite to post-perovskite phase transition in MgSiO_3. We examine three substitution mechanisms for Al in the two structures: MgSi → AlAl; SiSiO → AlAl□; and Si → AlH. The substitutions introducing oxygen vacancies (highly unfavorable, energetically) and water (favorable) both lower the 0 Kelvin transition pressure, whereas charge coupled substitution increases it relative to 105 GPa for pure MgSiO_3. From the transition pressures for 0, 6.25, and 100 mol% charge coupled Al_2O_3 incorporation and simple solution theories, we estimate the phase diagram of Al-bearing MgSiO_3 at low Al concentrations. Assuming the Clapeyron slope is independent of Al concentration, we find the perovskite-to-post-perovskite transition region to span 127–140 GPa, at 6.25 mol% Al_2O_3. When the upper pressure limit is bounded by the core-mantle boundary, the phase coexistence region has width 150 km

    High-Energy Calibration of a BGO detector of the GLAST Burst Monitor

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    The understanding of the instrumental response of the GLAST Burst Monitor BGO detectors at energies above the energy range which is accessible by common laboratory radiation sources (< 4.43 MeV), is important, especially for the later cross-calibration with the LAT response in the overlap region between ~ 20 MeV to 30 MeV. In November 2006 the high-energy calibration of the GBM-BGO spare detector was performed at the small Van-de-Graaff accelerator at SLAC. High-energy gamma-rays from excited 8Be* (14.6 MeV and 17.5 MeV) and 16O* (6.1 MeV) were generated through (p,gamma)-reactions by irradiating a LiF-target. For the calibration at lower energies radioactive sources were used. The results, including spectra, the energy/channel-relation and the dependence of energy resolution are presented.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure; to appear in the Proc. of the First Int. GLAST Symp. (Stanford, Feb. 5-8, 2007), eds. S.Ritz, P.F.Michelson, and C.Meegan, AIP Conf. Pro

    New optical polarization measurements of the Crab pulsar

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    The Crab nebula and its pulsar have been observed for about 3 hours with the high-speed photo-polarimeter OPTIMA in January 2002 at the Calar Alto 3.5m telescope. The Crab pulsar intensity and polarization are determined at all phases of rotation with higher statistical accuracy than ever. Therefore, we were able to separate the so-called 'off-pulse' phase emission (with an intensity of about 1.2% compared to the main peak, assumed to be present at all phases) from the pulsed emission and show the 'net' polarization of the pulsed structures. Recent theoretical results indicate that the measured optical polarization of the Crab pulsar is similar to expectations from a two-pole caustic emission model or a striped pulsar wind model.Comment: AIP Conference Proceedings "Astrophysical Sources of High Energy Particles and Radiation", eds. T. Bulik et al. (NY:AIP), Volume 801, 2005, pp. 306-31

    The axial ratio of hcp iron at the conditions of the Earth's inner core

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    We present ab initio calculations of the high-temperature axial c/a ratio of hexagonal-close-packed (hcp) iron at Earth's core pressures, in order to help interpret the observed seismic anisotropy of the inner core. The calculations are based on density functional theory, which is known to predict the properties of high-pressure iron with good accuracy. The temperature dependence of c/a is determined by minimising the Helmholtz free energy at fixed volume and temperature, with thermal contributions due to lattice vibrations calculated using harmonic theory. Anharmonic corrections to the harmonic predictions are estimated from calculations of the thermal average stress obtained from ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of hcp iron at the conditions of the inner core. We find a very gradual increase of axial ratio with temperature. This increase is much smaller than found in earlier calculations, but is in reasonable agreement with recent high-pressure, high-temperature diffraction measurements. This result casts doubt on an earlier interpretation of the seismic anisotropy of the inner core

    First-principles thermal equation of state and thermoelasticity of hcp Fe at high pressures

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    We investigate the equation of state and elastic properties of hcp iron at high pressures and high temperatures using first principles linear response linear-muffin-tin-orbital method in the generalized-gradient approximation. We calculate the Helmholtz free energy as a function of volume, temperature, and volume-conserving strains, including the electronic excitation contributions from band structures and lattice vibrational contributions from quasi-harmonic lattice dynamics. We perform detailed investigations on the behavior of elastic moduli and equation of state properties as functions of temperature and pressure, including the pressure-volume equation of state, bulk modulus, the thermal expansion coefficient, the Gruneisen ratio, and the shock Hugoniot. Detailed comparison has been made with available experimental measurements and theoretical predictions.Comment: 33 pages, 12 figure

    The Hard X-ray Emission of Cen A

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    The radio galaxy Cen A has been detected all the way up to the TeV energy range. This raises the question about the dominant emission mechanisms in the high-energy domain. Spectral analysis allows us to put constraints on the possible emission processes. Here we study the hard X-ray emission as measured by INTEGRAL in the 3-1000 keV energy range, in order to distinguish between a thermal and non-thermal inverse Compton process. The hard X-ray spectrum of Cen A shows a significant cut-off at energies Ec = 434 (+106 -73) keV with an underlying power law of photon index 1.73 +- 0.02. A more physical model of thermal Comptonisation (compPS) gives a plasma temperature of kT = 206+-62 keV within the optically thin corona with Compton parameter y = 0.42 (+0.09 -0.06). The reflection component is significant at the 1.9 sigma level with R = 0.12 (+0.09 -0.10), and a reflection strength R>0.3 can be excluded on a 3 sigma level. Time resolved spectral studies show that the flux, absorption, and spectral slope varied in the range f(3-30 keV) = (1.2 - 9.2)e-10 erg/cm**2/s, NH = (7 - 16)e22 1/cm**2, and photon index 1.75 - 1.87. Extending the cut-off power law or the Comptonisation model to the gamma-ray range shows that they cannot account for the high-energy emission. On the other hand, also a broken or curved power law model can represent the data, therefore a non-thermal origin of the X-ray to GeV emission cannot be ruled out. The analysis of the SPI data provides no sign of significant emission from the radio lobes and gives a 3 sigma upper limit of f(40-1000 keV) < 0.0011 ph/cm**2/s. While gamma-rays, as detected by CGRO and Fermi, are caused by non-thermal (jet) processes, the main process in the hard X-ray emission of Cen A is still not unambiguously determined, being either dominated by thermal inverse Compton emission, or by non-thermal emission from the base of the jet.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Non-collinear magnetism in iron at high pressures

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    Using a first principles based, magnetic tight-binding total energy model, the magnetization energy and moments are computed for various ordered spin configurations in the high pressure polymorphs of iron (fcc, or γ\gamma-Fe, and hcp, or ϵ\epsilon-Fe), as well ferromagnetic bcc iron (α\alpha-Fe). For hcp, a non-collinear, antiferromagnetic, spin configuration that minimizes unfavorable ferromagnetic nearest neighbor ordering is the lowest energy state and is more stable than non-magnetic ϵ\epsilon iron up to about 75 GPa. Accounting for non-collinear magnetism yields better agreement with the experimental equation of state, in contrast to the non-magnetic equation of state, which is in poor agreement with experiment below 50 GPa
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