916 research outputs found

    Cavity cooling a single charged nanoparticle

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    The development of laser cooling coupled with the ability to trap atoms and ions in electromagnetic fields, has revolutionised atomic and optical physics, leading to the development of atomic clocks, high-resolution spectroscopy and applications in quantum simulation and processing. However, complex systems, such as large molecules and nanoparticles, lack the simple internal resonances required for laser cooling. Here we report on a hybrid scheme that uses the external resonance of an optical cavity, combined with radio frequency (RF) fields, to trap and cool a single charged nanoparticle. An RF Paul trap allows confinement in vacuum, avoiding instabilities that arise from optical fields alone, and crucially actively participates in the cooling process. This system offers great promise for cooling and trapping a wide range of complex charged particles with applications in precision force sensing, mass spectrometry, exploration of quantum mechanics at large mass scales and the possibility of creating large quantum superpositions.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures Updated version includes additional references, new title, and supplementary information include

    Optomechanical cooling of levitated spheres with doubly-resonant fields

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    Optomechanical cooling of levitated dielectric particles represents a promising new approach in the quest to cool small mechanical resonators towards their quantum ground state. We investigate two-mode cooling of levitated nanospheres in a self-trapping regime. We identify a rich structure of split sidebands (by a mechanism unrelated to usual strong-coupling effects) and strong cooling even when one mode is blue detuned. We show the best regimes occur when both optical fields cooperatively cool and trap the nanosphere, where cooling rates are over an order of magnitude faster compared to corresponding single-sideband cooling rates.Comment: 8 Pages, 7 figure

    A Cation-π Interaction in the Binding Site of the Glycine Receptor Is Mediated by a Phenylalanine Residue

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    Cys-loop receptor binding sites characteristically contain many aromatic amino acids. In nicotinic ACh and 5-HT3 receptors, a Trp residue forms a cation-{pi} interaction with the agonist, whereas in GABAA receptors, a Tyr performs this role. The glycine receptor binding site, however, contains predominantly Phe residues. Homology models suggest that two of these Phe side chains, Phe159 and Phe207, and possibly a third, Phe63, are positioned such that they could contribute to a cation-{pi} interaction with the primary amine of glycine. Here, we test this hypothesis by incorporation of a series of fluorinated Phe derivatives using unnatural amino acid mutagenesis. The data reveal a clear correlation between the glycine EC50 value and the cation-{pi} binding ability of the fluorinated Phe derivatives at position 159, but not at positions 207 or 63, indicating a single cation-{pi} interaction between glycine and Phe159. The data thus provide an anchor point for locating glycine in its binding site, and demonstrate for the first time a cation-{pi} interaction between Phe and a neurotransmitter

    Deduction with XOR Constraints in Security API Modelling

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    We introduce XOR constraints, and show how they enable a theorem prover to reason effectively about security critical subsystems which employ bitwise XOR. Our primary case study is the API of the IBM 4758 hardware security module. We also show how our technique can be applied to standard security protocols

    Dynamics of levitated nanospheres: towards the strong coupling regime

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    The use of levitated nanospheres represents a new paradigm for the optomechanical cooling of a small mechanical oscillator, with the prospect of realising quantum oscillators with unprecedentedly high quality factors. We investigate the dynamics of this system, especially in the so-called self-trapping regimes, where one or more optical fields simultaneously trap and cool the mechanical oscillator. The determining characteristic of this regime is that both the mechanical frequency ωM\omega_M and single-photon optomechanical coupling strength parameters gg are a function of the optical field intensities, in contrast to usual set-ups where ωM\omega_M and gg are constant for the given system. We also measure the characteristic transverse and axial trapping frequencies of different sized silica nanospheres in a simple optical standing wave potential, for spheres of radii r=20500r=20-500\,nm, illustrating a protocol for loading single nanospheres into a standing wave optical trap that would be formed by an optical cavity. We use this data to confirm the dependence of the effective optomechanical coupling strength on sphere radius for levitated nanospheres in an optical cavity and discuss the prospects for reaching regimes of strong light-matter coupling. Theoretical semiclassical and quantum displacement noise spectra show that for larger nanospheres with r100r \gtrsim 100\,nm a range of interesting and novel dynamical regimes can be accessed. These include simultaneous hybridization of the two optical modes with the mechanical modes and parameter regimes where the system is bistable. We show that here, in contrast to typical single-optical mode optomechanical systems, bistabilities are independent of intracavity intensity and can occur for very weak laser driving amplitudes

    Effects of an Unusual Poison Identify a Lifespan Role for Topoisomerase 2 in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae

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    A progressive loss of genome maintenance has been implicated as both a cause and consequence of aging. Here we present evidence supporting the hypothesis that an age-associated decay in genome maintenance promotes aging in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast) due to an inability to sense or repair DNA damage by topoisomerase 2 (yTop2). We describe the characterization of LS1, identified in a high throughput screen for small molecules that shorten the replicative lifespan of yeast. LS1 accelerates aging without affecting proliferative growth or viability. Genetic and biochemical criteria reveal LS1 to be a weak Top2 poison. Top2 poisons induce the accumulation of covalent Top2-linked DNA double strand breaks that, if left unrepaired, lead to genome instability and death. LS1 is toxic to cells deficient in homologous recombination, suggesting that the damage it induces is normally mitigated by genome maintenance systems. The essential roles of yTop2 in proliferating cells may come with a fitness trade-off in older cells that are less able to sense or repair yTop2-mediated DNA damage. Consistent with this idea, cells live longer when yTop2 expression levels are reduced. These results identify intrinsic yTop2-mediated DNA damage as a potentially manageable cause of aging

    A Novel Caloric Restriction-Like Mimetic Affects Longevity in Yeast by Reprogramming Core Metabolic Pathways

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    Glucose limitation is a simple intervention that extends yeast replicative lifespan (RLS) via the same pathway(s) thought to mediate the benefits of caloric restriction (CR) in mammals. Here we report on “C1”, a small molecule that mimics key aspects of CR. C1 was identified in a high throughput screen for drug-like molecules that reverse the RLS shortening effect of the sirtuin inhibitor and NAD+ precursor nicotinamide. C1 reduces the cellular dependence on glycolysis and the pentose phosphate pathway, even in the presence of glucose, and compensates by elevating fatty acid -oxidation to maintain acetyl-CoA levels. C1 acts either downstream of Sir2 or in an independent CR pathway. In this regard, chemical-genetic interactions indicate that C1 influences Tor2 signaling via effects on phosphoinositide pools. Key activities of C1 extend to mammals. C1 stimulates -oxidation in mammalian cells, and in mice, reduces levels of triacylglycerides and cholesterol in livers of lean and obese mice. C1 confers oxidative resistance to diamide in both yeast and mammalian cells. In conclusion, C1 induces global changes in metabolism in yeast and mammalian cells that mimic aspects of CR. Future work will be aimed at identifying the cellular target of C1

    Collaborative Musical Expression and Creativity Among Academics: When Intellectualism Meets Twelve Bar Blues

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    The Professors are a blues, rock, and sometime heavy metal band made up of communication professors from a number of New Jersey schools. Formed in 1995, the band has played in clubs in New York City as well as a number of academic venues, including the annual conference of the International Communication Association in Chicago in 1996 and the annual conference of the National Communication Association in New York City in 1998. The Professors have been featured in both local and national press, including the Chronicle of Higher Education. When we learned of the call for papers for this special issue of the American Communication Journal addressing the creative endeavors of Communication scholars beyond their regular research agendas, we were delighted to have the opportunity to reflect upon the place of musical creativity within our lives as working academics. What follows in this paper are the thoughts of a number of band members, past and present, who trace the relationship of the musical, the creative, and the intellectual in terms of their own personal histories and academic interests