8,982 research outputs found

    Survival Rates of Planets in Open Clusters: the Pleiades, Hyades, and Praesepe clusters

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    In clustered environments, stellar encounters can liberate planets from their host stars via close encounters. Although the detection probability of planets suggests that the planet population in open clusters resembles that in the field, only a few dozen planet-hosting stars have been discovered in open clusters. We explore the survival rates of planets against stellar encounters in open clusters similar to the Pleiades, Hyades, and Praesepe and embedded clusters. We performed a series of N-body simulations of high-density and low-density open clusters, open clusters that grow via mergers of subclusters, and embedded clusters. We semi-analytically calculated the survival rate of planets in star clusters up to 1Gyr using relative velocities, masses, and impact parameters of intruding stars. Less than 1.5% of close-in planets within 1 AU and at most 7% of planets with 1-10 AU are ejected by stellar encounters in clustered environments after the dynamical evolution of star clusters. If a planet population from 0.01-100 AU in an open cluster initially follows the probability distribution function of exoplanets with semi-major axis (apa_p) between 0.03-3 AU in the field discovered by RV surveys, the PDF of surviving planets beyond ~10 AU in open clusters can be slightly modified to ∝ap−0.76\propto a_p^{-0.76}. The production rate of free-floating planets (FFPs) per star is 0.0096-0.18, where we have assumed that all the stars initially have one giant planet with a mass of 1--13 MJ in a circular orbit. The expected frequency of FFPs is compatible with the upper limit on that of FFPs indicated by recent microlensing surveys. Our survival rates of planets in open clusters suggest that planets within 10 AU around FGKM-type stars are rich in relatively-young (<~10-100 Myr for open clusters and ~1-10 Myr for embedded clusters), less massive open clusters, which are promising targets for planet searches.Comment: 23 pages, 15 figures, A&A accepte

    Strings in Twistor Superspace and Mirror Symmetry

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    We obtain the super-Landau-Ginzburg mirror of the A-twisted topological sigma model on a twistor superspace -- the quadric in CP^{3|3} x CP^{3|3} which is a Calabi-Yau supermanifold. We show that the B-model mirror has a geometric interpretation. In a particular limit for one of the Kaehler parameters of the quadric, we show that the mirror can be interpreted as the twistor superspace CP^{3|4}. This agrees with the recent conjecture of Neitzke and Vafa proposing a mirror equivalence between the two twistor superspaces.Comment: 12 pages, uses harvma

    N=2 Supersymmetric Sigma Models and D-branes

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    We study D-branes of N=2 supersymmetric sigma models. Supersymmetric nonlinear sigma models with 2-dimensional target space have D0,D1,D2-branes, which are realized as A-,B-type supersymmetric boundary conditions on the worldsheet. When we embed the models in the string theory, the Kahler potential is restricted and leads to a 2-dim black hole metric with a dilaton background. The D-branes in this model are susy cycles and consistent with the analysis of conjugacy classes. The generalized metrics with U(n) isometry is proposed and dynamics on them are realized by linear sigma models. We investigate D-branes of the linear sigma models and compare the results with those in the nonlinear sigma models.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figure

    Dipole trap model for the metallic state in gated silicon-inversion layers

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    In order to investigate the metallic state in high-mobility Si-MOS structures, we have further developed and precised the dipole trap model which was originally proposed by B.L. Altshuler and D.L. Maslov [Phys. Rev. Lett.\ 82, 145 (1999)]. Our additional numerical treatment enables us to drop several approximations and to introduce a limited spatial depth of the trap states inside the oxide as well as to include a distribution of trap energies. It turns out that a pronounced metallic state can be caused by such trap states at appropriate energies whose behavior is in good agreement with experimental observations.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, submitte

    Orientifolds and Mirror Symmetry

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    We study parity symmetries and crosscap states in classes of N=2 supersymmetric quantum field theories in 1+1 dimensions, including non-linear sigma models, gauged WZW models, Landau-Ginzburg models, and linear sigma models. The parity anomaly and its cancellation play important roles in many of them. The case of the N=2 minimal model are studied in complete detail, from all three realizations -- gauged WZW model, abstract RCFT, and LG models. We also identify mirror pairs of orientifolds, extending the correspondence between symplectic geometry and algebraic geometry by including unorientable worldsheets. Through the analysis in various models and comparison in the overlapping regimes, we obtain a global picture of orientifolds and D-branes.Comment: 137 page

    A Bilocal Field Theory in Four Dimensions

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    A bilocal field theory having M\"{o}bius gauge invariance is proposed. In four dimensions there exists a zero momentum state of the first quantized model, which belongs to a non-trivial BRS cohomology class. A field theory lagrangian having a gauge invariance only in four dimensions is constructed.Comment: 13 pages, TEP-9R, LaTe

    Orientifolds of Gepner Models

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    We systematically construct and study Type II Orientifolds based on Gepner models which have N=1 supersymmetry in 3+1 dimensions. We classify the parity symmetries and construct the crosscap states. We write down the conditions that a configuration of rational branes must satisfy for consistency (tadpole cancellation and rank constraints) and spacetime supersymmetry. For certain cases, including Type IIB orientifolds of the quintic and a two parameter model, one can find all solutions in this class. Depending on the parity, the number of vacua can be large, of the order of 10^{10}-10^{13}. For other models, it is hard to find all solutions but special solutions can be found -- some of them are chiral. We also make comparison with the large volume regime and obtain a perfect match. Through this study, we find a number of new features of Type II orientifolds, including the structure of moduli space and the change in the type of O-planes under navigation through non-geometric phases.Comment: 142 page

    N=2 Liouville Theory with Boundary

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    We study N=2 Liouville theory with arbitrary central charge in the presence of boundaries. After reviewing the theory on the sphere and deriving some important structure constants, we investigate the boundary states of the theory from two approaches, one using the modular transformation property of annulus amplitudes and the other using the bootstrap of disc two-point functions containing degenerate bulk operators. The boundary interactions describing the boundary states are also proposed, based on which the precise correspondence between boundary states and boundary interactions is obtained. The open string spectrum between D-branes is studied from the modular bootstrap approach and also from the reflection relation of boundary operators, providing a consistency check for the proposal.Comment: 1+48 pages, no figure. typos corrected and references added. the version to appear in JHE

    Dual-camera system for high-speed imaging in particle image velocimetry

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    Particle image velocimetry is an important technique in experimental fluid mechanics, for which it has been essential to use a specialized high-speed camera. However, the high speed is at the expense of other performances of the camera, i.e., sensitivity and image resolution. Here, we demonstrate that the high-speed imaging is also possible with a pair of still cameras.Comment: 4 pages, accepted by Journal of Visualization (see http://www.springerlink.com
