72 research outputs found

    The Role of Anger in Generalized Anxiety Disorder

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    Background: Little is known about the role of anger in the context of anxiety disorders, particularly with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). The goal of the current study was to examine the relations between specific dimensions of anger and GAD. Method: Participants (N = 381) completed a series of questionnaires, including the Generalized Anxiety Disorder Questionnaire (GAD-Q-IV; Newman et al., 2002), the State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory (STAXI-2; Spielberger, 1999), and the Aggression Questionnaire (AQ; Buss & Perry, 1992). The GAD-Q-IV identifies individuals who meet diagnostic criteria for GAD (i.e., GAD-analogues) and those who do not (non-GAD). The STAXI-2 includes subscales for trait anger, externalized anger expression, internalized anger expression, externalized anger control, and internalized anger control. The AQ includes subscales for physical aggression, verbal aggression, anger, and hostility. Results: The GAD-Q-IV significantly correlated with all STAXI-2 and AQ subscales (r’s ranging from .10 to .46). Multivariate analyses of variance revealed that GAD-analogues significantly differed from non-GAD participants on the combined STAXI-2 subscales (ηÂČ = .098); high levels of trait anger and internalized anger expression contributed most to GAD group membership. GAD-analogue participants also significantly differed from non-GAD participants on the combined AQ subscales (ηÂČ = .156); high levels of anger (affective component of aggression) and hostility contributed most to GAD group membership. Within the GAD-analogue group, the STAXI-2 and AQ subscales significantly predicted GAD symptom severity (R2 = .124 and R2 = .198, respectively). Conclusions: Elevated levels of multiple dimensions of anger characterize individuals who meet diagnostic criteria for GAD

    O processo histórico de disciplinarização da Metodologia do Ensino de Matemåtica

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    Desde as primeiras dĂ©cadas do sĂ©culo XX, foi constatada nos currĂ­culos dos cursos de formação de professores a existĂȘncia de uma disciplina cuja constituição, funcionamento e objetivos tĂȘm como pressuposto ensinar a ensinar a matemĂĄtica. Historicamente, a disciplina Metodologia do Ensino de MatemĂĄtica tem aparecido nos cursos de Licenciatura em MatemĂĄtica com distintas denominaçÔes. Ao longo dessas mudanças, os pressupostos e as caracterĂ­sticas dessa disciplina foram se modificando. Tomando como metodologia de pesquisa a anĂĄlise documental e a histĂłria oral, e como referencial teĂłrico os estudos de AndrĂ© Chervel (1990), este trabalho teve como objetivo compreender o processo histĂłrico de disciplinarização da Metodologia do Ensino de MatemĂĄtica em cursos de licenciatura em MatemĂĄtica de instituiçÔes pĂșblicas de ensino superior do estado de SĂŁo Paulo (USP, UNICAMP e UNESP-Rio Claro), buscando conhecer a gĂȘnese e o desenvolvimento histĂłrico da disciplina, identificando conteĂșdos e mĂ©todos propostos bem como as mudanças pelas quais passou a disciplina

    Homogeneidade e heterogeneidade nos sistemas educacionais: Argentina, Brasil, Chile e MĂ©xico

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    Economic possibilities for our [grand]children under contemporary patterns of working loads and the rebuilding of worker's identity in the consumption culture

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    FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOIn 1930, Keynes wrote the essay Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren, predicting that in a century, due to the advancements of technical progress and productive forces, humankind could be free from excesses of workload. An era of abundance and fre3834FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOFAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO09/16647-

    Universalization of telecommunications services: Public policies in the OECD and in Brazil

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to analyze and compare the regulations and public policies for the universalization of telecommunications services taken by OECD countries and by Brazil. Design/methodology/approach – This analysis was mainly based on OECD reports, on the legislation of the Brazilian telecommunication sector and on scientific articles and news related to the theme. Findings – In accordance with the initiatives taken by OECD countries and with recent innovations arising from next generation networks, mainly based on internet protocols platforms, Brazil has also included broadband services in its universalization regulatory agenda. At the same time, the country has established several public programs aimed at expanding access to those services. Practical implications – Nevertheless, it is pointed out that there are still many challenges to an increase in Brazilian broadband penetration rates. Social implications – Therefore, it is suggested that, in Brazil's case, some of these problems could be overcome through a direct government intervention in association with competition and industrial policies. Originality/value – The paper emphasizes that, although in line with the regulatory measures taken by developed countries, Brazilian telecom policies must be adapted taking into consideration the idiosyncrasies of this underdeveloped country.Brazil, Brazilian telecommunication sector, Broadband networks, Telecommunications, Universalization regulation
