1,454 research outputs found

    Método rápido para la determinación de compuestos polares en aceites y grasas de fritura

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    The determination of polar compounds by adsorption chromatography is the most accepted method for the analysis of used frying fats due to its high precision and accuracy. However, this method is expensive and time consuming. In this study, a rapid analytical method to determine polar compounds is proposed. Starting from milligrams of sample dissolved in a solution of hexane containing methyl oleate as internal standard, the nonpolar fraction, which comprises the non-altered triglycerides (TG) and the internal standard, is obtained by solid phase extraction. Then, the non polar fraction is quantitatively analyzed in 15 min by high-performance size-exclusion chromatography (HPSEC) and the polar fraction is determined by difference of weight. Response factors for pure TG and FAME were calculated. Six samples of sunflower oils of different degrees of unsaturation were analyzed in triplicate and the results were compared with those obtained by the gravimetric method based on silica classical column chromatography. Results showed no significant differences between the two methods. In addition, the repeatability of the proposed method was excellent, as the coefficient of variation ranged from 1.5 to 13% depending on the contents of polar compounds.La determinación de compuestos polares mediante cromatografía de adsorción es el método más aceptado en el análisis de aceites y grasas de fritura debido a su elevada exactitud y precisión. Sin embargo, la determinación es costosa, debido al elevado consumo de sílice y disolventes, y son necesarias varias horas para la obtención del resultado. En este estudio se propone una determinación alternativa rápida. Partiendo de miligramos de muestra disueltos en una solución de hexano con oleato de metilo como patrón interno, la fracción no polar, que contiene los triglicéridos no alterados y el patrón interno, es aislada mediante extracción en fase sólida. Posteriormente, la fracción no polar se analiza cuantitativamente en 15 min mediante cromatografía líquida de exclusión y la cantidad de fracción polar se determina por diferencia de peso. Se han calculado los factores de respuesta de triglicéridos y ésteres metílicos. El método se ha aplicado a seis muestras de aceites de girasol de distinto grado de insaturación evaluadas por triplicado y los resultados se han comparado con los obtenidos mediante la determinación gravimétrica basada en cromatografía en columna clásica de sílice. No se han encontrado diferencias significativas entre los dos grupos de resultados. Por otra parte, la repetibilidad fue excelente ya que los coeficientes de variación oscilaron entre 1.5 y 13% dependiendo del contenido en compuestos polares de los aceites.This research work was supported by Junta de Andalucía and Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Project AGL 2004-00148).Peer reviewe

    Finanzas y desechos sólidos: dos escenarios municipales

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    Obra que compila dos ensayos. El primero gira en torno a la sustentabilidad financiera de seis municipios de Jalisco; incluye posibles formas de generación de ingresos propios por los municipios. El otro informa sobre la gestión social de grupos y organizaciones sociales y civiles en torno a los residuos sólidos urbanos en la zona metropolitana de Guadalajara.ITESO, A.C

    Variables que intervienen en la oxidación lipídica de aceites microencapsulados

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    Dried microencapsulated oils are powdery foods or ingredients, prepared by drying natural or formulated emulsions, wherein the oil globules are dispersed in a matrix of saccharides and/or proteins. The study of lipid oxidation in microencapsulated oils is a very difficult task since, in addition to the numerous variables normally involved in lipid oxidation, mainly unsaturation degree, oxygen, light, temperature, prooxidants and antioxidants, other factors exert an important influence in these heterophasic lipid systems. In this paper, the present state of the art on lipid oxidation in dried microencapsulated oils is reviewed, focused on the variables specifically involved in oxidation of these lipid systems. Such variables include those pertaining to the preparation process (type and concentration of the matrix components and drying procedure) and those related to the physicochemical properties of microencapsulated oils (particle size, oil globule size, lipid distribution, water activity, pH and interactions between matrix components).Los aceites microencapsulados son alimentos o ingredientes en polvo preparados mediante secado de emulsiones naturales o formuladas, donde los glóbulos de aceite se encuentran dispersos en una matriz de hidratos de carbono y/o proteínas. El estudio de la oxidación lipídica en aceites microencapsulados es muy difícil ya que, además de las numerosas variables implicadas normalmente en la oxidación lipídica, principalmente el grado de insaturación, oxígeno, luz, temperatura, prooxidantes y antioxidantes, en estos sistemas lipídicos heterofásicos existen otros factores que ejercen una importante influencia. En este trabajo, se revisa la situación actual del conocimiento sobre oxidación lipídica en aceites microencapsulados en relación con las variables que intervienen específicamente en la oxidación de estos sistemas lipídicos. Concretamente, dichas variables incluyen las implicadas en el proceso de preparación (tipo y concentración de los componentes de la matriz y procedimiento de secado) y las relacionadas con las propiedades físico-químicas de los aceites microencapsulados (tamaño de partícula, tamaño de glóbulo de aceite, distribución lipídica, actividad del agua, pH e interacciones entre los componentes de la matriz)

    Efecto del uso de agua residual tratada sobre el suelo y cultivos forrajeros de Chenopodium quinoa Willd y Zea mays L.

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    Given the scarcity of water resources for agricultural use, it is necessary to promote the use of wastewater for agriculture. The towns of Capulálpam de Méndez and Ixtlán de Juárez in the State of Oaxaca have anaerobic wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). The morphological growth, biomass production and N and P content were evaluated in two forage species —Chenopodium quinoa Willd and Zea mays— irrigated with treated wastewater (TWW). A complete randomized design (CRD) was established in each municipality, given the homogeneity of the soil, using a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement, i.e., two forage crops (Quinoa and corn) and two types of irrigation (fresh water and treated wastewater), with 4 replicates per treatment. Analyses of variance and Tukey mean tests (P≤0.05) were performed for the studied variables. In the soils, the pH level was "moderately acid" to "neutral" (5.1 to 7.3); the EC indicated "negligible effects of salinity"; organic matter was found at intervals of "medium to high", and the texture was sandy clay loam in Ixtlán and clay loam in Capulálpam. Growth variables (plant height, stem diameter, and number of leaves) and biomass were significantly higher in plants irrigated with treated wastewater in both forage crops. Nitrogen and phosphorus contents were significantly higher in quinoa and corn plants receiving TWW. TWW could be an alternative that would help reduce the use of chemical fertilizers, as it is an important source of nutrients in forage crops.Ante la escasez del recurso hídrico para el uso agrícola, es necesario promover el uso del agua residual para la agricultura. En las localidades Capulálpam de Méndez e Ixtlán de Juárez, Estado de Oaxaca cuentan con plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales (PTAR) de tipo anaerobio. Se evaluó el crecimiento morfológico, producción de biomasa y contenido de N y P en dos especies forrajeras: Chenopodium quinoa Willd y Zea mays, regados con agua residual tratada (ART). Se estableció un diseño completo aleatorio (DCA) en cada municipio, dada la homogeneidad del suelo. Con arreglo factorial 2 x 2, esto es, dos cultivos forrajeros (Quinoa y maíz), y dos tipos de riego (agua dulce y agua residual tratada), con 4 repeticiones por tratamiento. Se realizaron análisis de varianza y pruebas de media Tukey (P≤0.05) de las variables estudiadas. En los suelos el nivel de pH fue “moderadamente acido” a “neutro” (5.1 a 7.3); la CE indicó “Efectos despreciables de la salinidad”; Materia orgánica en intervalos de “medio a alto”; y Textura Franco arcilloso arenoso en Ixtlán y Franco arcilloso en Capulálpam. Las variables de crecimiento (altura de planta, diámetro de tallo y número de hojas) y biomasa fueron significativamente mayores en plantas regadas con agua residual tratada en ambos cultivos forrajeros. El contenido de nitrógeno y fósforo fue significativamente mayor en plantas de quinoa y maíz que recibieron ART. El ART podría ser una alternativa que ayude a disminuir el uso de fertilizantes químicos, al ser una fuente importante de nutrimentos en los cultivos forrajeros

    Identification of the Immunological Changes Appearing in the CSF During the Early Immunosenescence Process Occurring in Multiple Sclerosis

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    Immunitat adaptativa; Envelliment; Esclerosi múltipleInmunidad adaptativa; Envejecimiento; Esclerosis múltipleAdaptive immunity; Aging; Multiple sclerosisPatients with multiple sclerosis (MS) suffer with age an early immunosenescence process, which influence the treatment response and increase the risk of infections. We explored whether lipid-specific oligoclonal IgM bands (LS-OCMB) associated with highly inflammatory MS modify the immunological profile induced by age in MS. This cross-sectional study included 263 MS patients who were classified according to the presence (M+, n=72) and absence (M-, n=191) of LS-OCMB. CSF cellular subsets and molecules implicated in immunosenescence were explored. In M- patients, aging induced remarkable decreases in absolute CSF counts of CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes, including Th1 and Th17 cells, and of B cells, including those secreting TNF-alpha. It also increased serum anti-CMV IgG antibody titers (indicative of immunosenescence) and CSF CHI3L1 levels (related to astrocyte activation). In contrast, M+ patients showed an age-associated increase of TIM-3 (a biomarker of T cell exhaustion) and increased values of CHI3L1, independently of age. Finally, in both groups, age induced an increase in CSF levels of PD-L1 (an inductor of T cell tolerance) and activin A (part of the senescence-associated secretome and related to inflammaging). These changes were independent of the disease duration. Finally, this resulted in augmented disability. In summary, all MS patients experience with age a modest induction of T-cell tolerance and an activation of the innate immunity, resulting in increased disability. Additionally, M- patients show clear decreases in CSF lymphocyte numbers, which could increase the risk of infections. Thus, age and immunological status are important for tailoring effective therapies in MS.This work was supported by grants FIS-PI15/00513, FIS-PI18/00572 and RD16/0015/0001 from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain and FEDER: "Una manera de hacer Europa"

    Anti-Metastatic Properties of a Marine Bacterial Exopolysaccharide-Based Derivative Designed to Mimic Glycosaminoglycans

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    Osteosarcoma is the most frequent malignant primary bone tumor characterized by a high potency to form lung metastases. In this study, the effect of three oversulfated low molecular weight marine bacterial exopolysaccharides (OS-EPS) with different molecular weights (4, 8 and 15 kDa) were first evaluated in vitro on human and murine osteosarcoma cell lines. Different biological activities were studied: cell proliferation, cell adhesion and migration, matrix metalloproteinase expression. This in vitro study showed that only the OS-EPS 15 kDa derivative could inhibit the invasiveness of osteosarcoma cells with an inhibition rate close to 90%. Moreover, this derivative was potent to inhibit both migration and invasiveness of osteosarcoma cell lines; had no significant effect on their cell cycle; and increased slightly the expression of MMP-9, and more highly the expression of its physiological specific tissue inhibitor TIMP-1. Then, the in vivo experiments showed that the OS-EPS 15 kDa derivative had no effect on the primary osteosarcoma tumor induced by osteosarcoma cell lines but was very efficient to inhibit the establishment of lung metastases in vivo. These results can help to better understand the mechanisms of GAGs and GAG-like derivatives in the biology of the tumor cells and their interactions with the bone environment to develop new therapeutic strategies

    The 4q25 variant rs13143308T links risk of atrial fibrillation to defective calcium homoeostasis

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    Aims: Single nucleotide polymorphisms on chromosome 4q25 have been associated with risk of atrial fibrillation (AF) but the exiguous knowledge of the mechanistic links between these risk variants and underlying electrophysiological alterations hampers their clinical utility. Here, we tested the hypothesis that 4q25 risk variants cause alterations in the intracellular calcium homoeostasis that predispose to spontaneous electrical activity. Methods and results: Western blotting, confocal calcium imaging, and patch-clamp techniques were used to identify mechanisms linking the 4q25 risk variants rs2200733T and rs13143308T to defects in the calcium homoeostasis in human atrial myocytes. Our findings revealed that the rs13143308T variant was more frequent in patients with AF and that myocytes from carriers of this variant had a significantly higher density of calcium sparks (14.1¿±¿4.5 vs. 3.1¿±¿1.3 events/min, P¿=¿0.02), frequency of transient inward currents (ITI) (1.33¿±¿0.24 vs. 0.26¿±¿0.09 events/min, P¿<¿0.001) and incidence of spontaneous membrane depolarizations (1.22¿±¿0.26 vs. 0.56¿±¿0.17 events/min, P¿=¿0.001) than myocytes from patients with the normal rs13143308G variant. These alterations were linked to higher sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium loading (10.2¿±¿1.4 vs. 7.3¿±¿0.5¿amol/pF, P¿=¿0.01), SERCA2 expression (1.37¿±¿0.13 fold, P¿=¿0.03), and RyR2 phosphorylation at ser2808 (0.67¿±¿0.08 vs. 0.47¿±¿0.03, P¿=¿0.01) but not at ser2814 (0.28¿±¿0.14 vs. 0.31¿±¿0.14, P¿=¿0.61) in patients carrying the rs13143308T risk variant. Furthermore, the presence of a risk variant or AF independently increased the ITI frequency and the increase in the ITI frequency observed in carriers of the risk variants was exacerbated in those with AF. By contrast, the presence of a risk variant did not affect the amplitude or properties of the L-type calcium current in patients with or without AF. Conclusions: Here, we identify the 4q25 variant rs13143308T as a genetic risk marker for AF, specifically associated with excessive calcium release and spontaneous electrical activity linked to increased SERCA2 expression and RyR2 phosphorylation.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Beneficial effects of paricalcitol on cardiac dysfunction and remodelling in a model of established heart failure

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    The synthetic vitamin D3 analogue paricalcitol acts as a selective activator of the vitamin D receptor (VDR). While there is evidence for cardioprotective effects of paricalcitol associated with the VDR pathway, less information is available about the structural and functional cardiac effects of paricalcitol on established heart failure (HF) and particularly its effects on associated electrophysiological or Ca2+ handling remodelling. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH: We used a murine model of transverse aortic constriction (TAC) to study the effect of paricalcitol on established HF. Treatment was initiated 4 weeks after surgery over five consecutive weeks, and mice were sacrificed 9 weeks after surgery. Cardiac MRI (CMRI) was performed 4 and 9 weeks after surgery. Hearts were used for biochemical and histological studies and to isolate ventricular myocytes for electrophysiological and calcium imaging studies. KEY RESULTS: CMRI analysis revealed that, compared with vehicle, paricalcitol treatment prevented the progression of ventricular dilation and hypertrophy after TAC and halted the corresponding decline in ejection fraction. These beneficial effects were related to the attenuation of intracellular Ca2+ mishandling remodelling, antifibrotic and antihypertrophic effects and potentially antiarrhythmic effects by preventing the reduction of K+ current density and the long QT, JT and TpTe intervals observed in HF animals. CONCLUSION AND IMPLICATIONS: The results suggest that paricalcitol treatment in established HF hampers disease progression and improves adverse electrophysiological and Ca2+ handling remodelling, attenuating the vulnerability to HF-associated ventricular arrhythmias. Paricalcitol may emerge as a potential therapeutic option in the treatment of HFThis work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (SAF2014- 57190R, SAF2017-84777-R), ISCIII (PI17/01093 and PI17/01344), European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), Sociedad Española de Cardiología (SEC), and CIBER-CV, a network funded by ISCIII. MF-V is a Miguel Servet II researcher of ISCIII (MSII16/00047 Carlos III Health Institute). GR-H is a Miguel Servet I researcher of ISCIII (CP15/00129 Carlos III Health Institute). MT is a predoctoral fellow of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (FPU-17/06135

    Making Future Teachers More Aware of Issues Related to Sustainability: An Assessment of Best Practices

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    The aim of the present research was to uncover the opinions of future teachers about whether the formative knowledge of education for sustainability received in seminars during their practicums improved their competencies in sustainability and their values in educational teaching for their future classroom practice. The study entailed qualitative research with a thematic analysis. Semi-structured interviews comprising 14 questions, which were validated by 15 experts, were used to solicit the opinions of 52 future teachers with respect to the importance of sustainability and the development of intercultural competencies among their students. The information from the interviews was analyzed using thematic analysis on the basis of education for sustainable development (ESD).We conclude that the teachers’ practicum placements and training experiences were very positive because a lecturing pedagogical approach, taught via practical application in a school environment by an expert of recognized prestige, can be a useful resource to develop awareness of both sustainable development and its education, as well as to learn didactic strategies to apply ESD, which addresses aspects that are relevant in multicultural contexts, such as tolerance and empathy

    Reduced Intellectual Development in Children with Prenatal Lead Exposure

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    OBJECTIVE: Low-level postnatal lead exposure is associated with poor intellectual development in children, although effects of prenatal exposure are less well studied. We hypothesized that prenatal lead exposure would have a more powerful and lasting impact on child development than postnatal exposure. DESIGN: We used generalized linear mixed models with random intercept and slope to analyze the pattern of lead effect of the cohort from pregnancy through 10 years of age on child IQ from 6 to 10 years. We statistically evaluated dose–response nonlinearity. PARTICIPANTS: A cohort of 175 children, 150 of whom had complete data for all included covariates, attended the National Institute of Perinatology in Mexico City from 1987 through 2002. EVALUATIONS/MEASUREMENTS: We used the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children–Revised, Spanish version, to measure IQ. Blood lead (BPb) was measured by a reference laboratory of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) quality assurance program for BPb. RESULTS: Geometric mean BPb during pregnancy was 8.0 μg/dL (range, 1–33 μg/dL), from 1 through 5 years was 9.8 μg/dL (2.8–36.4 μg/dL), and from 6 through 10 years was 6.2 μg/dL (2.2–18.6 μg/dL). IQ at 6–10 years decreased significantly only with increasing natural-log third-trimester BPb (β = −3.90; 95% confidence interval, −6.45 to −1.36), controlling for other BPb and covariates. The dose–response BPb–IQ function was log-linear, not linear–linear. CONCLUSIONS: Lead exposure around 28 weeks gestation is a critical period for later child intellectual development, with lasting and possibly permanent effects. There was no evidence of a threshold; the strongest lead effects on IQ occurred within the first few micrograms of BPb. RELEVANCE TO CLINICAL PRACTICE: Current CDC action limits for children applied to pregnant women permit most lead-associated child IQ decreases measured over the studied BPb range