283 research outputs found

    Relação treinador-atleta: Teoria, investigação e intervenção

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    [Excerto] O crescente interesse no estudo da liderança no desporto deve-se, em grande parte, à compreensão do impacto das ações dos treinadores no rendimento e na satisfação dos atletas, bem como no seu bem-estar emocional e psicológico (Horn, 2008). Neste sentido, o tipo de liderança exercido pelo treinador influencia a relação com os atletas e o desenvolvimento e progressão destes ao longo da carreira desportiva (e.g., duração, desempenho, sucesso, etc.) (Smoll & Smith, 1989). Assim, a liderança pode ser definida por “um processo comportamental no sentido de influenciar indivíduos e grupos, tendo em vista objetivos estabelecidos” (Barrow, 1977, p. 232). Esta definição compreende três implicações. A liderança influência pessoas que estejam dispostas, voluntariamente, a contribuir para o bem do grupo; o líder deve assumir a coordenação e orientação do grupo para os objetivos definidos; e os objetivos variam consoante a organização (Kaiser, Hogan, & Craig, 2008). [...

    Leadership, cohesion and satisfaction : differences between swimming and handball portuguese teams

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    The present study analyses the differences between athletes of collective and individual sports in the perception of coaches’ leadership and in cohesion and satisfaction experiences. The participants were 260 handball and 207 swimming athletes who competed at a national federate level. Three main aspects were analyzed: i) the differences between the perceptions of swimming and handball athletes concerning the coaches’ leadership (multivariate variance analysis); ii) the differences between the perceptions of swimming and handball athletes concerning cohesion and satisfaction experiences (“t-tests” for independent samples); and iii) the prediction of satisfaction with leadership assumed by athletes (multiple regression analysis). Three results must be highlighted: i) swimming athletes evaluated more positively their coaches and assumed more cohesion and satisfaction; ii) there were differences in the perception of leadership depending on the gender, competitive level, years of work with the coach and in the sports records achieved with the current coach; and iii) a greater capacity to predict the satisfaction with leadership in handball than in swimming sports was found. Implications of these results for intervention and future research are discussed.estudio analiza las diferencias entre atletas de balonmano (n = 260) y natación (n = 207) en la percepción del liderazgo de los entrenadores, así como en los niveles de cohesión y satisfacción. Fueron analizados tres aspectos: i) diferencias en la percepción de los estilos de liderazgo; ii) diferencias en los niveles de cohesión y satisfacción; y iii) predicción de la satisfacción de los atletas con el liderazgo de los entrenadores. Resultados: i) los atletas de natación evaluaron más positivamente a los entrenadores y asumieron mayores niveles de cohesión y satisfacción; ii) se obtuvieron diferencias en la evaluación del liderazgo en función del sexo, nivel competitivo, años de trabajo con el entrenador y resultados deportivos alcanzados con el entrenador actual; y iii) se verificó una mayor capacidad para predecir la satisfacción con el liderazgo en el balonmano que en la natación. Finalmente, se discuten algunas implicaciones para la intervención y la investigación

    Performance Evaluation of the Chinese Healthcare System

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    Artigo publicado em revista científica internacionalThis study aims to evaluate the performance of the Chinese healthcare system. It uses sustainable development goal (SDG) 3, set by the United Nations to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages as a benchmark. It uses data of 17 variables ranging from the year 2000 to 2017 and uses a multistage methodology to evaluate the performance. In the first stage, it uses difference in mean test to know whether or not the indicators show an improvement in the second decade of the 21st century compared to the first decade. In the second phase, simple linear regression has been used to know the rate of change of performance of every indicator over the sample period. The third step compares the performance of the healthcare sector with the sustainable goals set by the UN and the fourth phase attempts to forecast performance for the next five years i.e., 2018 to 2022. As per the results, the Chinese healthcare sector has performed very well on many fronts except alcohol consumption in males, road accidents and the incidence of non-communicable diseases. Alcohol consumption by males is touching dangerous levels. Therefore, the policies should focus on educating males to lower their alcohol consumption to stay fit and healthy.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Liderança, satisfação e compatibilidade com o treinador em equipas de voleibol : um estudo antes e após os playoffs

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Psicologia do Desporto e do ExercícioIntrodução: Em nenhum outro contexto encontramos tantos indivíduos que se sujeitam à autoridade dos seus treinadores, como acontece no domínio desportivo (Chelladurai, 1984; Cruz & Gomes, 1996). Assim, o exercício da liderança pode ser entendido como um processo comportamental que visa influenciar indivíduos e grupos, tendo em vista objectivos estabelecidos (Barrow, 1977). Desta forma, o estudo deste tema tem vindo a ser desenvolvido no sentido de observar quais as acções dos treinadores e os estilos de liderança que mais se relacionam com o desempenho desportivo, bem como com os sentimentos de bem-estar psicológico e emocional dos atletas (Horn, 2008). Neste sentido, o objectivo deste trabalho foi compreender que dimensões (resultados versus as percepções de obtenção dos objectivos e das acções dos treinadores) explicam a satisfação e a compatibilidade dos atletas com os seus treinadores. Assim, analisámos a) as diferenças entre as equipas que ganharam o campeonato nacional e a taça de Portugal versus as outras equipas, ao nível da liderança, satisfação e compatibilidade antes e após os playoffs, b) as diferenças entre ambos os grupos de equipas relativamente aos seus objectivos de rendimento (colectivos e individuais) após os playoffs, c) as diferenças entre os dois momentos, em cada grupo de equipas nas dimensões mencionadas e d) os preditores da satisfação e da compatibilidade dos atletas com os seus treinadores, através das dimensões da liderança, controlando variáveis pessoais e desportivas. Paralelamente, inclui o contributo do modelo multidimensional de liderança (Chelladurai, 1978, 1990, 1993) e as recentes abordagens da psicologia social e organizacional na compreensão da liderança: o modelo carismático e transformacional (Bass, 1985; Bass, 1998; Bass & Avolio, 1993; Conger & Kanungo, 1987; House, 1977). Método: O presente estudo envolveu 66 atletas seniores do sexo masculino da primeira divisão portuguesa de voleibol, fazendo parte de seis equipas que se qualificaram para os playoffs. Atendendo ao objectivo deste trabalho, os atletas foram divididos em dois grupos: o grupo das equipas vencedoras (compreendendo o campeão nacional e o vencedor da taça de Portugal) e o grupo das outras equipas que não conseguiu vencer nenhum título. O grupo das equipas vencedoras era constituído por 21 atletas (31.8%) e o grupo das outras equipas era constituído por 45 atletas (68.2%), com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 38 anos (M=27.19, DP=5.04) e entre os 17 e os 34 anos (M=25.02, DP=4.17), respectivamente. Foi aplicado um protocolo contendo as seguintes medidas: Escala Multidimensional de Liderança no Desporto-2 (Gomes, 2008), Questionário de Satisfação em Atletas (Riemer & Chelladurai, 1998), Medida de Compatibilidade Treinador-Atleta (Gomes, 2008) e Escala de Avaliação da Obtenção dos Objectivos de Rendimento (Gomes, 2008). Resultados: o tratamento dos dados foi efectuado através de análises univariadas e multivariadas. Assim, três resultados devem ser salientados: 1) após os playoffs, o grupo das equipas vencedoras avaliou mais positivamente os seus treinadores ao nível da gestão partilhada do poder e dos objectivos colectivos e individuais, comparativamente com o grupo das outras equipas, 2) o grupo das equipas vencedoras percepcionaram mais feedback positivo, enquanto que o grupo das outras equipas percepcionou menos treino e instrução, respeito e tratamento justo, motivação para a realização, feedback positivo e satisfação com a estratégia, após os play-off e 3) a satisfação e a compatibilidade com os treinadores foi explicada pela percepção da concretização dos objectivos individuais, respeito e tratamento justo e feedback positivo. Conclusão: Os resultados deste estudo permitiram concluir que os preditores da eficácia da liderança dependem da percepção dos atletas sobre o seu rendimento individual e sobre as acções dos treinadores.Introduction: In no other context we find so many individuals who submit to the authority of their coaches, as in the sporting domain (Chelladurai, 1984; Cruz & Gomes, 1996). Thus, the exercise of leadership can be understood as the behavior process of influencing individuals and groups towards set goals (Barrow, 1977). By this mean, the study of this subject has been increasing with the aim of observing coaches` actions and leadership styles that are related to sporting performance, as so with the athletes` feelings of psychological and emotional well-being (Horn, 2008). In this sense, the goal of this work was to comprehend which dimensions (sport records versus perceptions of goals achievement and coaches’ actions) explain the satisfaction and compatibility of the athletes with their coaches. Hence, we analyzed a) the differences between teams who won the championship and the Portuguese cup versus the other teams, in leadership, satisfaction and compatibility before and after the playoffs, b) the differences between both groups of teams regarding their performance goals (team and individual) in the end of the season, c) the differences between the two moments, in each group of teams, in the mentioned dimensions and d) the predictors of athletes` satisfaction and compatibility with their coaches, through the leadership dimensions, controlling personal and sport variables. At same time, it includes the contribute of the multidimensional model of leadership (Chelladurai, 1978, 1990, 1993) and the recent approaches of social and organizational psychology in the comprehension of leadership: the charismatic and transformational model (Bass, 1985; Bass, 1998; Bass & Avolio, 1993; Conger & Kanungo, 1987; House, 1977). Method: The present study involved 66 senior male athletes from the first Portuguese national volleyball division, included in six teams that qualified to the playoffs. For the purpose of this work, the athletes were divided in two groups: the winner teams (comprised the winner of the national title and the winner of the volleyball cup) and the other teams that didn’t accomplish any title. The winner teams were constituted by 21 athletes (31.8%) and the other teams were constituted by 45 athletes (68.2%), with ages ranged from 18 to 38 years old (M=27.19, SD=5.04) and from 17 to 34 years old (M=25.02, SD=4.17), respectively. It was applied a protocol containing the following measures: Multidimensional Scale of Leadership in Sport (Gomes, 2008); Athlete Satisfaction Questionnaire (Riemer & Chelladurai, 1998), Compatibility Coach-Athlete Measure (Gomes, 2008) and Performance Goal Incongruence Scale (Gomes, 2008). Results: The data treatment was done through univariate and multivariate analysis. Thus, three results must be highlighted: 1) after the playoffs the winner teams evaluated more positively their coaches on participative management and on team and individual goals, comparatively to the other teams, 2) winner teams perceived more positive feedback, while the other teams, perceived less training and instruction, personal respect and fairness, achievement motivation, positive feedback and satisfaction with the strategy, after the playoffs and 3) the satisfaction and compatibility with coaches were explained by perception of individual goals achievement, personal respect and fairness and positive feedback. Conclusion: The results of this study enabled to conclude that the predictors of the leadership efficacy depend on the atlhletes’ perceptions about their personal performance and the coaches’ actions

    Systemic acquired critique of credit card deception exposure through machine learning

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    Artigo publicado em revista científica internacionalA wide range of recent studies are focusing on current issues of financial fraud, especially concerning cybercrimes. The reason behind this is even with improved security, a great amount of money loss occurs every year due to credit card fraud. In recent days, ATM fraud has decreased, while credit card fraud has increased. This study examines articles from five foremost databases. The literature review is designed using extraction by database, keywords, year, articles, authors, and performance measures based on data used in previous research, future research directions and purpose of the article. This study identifies the crucial gaps which ultimately allow research opportunities in this fraud detection process by utilizing knowledge from the machine learning domain. Our findings prove that this research area has become most dominant in the last ten years. We accessed both supervised and unsupervised machine learning techniques to detect cybercrime and management techniques which provide evidence for the effectiveness of machine learning techniques to control cybercrime in the credit card industry. Results indicated that there is room for further research to obtain better results than existing ones on the basis of both quantitative and qualitative research analysis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Juzbado-Penalva do Castelo wrench ductile shear zone : a major structure oblique to the main Iberian Variscan trend

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    The ENE-WSW Juzbado-Penalva do Castelo Shear Zone (JPCSZ), 200 km long and 5-15 km wide, is a first order structure of the Iberian Variscides with a sinistral component emphasized by a 65 km ductile reject of the major D1 structures (Iglesias & Ribeiro, 1981); the NW-SE regional trend (e.g. Marão and Tamames structures) changes to E-W (e.g. Moncorvo and Poiares synclines) when approaching the JPCSZ and even to ENE-WSW along it (e.g. Marofa syncline). Although this sigmoidal pattern clearly post-dated the early structures of the first and main Variscan event (D1), some evidence show that the JPCSZ should have been active since the early Variscan collision (e.g. D1 kinematics changes in both sides of the shear zone), or even earlier (e.g. it is the most plausible boundary between two major pre-Ordovician lithostratigraphic domains - the Beiras and Douro Groups). We present preliminary structural and petrological data for the Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo area (a key region to study the E-W to ENE-WNW transition) in order to constrain its Variscan evolution. In the northern part of the studied area, several syn-tectonic granitoids crop out, whereas to the south migmatites, probably part of the Pre-Cambrian to Cambrian Excomungada Formation (Ribeiro, 2001), predominate. These granulite-facies migmatites (T ≥ 800 ºC) contact, to the south, with Ordovician lowgrade (biotite zone) metapelites and metaquartzites, materializing a “temperature jump” of at least 400 :C, which, considering a barrovian-type geothermal gradient of about 25 :C.km-1, suggests a vertical offset of 16 km (or 8 km for a 50 :C.km-1 geothermal gradient). In the autochthon of the Central Iberian Zone, it is solely along the JPCSZ that high grade metamorphic rocks are exhumed. At the Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo area two segments were identified in the Marofa Syncline. The western segment has a clear ENE-WSW direction trend coincident with the JPCSZ, whereas at the eastern segment, E-W trends predominate. The deformation is much more intense in the western segment, giving rise to a pervasive sub-vertical slightly wavy fold axis associated with a sub-horizontal to slightly northeast dipping stretching lineation; this deformation is coeval with significant recrystallization and the development of a mylonitic foliation. These strong fabrics, better observed in the metapelites and metapsamites interlayered in the Ordovician metaquartzite sequence, show widespread sinistral shear criteria structures (e.g. C-S shear bands, distorted/rotated porphyroclast and consistent asymmetrical folds). This shear sense, also observed in the diatexite lenses inside the JPCSZ, is congruent with the inferred movement from the analysis of the regional structures. The eastern segment is characterized by a less intense deformation, where folds and other related mesoscopic structures are almost absent. Nevertheless, a stretching lineation is often found, ranging from low dip to 50: towards SW. This behavior shows that the eastern segment (E-W trend) has had a predominant thrusting with a sinistral component. The kinematics preserved in this segment was the result of the reworking of previous structures oblique to the main sinistral ENE-WSW shear (JPCSZ), with the consequent induction of a restraining zone along the EW trend

    Zona de cisalhamento de Juzbado - Penalva do Castelo no sector de Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo: implicações para a exumação de rochas metamórficas de alto grau

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    A Zona de Cisalhamento Juzbado-Penalva do Castelo (Zona Centro Ibérica) separa unidades com distintas características estruturais, metamórficas e litoestratigráficas, revelando-se como um acidente tectónico de primeira ordem durante a evolução da Cadeia Varisca Ibérica. A realização de cartografia geológica e estrutural detalhada em sectores escolhidos e a sua extrapolação regional, colocou em evidência o carácter progressivo da deformação durante a evolução desta zona de cisalhamento. O novo padrão cartográfico proposto é discutido no contexto da evolução desta zona de cisalhamento em regime transcorrente esquerdo e no quadro do seu papel na exumação do Complexo Anatéctico de Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo-Lumbrales

    Exhumation of a migmatite complex along a transpressive shear zone: inferences from the Variscan Juzbado-Penalva do Castelo Shear Zone (Central Iberian Zone)

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    High-grade metamorphic rocks associated with S-type granites are recorded in the Central Iberian Zone, Iberian Variscides. Though most of these occur as inferred metamorphic core complexes affiliated with detachment faults, others, such as the Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo–Lumbrales Anatectic Complex, crop out between low-grade metamorphic rocks separated by steeply-dipping strike-slip shear zones, such as the Juzbado–Penalva do Castelo Shear Zone. Our structural analysis has been able to constrain two major deformation stages during the Variscan D3: (a) D3a ductile deformation event, with clear sinistral kinematic criteria; and (b) D3b thrusting ductile–brittle deformation event. The petrological investigation confirmed the jump in metamorphic grade between the host rocks and the anatectic complex. P–T estimates on calc-silicate rocks interlayered with the metapelites of the anatectic complex provided minimum metamorphic peak conditions of T = 761 ± 50°C and P = 5.0 ± 1.0 kbar. However, petrological modelling results show that P–T conditions must have exceeded T > 800°C. Both structural and geothermobarometric data support a two-step model for the exhumation of the Anatectic Complex, including a 5 – 8 km vertical exhumation along a 65 – 100 km horizontal displacement due to a simple shear-dominated transpression mechanism during the Variscan D3 events