1,069 research outputs found

    Human centred manufacturing: methodology for ergonomic previsional evaluation of manual assembly operations

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    The challenge of flexibility and productivity for manufacturing operations needs a new concept based on “human-centered manufacturing process”. This concept must consider basically the ergonomics of workplaces and workload balancing. The application of this concept is achievable through the detailed knowledge of the interaction between human and workplace, in particular as far as the mechanical load (or work load) arising from product design and from manufacturing process definition (included tools and equipment). The measurement of workload then is a fundamental for new (and existing) workplaces. In this paper is described the methodology that considers the procedure and instruments for measuring ergonomic parameters and the use of EAWS method to assess the ergonomic risk level of the workplace summarized by a score. EAWS considers postural aspects and dynamics of work activity. Design or modification of the workplace can be defined on base of the results obtained by the methodology application

    Defense mechanisms: From the individual to the collective level

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    Abstract: In this article we shall deal with the construction and defense of subjective identity as a topic at the intersection of psychology and anthropology. In this perspective, defense mechanisms are seen as falling along a spectrum that stretches from the individual to the collective level. The individual mind is the sphere of the intrapsychic defenses and the interpersonal maneuvers to which each of us appeals, in the relationship with other people and with one’s own environment, to defend one’s own self-describability and, indissolubly, the solidity of one’s own self-conscious being. At a social and collective level, on the other hand, the individual self-protective structures are supported by cultural interventions that organize and intersubjectively “domesticate” our subjectivity and our feeling of being-there.Keywords: Autobiographical Reasoning; Defense Mechanisms; Grief; Narrative Identity; Ontological Insecurity  Meccanismi di difesa: dall’individuale al collettivoRiassunto: L’articolo si occupa di costruzione e difesa dell’identità soggettiva come tema all’intersezione di psicologia e antropologia. In questa prospettiva, i meccanismi di difesa si dispongono lungo uno spettro che dal livello individuale conduce a quello collettivo. La mente individuale è la sfera delle difese intrapsichiche e delle manovre interpersonali a cui ognuno di noi fa ricorso, nella relazione con gli altri e col proprio ambiente, per difendere la propria autodescrivibilità e, inscindibilmente, la solidità del proprio essere autocosciente. Al livello sociale e collettivo, invece, le strutture autoprotettive dell’individuo sono sorrette da interventi culturali che organizzano e “addomesticano” intersoggettivamente la nostra soggettività e il nostro sentirci esistere.Parole chiave: Ragionamento autobiografico; Meccanismi di difesa; Cordoglio; Identità narrativa; Insicurezza ontologic

    Forensic Toxicology

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    Intrinsic and Extrinsic Stability of Ovonic-Switching Devices

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    The time evolution of current and voltage in Ovonicswitching devices is affected, on one side, by parasitic elements due to contacts and connectors and, on the other one, by the internal-relaxation mechanisms of the material itself. The two aspects, respectively termed here \u201cintrinsic\u201d and \u201cextrinsic\u201d dynamics, are investigated in this paper on the basis of the time-dependent, trap-limited conduction model proposed by the authors for investigating this type of devices

    Transport scaling limits of ovonic Devices: a simulative approach

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    The transport scaling limits of Ovonic devices are studied by means of a numerical solution of a time- and space-dependent transport models based on a set of equations that provide a good physical grasp of the microscopic process at hand. The predictivity of the approach has been confirmed through the comparison with recent experimental results where the parasitic effects have been reduced by the use of top-technology measuring equipments. The present analysis is performed for the AgInSbTe chalcogenide, since this material exibits a steep threshold-switching dynamics which makes it promising for high-speed non-volatile memory applications

    GLP-1RAs and cardiovascular disease: is the endothelium a relevant platform?

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    Hyperglycemia strongly affects endothelial function and activation, which in turn increases the risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Among pharmacotherapies aimed at lowering blood glucose levels, glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonists (GLP-1RA) represent a class of drugs involved in the improvement of the endothelium damage and the progression of cardiovascular diseases. They show antihypertensive and antiatherosclerotic actions due at least in part to direct favorable actions on the coronary vascular endothelium, such as oxidative stress reduction and nitric oxide increase. However, cumulative peripheral indirect actions could also contribute to the antiatherosclerotic functions of GLP-1/GLP-1R agonists, including metabolism and gut microbiome regulation. Therefore, further research is necessary to clarify the specific role of this drug class in the management of cardiovascular disease and to identify specific cellular targets involved in the protective signal transduction. In the present review, we provide an overview of the effects of GLP-1RAs treatment on cardiovascular disease with particular attention on potential molecular mechanisms involving endothelium function on formation and progression of atherosclerotic plaque

    Mindreading, introspezione e metacognizione: implicazioni per la neuropsichiatria cognitiva

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    Riassunto: In questo articolo ci proponiamo di portare alla luce i netti confini che separano i concetti di mindreading, introspezione e metacognizione con l’obiettivo di dissipare alcuni fraintendimenti presenti nella letteratura clinica. A tal fine, iniziamo identificando due posizioni principali nell’odierno dibattito filosofico cognitivo sull’introspezione: da un lato le teorie che sostengono che “introspezione” è la denominazione impropria per un processo interpretativo; da un altro lato le teorie che continuano a ritenere che almeno in alcuni casi l’accesso alla propria mente sia diretto e non interpretativo. Dopodiché prendiamo posizione contro le teorie dell’accesso diretto e in favore di una certa versione dell’approccio interpretativista. Infine, da questo approccio ricaviamo alcune linee guida per l’uso della Theory of Mind in neuropsichiatria cognitiva.Parole chiave: Introspezione; Mindreading; Confabulazione; Metacognizione; Psicopatologia.Mindreading, Introspection, and Metacognition: Implications for Cognitive Neuropsychiatry Abstract: The aim of this article is to draw sharp boundaries between the concepts of mindreading, introspection and metacognition in order to rectify some common misunderstandings in the clinical literature. To this aim, we begin with identifying two main approaches in the current philosophical and psychological debate on introspection: at one end of the spectrum, the view that “introspection” is a misnomer for an interpretative activity; at the other end of the spectrum, the view that, at least in some cases, the access to one’s own inner life is direct and non-interpretative. Thereafter, we side against “direct access” theories and in favor of a particular version of the interpretativist approach to introspection. Finally, we propose some guidelines based on this approach for applying a Theory of Mind in cognitive neuropsychiatry.Keywords: Introspection; Mindreading; Confabulation; Metacognition; Psychopathology

    Intrinsic Electric Oscillations of Ovonic Devices towards the TeraHerz limit

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    The time-dependent response of Ovonic devices to an electric potential ramp signal is analysed by means of an enhanced version of a previously published time-dependent charge- transport model proposed by the authors. Depending on the inevitable parasitics of the system, either stable or oscillating solutions are found according to the position of the load line. The model also allows for speculations on the potential of Ovonic materials in the design of high- frequency oscillating circuits close to the terahertz range
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