3,715 research outputs found

    Remote sensing of the atmospheric aerosols and noctilucent clouds from space

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    The method for the determination of the optical density of tropospheric and mesospheric aerosols and for the estimation of the scattering phase function in the forward directions (0 to 30 deg) is proposed. The method is based on measurements of the brightness of the twilight horizon with the high resolution limb camera having five separated fields of view. In some detail the features of the camera are described and the mathematical aspects of remote sensing data inversion are discussed

    The Drinker’s Effect on the Social Environment: A Conceptual Framework for Studying Alcohol’s Harm to Others

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    The paper considers conceptual and methodological issues in studying the scope of alcohol’s harm to others. Reasons are suggested for the relative neglect of the topic. The approaches in two relevant research traditions are considered: population surveys on alcohol problems, and economic cost of alcohol studies. Ways of conceptualizing and measuring aspects of the drinker’s effects on others are considered, in terms of main types of relationship with the other, and in terms of major societal response institutions. The main types of data tend to measure different levels of severity, with population survey data dominated by less severe problems, and response institution data by more severe problems; so both are needed for a three-dimensional view. Research questions for the field and its policy significance are noted

    From Brexit to European renewal: the fracture of the social contract underlies the current turmoil

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    The European Commission’s 2017 White Paper on reform of the EU focussed on completion of the single market and firmer governance of the Euro. However, it wholly ignored inequality and social justice. Yet this is the ‘hot politics’ of European progress: the fracture of the ‘social contract’ between political leaders and the population at large. If ignored, it risks the melt-down of the whole Union, writes Graham Room

    The Sussex Room, Menu, 13 April 1981

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