720 research outputs found

    Advanced fuel system with gaseous hydrogen additives

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    The advancement of contemporary internal combustion engine technologies necessitates not only design enhancements but also the exploration of alternative fuels or fuel catalysts. These endeavors are integral to curbing the emission of hazardous substances in exhaust gases. Most contemporary catalyst additives are of complex chemical origins, introduced into the fuel during the fuel preparation stage. Nonetheless, none of these additives yield a significant reduction in fuel consumption. The research endeavors to develop the fuel system of a primary marine diesel engine to facilitate the incorporation of pure hydrogen additives into diesel fuel. Notably, this study introduces a pioneering approach, employing compressed gaseous hydrogen up to 5 MPa as an additive to the principal diesel fuel. This method obviates the need for extensive modifications to the ship engine fuel equipment and is adaptable to modern marine power plants. With the introduction of modest quantities of hydrogen into the primary fuel, observable shifts in the behavior of the fuel equipment become apparent, aligning with the calculations outlined in the methodology. The innovative outcomes of the experimental study affirm that the mass consumption of hydrogen is contingent upon the hydrogen supply pressure, the settings of the fuel equipment, and the structural attributes of the fuel delivery system. The modulation of engine load exerts a particularly pronounced influence on the mass admixture of hydrogen. The proportion of mass addition of hydrogen in relation to the pressure of supply (ranging from 4–12 MPa) adheres to a geometric progression (within the range of 0.04–0.1%). The application of this technology allows for a reduction in the specific fuel consumption of the engine by 2–5%, contingent upon the type of fuel system in use, and concurrently permits an augmentation in engine power by up to 5%. The resultant economic benefits are estimated at 1.5–4.2% of the total fuel expenses. This technology is applicable across marine, automotive, tractor, and stationary diesel engines. Its implementation necessitates no intricate modifications to the engine design, and its utilization demands no specialized skills. It is worth noting that, in addition to hydrogen, other combustible gases can be employed


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    The aim of the work is elaboration of the principally new method of deep processing of carotene-containing vegetables (CCV). For attaining this aim was used the complex effect of steam-thermal processing and fine-dispersed comminution for preservation and extraction of biologically active substances from the raw material and getting products of nanosized form. There was also used the new generation of equipment: combi-steamer and dine-dispersed comminutor.  There was elaborated the new method of deep processing, alternative to cryogenic one. This method is based on the complex effect of steam-thermal processing and fine-disperse comminution using the modern equipment (combi-steamer and fine-dispersed comminutor) that is used at enterprises of restaurant business. This method allows use biological potential of the raw material more fully (2…3 times more) and get the foodstuff in nanoform. It was shown, that at steam-thermal processing of vegetables (carrot, pumpkin) in combi-steam antioxidant enzymatic processes flow with less intensity (3…4times less) than at blanching. It was established, that at the steam-thermal processing in combi-steamer in 10 minutes in carotene-containing vegetables takes place not only conservation of β-carotene but also increase of its mass fraction in 2…2,5 times (comparing with initial raw material). Mechanism of this process is connected with fact that carotenoids are transformed from the hidden state (frms associated with biopolymers) into free form that is fixed by chemical methods. It was also established, that after steam-thermal processing and fine-dispersed comminution of carotene-containing vegetables at preparation of puree takes place the significant increase of extraction of ascorbic acid and β-carotene comparing with initial raw material that is for pumpkin 2 and 3 times more and for carrot 1,7 and 2,5 times more, respectively. It was established, that complex use of the new equipment at steam-thermal processing of vegetable raw material in combi-steamer with fine-dispersed comminution gives a possibility to get puree, which quality is approximated to the one of puree, received using cryogenic processing of product (especially, by the content of β-carotene and other biologically active substances (BAS).&nbsp

    n-Hexane Bromination Using Barium Fluorobromate Ba(BrF[4])[2]

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    It was observed that Ba(BrF[4])[2] demonstrates a high reactivity towards n-hexane. It was found that the heating the reaction mass proceed with intensive self-heating up to 40 °C and release of elemental bromine. The GC-MS analysis showed that the main product of Ba(BrF[4])[2] interaction with n-hexane is 3-bromohexane. The optimal interaction parameters were found. The heat effect of the reaction was determined by isothermal calorimetric method, it was –1451 kJ/mole. The qualitative composition of solid precipitate was determined by EDXRF and XRD analyses. BaF[2] is formed as only solid product of the reaction between Ba(BrF[4])[2] and n-hexane. It was found that conditions of researched reaction are quite unusual for known free-radical hydrogen substitution processes in case of alkanes. Also we can conclude that Ba(BrF[4])[2] is much more soft reagent is case of interaction with alkanes in comparison with BrF[3] and it can provide more or less selective bromination of alkane unlikely to BrF[3]

    Study of burning stability in low emission gas turbine combustor

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    Study of burning stability in low emission gas turbine combustor / S. Serbin, A. Kozlovskyi, K. Burunsuz, R. Radchenko // Contemporary Issues of Heat and Mass Transfer : monograph / T. Bohdal, M. Sikora. – Koszalin : Koszalin University of Technology, 2019. – Vol. 2. – P. 747–766.Introduction: The paper is devoted to investigation of gaseous fuel burning stability in low emission combustor of stationary gas turbine engine (GTE). The mathematical model of unsteady processes in GTE low emission combustor is developed. A methodology of numerical experiment concerning stability of gaseous fuel burning in low emission combustor with using complex of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is proposed. Theoretical studies of non-stationary processes in a low emission gas turbine combustor were performed using the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) model of turbulence. The results of the model verification confirm its validity for the wide spectrum of fuel nozzle design. The performed 3D calculations allowed defining main pulsating features of a low emission gas turbine combustor. For the entire considered frequency range, a pronounced frequency of 189 Hz is traced, which is caused by combustion processes, as evidenced by the spectra of temperature fluctuations and the mass concentration of fuel. The calculated local mean square pulsations of the static pressure inside the combustion line can reach maximum values of about 11.5 kPa. The obtained results and recommendations can be used for modeling of unsteady processes in low emission combustor and stability improvement of GTE combustor with partially premixed lean fuel-air mixtures


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    The aim of the work is elaboration of the principally new method of deep processing of carotene-containing vegetables (CCV). For attaining this aim was used the complex effect of steam-thermal processing and fine-dispersed comminution for preservation and extraction of biologically active substances from the raw material and getting products of nanosized form. There was also used the new generation of equipment: combi-steamer and dine-dispersed comminutor. There was elaborated the new method of deep processing, alternative to cryogenic one. This method is based on the complex effect of steam-thermal processing and fine-disperse comminution using the modern equipment (combi-steamer and fine-dispersed comminutor) that is used at enterprises of restaurant business. This method allows use biological potential of the raw material more fully (2…3 times more) and get the foodstuff in nanoform.It was shown, that at steam-thermal processing of vegetables (carrot, pumpkin) in combi-steam antioxidant enzymatic processes flow with less intensity (3…4times less) than at blanching.It was established, that at the steam-thermal processing in combi-steamer in 10 minutes in carotene-containing vegetables takes place not only conservation of β-carotene but also increase of its mass fraction in 2…2,5 times (comparing with initial raw material). Mechanism of this process is connected with fact that carotenoids are transformed from the hidden state (frms associated with biopolymers) into free form that is fixed by chemical methods.It was also established, that after steam-thermal processing and fine-dispersed comminution of carotene-containing vegetables at preparation of puree takes place the significant increase of extraction of ascorbic acid and β-carotene comparing with initial raw material that is for pumpkin 2 and 3 times more and for carrot 1,7 and 2,5 times more, respectively.It was established, that complex use of the new equipment at steam-thermal processing of vegetable raw material in combi-steamer with fine-dispersed comminution gives a possibility to get puree, which quality is approximated to the one of puree, received using cryogenic processing of product (especially, by the content of β-carotene and other biologically active substances (BAS).


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    In the course of the research, positive and negative effects of public investment management in the construction sector of low-income countries have been revealed. The negative effects of public investment management are connected with an insufficient level of public policy effectiveness and institutional capacity. In general, the lack of significant progress in all indicators of the efficiency of public governance for the period 1996?2020 was noted in low-income countries. The specified determinants of public governance have a negative impact on the ability to effectively manage investment in the process of implementing state projects in the field of construction with the involvement of international organizations in developed countries. The analysis of the efficiency components of the management of investment projects under the leadership of the public sector reveals gaps in the supervision, quality of monitoring and evaluation during the implementation of projects. Such gaps are caused by factors characteristic of low-income countries, namely: 1) little or no progress in implementing the investment budget; 2) management difficulties related to the low level of productivity of public sector personnel, shortage of personnel and the need for their training; 3) cumbersome administrative government procedures; 4) lack of planning of project maintenance processes, management training planning; 5) insufficient attention to the processes of project planning and monitoring; 6) the lack of institutional capacity for ensuring the efficiency of project implementation

    n-Hexane Bromination Using Barium Fluorobromate Ba(BrF[4])[2]

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    It was observed that Ba(BrF[4])[2] demonstrates a high reactivity towards n-hexane. It was found that the heating the reaction mass proceed with intensive self-heating up to 40 °C and release of elemental bromine. The GC-MS analysis showed that the main product of Ba(BrF[4])[2] interaction with n-hexane is 3-bromohexane. The optimal interaction parameters were found. The heat effect of the reaction was determined by isothermal calorimetric method, it was –1451 kJ/mole. The qualitative composition of solid precipitate was determined by EDXRF and XRD analyses. BaF[2] is formed as only solid product of the reaction between Ba(BrF[4])[2] and n-hexane. It was found that conditions of researched reaction are quite unusual for known free-radical hydrogen substitution processes in case of alkanes. Also we can conclude that Ba(BrF[4])[2] is much more soft reagent is case of interaction with alkanes in comparison with BrF[3] and it can provide more or less selective bromination of alkane unlikely to BrF[3]

    Глибока переробка каротинвмісних овочів та отримання наноїжі з використанням нового покоління обладнання

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    We proposed and designed a new method of deep processing of carotene­containing vegetables – alternative to cryogenic treatment, based on the comprehensive action of steam thermal treatment and finely dispersed grinding on raw materials using a new generation of equipment that is applied in restaurant business, which makes it possible to more fully utilize biological potential (2...3 times higher than in the original raw materials).It was found that during deep (steam convection) processing of carotene­containing vegetables (carrot and pumpkin) with the use of modern steam convection equipment, the fermentative processes proceed with less intensity than during traditional method of thermal treatment – blanching by immersion in boiling water. The quantitative indicator of the maximum fermentative activity during treatment of the carotene­containing vegetables in a combi steamer, compared to blanching, is 2–4,5 times less for polyphenol oxidase, by 3 times for peroxidase. It was demonstrated that the complete inactivation of oxidative enzymes during thermal treatment of carotene­containing vegetables in a combi steamer occurs earlier than during blanching and takes place in 20 minutes, which is 10–15 minutes faster than at blanching. The complete inactivation of oxidative enzymes during blanching of carotene­containing vegetables occurs in 30–35 minutes.It was demonstrated that, compared with fresh raw materials, during thermal treatment of carotene­containing vegetables (carrot, pumpkin) in a combi steamer (under the above­mentioned modes), not only the preservation of b­carotene is achieved in 10 minutes, but also the increase in its mass by 2...2,3 times that occurs due to the release from the hidden state (forms, associated with biopolymers) to free form that is registered by the chemical methods of research. It was found that the loss of vitamin C during thermal treatment of carotene­containing vegetables in a combi steamer is much lower than at blanching. Thus, after 20 minutes of thermal treatment in the combi steamer, the mass fraction of L­ascorbic acid remained by 65…80 %, while after blanching by 40…50 %.It was also demonstrated that after steam thermal treatment and finely dispersed  grinding of carotene­containing vegetables when making puree, a significant increase in the extraction of L­ascorbic acid and b­carotene occurs in comparison to the original raw materials, which is 2 and 3 times larger for pumpkin, respectively, and for carrot – 1,7 and 2,5 times, respectively.It was found that the comprehensive application of steam thermal treatment of vegetable raw materials in a combi steamer with finely dispersed grinding makes it possible to obtain puree, the quality of which is close to the quality of the puree, obtained using the cryogenic product treatment (in particular, the content of b­carotene is 2,5…3 times during steam thermal treatment and is 2,8...3,5 times during cryogenic treatment).Предложен и разработан метод глубокой переработки каротинсодержащих овощей – альтернативный криогенной обработке. Метод основан на комплексном воздействии на сырье паротермической обработки и мелкодисперсного измельчения с использованием нового поколения оборудования, применяемого на предприятиях ресторанного бизнеса. Новый метод позволяет более полно использовать биологический потенциал (в 2...3 раза больше) и получить пищевые продукты в наноформеЗапропоновано та розроблено метод глибокої переробки каротинвмісних овочів – альтернативний кріогенній обробці. Метод заснований на комплексній дії на сировину паротермічної обробки та дрібнодисперсного подрібнення з використанням нового покоління обладнання, яке застосовується на підприємствах ресторанного бізнесу. Новий метод дозволяє більш повно використати біологічний потенціал сировини (у 2…3 рази більше) і отримати харчові продукти в наноформ

    Metaphysical Portrait of Melitopol in the Symbolic Circle "Honey -Milk -Water"(The Problem of Symbolic Resources in Tourist Activities)

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    The purposeof the proposed research is to create a metaphysical portrait sketch of Melitopol in the symbolic circle "honey -milk -water" in the context of attracting symbolic resources problem in tourism.In an intensive way, and following thestrengtheningof homo viator phenomenon in the global world, research in the touristic field and philosophy of tourism are increasingly turning their attention to the "internal resource", including in this concept, in addition to natural and cultural-historical, also symbolic resource. The work uses such methods as dialectical and metaphysical, the principle of comprehensiveness of research, the general logical method, and other methods of scientific research. Tourist legend as an applied direction can become an effective marketing mechanism, as a result of which it is possible, using a symbolic resources variety and tools, to create humanitarian and social development perspectives, agreed and identified through analysis of mythological structures and conceptual shells for harmonious and effective development of these territories. In this aspect, tourism as oneof the mass culture branches will produce tourist flows directed to previously elaboratedterritorial brand

    Топливная эффективность охлаждения наддувочного воздуха главного судового дизеля теплоиспользующей холодильной машиной на рейсовой линии

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    Радченко, Р. Н. Топливная эффективность охлаждения наддувочного воздуха главного судового дизеля теплоиспользующей холодильной машиной на рейсовой линии = Fuel efficiency of the main marine diesel scavenge air cooling by the waste heat recovery chiller on the route line / Р. Н. Радченко, Н. С. Богданов // Зб. наук. пр. НУК. – Миколаїв : НУК, 2016. – № 3 (465). – С. 43–50.Визначена раціональна температура наддувного повітря після відведення від нього теплоти у високотемпературному ступені охолоджувача наддувного повітря, яка обмежує кількість теплоти, що використовується хладоновою ежекторною холодильною машиною для глибокого охолодження наддувного повітря у високотемпературному ступені охолоджувача наддувного повітря суднового малообертового дизеля для кліматичних умов експлуатації судна на рейсовій лінії. Розраховані зменшення питомої витрати палива та економія палива в результаті охолодження наддувного повітря суднового малообертового дизеля для кліматичних умов експлуатації судна на рейсовій лінії Одеса-Йокогама.It is considered a waste heat recovery scavenge air cooling system that consists of three stage air cooler: the first stage extracting a high potential heat from the scavenge air after the turbo-charger (so called utilizing or cogenerative stage), the second convention stage using sea water as cooling medium and the third stage using a cold from the waste heat recovery refrigerant ejector chiller utilizing the heat of scavenge air extracting in the first stage. The heat load on the first high-temperature stage of the scavenge air cooler has been supposed as the heat source to produce a refrigeration capacity wasted for scavenge air deep cooling in the low temperature section by refrigerant ejector chiller of waste heat recovery cooling system. It is shown that a scavenge air heat is quite enough to cover the heat wasted for addition scavenge air cooling from the temperature of air after a convention sea water cooler to the potential minimal temperature that provides reducing the engine fuel consumption. The rational temperature of the scavenge air after heat extraction from it in the high-temperature stage of the scavenge air cooler that limits a magnitude of the heat to be used by waste heat recovery refrigeration ejector chiller for scavenge air deep cooling in the low temperature stage of the scavenge air cooler of the marine low speed diesel engine for climate conditions of the ship performance on the route line has been defined. A reduction of specific fuel consumption and fuel saving due to scavenge air cooling for the main marine low speed diesel engine for climate conditions of the ship performance on the Odessa-Yokogama route line were estimated.Определена рациональная температура наддувочного воздуха после отвода от него теплоты в высокотемпературной ступени охладителя наддувочного воздуха, лимитирующая количество теплоты, используемой хладоновой эжекторной холодильной машиной для глубокого охлаждения наддувочного воздуха в низкотемпературной ступени охладителя наддувочного воздуха судового малооборотного дизеля для климатических условий эксплуатации судна на рейсовой линии. Рассчитаны уменьшение удельного расхода топлива и экономия топлива в результате охлаждения наддувочного воздуха судового малооборотного дизеля для климатических условий эксплуатации судна на рейсовой линии Одесса-Йокогама