656 research outputs found

    The enormous outer Galaxy HII region CTB 102

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    We present new radio recombination line observations of the previously unstudied HII region CTB 102. Line parameters are extracted and physical parameters describing the gas are calculated. We estimate the distance to CTB 102 to be 4.3 kpc. Through comparisons with HI and 1.42 GHz radio continuum data, we estimate the size of CTB 102 to be 100-130 pc, making it one of the largest HII regions known, comparable to the W4 complex. A stellar wind blown bubble model is presented as the best explanation for the observed morphology, size and velocities.Comment: 26 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication by The Astrophysical Journa

    Влияние времени нанесения на свойства и структуру триполифосфатных покрытий, полученных в условиях интенсивной промывки

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    Приведены результаты исследований по изучению влияния времени нанесения и интенсивной промывки водой на свойства и структуру химически осажденных на сталь триполифосфатных (ТПФ) покрытий. Построены графические зависимости характеристик физических и химических свойств покрытий с матричной структурой, промытых водой, от времени нанесения. Установлено, что с увеличением времени нанесения в интервале 1 – 10 минут удельная масса матрицы (феррум (III) типолифосфат) и количество гелиеподобного слоя ТПФ Na увеличиваются, дефектность матрицы и количество наполнителя, содержащегося в матрице в виде кристаллов ТПФ Na, уменьшается. Это сопровождается, в целом, увеличением удельной массы, снижением пористости и способствует повышению защитной способности и коррозионной стойкости покрытия в условиях атмосферной коррозии.Наведено результати досліджень з вивчення впливу часу нанесення й інтенсивного промивання водою на властивості та структуру хімічно нанесених на сталь триполіфосфатних (ТПФ) покриттів. Побудовано графічні залежності характеристик фізичних і хімічних властивостей покриттів з матричною будовою, промитих водою, від часу нанесення. Встановлено, що зі збільшенням часу нанесення в інтервалі 1 – 10 хвилин питома маса матриці (ферум (III) триполіфосфат) і кількість гелієподібного шару ТПФ Na збільшуються, дефектність матриці й кількість наповнювача, що міститься в матриці у вигляді кристалів ТПФ Na, зменшується. Це супроводжується, в цілому, збільшенням питомої маси, зниженням пористості й сприяє підвищенню захисної здатності та корозійної стійкості покриття в умовах атмосферної корозії.The studies results of the impact of the application time and intensive water washing on structure аnd properties of tripolyphosphate coatings chemically deposited on steel are given. The graphical dependencies of physical characteristics and chemical properties of coats with matrix structure, washed with water from the application time are built. It is found the specific gravity of the matrix (ferrum (III) tripolyphosphate) and the number of gel-like layer TPР Na increase also matrix defectiveness and filler amount that are contained in the matrix as TPP Na crystals, decreases when ap- plication time increases in the 1-10 minutes interval. This is followed by overall increasing of the specific gravity, porosity decreasing and facilitates increasing of the protective ability and corrosion resistance of the coating under atmospheric corrosion

    Supernova Remnants in the Magellanic Clouds. V. The Complex Interior Structure of the N206 SNR

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    The N206 supernova remnant (SNR) in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) has long been considered a prototypical "mixed morphology" SNR. Recent observations, however, have added a new twist to this familiar plot: an elongated, radially-oriented radio feature seen in projection against the SNR face. Utilizing the high resolution and sensitivity available with the Hubble Space Telescope, Chandra, and XMM-Newton, we have obtained optical emission-line images and spatially resolved X-ray spectral maps for this intriguing SNR. Our findings present the SNR itself as a remnant in the mid to late stages of its evolution. X-ray emission associated with the radio "linear feature" strongly suggests it to be a pulsar-wind nebula (PWN). A small X-ray knot is discovered at the outer tip of this feature. The feature's elongated morphology and the surrounding wedge-shaped X-ray enhancement strongly suggest a bow-shock PWN structure.Comment: 41 pages including 7 figures, accepted for publication by the Astrophysical Journa

    Supernova Remnants in the Magellanic Clouds. IV. X-Ray Emission from the Largest SNR in the LMC

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    We present the first X-ray detection of SNR 0450-70.9 the largest known supernova remnant (SNR) in the Large Magellanic Cloud. To study the physical conditions of this SNR, we have obtained XMM-Newton X-ray observations, optical images and high-dispersion spectra, and radio continuum maps. Optical images of SNR 0450-70.9 show a large, irregular elliptical shell with bright filaments along the eastern and western rims and within the shell interior. The interior filaments have higher [S II]/Halpha ratios and form an apparent inner shell morphology. The X-ray emission region is smaller than the full extent of the optical shell, with the brightest X-ray emission found within the small interior shell and on the western rim of the large shell. The expansion velocity of the small shell is ~220 km/s, while the large shell is ~120 km/s. The radio image shows central brightening and a fairly flat radio spectral index over the SNR. However, no point X-ray or radio source corresponding to a pulsar is detected and the X-ray emission is predominantly thermal. Therefore, these phenomena can be most reasonably explained in terms of the advanced age of the large SNR. Using hydrodynamic models combined with a nonequilibrium ionization model for thermal X-ray emission, we derived a lower limit on the SNR age of about 45,000 yr, well into the later stages of SNR evolution. Despite this, the temperature and density derived from spectral fits to the X-ray emission indicate that the remnant is still overpressured, and thus that the development is largely driven by hot gas in the SNR interior.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Equilibrium Disk-Bulge-Halo Models for the Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxies

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    We describe a new set of self-consistent, equilibrium disk galaxy models that incorporate an exponential disk, a Hernquist model bulge, an NFW halo and a central supermassive black hole. The models are derived from explicit distribution functions for each component and the large number of parameters permit detailed modeling of actual galaxies. We present techniques that use structural and kinematic data such as radial surface brightness profiles, rotation curves and bulge velocity dispersion profiles to find the best-fit models for the Milky Way and M31. Through N-body realizations of these models we explore their stability against the formation of bars. The models permit the study of a wide range of dynamical phenomenon with a high degree of realism.Comment: 58 pages, 20 figures, submitted to the Astrophysical Journa

    Is a Classical Language Adequate in Assessing the Detectability of the Redshifted 21cm Signal from the Early Universe?

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    The classical radiometer equation is commonly used to calculate the detectability of the 21cm emission by diffuse cosmic hydrogen at high redshifts. However, the classical description is only valid in the regime where the occupation number of the photons in phase space is much larger than unity and they collectively behave as a classical electromagnetic field. At redshifts z<20, the spin temperature of the intergalactic gas is dictated by the radiation from galaxies and the brightness temperature of the emitting gas is in the range of mK, independently from the existence of the cosmic microwave background. In regions where the observed brightness temperature of the 21cm signal is smaller than the observed photon energy, of 68/(1+z) mK, the occupation number of the signal photons is smaller than unity. Neverethless, the radiometer equation can still be used in this regime because the weak signal is accompanied by a flood of foreground photons with a high occupation number (involving the synchrotron Galactic emission and the cosmic microwave background). As the signal photons are not individually distinguishable, the combined signal+foreground population of photons has a high occupation number, thus justifying the use of the radiometer equation.Comment: 4 pages, Accepted for publication in JCA

    Magnetohydrodynamics of Cloud Collisions in a Multi-phase Interstellar Medium

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    We extend previous studies of the physics of interstellar cloud collisions by beginning investigation of the role of magnetic fields through 2D magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) numerical simulations. We study head-on collisions between equal mass, mildly supersonic diffuse clouds. We include a moderate magnetic field and two limiting field geometries, with the field lines parallel (aligned) and perpendicular (transverse) to the colliding cloud motion. We explore both adiabatic and radiative cases, as well as symmetric and asymmetric ones. We also compute collisions between clouds evolved through prior motion in the intercloud medium and compare with unevolved cases. We find that: In the (i) aligned case, adiabatic collisions, like their HD counterparts, are very disruptive, independent of the cloud symmetry. However, when radiative processes are taken into account, partial coalescence takes place even in the asymmetric case, unlike the HD calculations. In the (ii) transverse case, collisions between initially adjacent unevolved clouds are almost unaffected by magnetic fields. However, the interaction with the magnetized intercloud gas during the pre-collision evolution produces a region of very high magnetic energy in front of the cloud. In collisions between evolved clouds with transverse field geometry, this region acts like a ``bumper'', preventing direct contact between the clouds, and eventually reverses their motion. The ``elasticity'', defined as the ratio of the final to the initial kinetic energy of each cloud, is about 0.5-0.6 in the cases we considered. This behavior is found both in adiabatic and radiative cases.Comment: 40 pages in AAS LaTeX v4.0, 13 figures (in degraded jpeg format). Full resolution images as well as mpeg animations are available at http://www.msi.umn.edu:80/Projects/twj/mhd-cc/ . Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Magellanic Cloud Structure from Near-IR Surveys II: Star Count Maps and the Intrinsic Elongation of the LMC

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    I construct a near-IR star count map of the LMC and demonstrate, using the viewing angles derived in Paper I, that the LMC is intrinsically elongated. I argue that this is due to the tidal force from the Milky Way. The near-IR data from the 2MASS and DENIS surveys are used to create a star count map of RGB and AGB stars, which is interpreted through ellipse fitting. The radial number density profile is approximately exponential with a scale-length 1.3-1.5 kpc. However, there is an excess density at large radii that may be due to the tidal effect of the Milky Way. The position angle and ellipticity profile converge to PA_maj = 189.3 +/- 1.4 degrees and epsilon = 0.199 +/- 0.008 for r > 5 deg. At large radii there is a drift of the center of the star count contours towards the near side of the plane, which can be undrestood as due to viewing perspective. The fact that PA_maj differes from the line of nodes position angle Theta = 122.5 +/- 8.3 (cf. Paper I) indicates that the LMC disk is not circular, but has an intrinsic ellipticity of 0.31. The LMC is elongated in the general direction of the Galactic center, and is elongated perpendicular to the Magellanic Stream and the velocity vector of the LMC center of mass. This suggests that the elongation of the LMC has been induced by the tidal force of the Milky Way. The position angle of the line of nodes differs from the position angle Theta_max of the line of maximum line of sight velocity gradient: Theta_max - Theta = 20-60 degrees. This could be due to: (a) streaming along non-circular orbits in the elongated disk; (b) uncertainties in the transverse motion of the LMC center of mass; (c) precession and nutation of the LMC disk as it orbits the Milky Way (expected on theoretical grounds). [Abridged]Comment: Astronomical Journal, in press. 34 pages, LaTeX, with 7 PostScript figures. Contains minor revisions with respect to previously posted version. Check out http://www.stsci.edu/~marel/lmc.html for a large scale (23x21 degree) stellar number-density image of the LMC constructed from RGB and AGB stars in the 2MASS and DENIS surveys. The paper is available with higher resolution color figures from http://www.stsci.edu/~marel/abstracts/abs_R32.htm

    A Sample of Intermediate-Mass Star-Forming Regions: Making Stars at Mass Column Densities <1 g/cm^2

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    In an effort to understand the factors that govern the transition from low- to high-mass star formation, we identify for the first time a sample of intermediate-mass star-forming regions (IM SFRs) where stars up to - but not exceeding - 8 solar masses are being produced. We use IRAS colors and Spitzer Space Telescope mid-IR images, in conjunction with millimeter continuum and CO maps, to compile a sample of 50 IM SFRs in the inner Galaxy. These are likely to be precursors to Herbig AeBe stars and their associated clusters of low-mass stars. IM SFRs constitute embedded clusters at an early evolutionary stage akin to compact HII regions, but they lack the massive ionizing central star(s). The photodissociation regions that demarcate IM SFRs have typical diameters of ~1 pc and luminosities of ~10^4 solar luminosities, making them an order of magnitude less luminous than (ultra)compact HII regions. IM SFRs coincide with molecular clumps of mass ~10^3 solar masses which, in turn, lie within larger molecular clouds spanning the lower end of the giant molecular cloud mass range, 10^4-10^5 solar masses. The IR luminosity and associated molecular mass of IM SFRs are correlated, consistent with the known luminosity-mass relationship of compact HII regions. Peak mass column densities within IM SFRs are ~0.1-0.5 g/cm^2, a factor of several lower than ultra-compact HII regions, supporting the proposition that there is a threshold for massive star formation at ~1 g/cm^2.Comment: 61 pages, 6 tables, 20 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa