5,284 research outputs found

    Weaving a fabric of socially aware agents

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    The expansion of web-enabled social interaction has shed light on social aspects of intelligence that have not been typically studied within the AI paradigm so far. In this context, our aim is to understand what constitutes intelligent social behaviour and to build computational systems that support it. We argue that social intelligence involves socially aware, autonomous individuals that agree on how to accomplish a common endeavour, and then enact such agreements. In particular, we provide a framework with the essential elements for such agreements to be achieved and executed by individuals that meet in an open environment. Such framework sets the foundations to build a computational infrastructure that enables socially aware autonomy.This work has been supported by the projects EVE(TIN2009-14702-C02-01) and AT (CSD2007-0022)Peer Reviewe

    Inverse design and experimental realization of plasma metamaterials

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    We apply inverse design methods to produce two-dimensional triangular-lattice plasma metamaterial (PMM) devices which are then constructed and demonstrated experimentally. Finite difference frequency domain simulations are used along with forward-mode automatic differentiation to optimize the plasma densities of each of the plasma elements in the PMM to perform beam steering and demultiplexing under transverse magnetic polarization. The optimal device parameters are then used to assign plasma density values to elements that make up an experimental version of the device. Device performance is evaluated against both the simulated results and human-designed alternatives, showing the benefits and disadvantages of in-silico inverse design and paving the way for future fully in-situ optimization.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures; submitted to Phys. Rev. Applie

    Inverse design of plasma metamaterial devices with realistic elements

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    In an expansion of a previous study [1], we apply inverse design methods to produce two-dimensional plasma metamaterial devices with realistic plasma elements which incorporate quartz envelopes, collisionality (loss), non-uniform density profiles, and resistance to experimental error/perturbation. Backpropagated finite difference frequency domain simulations are used to design waveguides and demultiplexers operating under the transverse magnetic polarization. Optimal devices with realistic elements are compared to previous devices with idealized elements, and several parameter initialization schemes for the optimization algorithm are explored. Demultiplexing and waveguiding are demonstrated for microwave-regime devices composed of plasma elements with reasonable space-averaged plasma frequencies ~10 GHz and a collision frequency ~1 GHz, allowing for future in-situ training and experimental realization of these designs.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Measurement bias in the HICP: what do we know, and what do we need to know?

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    The Harmonized Index Of Consumer Prices (HICP) is the primary measure of inflation in the euro area, and plays a central role in the policy deliberations of the European Central Bank (ECB). Among the rationales given for defining price stability as prevailing at some positive measured inflation rate is the possibility that the HICP as published incorporates measurement errors of one sort or another that may cause it to systematically overstate the true rate of inflation in the euro area. The purpose of this paper is to review what is known about the scope of measurement error in the HICP. We conclude that given the scant research on price measurement issues in the EU and the ongoing improvements in the HICP, there is almost no scientific basis at this time for a point (or even an interval) estimate of a positive bias in the HICP. JEL Classification: C43, E31Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices, HICP, measurement error

    The Impact of Soil Disturbance on Soil Bacterial Community Composition

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    Soil bacterial communities are an important part of terrestrial ecosystems due to their roles in biogeochemical cycling processes. Consequently, understanding how soil disturbance affects the soil bacterial diversity is vital to understanding the entire ecosystem. In this study we examined the effects of soil disturbance (by mining) on the soil bacterial community composition from three sites on Bauxite Ridge in Southeast Tennessee compared to three undisturbed sites in a nearby location. The soil bacterial community was analyzed by 16S rDNA amplicon sequencing of total DNA extracted from the soil samples collected from each of the six sites. Characterization of the bacterial community of these six sites showed that soil disturbance does not appear to be correlated with the differences in the diversity of the bacterial community, though this does not correlate with previous research

    Magnetic-crystallographic phase diagram of superconducting parent compound Fe1+x_{1+x}Te

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    hrough neutron diffraction experiments, including spin-polarized measurements, we find a collinear incommensurate spin-density wave with propagation vector k= \mathbf k = (0.4481(4)0120.4481(4) \, \,0 \, \, \frac1 2) at base temperature in the superconducting parent compound Fe1+x_{1+x}Te. This critical concentration of interstitial iron corresponds to x12x \approx 12% and leads crystallographic phase separation at base temperature. The spin-density wave is short-range ordered with a correlation length of 22(3) \AA, and as the ordering temperature is approached its propagation vector decreases linearly in the H-direction and becomes long-range ordered. Upon further populating the interstitial iron site, the spin-density wave gives way to an incommensurate helical ordering with propagation vector k= \mathbf k = (0.3855(2)0120.3855(2) \, \,0 \, \, \frac1 2) at base temperature. For a sample with x9(1)x \approx 9(1) %, we also find an incommensurate spin-density wave that competes with the bicollinear commensurate ordering close to the N\'eel point. The shifting of spectral weight between competing magnetic orderings observed in several samples is supporting evidence for the phase separation being electronic in nature, and hence leads to crystallographic phase separation around the critical interstitial iron concentration of 12%. With results from both powder and single crystal samples, we construct a magnetic-crystallographic phase diagram of Fe1+x_{1+x}Te for $ 5% < x <17%