38 research outputs found

    Uloga otalgija u diferencijalnoj dijagnostici temporomandibularnih poremećaja

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    Otalgia (earache) is pain presented in the ear, which does not necessarily originate from the ear (primary otalgia). In the differential diagnostics of (secondary) otalgia cervicocephalic syndrome, temporomandibular disorders, odontogenic pathology, parotitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, epiglottis, oesophagitis and malignant tumours infiltrating trigeminal, vagal or auricular (cervical) nerves branches from oesophagus inferiorly and skull base cephalad, should be considered. Primary otalgia is usually confined to external otitis or acute otitis media, while it is rarely found as a symptom of chronic otitis media, except in exacerbations. In the chronic otitis media earache is usually a sign of complication and expansion of inflammation to the dura and cranial nerves. In the differential diagnostics of primary otalgia otoscopy and otomicroscopy are necessary, as well as radiologic work-out, where CT and MRI scans are replacing former conventional x-.ray Schuller and Stenvers views. If otalgia is associated with hearing or balance disorders without clinical manifestation of otitis, the etiology is most commonly viral neuritis of temporal bone nerves, and otoneurological diagnostic workout should be considered. If (secondary) otalgia is associated with dysphagia or odinophagia, the most common etiology would be tonsillopharyngitis, but quinsy, epiglottitis, tongue base abscess, parapharyngeal abscess, and tumours of pharynx, tonsill or tongue base or epiglottis should be considered. Eagle syndrom or elonged styloid process syndrom is also characterised by painful swallowing and referred otalgia. Earache can be caused by temporomandibular disorders, where otalgia is usually increased by mastication and joint palpation. The role of otorhinolaryngologist is to exclude otogenic and pharyngogenic otalgia, and the differential diagnostics should include workout considering cervicogenic otalgia (cervical spine x-ray or MRI), temporomandibular disorders (TMJ x-ray, dentist consultation), or odontogenic otalgia (dentist consultation). The diagnostic workout of otalgia should include radiologist, dentist, reumatologist, and neurologist.Otalgija je bol koja se prezentira u području uha, međutim to ne uključuje nužno otogenu etiologiju. U diferencijalnoj dijagnostici otalgije dolaze u obzir cervikocefalni sindrom, artralgija temporomandibularnog zgloba, odontogeni procesi, parotitis, tonzilitis, faringitis, epiglotitis, ezofagitis te maligni tumori s infiltracijom grana trigeminusa, vagusa i auricularis magnusa, koji se inferiorno Å”ire do područja jednjaka, a kranijalno do lubanjske baze. Otogena bol najčeŔće se susreće u upalama vanjskog i srednjeg uha, dok je rijetka u kroničnim upalama, osim u fazama egzacerbacije. Kod kroničnih upala srednjeg uha, bol je znak komplikacije i Å”irenja bolesti prema duri ili kranijskim živcima. Za diferencijalnu dijagnostiku otogene boli nužna je otoskopija, katkad mikrootoskopija, te radioloÅ”ka dijagnostika, ranije konvencionalne snimke temporalne kosti po Schulleru i Stenversu, koje danas sve viÅ”e zamjenjuje CT i MRI. Ako je bol povezana s ispadom sluha ili ravnoteže, Å”to je najčeŔće rezultat virusnog neuritisa u temporalnoj kosti, a bez kliničke manifestacije otitisa, u obzir dolazi i audiovestibuloloÅ”ka dijagnostika. Ako je otalgija povezana s disfagijom ili odinofagijom, najčeŔće je riječ o tonzilofaringitisu, ali u obzir dolaze i peritonzilarni apsces, epiglotitis, apsces korijena jezika, parafaringealni apsces, tumor ždrijela, tonzile, korijena jezika ili epiglotitis. Eaglov sindrom, sindrom elongiranog stiloidnog nastavka, također uključuje bolno gutanje i refleksnu bol u uhu. Bolovi u uhu mogu biti uvjetovani temporomandibularnim poremećajima, s time da se otalgija pojačava žvakanjem ili palpacijom zgloba. Uloga otorinolaringologa jest isključiti otogenu ili faringolaringogenu otalgiju, a potom se diferencijalno dijagnostički uključuje obrada u smjeru cervikogene otalgije (radioloÅ”ka obrada vratne kralježnice), artralgije temporomandibularnog zgloba (radioloÅ”ka obrada zgloba, konzultacija stomatologa) ili odontogene otalgije (konzultacija stomatologa). U tome su smislu u obradu uključeni radiolog, stomatolog, reumatolog i neurolog

    Šum u uhu - sadaŔnje stanje i terapija privikavanjem

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    Tinnitus is an abnormal noise in the ear. About six percent of the general population suffers from what they consider to be "severe" tinnitus. Tinnitus can come and go, or be continuous. It can sound like a low roar, or a high-pitched ring. Tinnitus may be bilateral or unilateral. The causes of tinnitus are various, e.g., inner ear injury, 8th nerve lesion, injury of the brainstem, and rarely of the brain. There also are many extracranial causes of tinnitus. Upon making the diagnosis of tinnitus, medical therapy may occasionally help lessen the noise even though the cause has not been identified. Current therapy for tinnitus, so-called tinnitus retraining therapy, first includes learning about what does actually cause the tinnitus. This process is called habituation of reaction. Tinnitus then becomes quieter for long period of time and may eventually disappear, or becomes part of the background .sound of silence (habituation of perception). In some cases, changes in the inner ear function may be important in triggering the occurrence of tinnitus (e.g., Meniere\u27s disease or acute acoustic trauma); however, the retraining approach works independently of the triggering factor. Despite the importance of hearing loss, a recent study in tinnitus patients showed that there was no significant difference in hearing between the tinnitus group and control group of healthy subjects.Å um u uhu je pojava nenormalne buke u uhu. Otprilike 6% populacije pati od tzv. jakog Å”uma u uhu. Å um se može pojaviti i nestati, ali može biti i trajan. Može zvučati poput duboke tutnjave ili zvonjave visokih tonova. Može nastati u oba uha ili samo u jednom. Uzroci Å”uma mogu biti različiti, npr. oÅ”tećenje unutarnjeg uha, ozljeda osmog moždanog živca ili moždanog debla, ili pak rjeđe ozljeda mozga. Ekstrakranijski uzroci Å”uma također su brojni. Nakon postavljanja dijagnoze osjet buke u uhu može se ublažiti upotrebom lijekova, iako uzrok Å”uma jo. nije utvrđen. U suvremenom načinu liječenja Å”uma, tzv. liječenju metodom privikavanja (tinnitus retraining therapy), najprije treba utvrditi Å”to je zapravo prouzročilo nastanak Å”uma. Taj se proces zove "privikavanje na nastalu situaciju". Å um se tako može ublažiti na dulje vrijeme, a na kraju može i sasvim nestati ili se stopiti sa zvučnom pozadinom (habituacija percepcije). Promjene u unutarnjem uhu u nekim slučajevima mogu potaknuti naglu pojavu Å”uma u uhu (npr. Meniereova bolest ili akutna akustička trauma), ali valja naglasiti da liječenje metodom privikavanja daje dobre rezultate bez obzira na to Å”to je u osnovi nastanka Å”uma. Unatoč važnosti gubitka sluha najnovija ispitivanja u bolesnika sa Å”umom pokazuju da nema značajnih razlika u sluhu između bolesnika sa Å”umom i skupine zdravih ispitanika

    One case of bilateral congenital middle ear cholesteatoma

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    Radiotherapy-Induced Hearing Loss in Patients with Laryngeal and Hypopharyngeal Carcinomas

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate a hypothesized correlation of development of a sensorineural hearing loss and radiotherapy in patients with laryngeal and hypopharyngeal carcinoma. This prospective study included a total of 50 patients, which after strict exclusion critera (audiologic problems before RT, primary tumors of the auditory system, spread of the primary tumor to any part of the auditory system) resulted in 23 analyzed patients, ranging between 50 and 76 years of age, with a mean age of 60. Audiometry measuring frequency-specific thresholds was performed in three time points: one month before radiotherapy, one and six months after radiotherapy. A significant statistical difference in hearing tresholds after radiotherapy was found in 6 out of 23 patients. An obvious tendency towards hearing loss without statistical significance at 250 and 4000 Hz was found for a whole tested population (pā‰¤0.3 with Bonferroni correction). Observed tendency towards hearing loss after radiotherapy of laryngeal carcinoma was related to side of the tumor and less severe when chemotherapy was not added as adjuvant therapy. These results should help to decrease a rate of hearing loss by careful planing of ear protection, by using observed frequencies as relevant markers of hearing loss and by reconsidering adjuvant chemoterapy during radiotherapy of laryngeal carcinoma