35 research outputs found

    E se pesquisa educacional não eram nem ciências sociais, nem um campo das humanidades? Revisitando Joseph Schwab, “A Prática” após a guerra das ciências

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    The recent debates about what constitutes scientific research in Education, on the one hand, and the so-called “paradigm wars” that got played out in the final quarter of the 20th century, on the other, are more similar than different.  At the center of both controversies was the relative worth of quantitative and qualitative research methods.  Both controversies also distracted researchers’ from addressing the substantive problems that plague schools and other educational organizations.  This paper attempts to move the field beyond the debates of the past and similar debates that seem likely to occur in the future. Inspired, in large part, by Joseph Schwab’s largely unheeded critique of the curriculum field in the late 1960s and early ‘70s, the paper attempts to re-conceptualize what inquiry in a field like Education should look like, as well as the role that quantitative,  qualitative, and mixed-methods research could play in a re-conceptualized approach to inquiry.Los recientes debates sobre lo que constituye la investigación científica en educación, por una parte, y los que acompañaron las llamadas " guerras de paradigmas" de los últimos 25 años del siglo 20, por el otro, son más similares que diferentes. En el centro de ambas controversias fue el valor relativo de los métodos de investigación cuantitativos y cualitativos. Ambas controversias distrajeron la atención de los investigadores para abordar los problemas de fondo que plagan escuelas y otros centros docentes. Este artículo trata de mover el campo más allá de los debates del pasado y debates similares que pareciera van a seguir ocurriendo. Inspirado, en gran parte, por la crítica (en gran medida ignorada) que Joseph Schwab realizó sobre el campo curricular a principios de la década de 1960 y a finales de 1970, este trabajo trata de volver a conceptualizar lo que la investigación en un campo como la educación debería  ser, así como el papel que la investigación cuantitativa, cualitativos y de métodos mixtos podrían jugar en un enfoque re- conceptualizado de la investigación.Os recentes debates sobre o que constitui a pesquisa científica na educação, por um lado , e aqueles que acompanharam as "guerras paradigma" nos últimos 25 anos do século 20, por outro lado, são mais semelhantes do que diferentes. No cerne de ambas as disputas foi o valor relativo de métodos de pesquisa quantitativa e qualitativa. Ambas as controvérsias distraíram a atenção dos pesquisadores para resolver os problemas subjacentes que afligem as escolas e outras organizações educacionais. Este artigo tenta mover o campo para além dos debates do passado e que parece debates semelhantes continuarão acontecendo. Inspirado em grande parte, pela revisão (em grande parte ignorado) Joseph Schwab realizado em campo do currículo no início de 1960 e final de 1970 , este artigo tenta re-conceituar o que a pesquisa em um campo tão a educação deveria ser, e o papel que os métodos de pesquisa quantitativos, qualitativos e mistos poderiam jogar em uma perspectiva  de investigação re-conceituada

    2008 The Grantmaking Report: Foundation and Corporate Giving in the San Diego Region

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    This study focused on philanthropic organizations that are engaged in organized grantmaking in San Diego County. The bulk of the organizations studied are classified as private foundations; data that describe other important grantmaking organizations—i.e., San Diego’s community foundations, selected corporate giving programs, and the United Way of San Diego—also were analyzed.https://digital.sandiego.edu/npi-foundations/1001/thumbnail.jp

    2006 INTRODUCTION- Beyond Regulation: Creating Tools for Promoting an Ethical Culture in Nonprofit Organizations

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    Introduction to Beyond Regulation: Creating Tools for Promoting an Ethical Culture in Nonprofit Organizations report. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA) in Chicago Illinois on November 15-18, 2006.https://digital.sandiego.edu/npi-npleadership/1009/thumbnail.jp

    Beyond Regulation: Tools for Promoting Ethical Action in Nonprofit Organizations

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    For a full year more than 168 nonprofit practitioners participated in a dialogue series about nonprofit ethics that culminated in a large-scale forum on October 27, 2006. The result of this thoughtful deliberation was a discussion guide that can be used by nonprofits during board and/or senior staff meetings (a) to explore existing ethical practices within a nonprofit organization (b) reach a common understanding about the ethical culture that participants wish to see in action and (c) uncover any discrepancies that currently might exist between what is currently happening and what people engaged in the conversation believe ought to be happening

    The Appreciated Sector: Public Confidence in San Diego County Nonprofit Organizations

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    Do San Diegans have confidence in the nonprofit sector? How are you affected as a nonprofit leader? Read the results on the most comprehensive survey ever conducted on this topic!https://digital.sandiego.edu/npi-stateofnp/1010/thumbnail.jp

    The Appreciated Sector: Public Confidence in San Diego County Nonprofit Organizations

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    From November 2007 to January 2008, a total of 1,002 adult San Diego County residents responded to a survey designed to assess their confidence in the ability of local nonprofit organizations to provide quality services on the public's behalf and to spend money wisely. At the beginning of this survey, participants were given an identification test to determine their awareness of nonprofit organizations. Additionally, respondents were asked several questions related to their confidence in San Diego County nonprofit sub-sectors (i.e., arts, human services, environment, etc.), as well as their involvement in the local nonprofit sector through giving and volunteerism.When comparing the nonprofit, for-profit, and government sectors, San Diegans had the most confidence in nonprofits to provide quality services, spend money wisely, and represent the public's interest. Other key findings in this report include the following:- Seventy-five percent of respondents expressed either a great deal or a fair amount of confidence in the ability of San Diego County nonprofits to spend money wisely- Seventy-five percent of respondents reported making a financial contribution to a nonprofit organization in 2007 Media coverage, opinions of friends and colleagues, and an organization's website were the leading sources of information consulted prior to making a financial donation- San Diegans expressed more confidence in the ability of local nonprofit organizations to spend money wisely than the American public has expressed in national surveys of public confidence- Persons demonstrating higher levels of nonprofit awareness were nearly three times as likely to express higher levels of confidence in the ability of nonprofit organizations to effectively provide quality services - Persons demonstrating higher levels of nonprofit awareness were nearly two times as likely to express higher levels of confidence in the ability of nonprofit organizations to spend money wisely- According to the survey results, more than a third of San Diegans (40 percent) indicated that they volunteered with a nonprofit organization in 2007- More than 86 percent of respondents had an overwhelmingly positive impression of the support provided by local nonprofits during the 2007 firestorm- Despite their generally positive view of the nonprofit sector, many San Diegans indicated that they were unlikely to choose a nonprofit service provider in the areas of education and healthcare.The Caster Family Center for Nonprofit Research which is housed in the Institute for Nonprofit Education and Research

    Donmoyer, Robert, Why Case Studies? Reflections on Hord and Hall\u27s Three Images, Curriculum Inquiry, 17(Spring, 1987), 91-102.

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    Responds to an article in this issue and argues for using case studies to document unanticipated consequences and to add depth and dimension to theoretical constructs

    Donmoyer, Robert, Beyond Thorndike/ Beyond Melodrama, Curriculum Inquiry, 17(Winter, 1987), 353-363.

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    Discusses alternative conceptions of educational research; introduces articles in this issue of Curriculum Inquiry

    Donmoyer, Robert, Postpositivist Evaluation: Give Me a For Instance, Educational Administration Quarterly, 27 (August, 1991), 265-296.*

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    Proposes a deliberative form of evaluation and gives an example of its use in an administrator\u27s evaluation of teachers\u27 instruction