25 research outputs found

    Energy consumption and area capacity of potato harvester

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    Krumpir se ubraja u jednu od četiriju strateški najvažnijih namirnica u svijetu. U Hrvatskoj se krumpir najviše uzgaja u Slavoniji i Međimurju gdje je posljednjih nekoliko godina prinos u porastu, ali još uvijek značajno ispod prosjeka zapadnoeuropskih zemalja. Neki od glavnih razloga nekonkurentnosti i neisplativosti proizvodnje na hrvatskom tržištu su: visoke cijene repromaterijala i velika ulaganja u modernizaciju mehanizacije. Cilj rad je utvrditi razinu utroška energije i radnih učinaka kombajna za vađenje krumpira. Kako bi se troškovi proizvodnje sveli na minimum potrebna je suvremena mehanizacija koja smanjuje vrijeme rada, a povećava radni učinak i prihode. U radu su prikazani rezultati terenskog mjerenja utroška energije i radnih učinaka kod različitih izvedbi kombajna za vađenje krumpira. Analizirani su troškovi vađenja krumpira, a oni su se odnosili na troškove goriva i radnika, bez amortizacije strojeva.Although the potato is one of four strategically most important foods in the world, Croatia still does not produce enough potato for its own needs. In Croatia, the potato is mostly grown in Slavonia and Međimurje region where in the last few years the yield is rising, but still well below the average for Western European countries. Some of the main reasons for the lack of competitiveness and the unprofitability of the Croatian market are: high prices of raw materials and large investments in modern equipment. The aim of the paper is to determine the level of energy consumption and work performance of potato harvesters. To reduce costs to minimum it is necessary to invest in modern machinery that reduces the operating time, and increase productivity and revenue

    Exploring early DNA methylation alterations in type 1 diabetes: implications of glycemic control

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    BackgroundProlonged hyperglycemia causes diabetes-related micro- and macrovascular complications, which combined represent a significant burden for individuals living with diabetes. The growing scope of evidence indicates that hyperglycemia affects the development of vascular complications through DNA methylation.MethodsA genome-wide differential DNA methylation analysis was performed on pooled peripheral blood DNA samples from individuals with type 1 diabetes (T1D) with direct DNA sequencing. Strict selection criteria were used to ensure two age- and sex-matched groups with no clinical signs of chronic complications according to persistent mean glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) values over 5 years: HbA1c<7% (N=10) and HbA1c>8% (N=10).ResultsBetween the two groups, 8385 differentially methylated CpG sites, annotated to 1802 genes, were identified. Genes annotated to hypomethylated CpG sites were enriched in 48 signaling pathways. Further analysis of key CpG sites revealed four specific regions, two of which were hypermethylated and two hypomethylated, associated with long non-coding RNA and processed pseudogenes.ConclusionsProlonged hyperglycemia in individuals with T1D, who have no clinical manifestation of diabetes-related complications, is associated with multiple differentially methylated CpG sites in crucial genes and pathways known to be linked to chronic complications in T1D

    Spremembe humane fekalne mikrobiote povezane s telesno neaktivnostjo

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    We explored the assembly of intestinal microbiota in healthy male participants during the randomized crossover design of run-in (5 day) and experimental phases (21-day normoxic bed rest (NBR), hypoxic bed rest (HBR) and hypoxic ambulation (HAmb) (hypoxic ~4000 m simulated altitude)) in a strictly controlled laboratory environment, with balanced fluid and dietary intakes, controlled circadian rhythm, microbial ambiental burden and 24/7 medical surveillance. Intestinal transit spanning Bristol Stool Scale, defecation rates, zonulin, α1-antitrypsin, eosinophil derived neurotoxin, bile acids, reducing sugars, short chain fatty acids, total soluble organic carbon, water content, diet composition and food intake, intestinal electrical conductivity, sterol and polyphenol content and diversity, indole, aromaticity and spectral characteristics of dissolved organic matter, along with nuclear magnetic resonance metabolomics and trace metal makeup of intestinal environment were assessed. Furthermore (i) abundance, structure and diversity of intestinal butyrate producing microbial community sequencing butyrate pathway genes but and buk, (ii) structure and diversity of microbial community sequencing bacterial and archaeal 16S rRNA and (iii) taxonomic and functional description of bacteria, archaea and fungi using shot-gun metagenomics were investigated. Inactivity negatively affected fecal consistency and in combination with hypoxia aggravated the state of gut inflammation (p < 0.05). On the other hand many of the microbial parameters such as butyrate producing microbial community, the general bacterial and archaeal microbial community were shown to lag behind the changes in human physiology and intestinal environment, since significant changes in bacterial community were delayed until week four in HBR only, where members of the genus Bacteroides and proteins involved in iron acquisition and metabolism, cell wall, capsule, virulence and mucin degradation were enriched. This suggest a time-dependent and complex interplay between the host physiology (including apparent constipation), immunity (inflammation), controlled diet, intestinal environment variables and microbiome physiology during the acute cessation of exercise. Finally, yo-yo dieting and active/inactive lifestyle, along with its effects, seems not to be a human peculiarity but rather a common evolutionary adaptation of mammals to survive food shortage and seasons rotation.Preiskovali smo sestavo črevesne mikrobiote pri zdravih moških preiskovancih v navzkrižno zasnovanem poskusu s 5 dnevnim prilagajanjem na kontrolirano okolje in tremi 21-dnevnimi izvedbami: (i) horizontalnega mirovanja v normoksičnih pogojih (NBR), (ii) horizontalnega mirovanja v hipoksičnih pogojih (HBR) in (iii) gibanja v hipoksičnih pogojih (HAmb) (hipoksično ~ 4000 m simulirane nadmorske višine), v strogo nadzorovanem laboratorijskem okolju, z uravnoteženimi vnosi tekočine in prehrane, kontroliranim cirkadianim ritmom, minimaliziranim mikrobnim vnosom in 24-urnim zdravstvenim nadzorom. Preučevali smo parametre črevesnega okolja: zaprtost črevesja, zonulin, α1-antitripsin, nevrotoksin eozinofilcev, žolčne kisline, reducirajoče sladkorje, kratko-verižne maščobne kisline, vsebnost vode, črevesno električno prevodnost, sterole, polifenole, indol, spektralne lastnosti raztopljenih organskih snovi, celokupne črevesne metabolite in elemente v sledovih. Črevesno mikrobioto smo opredelili glede na: (i) preučevanje številčnosti, strukture in raznovrstnosti mikrobnih skupin, ki proizvajajo masleno kislino, (ii) preučevanje strukture in raznovrstnosti bakterijske in arhejske mikrobiote na osnovi 16S rRNA genov, in (iii) taksonomski ter funkcionalni opis bakterij, arhej in gliv na osnovi sekvenciranja celokupne mikrobne DNA. Telesna neaktivnost je povzročila zaprtje črevesja in v kombinaciji s hipoksijo še poslabšala vnetje v črevesju. Po drugi strani je mikrobiota oz. njen odziv zaostajal za spremembami v človeški fiziologiji in v črevesnem okolju, saj so se bistvene spremembe v bakterijski mikrobioti zgodile v zadnjem tednu poskusa v fiziološko najbolj prizadeti skupini (HBR), kjer je prišlo do obogatitve bakterij rodu Bacteroides in genov vključenih v privzem železa, ter genov za celično steno, kapsulo, virulentnost in razgradnjo mukoznega sloja gostiteljevega črevesja. Slednje kaže na časovno odvisen in zapleten medsebojni vpliv med gostiteljsko fiziologijo (vključno z očitnim zaprtjem), imunskim odgovorom (vnetje črevesja), parametri črevesnega okolja in lastnostmi mikrobiote ob nadzorovanem prehranskem vnosu in med akutnim prenehanjem fizične aktivnosti. Drastične spremembe v prehrani (angl. yo-yo dieting) in nihanje med aktivnim ter neaktivnim življenjskim slogom, ki smo jim priča v vsakdanjem življenju, skupaj s pripadajočimi učinki, niso človeška posebnost, temveč skupna evolucijska prilagoditev sesalcev, razvita kot posledica preživetja zaradi pomanjkanja hrane in prilagajanja na spremembe v letnih časih

    Introducing CAD/CAM system into garments production

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    Zaradi poslabšanja kvalitete tekstilnih izdelkov je pomembno, da je trenutna proizvodnja hitra in čim bolj odzivna. Z uvajanjem in avtomatizacijo CAD/CAM sistemov ta proces pospešimo in tako zadovoljimo trg, istočasno pa zmanjšamo proizvodne stroške v podjetjih. Diplomska naloga opisuje postopek uvajanja CAD/CAM sistema v proizvodnjo oblačil, CAD programa Audaces ter ga primerja s konkurenčnim programom Optitex, predvsem pri končni pripravi ISO cut datoteke. Opisan in prikazan je postopek izrisa moške suknje, priprava krojnih delov in avtomatska izdelava krojne slike v Audaces Markerju 13. Iz programa smo izvozili ISO cut datoteko ter jo uvozili v avtomatski krojilni stroj Unicut 3C50. Namen diplomske naloge je preveriti kompatibilnost med CAD/CAM sistemi, preveriti njihovo kvaliteto pri razrezu krojne slike ter preveriti, kakšen vpliv imajo parametri v CAM sistemu na končni rezultat razreza na avtomatskem krojilnem stroju. Z rezultati smo bili zadovoljni, saj je kompatibilnost v večji meri precej dodelana. Skoraj vse spremembe, ki smo jih uvedli v krojni sliki CAD sistema Audaces, so bile upoštevane tudi v CAM sistemu avtomatskega krojilnega stroja Unicut. Upoštevane so bile vse CAM točke, tako za polni kot polovični razrez krojnih delov. Sistem ni zaznal le vrstnega reda razreza krojnih delov, vendar se ta nastavitev lahko definira tudi na samem avtomatskem krojilnem stroju. Ko smo primerjali Audaces in Optitex CAD programa, smo prišli do ugotovitve, da je potrebno pri Audaces Markerju 13 nekatere stvari še dodelati. V primeru, da je potrebno na krojnih delih definirati več smeri rezreza, Audaces Marker 13 tega ne omogoča, kar lahko v nekaterih primerih povzroči slabšo kvaliteto razreza krojnih delov. Pri končnem razrezu na avtomatskem krojilnem stroju je zelo pomembno, da uporabimo parametre, ki najbolje vplivajo na razrez krojne slike. Te pa najpogosteje pridobimo s prakso.Because of deterioration of today’s clothes, it’s important, that we speed up the process of manufacturing textile products. The only solution is CAM/CAM production. The thesis describes full process of CAD/CAM system in the production of clothings. We also compared two competitive CAD programs, Audaces and Optitex in association with preparing Marker and ISO cut file. This file is needed in CAM production, so it’s important how is created and also, how is recognized in the CAM software. In Audaces we described and illustrated full procedure of preparing men suite and how to create automatic marker for cutter. We export the ISO cut file and import it in automatic cutting machine, Unicut 3C50. The main point of thesis is check the compatibility between CAD and CAM software and check the quality of cutting depend on ISO cut file import and cutter parameters. The cutting was satisfying, because all the CAM points were recognized, full and half cut. The only information that was lost, was cutting order of the patterns

    Artificial inteligence and human resource management

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    Organizacije vse pogosteje uporabljajo napredne tehnološke rešitve za izboljšanje poslovanja. Umetna inteligenca nedvomno prinaša številne prednosti in poenostavitve za poslovanje organizacij. Prav tako se v organizacijah povečuje pomen managementa človeških virov, saj se organizacije zavedajo pomembnosti učenja, motiviranja, dobrega počutja in zadovoljstva zaposlenih. V pisnem delu smo preučili področja umetne inteligence, njene uporabe, managementa človeških virov in njegovih značilnosti, ter človeka, njegove osebnosti, zmožnosti in sposobnosti. V nadaljevanju smo podrobno preučili možnost in smiselnost integracije umetne inteligence na področje managementa človeških virov. Osredotočili smo se na preučitev možnosti integracije na področje managementa človeških virov kot celote in na podpodročja planiranja in kadrovanja, usposabljanja in razvoja, motiviranja, vključevanja in zavzetosti zaposlenih, nadziranja zaposlenih, ocenjevanja in upravljanja uspešnosti zaposlenih. Poleg tega smo preučili in opredelili dejavnike, ki vplivajo na uspešnost integracije umetne inteligence v organizacije. Posebej smo se osredotočili na integracijo na področje managementa človeških virov. Opredelili smo tudi pomen sodelovanja in vključevanja strokovnjakov iz različnih področij za optimalno izvedbo integracije umetne inteligence v organizacijo, pri čemer smo posebej poudarili ključne strokovnjake ob integraciji na področje managementa človeških virov.Organizations are increasingly using advanced technology solutions to improve their business. Artificial intelligence undoubtedly brings many benefits and simplifications to organisations\u27 operations. It also increases the importance of human resource management in organizations, as organizations realise the importance of learning, motivation, well-being and employee satisfaction. In this written work we have examined the areas of artificial intelligence, its applications, human resource management and its characteristics, and human beings, their personalities, capabilities and abilities. In the following, we have examined in detail the possibility and feasibility of integrating artificial intelligence into the field of human resources management. We have focused on exploring the possibility of integrating it into the field of human resources management as a whole and into the sub-areas of planning and recruitment, training and development, motivation, employee involvement and commitment, employee supervision, appraisal and performance management. In addition, we have examined and identified the factors that influence the success of artificial intelligence integration in organizations. We have focused in particular on the integration in the field of human resource management. We have also identified the importance of collaboration and the involvement of experts from different fields for the optimal implementation of the integration of artificial intelligence in the organization, with a special focus on the key experts when integrating into the field of human resource management

    Systems View of Deconditioning During Spaceflight Simulation in the PlanHab Project: The Departure of Urine 1 H-NMR Metabolomes From Healthy State in Young Males Subjected to Bedrest Inactivity and Hypoxia

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    We explored the metabolic makeup of urine in prescreened healthy male participants within the PlanHab experiment. The run-in (5 day) and the following three 21-day interventions [normoxic bedrest (NBR), hypoxic bedrest (HBR), and hypoxic ambulation (HAmb)] were executed in a crossover manner within a controlled laboratory setup (medical oversight, fluid and dietary intakes, microbial bioburden, circadian rhythm, and oxygen level). The inspired O₂ (FᵢO₂) fraction next to inspired O₂ (PᵢO₂) partial pressure were 0.209 and 133.1 ± 0.3 mmHg for the NBR variant in contrast to 0.141 ± 0.004 and 90.0 ± 0.4 mmHg (approx. 4,000 m of simulated altitude) for HBR and HAmb interventions, respectively. ¹H-NMR metabolomes were processed using standard quantitative approaches. A consensus of ensemble of multivariate analyses showed that the metabolic makeup at the start of the experiment and at HAmb endpoint differed significantly from the NBR and HBR endpoints. Inactivity alone or combined with hypoxia resulted in a significant reduction of metabolic diversity and increasing number of affected metabolic pathways. Sliding window analysis (3 + 1) unraveled that metabolic changes in the NBR lagged behind those observed in the HBR. These results show that the negative effects of cessation of activity on systemic metabolism are further aggravated by additional hypoxia. The PlanHab HAmb variant that enabled ambulation, maintained vertical posture, and controlled but limited activity levels apparently prevented the development of negative physiological symptoms such as insulin resistance, low-level systemic inflammation, constipation, and depression. This indicates that exercise apparently prevented the negative spiral between the host's metabolism, intestinal environment, microbiome physiology, and proinflammatory immune activities in the host

    Contribution of Retrotransposons to the Pathogenesis of Type 1 Diabetes and Challenges in Analysis Methods

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    Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is one of the most common chronic diseases of the endocrine system, associated with several life-threatening comorbidities. While the etiopathogenesis of T1D remains elusive, a combination of genetic susceptibility and environmental factors, such as microbial infections, are thought to be involved in the development of the disease. The prime model for studying the genetic component of T1D predisposition encompasses polymorphisms within the HLA (human leukocyte antigen) region responsible for the specificity of antigen presentation to lymphocytes. Apart from polymorphisms, genomic reorganization caused by repeat elements and endogenous viral elements (EVEs) might be involved in T1D predisposition. Such elements are human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) and non-long terminal repeat (non-LTR) retrotransposons, including long and short interspersed nuclear elements (LINEs and SINEs). In line with their parasitic origin and selfish behaviour, retrotransposon-imposed gene regulation is a major source of genetic variation and instability in the human genome, and may represent the missing link between genetic susceptibility and environmental factors long thought to contribute to T1D onset. Autoreactive immune cell subtypes with differentially expressed retrotransposons can be identified with single-cell transcriptomics, and personalized assembled genomes can be constructed, which can then serve as a reference for predicting retrotransposon integration/restriction sites. Here we review what is known to date about retrotransposons, we discuss the involvement of viruses and retrotransposons in T1D predisposition, and finally we consider challenges in retrotransposons analysis methods

    Contribution of Retrotransposons to the Pathogenesis of Type 1 Diabetes and Challenges in Analysis Methods

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    Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is one of the most common chronic diseases of the endocrine system, associated with several life-threatening comorbidities. While the etiopathogenesis of T1D remains elusive, a combination of genetic susceptibility and environmental factors, such as microbial infections, are thought to be involved in the development of the disease. The prime model for studying the genetic component of T1D predisposition encompasses polymorphisms within the HLA (human leukocyte antigen) region responsible for the specificity of antigen presentation to lymphocytes. Apart from polymorphisms, genomic reorganization caused by repeat elements and endogenous viral elements (EVEs) might be involved in T1D predisposition. Such elements are human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) and non-long terminal repeat (non-LTR) retrotransposons, including long and short interspersed nuclear elements (LINEs and SINEs). In line with their parasitic origin and selfish behaviour, retrotransposon-imposed gene regulation is a major source of genetic variation and instability in the human genome, and may represent the missing link between genetic susceptibility and environmental factors long thought to contribute to T1D onset. Autoreactive immune cell subtypes with differentially expressed retrotransposons can be identified with single-cell transcriptomics, and personalized assembled genomes can be constructed, which can then serve as a reference for predicting retrotransposon integration/restriction sites. Here we review what is known to date about retrotransposons, we discuss the involvement of viruses and retrotransposons in T1D predisposition, and finally we consider challenges in retrotransposons analysis methods

    Pathogenesis of Type 1 Diabetes: Established Facts and New Insights

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    Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is an autoimmune disease characterized by the T-cell-mediated destruction of insulin-producing β-cells in pancreatic islets. It generally occurs in genetically susceptible individuals, and genetics plays a major role in the development of islet autoimmunity. Furthermore, these processes are heterogeneous among individuals; hence, different endotypes have been proposed. In this review, we highlight the interplay between genetic predisposition and other non-genetic factors, such as viral infections, diet, and gut biome, which all potentially contribute to the aetiology of T1D. We also discuss a possible active role for β-cells in initiating the pathological processes. Another component in T1D predisposition is epigenetic influences, which represent a link between genetic susceptibility and environmental factors and may account for some of the disease heterogeneity. Accordingly, a shift towards personalized therapies may improve the treatment results and, therefore, result in better outcomes for individuals in the long-run. There is also a clear need for a better understanding of the preclinical phases of T1D and finding new predictive biomarkers for earlier diagnosis and therapy, with the final goal of reverting or even preventing the development of the disease