2,116 research outputs found

    Developing a Baccalaureate Digital Forensics Major

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    As colleges and universities consider instituting a bachelorā€™s degree in digital forensics or computer forensics, there are numerous questions to be addressed. While some of these normally occur in the development of any new major, there are aspects of digital forensics which do not often (if ever) occur in other majors. We discuss the issues that should be resolved in the development of a baccalaureate degree program in digital forensics. Keywords: Digital forensics major. Computer forensics major

    Letter from J[ohn] H. Riley to John Muir, 1893 Apr 10.

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    Indianapolis, April 10 ā€“ 1893Mr John Muir:Martinez, Cal.My dear Friend:A few weeks since I received, through the kindness of Mrs Graydon, your instructive and [illegible]fully illustrated ā€œPicturesque Californiaā€ inscribed to me by your own hand. I have been busy of late in preparing and perfecting ā€œWorldsā€™ Fairā€ Exhibits; and for the first time since we were fellow workmen have been sick for a week or [mon.?] These things have kept me from promptly acknowledging the receipt of your book But I must say that none of these things have kept me from reading it [and admiring?] its wonderfully realistic illustrations. I thank you for it and prize it very highly, both because of its merit and particularly, I think, because the work is edited by one who was once a fellow-laborer with myself. I often think of you, and Mrs Riley and I often speak of you. Your name is a house hold word with us. The world has travelled on at a great rate in the twenty five years since you and I made wheels together, and01649 you, I am proud to say, have travelled with it. You have made yourself useful and known to all who care anything for the secrets of nature and the far away wonders of the world and this must indeed be to you a source of happiness as it is a gratification to your old friends here. As for myself I remain much as I was, useful to those dependent upon me, and the foreman of a number of men. Mrs Riley joins me in the wish that your researches and discoveries may bring you additional fame and gratification.Very sincerely yoursJ. H. Riley0164

    Letter from John H. Riley to John Muir, 1867 Jan 15

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    January 15th 1867 Friend John I seated my self to write you a few lines to ask a favor of you to see Mr O. S. good or Smith and see what they will give me per weak if I can f[illegible] thing her to get there by the last of F[illegible] and the best the [illegible] strait for one year or more if we can get a long to geather longer for John I had a settlement with this man at I am [illegible] his pl[illegible] and he [illegible] me to cut his wood and hall it to his house for his team to get my fire wood up and that dont [illegible] me that kind of work and more I wont do that nay for him or no other man I ofer to cut his wood and he haul mine or lad a bout this dont s[illegible] him so he may do better or worse just as it suit him every body is working for the intrust I am of that conclusion to and how [illegible] [illegible] self please see them and not let on to them bout my [illegible] this leave me well and mine and I hope at this will find you and boys all in that good health that is to every man or aught to be 644please to tell father that [illegible] are all well and that I is got home safe Mr Muir I look for and speady answer to friend Muirs from John H Riley John you please to see O S good or Smith and if they will give me as much a weak or more and send me 25 dollars so I can move I will come at once [illegible] you see them see the best they will do for me to work a year for the firm and if they will give me every other job beside the one I had that I can do y I would as leaf have it and if not I will take my old job talk to Mr Jones and see it may be at ther is some job that he can work me in if that man wants to keep the circle saw that I had let me no as soon as is have Knightstown Po Henery [illegible] 0038

    Letter from John H. Riley to John Muir, 1866 Dec 12

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    December the 12 1866 Henry County Indiana Sir Mr Mur[illegible] as a Friend I seated my self to drop you a few line to let you no that I am well and hope that these will find you the same good blessing, times is toerble hard hear as for money Matters and as I am a new beginner at the Bisiness it will keep me digging for the first year or till my crop comes in I a Friend in need, is a Friend deed, this is my intension is to get some money and through friend ship to, and if you want Security I will get that for you and good to, for as long as 6 or 7 Month or till I get my wheat out in harvest this mon at I told you I was going on his farm if I was there I could [illegible] you I think and talk over some thing would be sadifactory to you. I am oing some and if I don\u27t com up, it will go hord here after as I am a beginer and this is my reason for calling on you for $40. if you have it to spair and not a fraid. if therd is any thin at is in the may dont 643disoblidge you self to comodate me for I will pay you for the use of it Mr Murse this is asking rite most of a man as short acquaintings as our but dont think hor and if you cant let me have the Money I want you good will and answer in god fealing and if you every pas through this way come and see me and wilcom you please to excuse my poor wrigting and spelling that is one reason I did not write sooner no more at present But hop to remain your Friend John H Riliy Mr Murse Knightstown Po x.E. [illegible]. Henry [illegible] 0038

    Primary Productivity-Phytoplankton Relationships, Hodgson Lake, Portage County, Ohio

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    Author Institution: Department of Biological Sciences, Kent State University, Kent, OhioPrimary productivity-phytoplankton relationships were studied for one year (1963-64) in Hodgson Lake, Portage County, Ohio. The lake was found to be a ''blue-greendiatom'' reservoir of moderate productivity, but containing a large phytoplankton standing crop, dominated by the cyanophycean, Oscillatoria rubescens Decandole. Average cell volumes ranged from 1.4 mm3 liter-1 in September to approximately 88.6 mm3liter-1 in June, over 80 percent of which were 0. rubescens. Diatoms, including Cyclotella sp, Fragilaria sp. Asterionella formosa Hass, and Synedra delicatissima W. Sm., usually accounted for <10 percent of the total cell volume. Photosynthesis ranged from 4-5 mgC m-2 day-1 during the winter to approximately 2600-2700 mgC m-2 day-1 in June and October, with an annual mean of 847.5 mgC m~2 day"1. Photosynthesis per unit cell volume ranged from <1ugC day-1 mm-3 during the winter to 172.8 gC day-1 mm-3 in October, averaging 10.5 ugC day-1 mm-3 annually

    Ectopic synthesis of high-Mr calcitonin by the BEN lung carcinoma cell line reflects aberrant proteolytic processing

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    AbstractCloning and nucleotide sequence analysis of the human calcitonin mRNA from the BEN lung carcinoma cell line, a cell line known to secrete high-Mr forms of calcitonin, showed no difference in the Coding region at the nucleotide level compared with calcitonin mRNA isolated from medullary thyroid carcinoma which secretes calcitonin monomer. Therefore, the secretion of high-Mr forms of calcitonin reflects the absence or limited activity of proteolytic processing enzymes within the secretory pathway of this cell line. In all other respects, as judged by RNA blotting and S1 mapping, calcitonin/Ī±-CGRP expression was identical to that found in medullary thyroid carcinoma, including the differential use of an alternative splice donor site within intron 1. The BEN cell line also produces low levels of Ī±-CGRP mRNA and secretes CGRP antigenic determinants. Analysis of plasma CGRP levels in 12 patients with anaplastic lung carcinoma showed elevated levels in 11 of these, suggesting that CGRP may be an important diagnostic marker for this disease

    A solar wind coronal origin study from SOHO/UVCS and ACE/SWICS joint analysis

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    The solar wind ionic charge composition is a powerful tool to distinguish between the slow wind and the coronal-hole associated fast wind. The solar wind heavy ions are believed to be ā€œfrozen-inā€ within 5 solar radii of the Sun which falls right in the range of SOHO/UVCS coronal observations. We present a joint analysis from SOHO/UVCS and ACE/SWICS which attempts to establish observational evidence of the coronal origin of the solar wind. To connect the solar wind with its coronal origin, we adopt a 3-D MHD model as a guide to link the solar wind at 1 AU to structures in the inner corona. We relate in-situ measured properties of the solar wind (elemental abundances and charge state distributions) with remotely sensed signatures in the corona, namely outflow velocity, electron temperature and elemental abundance. Ā© 2001 American Institute of Physics.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/87584/2/133_1.pd

    Differential effects of Paclitaxel on dendritic cell function

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    Background The potential utility of dendritic cells (DC) as cancer vaccines has been established in early trials in human cancers. The concomitant administration of cytotoxic agents and DC vaccines has been previously avoided due to potential immune suppression by chemotherapeutics. Recent studies show that common chemotherapy agents positively influence adaptive and innate anti-tumour immune responses. Results We investigated the effects of paclitaxel on human DC biology in vitro. DCs appear to sustain a significant level of resistance to paclitaxel and maintain normal viability at concentrations of up to 100 Ī¼mol. In some cases this resistance against paclitaxel is significantly better than the level seen in tumour cell lines. Paclitaxel exposure led to a dose dependent increase in HLA class II expression equivalent to exposure to lipopolysaccharide (LPS), and a corresponding increase in proliferation of allogeneic T cells at the clinically relevant doses of paclitaxel. Increase in HLA-Class II expression induced by paclitaxel was not blocked by anti TLR-4 antibody. However, paclitaxel exposure reduced the endocytic capacity of DC but reduced the expression of key pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-12 and TNFĪ±. Key morphological changes occurred when immature DC were cultured with 100 Ī¼mol paclitaxel. They became small rounded cells with stable microtubules, whereas there were little effects on LPS-matured DC. Conclusions The effect of paclitaxel on human monocyte derived DC is complex, but in the clinical context of patients receiving preloaded and matured DC vaccines, its immunostimulatory potential and resistance to direct cytotoxicity by paclitaxel would indicate potential advantages to co-administration with vaccines

    Changes in Local S4 Environment Provide a Voltage-sensing Mechanism for Mammalian Hyperpolarizationā€“activated HCN Channels

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    The positively charged S4 transmembrane segment of voltage-gated channels is thought to function as the voltage sensor by moving charge through the membrane electric field in response to depolarization. Here we studied S4 movements in the mammalian HCN pacemaker channels. Unlike most voltage-gated channel family members that are activated by depolarization, HCN channels are activated by hyperpolarization. We determined the reactivity of the charged sulfhydryl-modifying reagent, MTSET, with substituted cysteine (Cys) residues along the HCN1 S4 segment. Using an HCN1 channel engineered to be MTS resistant except for the chosen S4 Cys substitution, we determined the reactivity of 12 S4 residues to external or internal MTSET application in either the closed or open state of the channel. Cys substitutions in the NH2-terminal half of S4 only reacted with external MTSET; the rates of reactivity were rapid, regardless of whether the channel was open or closed. In contrast, Cys substitutions in the COOH-terminal half of S4 selectively reacted with internal MTSET when the channel was open. In the open state, the boundary between externally and internally accessible residues was remarkably narrow (āˆ¼3 residues). This suggests that S4 lies in a water-filled gating canal with a very narrow barrier between the external and internal solutions, similar to depolarization-gated channels. However, the pattern of reactivity is incompatible with either classical gating models, which postulate a large translational or rotational movement of S4 within a gating canal, or with a recent model in which S4 forms a peripheral voltage-sensing paddle (with S3b) that moves within the lipid bilayer (the KvAP model). Rather, we suggest that voltage sensing is due to a rearrangement in transmembrane segments surrounding S4, leading to a collapse of an internal gating canal upon channel closure that alters the shape of the membrane field around a relatively static S4 segment
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